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Going nd responsible nd diligent

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Module I: About myself, applying for a job


Text 1: About myself

Let me introduce myself. I am Gleb Pavlov. I was born on the 29 of September, 1993 in Moscow. I live in Moscow with my family, which is not large. There are three of us: my mother, my father and me.

I would like to begin with my mother, a pleasant – looking woman, in the middle of her forties. Her name is Elena Pavlova. She works as a Personnel Manager for a large travel company. She is well respected by her colleagues and knows how to build strong relationships with all departments at the company. The next one to speak about is my father, he is 45. His name is Andrew Pavlov. He is a software developer at JSC Russian Railways. His strong technical experience and education make him a a real professional in the sphere of IT. They are always ready to support me and give me some good advice

Now some words about me. I am tolerant, easy-going and responsible and diligent. I am fond of sport, music, literature and foreign languages. I am a confident computer user. This year Ive left secondary school and got the Certificate of Complete Secondary Education. To get this document I had to pass three Unified State Exams on Mathematics, Russian language and Social science. The total score of them gave me a chance to apply for five universities and be accepted by two of them. But I have chosen the  Moscow State University of Railway Engineering. The University is the leading and the largest transport institution in Russia.

Now I am a first year full time student of MSURE, studying at the Institute of the Humanities. These days it is evident for almost everyone that to have a good education and a permanent job you need to know at least one foreign language and English is the most useful language to learn. We have English only once a week, so I've decided to join evening classes of the University Language

Centre to have extra lessons on English.

After graduating from the University I am interested in getting a prestigious and well-paid job in the sphere of Railway Management.


Questions for discussion:

  1.  When and where were you born?
  2.  What are your parents?
  3.  What are the main features of your character?
  4.  What are you fond of?
  5.  What exams did you have to pass to get the Certificate of Complete Secondary Education?
  6.  Would you like to improve your foreign language?
  7.  You had to take entrance examinations, didn’t you?
  8.  What are you now?
  9.  Where are you going to work after graduating from the University?
  10.  What are your plans for the future?

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