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. Disply Customer Queue Potentil customers re displyed in green Customers re displyed in blck Screen- SCN001 Register work item t the module lod

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Iteration 14:

Code Development:


Demonstrates SC Feature/Capability

1. Display Customer Queue

  •  Potential customers are displayed in green
  •  Customers are displayed in black
  •  Screen: SCN001

Register work item at the module load time

Provide a launch point (visual representation of the entry point) for the work item

  •  Organize the launch point control/bar like shown in the screen design
  •  The module tab should be divided into
    •  commends group
    •  work area that the module can use any way it fits

Demonstrate a local (branch) service running on the local server

  •  The service stores the current customer queue
    •  The service also stores initial customer data for the walk-ins

2. Find Customer

  •  Select Find Customer command on in the commands area of the work item tab
  •  Show the Find Customer screen
  •  Find custom screen allows search on First Name, MI, Last Name, Address, Street, City, State, Zip, Home Number, Work Number, Cell Number, SS Number
  •  Screen SCN002

Delay work item creation until the command is selected

Free-floating window (the customer search window)   

3. Show the results of the Find Customer search

  •  The results screen is divided into two parts
    •  Scrollable list box with lines of customer data (one line per customer)
      •  First Name, Last Name, Customer ID, Home Number, Mather’s Maiden Name, Social Security Number in List Box
    •  Customer details for each individual customer
      •   First Name, MI, Last Name, Street, City, State, Zip, Home Number, Work Number, Cell Number, Social Security Number.
  •  As the user scrolls through the list box, the details show the highlighted customer info
  •  Screen: SCN003

Communication with the Customer Info service.

Handling potentially very large result set

  •  If someone searches only on the first name, the returned result may contain thousands of customers

4. Add Reason for the Visit

  •  Right click on the list box item and select Add Reason
    •  See in the next story that there are two right-mouse-click selections; one for adding the customer without specifying the reason and one for specifying the reason and then adding the customer
  •  Display Add reason screen
  •  Customer data is read-only on the screen
  •  Customer enters Reason Code and optional description
  •  This information will be (at some point) stored in the CRM service as the customer alert (???)
  •  Screen: SCN004

Communication with the local customer queue services

  •  The service needs to store the explanation of why the customer has come to the bank

Right-mouse-click menu options (similar to the GAT recipe references)  

5. Queue Customer for Service

  •  Right click on the list box item and select Queue for Service
  •  Customer is added to the customer queue
  •  Screen: None

Right-mouse-click menu options (similar to the GAT recipe references)  

6. Add New Customer to the Queue

  •  When a person is not a customer of the bank, select the Add Person to Queue on the launch screen
  •  Ask customer for First Name, MI, Last Name, Address, Street, City, Home Number, Work Number, Cell Number, Reason Code, and Description. The only required field is First Name and Last Name.
  •  Select Queue for Service or Self Service
  •  Screen: SCN004

Communication with the local customer queue service

Verifying the consistency of the customer information

  •  There is a potential for caching Zip codes and towns for verification


Service Customer (no number – story need more definition)

  •  Right click on the customer in the queue to service (only for banker or branch manager)
  •  Disable selecting the customer’s 3600 view (or any other “banker” operation) for the receptionist role. Receptionist should be able to add or remove a customer to/from the list, but not to initiate any banking transaction

Communication with the service

Filtering of the behavior of the client based on the role

Remove customer from queue (no number – story need more definition)

  •  Right click on the customer in the queue to service

Show customer 360 view (no number – story need more definition)

  •  Show customer information
  •  Show customer product summary
  •  Show customer alerts

Show each in a separate workspace

Communication with services

  •  The product summary is based on interactions with different systems; loans, accounts, investments, …

Organization of the canvas into separate areas for different kinds of data (different views)

  •  Show information and products in two tabs on one workspace
  •  Show alerts (or notes) in a separate area/workspace so the banker can read the notes while looking at different tabs

Change layout by replacing a foundational “layout” module  

Change of the client layout without replacing the shell EXE

Structure of foundational modules

Loading foundation modules before loading application modules

  •  May be simplifies by grouping modules in the application profile file into foundational and application

Create new customer product (open new investment account, for example) that requires specific authorization (manager role, for example) (no number – story need more definition)

Change of client behavior depending on the user role



Demonstrates SC Feature/Capability

Describe the business scenario of RI-2

The application business scenario, the high-level deployment model (what systems and services are in the bank that the client interacts with), application requirements

Describe basic how-tos of GP customization

  •  Register and un-register guidance package
  •  Create package Setup project
  •  Create bound recipe
  •  Create un-bound recipe
  •  Create solution template
  •  Create project template
  •  Crete item T4 template
  •  Write action

Guidance automation

Describe how to customize the documentation


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