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The lnd of griffins wtching over gol

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Besides, a lot of memorials to the fallen in the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars have been

created by Altai sculptors. Altai etchers represent monumental and easel works at exhibitions of gifferent rank.

Realism remains the major genre in Altai Art. Nonrealistic works are remarkable for its constructive character; they frequent ethnographical elements, that gives them folk color and bright picturesqueness.

Herodotus called Altai "the land of griffins watching over gold".


  1.  Which paragraphs give reasons for the development of Altai Fine Art?
  2.  Give four examples of various fields of arts.
  3.  How many times is the word "genre" used in the text? What does this word refer to? Is there any equivalent to it?

4. There is a quotation in the text. Translate it into Russian. Who is the author of it?

Select the adjectives in the text which are used for genre features. Viewpoint

The text ends with a quotation. How would you explain it? Altai Cultural Traditions Pre-reading

Find out, if you don't know, what the Siberian Rerikh Center is?

Altai culture has rich and old traditions. The ore industry gave a push to the development of Altai stone cutting art. The works of Altai stone cutters which were used as diplomatic gifts are spread all over the world. Many of them are kept in the national museums of the country. The unique "Queen of Vases ", an oval cup made of the whole monolith of green jasper by Kolyvan masters is kept in the State Hermitage. Us diameter is about 5 meters.

Altai has drawn attention of people from all over the world because of the works of the artist, traveller, archaeologist, writer, philosopher, prominent politician Nicolai Rerikh and his wife Yelena. The Rerikhs put forward the ideas of cosmic philosophy, viewing Altai as the most important geocosmic place of the Earth. The first international conference "Altai - Space -Microcosm" was held in Altai in 1993 by the Siberian Perikli Center. The Center collaborates with different non - governmental organizations of the world.

The founder of the fine arts in Altai is Gregory Gurkin. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts under direction of the famous artist 1. Shishkin. He created more than five thousand works. The most famous of them are "Lake at Ghost Mountain ", "Khan - Altai", "Katun Crown".


The name of the writer, cinema director and actor Vassily Shukshin takes an important part in the cultural life of Altai. Annual Shukshin Readings are held in his native Srostki.

In recent years the creative societies of high professional level have appeared in the region. The Little Musical Theatre has won the hearts of the public with its performances. The young actors of the show group "Kapriz" have won the first prizes in the TV programme "Morning Star". The children chamber violin ensemble "Debute" has won the Grand Prix in Belgium.

There are 7 theatres, 27 museums, 120 art schools, 5 music schools in the region.


1. Match the beginning of a sentence in column A with an ending in column В to produce a statement which is true according to the text.



Its diameter is

The first conference was held in

The founder of the fine arts Altai culture

has the rich old traditions in Altai is G. Gurkin Altai in 1993 by Rerikh Center about 5 meters.

  1.  Are the following sentences true or false according to the text? Correct the ones which are false.

О There are 7 theatres, 27 museums, 120 art schools, 5 music schools in Barnaul. £f Annual Shukshin Readings are held in Moscow.

The I ,ittle Comedy Theatre has won the hearts of the public. & The name of the composer Vassily Shukshin takes an important part in the cultural life of Altai.

The chemical industry gave a push to the development of Altai stone cutting art. Э Its diameter is about 7 meters.

Ш The founder of fine arts in Russia is Gregory Gurkin.

  1.  How many times is the word "culture" used in the text?

4. "Altai is the most important geocosmic place of the Earth". What does this sentence mean?

5. "recently" means:

  1.  at the present time
  2.  lately


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