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Topic. Infltion is inevitble in developing countries 3

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№ 17

1. Read and retell the article.

2. Speak on the topic. Infaltion is inevitable in developing countries

3. Make up a dialogue with a partner.Buisnessman quarels with his colleagues

2 Inflation is an increase in the price of a basket of goods and services that is representative of the economy as a whole.

A similar definition of inflation can be found in Economics by Parkin and Bade:

Inflation is an upward movement in the average level of prices. Its opposite is deflation, a downward movement in the average level of prices. The boundary between inflation and deflation is price stability.

The Link Between Inflation and Money

Because inflation is a rise in the general level of prices, it is intrinsically linked to money, as captured by the often heard refrain "Inflation is too many dollars chasing too few goods". To understand how this works, imagine a world that only has two commodities: Oranges picked from orange trees, and paper money printed by the government. In a year where there is a drought and oranges are scarce, we'd expect to see the price of oranges rise, as there will be quite a few dollars chasing very few oranges. Conversely, if there's a record crop or oranges, we'd expect to see the price of oranges fall, as orange sellers will need to reduce their prices in order to clear their inventory. These scenarios are inflation and deflation, respectively, though in the real world inflation and deflation are changes in the average price of all goods and services, not just one.

When the US increases its debt it is to pay government expenses that is not covered by tax collection. Right now more debt is issued than the regular debt market can absorb. The debt that cannot be sold to the free market is basically monetized by the Federal Reserve. The FED create new dollars that they use to purchase the unsold/unsellable debt. At present time the FED is creating around 80-90 Billion USD every month in this manner, about 30% of the monthly government budget. Obviously all of this new money will go to pay wages and for goods and services the government needs. It is quite inevitable that a lot of these freshly created dollars will end up chasing goods and services produced outside of the US. Think government employees buying a Samsung TV or a Toyota.

The path the US is on now this is inevitable. It is not possible to print yourself to prosperity. But this can end in so many ways its difficult to predict. The only thing that is 100% certain is that it is impossible for this to go on, so something must happen.

The inflation rate in Kazakhstan was recorded at 4.70 percent in November of 2013. Inflation Rate in Kazakhstan is reported by the The National Bank of Kazakhstan. Inflation Rate in Kazakhstan averaged 73.45 Percent from 1992 until 2013, reaching an all time high of 2960.80 Percent in December of 1992 and a record low of 1.90 Percent in December of 1998. In Kazakhstan, the main components of the consumer price index are: food and non-alcoholic beverages (34 percent of the total weight); housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels (18 percent) and clothing and footwear (12 percent). Transport accounts for 9 percent; household equipment for 5 percent; recreation and culture for 4 percent and alcoholic beverages and tobacco for 4 percent. Others include: miscellaneous goods and services (3.9 percent); health care (3 percent); communications (2.9 percent); education (2.7 percent) and restaurants and hotels (2 percent). The national index has a base of 100 as of 1995. The CPI reflects the prices and spending patterns registered in the fourteen regional capitals and 27 major cities. This page contains - Kazakhstan Inflation Rate - actual values, historical data, forecast, chart, statistics, economic calendar and news. 


Ms Adams: Thank you for coming to the meeting today, Mr Gilder. 
Mr Gilder: My pleasure, Ms Adams. Now, what problems are we having around here?

Ms Adams: Well, unfortunately, we're having a number of problems with our clients in Holland.
Mr Gilder: They usually pay on time. I don't understand ...

Ms Adams: Yes, you're right. They ARE excellent clients. Unfortunately, they aren't pleased with the merchandise we are sending them.
Mr Gilder: How can that be? We always provide first class products.

Ms Adams: I know, however they aren't happy. They say they are meeting with a new manufacturer next week.
Mr Gilder: Nonsense, and what are we doing to change things?

Ms Adams: Well, that's the reason for our meeting today. I'd like to make a few suggestions.
Mr Gilder: I'm listening ...

Ms Adams: Why don't we change suppliers?
Mr Gilder: Is that the problem?

Ms Adams: Let's take a look at some of the suppliers in the area. I'm sure we can find a better one.
Mr Gilder: OK, what other suggestions have you got?

Ms Adams: Shall we invite them to meet with us?
Mr Gilder: That's an excellent idea. It'll show them our concern.

Ms Adams: OK, I'll arrange a meeting. Thank you Mr Gilder.
Mr Gilder: No, thank you Ms Adams.

№ 18

1. Read and retell the article.

2. Speak on the topicIs buisness only a buisness

3. Make up a dialogue with a partner.Being broke

2/ Business of business only business, yes, No body starts a business for charity. For example I launch a new product in the market and for advertisement purpose I distributed free samples or a 50% discount. Its a business strategy. But every time we don't go for it. Its an initial offer to try our quality of product which is suited to to you or not. If consumer fells good then they go for it and purchase it further. But business ethics is necessary. Its grows the faith of the customer for company. Yeah business of business is obviously a business, as nowadays company main motive is to earn profit instead of taking care of customer needs. Ya I agree companies made products as per customer demand but not because they concerned about providing best facilities to them but instead because they have to earn profit as much as possible. In my view, business of business is not only for business, because every organisation's vision is to sustain in market for a long term, for that they must satisfy the customer needs. So the organisation's first motive is to satisfy the needs of the customers, then automatically the profit will increase. So the corporate social responsibilities are important for all organisation then only the people are impressed. Then the organisation may easily achieve the brand equity.


Business of business is only business. So first I would like to see what is business ?

Business of product or service, and product or service is nothing but bundle of solution. EG I am hungry I want food in just 2 minutes? Maggie!

And because of this way at looking business Cisco have grown from 1 billion to 37 billion in less two decade because they don't just provide software and hardware but they provide solutions. When business will be viewed as solution the solution should be long term and it should not raise another problem. So here strategy maker of business play important role of creating strategy which make their business a solution for needy.

Everyone said that big organizations do so much for the society just like they open schools, hospitals etc.

But since, the only motive of each organization is to earn profit and that's only possible by standing in the society for a long time. Therefore, they can't forget about the society.

That means they do for the society but only for their profit.

Yes, they keep customer's need in their mind but why?

Because if they don't take care of customers then, customers will not buy their product.

This means that they have to do for society whether they want or not because only then they can stand for a long time and increase their selling. And this will definitely be profitable.

So, in my opinion, business of business is the business.

3/ Looking for a Bookkeeper

Bruce: Have you finished the balance sheets yet?

Alice: I've been working on them since 10 this morning. I'm almost done.

Bruce: No need to rush. I don't need them until tomorrow morning.

Alice: Janet told me we're looking for a new bookkeeper. Is that true?

Bruce: Yes, We've been looking, but no luck yet.

Alice: I know someone who'd be perfect.

Bruce: Oh really, does she have any experience?

Alice: Of course, she's been working for Smith CPA and Co. since 2004.

Bruce: Great. Ask her to come in for an interview.

Alice: Sounds good. She's not too happy in her current position. I'm sure she'll be interested in interviewing for the job.

Bruce: Oh, I almost forgot to ask ... have you opened the new accounts at Wells Fargo?

Alice: no., i have problem with it and i couldn't open new account.

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