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Subjects of history literture mthemtics physics chemistry biology nd foreign lnguge like English

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Education in KZ

Education in Kazakhstan is universal and mandatory from kindergarten to the secondary level or high school, which are protected under the Constitution. Supervised by the Ministry of Education, the educational system consists of the kindergarten, primary education, lower secondary education, higher secondary education, and higher education.

The kindergarten is for children of at least five years of age who are taught appropriate Kazakh and Russian lessons for one year. The primary education is free to all six-year old citizens and starting from year one, lasts five years in primary schools owned by the government. The lower secondary education, or the Junior High School in some Western countries, is offered from Grade 5 to the ninth year in a general education curriculum having subjects of history, literature, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and foreign language like English. The higher secondary education is subsidized by the government and is divided into three tracks. The first track is for students in Grades 10 to 11, while the second track consists of initial vocational education offered by training schools. Colleges and trade schools provide the secondary vocational education in the third track. The higher education is patterned after the Russian system that focuses only on teaching without research.

Offered by universities, higher education has 4-year courses leading to the Bachelor’s Degree; a 5-year course for a Specialist Degree; 2-year course for a Master’s Degree; and a 5-year course for a Doctoral Degree. The country also has colleges that provide general and advanced vocational education, and lycees that offer basic vocational education to prepare students for skilled jobs.

Education in Great Britain

Education in Britain is compulsory and free for all children between the ages of 5-16. About 93 percent of all children are educated in state schools and the rest attend private schools.

Schoolchildren attend a primary school for 6 years (5 to 11 years). When students transfer to Secondary School at the age of 11, they do not take any examination, but their reports are sent on from the Primary School.

Most children – over 80 percent – go to a comprehensive school. "Comprehensive" means all-inclusive. They admit pupils of all abilities. Pupils in all state in schools in England and Wales study 10 main subjects, among them: English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Art, Music, Physical Education, Information Technology. Religious education is also taught. Attainment tests are given at the ages of 7, 11 and 14.

At the age of 16 students sit the exams in as many subjects as possible. Weak students may only sit for three or four subjects. Better students take ten subjects. At the age of 16 about two thirds of these pupils leave school and get jobs. About one-third stay on at school until the age of 18, preparing themselves for higher education.

More ambitious pupils continue to study in the 6th form. They stay on at school for one or two years to prepare themselves for university. They have only three or four main subjects, which are necessary to pass the advanced level exams at the age of 18. The school year is divided into three terms with the intervals between them during Christmas and Easter holidays lasting about two weeks each and summer holiday which is usually six weeks long. All kinds of out-of-class activities are part of school life in Britain. Most schools have very good libraries which students use for reference work.

Education in the USA

Education in the USA drastically differs from many other countries. There are 50 states in the country and each of them has its own peculiarities. So the national system varies from state to state. Nevertheless, there is a certain pattern of education in the USA, which comprises into three types of schools: public school, private elementary school and private secondary school. Only public schools are free and they have their own system in each state. Private schools, depending on the area, require a certain fee. Elementary education is available from the age of six or seven. The main school subjects at this stage are English, Arithmetic, Natural Sciences, History of the USA, Geography, Physical Training and several others. Besides learning English, many schoolchildren choose to study different foreign languages, such as French, German, Spanish, Russian, Italian etc. Children study at Elementary school till they are 16. After that, they can go to secondary school, which is also known as high school. Many high schools offer selective subjects for those students who want to enter a specific college or university after school graduation. The majority of American pupils continue their studies after school. Some go to the college, some to the university. Studying at college lasts for four years, and after that the student gets a Bachelor’s degree. Studying at university may take four or more years. After four years the students also get the Bachelor’s degree in Arts or Science. Some students, who wish to continue studying, go on for a Master’s degree. Studying at American colleges and universities requires certain tuition fees.


There are many shops and supermarkets in our city. They are Zangar, Ardager, Ramstor, Smat, Resey, Astana etc.

My family has a shopping day. It is Saturday. We get up early this day. Early to rise and early to bed makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. My father and I usually go to Ramstor because it is near to our house. In the morning we ask our mother what we need. We take bags and go to the shop. First of all we go to the butcher’s store. We buy sausage, meat, fish, and eggs there. In the baker’s store we buy sweets, cakes, rolls and buns. In the greengrocer’s store we buy fresh vegetables and fruit such as carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, apples, lemons. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Last week we had our mother’s birthday. We prepared everything for this holiday: we bought food and a present for her. We wanted to make her happy. She is a woman of taste, so we bought a perfume. She was very pleased and thanked for our shopping.

My English classes

 I have many interesting subjects at university: Maths, Russian, English and so on.

 I want to tell you about our English lessons. We have English lessons on Mondays,  and on Fridays .   At these lessons we learn to read, write and speak English. Our teacher explains us new words and expressions and we write them down in our vocabularies. We also read, translate and retell texts, describe pictures, ask and answer questions, make up dialogues and do grammar exercises. Sometimes we write dictations and compositions at the English lessons. We write about our families and friends.  We like these lessons very much.

My hobby

My hobby is playing computer games. Both grown-ups and children are fond of it now. It has become one of the most popular hobbies nowadays. I think that playing with a computer is very interesting. It is not only "wasting time" as some people say.

Computer games make us to think things over properly, they widen and develop our mind and imagination. I have a good collection of different games and when I have some free time I play them with great pleasure. My favourite game is counter strike

My vacations

Winter vacation lasts two weeks. It is a good time for skating, skiing and hockey-playing. During my winter vacation I like to go the cinema, theatre, visit museums and art galleries, attend musical and concert halls.

Summer vacation is the longest one. It lasts three months. In summer I have so much free time that I can do a lot of things.

Usually on summer vacation I go in village. Where there live my grandfather and grandmother. I work in the garden, go to the forest, swim in the lake and I play volleyball with my friends.

My Working Day

I usually start my day with getting up and doing all things that everybody does in the morning: washing, having breakfast, etc. Also, I got used to gather my learning tools: pencils, exercise-books, text-books in the morning. Then I usually go to the university. Fortunately, father takes a car every morning and he often picks me up and drives me to the doors of our university building.

After the lessons I usually return home where I have dinner and start thinking about my ways of spending the rest of the day.

On returning home I usually start doing my homework. Having finished it, I open a book and read it or watch TV. At last, I go to the bed.

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