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. I ws writing letter t 4 o~clock yesterdy

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English Test


School 16


  1.  Read and translate into Russian

1.  I was writing a letter at 4 o’clock yesterday.

2.  He was making fun of his brother when his mum came in.

3.  They were working when they phoned.

4.  The poet was watching the film when I  came in.

5.  We were sleeping when she played football.

  1.  The past simple or the past continuous?
  2.   She …. (play) computer games at 2 o’clock yesterday.
  3.   Last spring the flood ….( destroy) the town.
  4.  The girl …(read) the book the whole morning.
  5.  The spaceship …(be launched) in 1995.
  6.  What …you …(do) when it …(start) raining?

  1.  Put the verbs in the Past Simple and the Past Continuous.

1.  When you….(phone), I ………..(play) a new game.

2.  When the teacher ….(come) into the classroom, Steven ….(make) fun of Ann.

3.  It ….(rain) when he……(get) up yesterday morning.

4.  I … (see) her when my mum …..(come) in.

5.  My dad … (do) this work when my mum ….. (play) the piano.

English Test


School 16


  1.  Read and translate into Russian

1.  I was writing a letter at 4 o’clock yesterday.

2.  He was making fun of his brother when his mum came in.

3.  They were working when they phoned.

4.  The poet was watching the film when I  came in.

5.  We were sleeping when she played football.

  1.  The past simple or the past continuous?
  2.   She …. (play) computer games at 2 o’clock yesterday.
  3.   Last spring the flood ….( destroy) the town.
  4.  The girl …(read) the book the whole morning.
  5.  The spaceship …(be launched) in 1995.
  6.  What …you …(do) when it …(start) raining?

  1.  Put the verbs in the Past Simple and the Past Continuous.

1.  When you….(phone), I ………..(play) a new game.

2.  When the teacher ….(come) into the classroom, Steven ….(make) fun of Ann.

3.  It ….(rain) when he……(get) up yesterday morning.

4.  I … (see) her when my mum …..(come) in.

5.  My dad … (do) this work when my mum ….. (play) the piano.

English Test


School 16


  1.  Read and translate into Russian

1.  I was writing a letter at 4 o’clock yesterday.

2.  He was making fun of his brother when his mum came in.

3.  They were working when they phoned.

4.  The poet was watching the film when I  came in.

5.  We were sleeping when she played football.

  1.  The past simple or the past continuous?
  2.   She …. (play) computer games at 2 o’clock yesterday.
  3.   Last spring the flood ….( destroy) the town.
  4.  The girl …(read) the book the whole morning.
  5.  The spaceship …(be launched) in 1995.
  6.  What …you …(do) when it …(start) raining?

  1.  Put the verbs in the Past Simple and the Past Continuous.

1.  When you….(phone), I ………..(play) a new game.

2.  When the teacher ….(come) into the classroom, Steven ….(make) fun of Ann.

3.  It ….(rain) when he……(get) up yesterday morning.

4.  I … (see) her when my mum …..(come) in.

5.  My dad … (do) this work when my mum ….. (play) the piano.

English Test


School 16


  1.  Read and translate into Russian

1.  I was writing a letter at 4 o’clock yesterday.

2.  He was making fun of his brother when his mum came in.

3.  They were working when they phoned.

4.  The poet was watching the film when I  came in.

5.  We were sleeping when she played football.

  1.  The past simple or the past continuous?
  2.   She …. (play) computer games at 2 o’clock yesterday.
  3.   Last spring the flood ….( destroy) the town.
  4.  The girl …(read) the book the whole morning.
  5.  The spaceship …(be launched) in 1995.
  6.  What …you …(do) when it …(start) raining?

  1.  Put the verbs in the Past Simple and the Past Continuous.

1.  When you….(phone), I ………..(play) a new game.

2.  When the teacher ….(come) into the classroom, Steven ….(make) fun of Ann.

3.  It ….(rain) when he……(get) up yesterday morning.

4.  I … (see) her when my mum …..(come) in.

5.  My dad … (do) this work when my mum ….. (play) the piano.

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