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Second tems my slightly chnge the priorities within the temline but NOT the generl philosophy.

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Scheme and Tips for the Second Half of the Round






Motion and team line

Do NOT forget the team line and the principal philosophy of the side.  Second teams may slightly change the priorities within the teamline, but NOT the general philosophy. Do NOT contradict the first teams – this is called knifing or backstabbing and you automatically lose a round.

You should always bear in mind the motion and the team line. Basically, this is the main thing what you are debating.


Be careful with these. Is it really so principal to argue them? Even if so – be very brief, it’s not a winning point anyway.


Do NOT forget the value! Note: Second teams do NOT offer their own value.

This is something that puts all of your ideas together and helps link them to the team line and the motion.

You lose the link – you lose the general idea. What happens if you lose the main idea was described above.


Analysis: no more than 2 min for that – only the most important points. Don’t focus too much on the first half of the round.

Your main task is to bring in the extension.

Analysis: no more than 2 min for that. Don’t focus too much on the first half of the round. If there’s anything worth mentioning on your side – you’d better pick it up and extend in your own constructive matter.

Your main task is to deal with the MG’s extension.

Be focused. Do NOT collect ALL the points that have been raised throughout the round. Pick out only the ones that really mattered and were clashed upon (or if they weren’t, show why it was unreasonable of your opponents not to attack them).

Group the ideas topically (in Areas of clash). Speech structure is most important in the last speeches. Some judges’ decision may be deeply affected by last speakers.

Be objective. Of course, you can’t agree that “their” side is stronger, stand your ground. You just have to provide a decent rationale as to why your team has won, but do not distort the ideas and facts brought up in the round..

Remember you’re competing within the side. Of course, this doesn’t mean open knifing. But be sure to find proper reasons why it was namely your team’s contribution that made the side win the round.

No New Information. Even if it miraculously dawned on you.

Extension: in simple terms – 1-2 radically new ideas OR a new turn of the already existing ideas. But be careful so that it does not turn into knifing.

Extension: you are not obliged to have one (but it’s good if you do). Pick up the good points of O1. By all means do NOT ignore the MG’s extension!

All arguments need a CLEAR LINK to the motion, team line and value.

This is to be done in the “Conclusion” part of each argument and the whole speech in the following order: Argument=>Value=>Team line=>Motion (YES or NO)

Only the first two speakers in the second half of the round bring in constructive matter.

The last two are not allowed to bring in any new points or examples, they only elaborate upon what’s been said before.


Sum up (say what you have said – enumerate the arguments). You may “finger” the points.

Do the link thing (Argument=>Value=>Team line=>Motion)


Accept at least 2 POI’s, attempt to make one at least once during every speech of your opponents.

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