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Notes- n ction fixed in the pst ldquo;I met him the dy before yesterdy.

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Lesson 82. The aim of the lesson is to teach you to speak about the events that took place some time ago. To do this you will certainly need the Past Indefinite Tense Form.

  1.  The Past Tense in Russian denotes:
  2.  an action fixed in the past (“I met him the day before yesterday.”) The sentence explains when the action took place;
  3.  something that happened many times in the past, something that was done regularly (“They went to the cinema two times a week that summer.”);
  4.  a sequence of actions in the past, showing in what order the events took place. (“I got up, washed and dressed. Then I had breakfast.”);
  5.  a past event that gives some information about the present. (“He’s gone to London. = He isn’t here now.” I’ve lost my knife.=I have no knife.”)
  6.  an action in the past, the result of which remains with the doer as knowledge, experience or chatacter (“I have seen an elephant.=I know what an elephant looks like.” “He has written a book.=He is a writer.”)

    In English we use the Past Indefinite Tense Form for meanings “a”, “b”, “c”, and the Present Perfect Tense Form for meanings “d” and “e”.

Listen to the sentences given in Russian and show your red card for the Past Indefinite and the blue card for the Present Perfect.

а) Не могу найти его письмо. Наверное, потерял. б) Нет у меня этой книги - наверное, отдал кому-то. в) Он вчера вернулся в десять. г) А мы с вами  встречались: я вас помню. д) В воскресенье я весь день читал. е) Эту газету я читал, дай мне другую. ж) Выключи телевизор: этот фильм мы уже видели. з) В последний раз я видел его на собрании. и) Он увидел меня и перешел на другую сторону улицы. Я  сделал вид, что не заметил его.

  1.  Pronunciation drill:

Past, last

Before ago

last month

three months ago

I never think of the past. They were happy for many years.

When did you see her last? He was absent for months.


  1.  The verb “to be” has two forms in the past: “was” (единств.число) and “were” (множ.число): I was, he was, she was, it was, we were, you were, they were.

Use the right form:

I ….. in Moscow last week.  He ….. absent last time.    They …….not at home two hours ago.  We …. In France ….five years ago. During his school days, he …often late for classes. All his teachers ….angry with him.  Last night we….at the theatre.  

  1.  "-ed": The second and third forms of regular verbs: pronunciation and spelling rules.

[d] (after vowels and voiced consonants):   plan - planned, try - tried

[t]  (after voiceless consonants)    like - liked

[id] – (after [t] and [d]     want - wanted, need - needed

Read these verbs in the past: Learned, studied, listened, translated, phoned, helped,  ordered,  used, loved, married, rested, relaxed, skated, played, smoked, danced.

Give the English for: "отдохнул, помог, научился, позвонил, изучил, использовал, танцевал, курил, катался на коньках, пытался,  планировал, заказал, перевел, женился, любил.

  1.  Match a line in “A” with a line in “B”. Use the verb on the left in the Present, and the verb on the right I- n the Past.

I usually (work) eight hours a day, but

Last summer we (stay) in a hotel.

Ann usually (drive) to work, but

Last weekend they (play) tennis.

Max usually (watch) TV in the evenings, but

Yesterday I (start) at 9 a.m. and (finish) at 9 p.m.

Ann and Max usually (go) swimming at weekends, but

Last year it (snow) for three months.

It usually ( rain) a lot in winter, but

But the day before yesterday she (walk) there.

Max and I usually (visit) our friends in summer, but

Yesterday evening he (listen) to music.

  1.  Make sure you know all these irregular verbs in the second form (= in the Past Simple):

go - went   give - gave do - did  come - came  read - read [red]

take - took              get - got have - had  write - wrote  make – made

wear – wore see – saw bring - brought teach – taught              buy – bought

Say it in English: получил, пошёл, пришёл, взял, дал, написал, прочитал, изготовил, выполнил, имел (у него было), принёс, научил (преподавал), увидел, носил (одежду), купил.

  1.  Use the following model to say the phrases below in English: “He liked it and used it.”

Она (вещь) ему понравилась, и он её купил.

Я нуждался в этом, и достал эту вещь.

Он увидел эту вещь и взял ее.

Она взяла её (книгу) и прочитала.

Я купила ее и принесла.  

Она сшила его (платье) и носила.

Он пошел туда и сделал (выполнил) это.

Я увидел их, и они мне понравились.

Я помогал ему и обучал его.  

Он любил её и женился на ней.

  1.  Questions in the Past Simple are formed in the same way as in the Present Simple, only instead of “do/does” we use “did”. Read the questions and answers. Do it in pairs. Look up and say.

Where did you go?

I went to the post-office.

What did you get?

I got a letter from my brother.

What did he write?

He wrote about his studies at the university.

When did you read it?

I read it at lunch.

Where did you have lunch?

I had it at the lunch-bar.

How long did it take you?

It took me a quarter of an hour.

When did you come home?

I came home at eight.

Whom did you give the letter?

I gave it to my mother.

  1.  Say a few phrases about yourself. Use the model: “I learned to swim when I was ten.( I leaned to read (to ski, to play……, to dance, to sing),

  1.  Grammar drill.  Use the right form:

I didn’t go to the lunch bar, but I _______ to the coffee bar.

I didn’t have much money, but I ________ a few dollars.

I didn’t read a book yesterday, but I _________ the evening paper.

I didn’t write to my friends, but I __________ to my mother.

I didn’t make a cake for the party, but I _______ some biscuits.

They didn’t come to the university yesterday, but they _______ to the party in the evening!

I didn’t give him money, but I _________ some food.

He  didn’t take the apples, but he _______ the meat and the cheese.

  1.  Memory work.

I got up at seven. I got up at seven and had breakfast. I got up at seven, had breakfast and did some housework. I got up at seven, had breakfast, did some housework and then (= затем) wrote some letters. I got up at seven, had breakfast, did some housework, wrote some letters and then went shopping.

  1.  Say what you did yesterday and when you did it. These questions can help you:

When did you get up? Did you have time for breakfast? What did you have for breakfast? Where did you go after that?  Did you work (study) in the morning? What did you do at the university?  Did you listen to lectures, did you discuss important problems? Did you work hard? When did you have lunch? Were you hungry? Did you have a good lunch?  When did you come home? Were you happy to come back home? Did you relax in the evening? Did you read a good book? Was it a good day? Was it a hard or easy day for you?

  1.  Read the text and use the verbs on the right in the present or in the past. (“My Aunt Nancy”)

My aunt Nancy was born in England, but now she  (lives) in Perth, Australia. She (went) to Australia in 1985 when her husband, my uncle Jack, _____.

She is eighty now, but she still ________. She is an artist. She ____ pictures of cats for birthday cards. She ____cats, and she _____ twenty-five!

She ______ painting in 1986. At first she _____ just (=просто) for a hobby, but then in 1989 she started making and selling birthday cards. A lot of people ______them and bought them.

She usually _____ work at 7:30 in the morning and ____ at five in the evening. Then she _______ swimming.

Last year I _______  Australia, and I ________ with her for two weeks. I ______ a very good holiday.

Go, die, live

Love, work, have, paint

Paint, start, love, buy

Finish, go, start

Have, visit, stay

Is Aunt Nancy a happy woman? Explain why. Give facts from the text.

  1.  Tell us a few things about your biography and your life at present. Use some of these questions as a plan.

When and where were you born? When did you go to school? (when I was … = at the age of …). When did you finish school? Did you do well at school? Did your family live in Ryazan at this time? If not, where did you live and when did you come to Ryazan? Did you have many friends at school or did you like to be alone? Did you want to be a student of English when you were at school? Did you have many or few English Did your parents make you do it or was it your decision? Are you glad you are a student of this university? Are you pleased with your life-style or would you rather change it?

  1.  В русском языке совершенный вид прошедшего времени ("сделал") показывает:

а) когда совершилось действие: "Я отослал телеграмму час назад". "Он уехал позавчера."

б) как, где, при каких обстоятельствах это произошло: "Мы встретились в Москве на научной конференции".

в) повествование, цепочку событий в прошлом: "Он проснулся, позавтракал и отправился на работу".

г) имеющийся в данный момент результат, не зависящий от времени совершения действия: "Он уехал, не жди его." "Мне нечем писать: я потерял ручку." "Я написал план: вот он."

д) опыт, накапливающийся в течение жизни: "Я бывал в Америке (= Она мне знакома)." "Я встречал людей подобного рода (= Я знаю, что они собой представляют).

Значение "а,б,в" передаются простым прошедшим временем (Past Simple), а значение "г,д" - т.н. "преднастоящим" временем, или "настоящим совершённым" (= Present Perfect), где время события не имеет значения и не зафиксировано в определенном моменте в прошлом. Ср.: "Я  звонил тебе каждый день на прошлой неделе. - А я был в Англии." (прошедшее время). "В Англии я был. Чудесная страна!" (преднастоящее)

Lesson 83 The lesson will focus on teaching you to compare past and present events.

1. Listen to the sentences given in Russian and show your red card for the Past Indefinite and the blue card for the Present Perfect.

а) Я встречался с ним и знаю, что он за человек. б) В последний раз мы виделись, когда я был там в командировке. в) Он резко хлопнул дверью и ушёл, не попрощавшись. г) Он ушёл в кино: позвоните через два часа. д) Я сделал уроки. Можно пойти погулять? е) Я подготовилась к уроку, поужинала и только включила телевизор, как в дверь позвонили. ж) Комнату я прибрала, пыль вытерла, цветы полила. Тебе осталось только вынести мусор. з) Нет, ты уж поговори с ним сама. Я не могу: мы поссорились. и) Эту книгу я читала. Дайте мне, пожалуйста, какую-нибудь другую. к) Он написал свой первый роман ещё в ранней юности. л) Мы переехали в этот район три года назад.

2. Pronunciation: reproduce the words and phrases:

  1.  what, will, weather, washing, water, weather, whether I will,
  2.  waiting for her, listening to her, angry with her; tired of them
  3.  I am sick and tired of your doing such things!
  4.  He worked there. We thanked him. She loved him. We bathed there. We needed them. You promised it.
  5.  Did they know it? Did you want it? Why didn’t they meet me? Why didn’t you call me? Was the work hard? Was the weather bad?

3. Rhythm + logic. Lapidus, p.166, ex.II. Give 2-3 short utterances using each model:

  1.  specify what happened instead: use point “b” adding your own sentence. E.g.: “I didn’t do it in time. I did it only on Saturday.”  or: “He didn’t turn off the tap: he turned off the gas.”
  2.  ask if somebody did something and express your surprise at the result:  combine points “a” and “c” (the verbs may be changed), e.g.: “Did you sent it? Then why didn’t I get it?!”
  3.  ask a “why”-question (point “c”) and another question from point “e” as a possible explanation: “Why didn’t you go there? Was the film sad?”
  4.  combine as many sentences as possible in an utterance of your own.

- He took me out to a dance yesterday.

-  Again? He often takes you out to a dance. Isn’t it nice of him! (Isn’t it bad of him!).

take one’s umbrella, dictionary;  bring smb. a cake, sweets; write smb. a letter, send smb. flowers, see smb. home, teach smb. to drive, buy smb. a present, shout at smb., drive smb. to the station, give smb. some money,  leave dirty dishes, come home late,  lose the key, get angry with smb.

4. Practice the dialogue in pairs, with all the substitutions. Mind your quick reaction!

5. Translate and add a sentence or two.

a) Вчера ты мне не позвонила. Вот почему звоню тебе я.  На прошлой неделе ты взяла мой словарь. Ты часто берешь мои вещи.. …..

b) Как, ты всё еще спишь? Ты всегда спишь до девяти?  Когда ты встаешь? Когда ты вчера легла? Почему ты заснула так поздно? …….

6. A short monologue: complain of somebody’s behaviour. (“You know what parents/girls/boys are!) Say that he or she didn’t do something that you expected him/her to do or, on the contrary, did something bad. Say that you are sick and tired of his/her doing such things.

E.g.: “It’s impossible! My daughter drives me mad! She left dirty dishes again yesterday! She never washes up! And then, I always tell her to go to bed in time, but she sat at her desk till one last night. And this morning she got up very late and missed her classes. I am tired of speaking to her about it. it’s useless. She only gets angry with me. I don’t know what to do.” (You may play the role of a man whose wife spends too much money on new clothes, of a woman whose husband spends time fishing or hunting and never takes her out to a dance or to the theatre; the role of a girl who is angry with her boyfriend for breaking a promise to do something, etc.)

1. Мигранс Dm F Dm 7 Dm 7 Dm Gm 7 Растет моя тревога с гру
2. тематичної підготовки Протокол від 2011 р
3. Pokud prost~ pot~ebujete se~~st ur~it~ ~~sl vyd~lit jedno ~~slo ~~slem druh~m nebo prov~st jk~koliv mtemtick~ v~po~ty je t~eb vytvo~it vzorec
5. Движение электрона в равномерном магнитном поле неизменном во времени и направленном перпендикулярно ско
6. Высшие органы управления РФ
7. государство обычно употребляется в двух значениях
8. другому История Аграрная партия России АПР одна из старейших в России
9. военного коммунизма отбросили экономику страны далеко назад
10. дистанция ~ пешеходная ~ связка Класс дистанции 2