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. Rule 1. Generlly n estblished nd uthorittive stndrd or principle; generl norm mndting or guiding conduct or ction in given type of sitution.

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Pavel Darnitsyn, 201st group

The transformation of English legal science (part III)

1. Rule

1. Generally, an established and authoritative standard or principle; a general norm mandating or guiding conduct or action in a given type of situation.

2. A regulation governing a court’s or an agency’s internal procedures.

2. Principle

1. A basic rule, law, or doctrine.

3. Law

1. The regime that orders human activities and relations through systematic application of the force of politically organized society, or through social pressure, backed by force, in such a society.

2. The aggregate of legislation, judicial precedents, and accepted legal principles; the body of authoritative grounds of judicial and administrative action.

3. The set of rules and principles dealing with a specific area of legal system.

4. The judicial and administrative process; legal actions and proceedings.

5. The legal profession.

6. A statute.

4. Legal scholars


5. Legal science (or science of law)

1. The field of study that, as one of the social sciences, deals with the institutions and principles that particular societies have developed  for defining the claims and liabilities of persons against one another in various circumstances, and for peaceably resolving disputes and controversies in accordance with principles accepted as fair and right in the particular community at a given time.

6. Legal

1. Of or relating to law; falling within the province of law.

2. Established, required, or permitted by law; LAWFUL.

3. Of or relating to law as opposed to equity.

7. Institution

1. The commencement of something such as a civil or criminal action.

2. An elementary rule, principle, or practice.

3. An established organization, esp. one of a public character, such as a facility for the treatment of mentally disabled persons.

4. A testator’s appointment of an heir; the designation of an institute.

5. The investiture of a benefice, by which a cleric becomes responsible for the spiritual needs of the members of a parish.

8. Practice

1. The professional work of a duly licensed lawyer, encompassing a broad range of services such as conducting cases in court, preparing papers necessary to bring about various transactions from conveying land to effecting corporate mergers, preparing legal opinions on various points of law, drafting wills and other estate-planning documents, and advising clients on legal questions. The term also includes activities that comparatively few lawyers engage in but that require legal expertise, such as drafting legislation and court rules.

9. General principle (of law)

1. A principle widely recognized by peoples whose legal order has attained a certain level of sophistication.

2. Int'l law. A principle that gives rise to international legal obligations.

3. A principle recognized in all kinds of legal relations, regardless of the legal system to which it belongs (state law, federal law, international law, etc.). Also termed general legal principle.

9. Commit

1. To perpetrate (a crime).

2. To send (a person) to prison or to a mental health facility, esp. by court order.

10. Legal system

1. A system for interpreting and enforcing the laws (from freedictionary.org).

11. Judge
1. A public official appointed or elected to hear and decide legal matters in court.

12. Lawyer (practicing lawyer).

1. One who is licensed to practice law.

 13. Legal theory

1. The principle under which a litigant proceeds, or on which a litigant bases its claims or defenses in a case.

14. Positive law

1. A system of law promulgated and implemented within a particular political community by political superiors, as distinct from moral law or law existing an in ideal community or in some nonpolitical community.

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