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.Monologue Do you gree with the sttement- rdquo;Women py much ttention to their ppernce thn men dordquo;.

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Do you agree with the statement: ”Women pay much attention to their appearance than men do”. Express your opinion.


A. You are looking for a job. You are going to be interviewed by the manager in an International company.  Talk to your friend about  the dress you want to wear.

B. You as a close friend try to give your advice convincing your friend to put on a classical dress.



What is in fashion for men and women at the moment in our country.  Share your opinion.


A.You do not like the way your friend dresses. You think that she is old-fashioned. You  want to tell about it  to her but you don’t really know if it is right or not.

B. One of your group mates is going to tell that she doesn’t like the way you dress. She thinks that you are old-fashioned. Do not be rude try to listen to her advice.



Some people  tend to judge people by the way they dress. Express your opinion


А.In winter you went to see your parents. But on the way to your native town you had a terrible accident, because of much snow.

B. Your friend tells about her accident she had on the way to her native town. Try to convince her not to go to her native town in winter.



What is in fashion for men and women at the moment in our country.  Share your opinion.


A. Your friend spends much money on clothes. She wants to follow fashion.

B. You don’t like the way your friend throws money, because money is sent by her parents.



Have you ever had a frightening(funny or unusual) experience when travelling by plane(train or by bus)? Speak about your experience.


А.In winter you went to see your parents. But on the way to your native town you had a terrible accident, because of much snow.

B. Your friend tells about her accident she had on the way to her native town. Try to convince her not to go to her native town in winter.



What is in fashion for men and women at the moment in our country.  Share your opinion.


A. Once you missed a train. As a result you had serious consequences. Speak about it.

B. You also faced such problem but the consequences were not so bad.



Share your opinion on the proverb:”Do not judge a book by its cover”.


А.In winter you went to see your parents. But on the way to your native town you had a terrible accident, because of much snow.

B. Your friend tells about her accident she had on the way to her native town. Try to convince her not to go to her native town in winter.



Do you try to follow fashion. How much money do you spend on clothes?


A. Once you missed a train. As a result you had serious consequences. Speak about it.

B. You also faced such problem but the consequences were not so bad.



Share your opinion on the proverb:”Do not judge a book by its cover”.


А.In winter you went to see your parents. But on the way to your native town you had a terrible accident, because of much snow.

B. Your friend tells about her accident she had on the way to her native town. Try to convince her not to go to her native town in winter.



Do you like travelling? What transport do you prefer? Prove your statement.


A. Your friend spends much money on clothes. She wants to follow fashion.

B. You don’t like the way your friend throws money, because money is sent by her parents.

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