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Дніпропетровський транспортноекономічний коледж Навчальна дисципліна Іноземна мова за професійним

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«Дніпропетровський транспортно-економічний коледж»

Навчальна дисципліна «Іноземна мова (за професійним спрямуванням)»


  1.  Read and translate the text.


What am I going to do after school or university? Maybe I should consider a job in the financial world. There’s a surprisingly wide range to choose from. For example, I could raise money for charities or sell famous paintings or write about economics as a financial journalist or run my own company or...

Fund-raiser. There are thousands of different charities these days — e. g. “for children”, “cancer research”, “the disabled”, “the third world”, “AIDS research”. They all do important work and they all need to raise funds (collect money).

That’s why they employ fund-raisers. What does the job involve? Well, it’s very varied, but basically fund-raisers organize special events like concerts and fun runs, ask governments for money, try to get support from local companies and organizations.

Most major charities have fund-raising departments, which employ teams of workers. Some of these people do office work — others organize publicity, visit companies or arrange special events. Sounds interesting?

Tycoon. A wealthy and powerful person in business or industry. If you are the independent, creative type, why not start your own business? Lots of people do these days. Some aren’t successful, of course, but plenty are — and if you do succeed, the rewards of being your own boss can be enormous. To become a business tycoon you need to have an original idea; be practical, reliable and well-organized; understand the business world; keep control of your finances. After that it’s all a question of hard work and luck, but then that’s the key to success in any job.

Financial journalist. Financial journalists work in three main areas — newspapers, radio and television. Their job is to understand what’s happening in the financial world and explain it as quickly and accurately as possible. Economic journalists don’t just report today’s news, though. They need the ability to predict future events, too. Will interest rates rise or fall? Will the stock market go up or down? And what about trade... are exports going to increase or decrease?

To become a financial journalist you train as a general reporter first. Then you specialise in finance and economics. And when you’ve done that? Well, if you are lucky you’ll get a job in the media. One word of warning, though — financial journalism is a very competitive career. In Britain, for example, there are only 2,000 jobs available.

Auctioneer. Two of the best-known auction houses in the world are Christie’s and Sotheby’s. The auctioneer who works there regularly sells famous paintings worth millions of pounds. But you'd be wrong to think that auctioneers just sell Rembrands and Van Goghs. It’s much more varied career than that. Some auctioneers sell farm animals, for example. Others sell houses, antique furniture or even rock’n’roll “memorabilia” (i. e. guitars, cars, clothes etc, which ones belonged to pop stars). And what does it take to be a good auctioneer? Well, three qualities are absolutely essential — a calm personality, a quick mind and (last but not least) a strong voice.

Dealer. Dealers work for companies which buy and sell foreign currencies, commodities like oil or steel. They work m large, noisy rooms, called dealing rooms and do most of their business over the phone and on computer screens. The majority of them are under 35. The majority of them also earn very big salaries because their work involves huge amounts of pressure and responsibility. You don’t need a degree to be a dealer. What you do need, though, is talent, energy, confidence and ambition.

  1.  Translate the idioms.
    •  In business saving the pennies often often means losing the pounds.
    •  The only way to have a friend is to be one.
    •  Cooperation , not competition , is the life of business.
    •  Muck and money go together .
    •  Time is money.

  1.  Speak on the following topic« How to write business letters».

Голова  предметної  комісії ____________________     Бондаренко О. А.

                                                                                    (підпис)                                   (прізвище та ініціали)      

                        Екзаменатор  ___________________    Клант Л. М.

                                                                  ( підпис)                                    (прізвище та ініціали)     

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