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63 I m going to begin by telling you я начну со слов о том что Tody

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Okolnova Irene gr 4043

Glossary. What Christians believe (pp 60-63)

  1.  I am going to begin by telling you

я начну со слов о том, что

Today I’m going to begin by telling you how important it is to be kind and generous towards the others.

  1.  Are simply wrong all through

полностью неверны

Your new theory is simply wrong all through.

  1.  Even the queerest ones

даже самые странные

We will take into account all the offers, even the queerest ones.

  1.  Contain at least some hint of the truth

содержат хоть малейшую долю правды

His story contains at least some hint of the truth, unlike hers.

  1.  Most of the human race

большая часть человечества

It is credible that most of the human race don’t believe in ghosts.

  1.  The question that mattered to them

вопрос, который больше всего волнует

The question that matters to me most is why you betrayed me.

  1.  I was able to take a more liberal view

я мог приобрести более либеральные взгляды

Unfortunately that night he wasn’t able to take a more liberal view.

  1.  Being a Christian does mean thinking that

быть христианином на самом деле значит верить, что

Being a linguist does mean thinking that language is an integral part of the whole thing.

  1.  There is only one right answer to a sum

существует только один ответ на целый ряд вопросов

Like it or not, there is only one right answer to a sum.

  1.  On this point

в этом, на этот счёт

On this point, she always had the only answer.

  1.  To line up with the majority

присоединяться к большинству

She never agreed to line up with the majority as she always stuck to her point.

  1.  Go on to the next big division

перейти к следующему большому разряду

In this part of the lecture I’m going to the next big division of crime.

  1.  That is merely our human point of view

это исключительно наша человеческая точка зрения

That is merely your woman point of you, so don’t be ridiculous.

  1.  Long before you got anywhere near the divine point of view

задолго до того, как вы приблизились к божественной точке зрения

You should know that long before you get near her point of view, she will tell you to get lost.

  1.  The other and opposite idea

ещё одна и противоположная идея

The other and opposite idea is that you mustn’t do it.

  1.  Good or righteous

хорошый или правильный

You are neither good nor righteous.

  1.  Take sides

принимать чью-либо сторону

You never want to take sides in our disputes.  

  1.  To behave in one way and not in another

действовать так, а не иначе

Our parents always urge us to behave in one way and not in another.

  1.  This difference between Pantheists and Christians hangs together with the other one

эта разница между пантеистами и христианами цепляется за другую

This difference between men and women hangs together with the other one, which is not less vital.

  1.  If you think some things really bad

если ты воспринимаешь что-то как нечто плохое

If you think this idea really good, tell me.

  1.  Are contrary to


You suggestion is contrary to my plans.

  1.  Confront with

вступать в противоречие

Our ideas are never confronted with.

  1.  Don’t talk damned nonsense

не неси чепухи

I divorced her because she was continually talking damned nonsense.

  1.  Made up out of His head

сотворил по замыслу своему

God made up a man out of His head; a man made up a woman out of his heart.

  1.  Insist very loudly on

отчаянно, яростно настаивает на

I couldn’t refuse her as she insisted very loudly on our going out.

  1.  That threw me back into another difficulty

это ввергло меня в новые проблемы

We seemed to have agreed on this issue, but her apparent doubts threw me back into another difficulty.

  1.  Violent reaction against

бурная реакция на

She was appalled by my violent reaction towards her decision.

  1.  Argument against God collapsed

довод против Бога терпит крах

His argument against the rightness of my theory collapsed.

  1.  It didn’t happen to please my private fancies

он не удовлетворил мои желания

The holidays at home didn’t happen to please my private fancies and I left earlier.

  1.  I found I was forced to assume that

оказалось, я был вынужден принять тот факт, что

Suddenly I found I was forced to assume the fact that I was actually mistaken, but not him.

  1.  Consequently atheism turns out to be too simple

следовательно, получается, что атеизм так прост

I won the first prize and consequently the whole competition turned out to be too easy.

  1.  The perfect surrender and humiliation were undergone by Christ

Христос воистину отступил и был унижен

At her own wedding the perfect surrender and humiliation were undergone by her; she has to say “I do” to a complete stranger without any feelings towards her

  1.  Derived it from

получили это от

We derived great pleasure from our journey to London.

  1.  Without our consent

без нашего на то согласия

My younger sister took my necklace without my consent; stupid little thief!

  1.  Spend a good many years

тратят многие годы

I found a good many dresses in her wardrobe that didn’t belong to her.

  1.  It is very odd

это очень странно

It is very odd to find him at home in such an hour.

  1.  Consult us

спрашивать наше мнение, советоваться

You must first consult your mother before taking this serious step in your life.

  1.  I have no time to go into special cases

у меня нет времени, чтобы вдаваться в подробности

As we had no time to go into special cases, we just touched upon the basic issues of the problem.

  1.  If you are trying in a few minutes to tell a man

если вы попытаетесь за пару минут объяснить кому-л

If you are trying in a few minutes to tell me why you are not to blame, just don’t waste your time; I’m not going to believe you in any case.

  1.  You will hardly bring that in

у вас вряд ли это получится

Continuing doing the same thing, you will hardly bring that in.

  1.  I am not going into that

я не собираюсь этого делать

She was not going into that; she was not going to cover him up.

  1.  Anyone who professes

любой, кто заявляет

Anyone who professes that he or she is capable of performing this task, is just bluffing.

  1.  If one did not happen to know

если так получилось, что кто-то не узнал

If anyone did not happen to know, I repeat specially for them that the meeting is delayed.

  1.  We have to take reality as it comes to us

мы должны воспринимать реальность такой, как она есть

You have to take my husband as he comes to you!

  1.  There is no good jabbering about

не надо разглагольствовать на тему

There is no good jabbering about your duties and mine, just keep silence and wash up.

  1.  It seems plain as a matter of history

кажется очевидным, как часть истории

This parable seems plain as a matter of history.

  1.  The new life was communicated in this way

идея о новой жизни была передана таким образом

New gossip about her divorce was communicated in this way

  1.  I believe it on His authority

я верю ему как авторитету

In my childhood I would believe everything on mu father’s authority.

  1.  Someone you think trustworthy

некто, кому ты можешь доверять

Peter was someone you never thought generous.

  1.  Prove by abstract reasoning that

доказать абстрактными умозаключениями

His theory can’t be proved by abstract reasoning.

  1.  Prove by pure logic

доказать чисто логически

I tried to prove my conclusion by pure logic.

  1.  A man who jibbed at authority

тот, кто сомневается в авторитете

He can’t be a man who jibs at my authority.

  1.  Have to be content to know

должен быть доволен тем, что знает

You have to be content to know her sacred secret.

  1.  Set up

насаждать, впаривать

I’m not going to set up my convictions.

  1.  Lose by neglect

потерять по небрежности

His lost all his luggage by neglect.

  1.  Acting on his own steam

действовать независимо

She is famous for her acting on her own steam.

  1.  Nourishing or protecting

холить и лелеять

My mum is always nourishing and protecting me like a baby.

  1.  Have practical consequences

иметь последствия на практике

Her misdeeds had practical consequences.

  1.  Do a lot towards repairing

делать много для того, чтобы починить

Your help will do a lot towards my finishing the assignment.

  1.  Up to a point

до некоторой степени

You are right, up to a point.

  1.  Repent and pick himself up

раскаяться и собраться

After all these events nothing is left but repenting and picking oneself up.

  1.  Deserve approval from sn

заслужить одобрение со стороны

He never missed the opportunity to deserve approval from her by a small present.

  1.  And let me make it quite clear that

позвольте мне разъяснить, что

And let me make it quite clear that this is only the top of an iceberg.

  1.  Operating through them

действует через них

Her crafty plan was to operate through a poor innocent couple.

  1.  Purely mental acts; bodily acts

в чистом виде ментальные действия; физические

Your acts are purely mental, try to apply some bodily acts as well

  1.  It is more like evolution

больше похоже на эволюцию

Car invention is more like evolution, rather than revolution

  1.  He likes matter

он любит материю (он ее создал)

He likes matter and doesn’t understand idea.

  1.  Frightfully unfair

пугающе несправедливо

It is frightfully unfair that you won the third time this week.

  1.  In the meantime

тем временем, между тем

Lilly was waiting for Tom. In the meantime Tom was waiting for Lilly at another station.

  1.  Another possible objection is this

а вот другое возможное возражение

Another possible objection is this: why people keep on falling ill and dying?

  1.  Enemy-occupied world

враждебный мир

Sometimes it is so hard to find a twin soul in this enemy-occupied world.

  1.  Join His side freely

перейти на его сторону по своей воле

I won’t force you, I want you to join my side freely.

  1.  Interfere openly and directly

открыто напрямую вмешаться

You are not permitted to interfere openly and directly into her deeds.

  1.  Melt away like a dream

растаять как дым

All my hopes for the best just melted away like a dream.

  1.  It never entered your head to conceive

никогда не приходило в голову представить себе такое

It has never entered my head to conceive that she will be mum one day.

  1.  Come crashing in

ворваться куда-л

The news came crashing in.

  1.  Irresistible love or irresistible horror

непреодолимая любовь или непреодолимый страх

She is a woman that can strike either irresistible love or irresistible horror at first sight.

  1.  Hold back to

не торопится сделать что-л

Please, hols back to make conclusions.

1. на тему- Деятельность и опосредствование по материалам работы А
2. Иностранные кредиты и экономическая безопасность Республики Беларусь
3. АНТИЧНАЯ ФИЛОСОФИЯ Милетская школа философии Большинство исследователей единодушны в том что философ
4. то убежать скрыться а может и прорваться с завода
5. 82 ~А логопедия 4 семестр экзамен
6. Реферат- Традиционализм и его влияние на систему государственного управления в Японии
7. Добрый день уважаемые дамы и господа леди и джентльмены мадам и месье девочки и мальчики девушки и юноши у
8. решение врача надо принимать как Божий промысел о вас и о вашем здоровье
9. Понятие и порядок применения метода по цене сделки с однородными товарами
10. кынаменде или урын келу
11. Советский лёгкий танк Т-26
12. Начало всього є вода прибл
13. Электротехники электрооборудования и электроснабжения
14. СОГАСОВАНО Руководитель Управы ЛАО Администрации г
15. .2. Федеральное агентство по образованию Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессион
16. Файлы
17. Эпоха дворцовых переворотов (XVIII век)
19. Опишіть сутність процесу взаємодії економічної системи і середовища
20. государственный кредит Если валюта государства не является конвертируемой то различают два типа госуда