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Тема- Альтернативні види автомобілів

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№ 31 (для самостійного вивчення)

Тема: Альтернативні види автомобілів.

Мета: надання корисної іншомовної інформації з теми, ознайомлення з новою лексикою по темі та її опрацювання, повторення лексичного матеріалу,  перекладу іншомовного тексту технічного напрямку, розвиток пам’яті, логічного мислення, уваги, культивування почуття необхідності вивчення іноземної мови для майбутньої професії.

Література:  А.В. Гніненко «Сучасний автомобіль як ми його бачимо». Англійська мова для студентів автомобільних, автодорожніх і машинобудівних спеціальностей.  Підручник англійської мови.

Методичні вказівки до виконання самостійної роботи:

  1.  Перекладіть речення Вправи 1на українську мову. Зверніть увагу, що речення мають різні модальні дієслова. Отже перекладіть речення так, щоб продемонструвати різницю  у їх значенні.
  2.   Доповніть словосполучення Вправи 2, перекладіть їх українською мовою. Для цього потрібно проглянути текст Вправи 3.
  3.  Прочитайте та перекладіть українською текст Вправи 3. Запишіть переклад у роботу разом зі словами, які Ви дивилися у словнику.
  4.  Запишіть слова, виділені в тексті Вправи 3, у роботу з перекладом на українську мову.  (Вправа 4)
  5.  Доповніть текст випущеними словами, перекладіть речення  українською мовою (Вправа 5)
  6.  Дайте відповіді на питання Вправи 6.

  1.  Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

A hybrid system where electric batteries for city driving would be recharged in highway driving with gasoline fuel is an alternative to the totally electrical system.

A hybrid system where electric batteries for city driving could be recharged in highway driving with gasoline fuel is an alternative to the totally electrical system.

A hybrid system where electric batteries for city driving should be recharged in highway driving with gasoline fuel is an alternative to the totally electrical system.

A hybrid system where electric batteries for city driving are recharged in highway driving with gasoline fuel is an alternative to the totally electrical system.

A hybrid system where electric batteries for city driving would be recharged in highway driving with gasoline fuel must be an alternative to the totally electrical system.

  1.  Complete the word-combinations and translate them into Ukrainian:

the __________of electric energy, an __________of solar cells, fiberglass ___________, electric from  ____________to ___________, lead-acid ____________, change ___________to electricity, an alternative to the ____________  ____________ electrical system, _____________of production, oil , to look ______________other sources of energy, _______________ types of cars, fuel __________ cars, electric ____________, hybrid ___________, ___________electric cars, compete ________, capable of being ______________quickly.

  1.  Read and translate the text:


At the present rate of production oil supplies will run out rather soon, and we will have to look for other sources of energy.

What kind of vehicle will then dominate? Nowadays car makers discuss four promising types of cars: fuel cell cars, electric cars, hybrid cars, and solar electric cars.

The electric car has a long history. The first electrical cars were built at the end of 19th century, but they could not compete against the internal combustion engine. Success of the electric car depends on light weight battery, capable of being recharged quickly, and the availability of electric energy.

Several U.S. companies already sell electrics. For example, Solar Electric Engineering of Santa Rosa, California, offers Solar Electric's Destiny 2000 which comes in at $28,500, and includes an array of solar cells which provides a tiny bit of power and extends battery life. With its lightweight fiberglass body, the Destiny 2000 can travel 40 to 60 miles on a charge and cruises at 60-70 mph.

General Motors produced the electric car named "Impact". Designed as an electric from top to bottom, the impressive Impact is powered by lead-acid batteries. The Impact easily cruises at 70 to 100 mph, and its range is claimed to be 120 miles at lower speeds. There are many different electric cars around the world. They are used for local deliveries, post offices and the services. But will the electric car ever become a universal means of transport?

Today there are several hundred million cars in the world not to mention millions of motorcycles. It is estimated that if these changed over to electricity, they would require six million kilowatt hours, and all the power stations in the world now generate only a little over a third of that. The hydrogen/air fuel cells look very hopeful. These do not have to be charged, they generate their own energy from a chemical reaction. They convert fuel energy to electrical energy with better than 80% efficiency. But at present the fuel cells prove too expensive.

A hybrid system where electric batteries for city driving would be recharged in highway driving with gasoline fuel is an alternative to the totally electrical system.

  1.  Copy the words in bold from the text.  Translate them into Ukrainian.
  2.  Fill in the gaps with missing words:

Solar Electric's Destiny 2000 which comes in at $28,500, and includes an ___________ of __________ cells which provides a tiny bit of power and ___________ battery ______________.

With its lightweight _________ body, the Destiny 2000 can __________40 to 60 miles on a _______________and cruises at 60-70 mph. Success of the electric car depends on light weight battery __________, of  being __________quickly, and the __________of electric energy. Designed as an _______ from top to ____________, the impressive Impact is __________ by lead-acid batteries.

The hydrogen/air fuel cells look very ____________. These do not re ahcatvioen to be ___________, they generate their own energy from a ____________ reaction. They ___________ fuel energy to electrical energy with better than 80% _____________. But at present the fuel cells prove too __________________. A hybrid system where electric batteries for _____________driving would be recharged in ___________driving with gasoline fuel is an ___________to the ________________ electrical system.

  1.  Answer the questions:
  2.  Why will we have to look for other sources of energy?
  3.  What promising types of cars do car makers discuss nowadays?
  4.  What does success of the electric car depend on?
  5.  What are many different electric cars around the world used for nowadays?
  6.  Why do the hydrogen/air fuel cells look very hopeful?
  7.  What could be an alternative to the totally electrical system?

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