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модуль по специальности- Профессиональноориентированный иностранный язык английский наименование м

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Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан

Евразийский национальный университет им. Л.Н. Гумилева

Кафедра иностранных языков

(наименование кафедры)



Общеобязательный модуль по специальности: «Профессионально-ориентированный иностранный язык» (английский)

 (наименование модуля)

по дисциплине

Профессионально-ориентированный иностранный язык IYa2104

 (наименование и код дисциплины)

для студентов 2 курса неязыковых специальностей

5В074600 «Космическая технология и техника»

(шифр и название специальности)



1. Преподаватель курса: Толегенова Жансая Бахтыбековна –  преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков филологического факультета.

Контакты: 8 (717-2) 70-95-00 (32-222), zhansaya_tolegen@mail.ru .

Научные интересы: Межкультурная коммуникация в обучении иностранному языку.

2. Иностранный  язык. Код: IYa2104

Количество кредитов – 2. 

3. Время и место проведения: 3 семестр; согласно расписанию.

4. Пререквизиты учебной дисциплины: «Иностранный язык (английский)» (уровень базовой достаточности: В1, В2).

Постреквизиты: -

5. Характеристика дисциплины

5.1 Назначение учебной дисциплины. Данный курс предназначен обеспечить подготовку бакалавров  по специальностям «Космическая технология и техника» по дисциплине «Профессионально-ориентированный иностранный язык» как одной из обязательных дисциплин социально-гуманитарного цикла для специальностей гуманитарного профиля. Изучение иностранного языка направлено на обеспечение владения специалистами английским  языком как средством межкультурного и профессионального общения, его подготовки к восприятию чужой культуры и дальнейшему его приобщению к общечеловеческим принципам. При кредитной технологии обучения увеличивается объем выполняемой студентами самостоятельной работы - работы по определенному перечню тем (в том числе отведенных на самостоятельное изучение), обеспеченных учебно-методической литературой и рекомендациями, контролируемых в виде тестов, контрольных работ, рефератов, сочинений, отчетов и др.

5.2. Цель: формирование межкультурно-коммуникативной компетенции студентов неязыковых специальностей в процессе иноязычного образования на уровне базовой стандартности (В2), формирование способности студентов к применению приобретённых в процессе обучения знаний, умений и навыков в профессиональной деятельности, развитие у студентов способностей к самоорганизации и самообразованию.

5.3. Задачи курса:

- иметь навыки использования терминологии и лексикой (600 лексических единиц по специальностям «Космическая технология и техника» на иностранном языке);

- осуществлять устное и письменное общение на иностранном языке во всех видах речевой деятельности (аудирование, говорение, чтение, письмо) при ведущей роли чтения;

- самостоятельно углублять знания и совершенствовать умения, полученные в вузе, для дальнейшей профессиональной деятельности в области космической технология и техники.

- обладать базовыми знаниями в области социальных, гуманитарных дисциплин, способствующих формированию высокообразованной личности с широким кругозором и культурного мышления;

- обладать навыками обращения с современной техникой, уметь использовать информационные технологии в сфере профессиональной деятельности;

- владеть навыками приобретения новых знаний, необходимых для повседневной профессиональной деятельности и продолжения образования в магистратуре.

К концу обучения студент должен знать:

- орфографические соответствия наиболее частотным лексико-грамматическим признакам уровня базовой стандартности (В2);

  •  лексика: словообразовательные модели, контекстуальные значения многозначных слов.

Студент должен уметь:

  •  чтение: читать общепрофессиональные тексты со словарем и без словаря, находить заданную информацию, понимать содержание прочитанного;
  •  письмо: заполнить бланк, составить резюме, написать небольшое письмо личного и делового характера;
  •  перевод: переводить тексты с английского языка на родной язык с использованием словаря в соответствии с нормами языка перевода;
  •  аудирование: понимать высказывания на английском языке в объеме изученной тематики;
  •  говорение: излагать свои мысли и высказываться на английском языке соответственно речевым нормам языка, задавать вопросы и отвечать на них, поддерживать беседу на языке в объеме изученной тематики той или иной сферы общения, адекватно выполняя те или иные коммуникативные роли, воспроизводить и продуцировать содержание на   основе прочитанного, услышанного и увиденного.

- демонстрировать знания и понимание в изучаемой области, включая элементы наиболее передовых знаний в этой области;

- применять эти знания и понимание на профессиональном уровне;

- формулировать аргументы и решать проблемы в изучаемой области;

- осуществлять сбор и интерпретацию информации для формирования суждений с учетом социальных, этических и научных соображений;

- сообщать информацию, идеи, проблемы и решения, как специалистам, так и неспециалистам.

  1.   Содержание учебной дисциплины

Фонетические, орфографические, лексические, грамматические нормы изучаемого языка. Лексика: словообразовательные модели; лексический минимум объемом в 600 единиц, а также терминов, соответствующих профилю специальности; дифференциация лексики по сферам применения.

Грамматика: основные части речи – неопределенные формы глагола: инфинитив, герундий, причастие, деепричастие, условные предложения и их виды, т.д.

Чтение: формирование навыков ознакомительного, поискового, изучающего и просмотрового чтения.

Говорение: навыки диалогической и монологической речи в пределах изучаемых тем.

Письмо: развитие навыков последовательного изложения мыслей, рассуждений, а также информации при написании сочинений и писем личного и делового характера. Перевод текстов по специальности с иностранного языка на родной в соответствии с языковыми нормами. Аудирование: восприятие на слух сообщений бытового, информационного и профессионального характера.

  1.   План изучения дисциплины

3 семестр

№ недели

Название темы

Формы обучения, кол-во часов

Задания для СРО


Theme:Mass Media & Culture, Is It Tyranny or Education

Grammar: Infinitive

Практ. – 2 ч.

СРО – 4ч.

Do the ex.1-3 on p. 519-520 (К.Н. Качалова «Практическая грамматика английского языка», Москва 1998 г.)

4 часа


Theme: Human Rights 

Grammar: Infinitive

Практ. – 2 ч.

СРО – 4 ч.

Do§182 ex.1 and§183 ex.1 onp. 520(К.Н. Качалова «Практическая грамматика английского языка», Москва 1998 г.)4 часа


Theme:High Energy Automatic Systems Engineering

Grammar: The Complex Object

Практ. – 2 ч.

СРО – 4 ч.

Do the tasks 1-3 on pp. 340-341 and ex.1-6 on pp.353-355 (Н.А. Бонк«Учебниканглийскогоязыка»,Москва, ГИС 2008 г.).4 часа


Theme:Rocket Engines Engineering

Grammar: The Complex Subject

Практ. – 2 ч.

СРО – 4 ч.

Dotheexercisesof§192-194 onpp. 522-523 (К.Н. Качалова «Практическая грамматика английского языка», Москва 1998 г.)



Grammar: Participle I

Практ. – 2 ч.

СРО – 4 ч.

Dotheex.1-2 onp. 528 (К.Н. Качалова «Практическая грамматика английского языка», Москва 1998 г.)



Grammar: Participle II

Практ. – 2 ч.

СРО – 4 ч.

Dotheexercisesof§237-235 onpp. 529-530 (К.Н. Качалова «Практическая грамматика английского языка», Москва 1998 г.)



Grammar: Conjunctions

Практ. – 2 ч.

СРО – 4 ч.

Dotheex. 1-7 onpp. 367-369 (Н.А. Бонк «Учебник английского языка», Москва, ГИС 2008 г.).



Grammar: Grammar revision

Практ. – 2 ч.

СРО – 4 ч.

Dotheexercisesof§243-248 onpp. 532 (К.Н. Качалова «Практическая грамматика английского языка», Москва 1998 г.)



Grammar:  The gerund 

Практ. – 2 ч.

СРО – 4 ч.

Dotheexercisesof§202-211 onpp. 525-526 (К.Н. Качалова «Практическая грамматика английского языка», Москва 1998 г.)



 Grammar: Gerundial construction

Практ. – 2 ч.

СРО – 4 ч.

Visit http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/tests/infinitive-gerund-1andhttp://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/tests/infinitive-gerund-2 on “Best English for You” and do the test



 Grammar: Infinitive and gerundial constructions

Практ. – 2 ч.

СРО – 4 ч.

Visit http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/tests/infinitive-gerund-3andhttp://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/tests/infinitive-gerund-4 on “Best English for You” and do the test


Theme:Quality management

Grammar: Subjunctive mood I

Практ. – 2 ч.

СРО – 4 ч.

Visit http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/tests/conditional-sentences-1 on “Best English for You” and do the tes



Grammar: Subjunctive mood II

Практ. – 2 ч.

СРО – 4 ч.

Visit http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/tests/conditional-sentences-2on “Best English for You” and do the test



Grammar: Subjunctive mood II

Практ. – 2 ч.

СРО – 4 ч.

Visit http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/tests/conditional-sentences-3  on “Best English for You” and do the test



 Grammar: Grammar revision

Практ. – 2 ч.

СРО – 4 ч.

Visit http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/tests/conditional-sentences-4  on “Best English for You” and do the test


Практ. – 30 час.

СРО – 60 час.

6. Список основной и дополнительной литературы

6.1 Основная л

6.1. Основная литература:

1. Толегенова Ж.Б. УМКД по дисциплине «Профессионально-ориентированный иностранный язык» для студентов 2 курса специальностей «Космическая технология и техника».

2. Дубровская, С.Г. Учебник английского языка для III этапов обучения в технических вузах: учебник / С.Г. Дубровская [и др.]. М.: АСВ, 2002. – 338 с.

.3. Clive Oxenden, Cristina Latham-Koenig, Paul Seligson New English File / Intermediate Level, 2010.

4. Шевелева С.А. Английский для гуманитариев, (2-ое издание) – М.: «Юнити», 2008 г.

5. English for engineers worksheets and online activities


6.2. Дополнительная литература:

1. «Космическая технология»/ Пособие по английскому языку, Издание второе, Москва «Высшая школа», 1986 г.

2. Бгашев, В.Н. Английский язык для машиностроительных специальностей: учебник / В.Н. Бгашев, Е.Ю. Долматовская. – 3-е изд., испр. и доп. – М.: Астрель, 2005. – 381 с.

3. English speaking practice online http://www.speaking24.com/.

4. Андрианова, Л.Н. Учебник английского языка для заочных технических вузов и факультетов: учебник / Л.Н. Андрианова, Н.Ю. Багрова, Э.В. Ершова. – М., 2000. – 300 с

5. Полякова, Т.Ю. Английский язык для инженеров: учебник / Т.Ю. Полякова, Е.В. Синявская, О.И. Тынкова, Э.С. Улановская. – М.: Высшая школа, 2000. – 300 с.

7. Контроль знаний

Планируется проведение текущего контроля в ходе аудиторных занятий, контроль качества выполнения СРО; два рубежных контроля в форме тестирования; промежуточная аттестация в форме устного экзамена.

Текущий контроль      – 20%

Контроль СРО                                               - 20%

Рубежный контроль:

тестирование        - 20%

Итоговый контроль                        не менее - 40%

8. Требования  учебной дисциплины

Дисциплина «Профессионально-ориентированный иностранный язык» является обязательной. Объем учебной нагрузки составляет 2 кредитов, из них 30 часов -  практических занятий, 60 часов – СРО. 

Требования дисциплины: обязательное посещение аудиторных занятий, активное участие в обсуждении вопросов, предварительная подготовка к практическим занятиям по учебно-методическому пособию и основной литературе, качественное и своевременное выполнение заданий СРО, участие во всех видах контроля (текущий контроль, контроль СРО, рубежный контроль, итоговый контроль).

Рассмотрен на заседании методической секции кафедры, протокол № __1__от «_01__» __09________2012 г.

Утвержден заведующей кафедрой ____________к.п.н., доцент Сагимбаева Д.Е.

2. Глоссарий


Adobe - a term widely used in the southwestern United States and Spanish speaking countries. Although the word is often used to describe an architectural style, adobe is actually a building material.

Adaptive reuse - Old buildings often outlive their original purposes. Adaptive reuse, orre-use, is a process that adapts buildings for new uses while retaining their historic features. An old factory may become an apartment building. A rundown church may find new life as a restaurant... And a restaurant may become a church.


Blogosphere - a collective term encompassing all blogs and their interconnections. It is the perception that blogs exist together as a connected community (or as a collection of connected communities) or as a social network.

Balustrade - a row of repeating balusters - small posts that support the upper rail of a railing. Staircases and porches often have balustrades.

Bauhause - a German expression meaning house for building. In 1919, the economy in Germany was collapsing after a crushing war. Called the Bauhaus, the Institution called for a new "rational" social housing for the workers. Bauhaus architects rejected "bourgeois" details such as cornices, eaves, and decorative details. They wanted to use principles of Classical architecture in their most pure form: without ornamentation of any kind.

Bauhaus buildings have flat roofs, smooth facades, and cubic shapes. Colors are white, gray, beige, or black. The Bauhaus school disbanded when the Nazis rose to power. Walter Gropius, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, and other Bauhaus leaders migrated to the United States. The term International Style was applied to the American form of Bauhaus architecture.

Beaux Arts architecture – (in French) the term beaux arts means fine arts. Based on ideas taught at the legendary Йcole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, the Beaux Arts style flourished between 1885 and 1920.

Building designer - Professional Building Designers, or Home Designers, specialize in designing single family homes. In some cases, they may also design other light frame residential buildings, agricultural buildings, and decorative facades for larger buildings. Unlike architects, Home Designers are not legally required to pass exams or receive special licenses. However, a designer who carries the title "Certified Professional Building Designer" or "CPBD" has completed training courses, practiced building design for at least six years, and passed a rigorous certification exam.


Community – a group of people who identify with each other, have common interests, or are viewed as forming a distinct segment of society.

Creed – a set of fundamental beliefs or guiding principles.


Deconstructivism, or Deconstruction, - an approach to building design that attempts to view architecture in bits and pieces. The basic elements of architecture are dismantled. Deconstructivist buildings may seem to have no visual logic. They may appear to be made up of unrelated, disharmonious abstract forms. Deconstructive ideas are borrowed from the French philosopher Jacques Derrida.

3. Краткий конспект практических занятий

Unit 1

Theme: Mass Media

Grammar: Non-finite form of the verb: The Infinitive


Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to use active vocabulary of this theme in different forms of speech exercises.

Students should be better at discussing mass media.

Students should know the rule of non-finite form of the verb: the Infinitive and fulfill grammar exercises.

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to timetable.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Mass Media”.

Define the basic styles in mass media and its role in our country. Discuss in groups ‘Mass media in democratic society’. Observe the last world news. Speak about the rights of journalists.

Grammar: Introduce and practice the non-finite form of the verb: the Infinitive. Revise the use of modal verbs, construction ‘to be going to’, and Future Simple.

Mass Media

No doubt, is an important part of our life. People from different walks of life have become nowadays listeners, readers, viewers. Or in other words, reading newspapers and magazines, watching TV, listening to the news on the radio are our main means of getting information in all its variety. Newspapers with their enormous circulation report different kinds of news. They carry articles which cover the latest international and national events. Now people buy newspapers also for the radio and TV programs which they publish. There are special newspapers which gave a full coverage of commercial, financial and publish affairs. There are newspapers and magazines for young people. They give a wide coverage of news, events and reports on education, sports, cultural life, entertainment, and fashion. There are a lot of advertising programs now, sensation material, too. They represent the views of today’s youth. Radio broadcasts are valued mainly for their music programs (Europa plus). TV, radio, press reflect the present day life. Their information may vary from social and economic crises, conflicts, wars, disasters, earthquakes, to diplomatic visits, negotiations, from terrorism, corruption, to pollution problems, strikes, and social movements. Much information is published concerning official governmental decisions. TV is the most popular kind of mass media now. Viewers are fond of watching variety show, films, sports, plays, games, educational and cultural programs. We have many different channels, including commercial channels. There are many interesting and exciting programs, but at the same time too often very primitive films are televised. I mean horror films, thrillers, detective films with all their cool-blooded atmosphere of violence and endless crimes and murders.

Mass media are one of the most characteristic features of modern civilization. People are united into one global community with the help of mass media. People can learn about what is happening in the world very fast using mass media. The mass media include newspapers, magazines, radio and television.
The earliest kind of mass media was newspaper. The first newspaper was Roman handwritten newssheet called "Acta Diurna" started in 59 B.C. Mag
azines appeared in 1700's. They developed from newspapers and booksellers' catalogs. Radio and TV appeared only in this century.
The most exciting and entertaining kind of mass media is television. It brings mo
ving pictures and sounds directly to people's homes. So one can see events in faraway places just sitting in his or her chair.
Radio is widespread for its portability. It means that radios can easily be carried around. People like listening to the radio on the beach or picnic, while dri
ving a car or just walking down the street. The main kind of radio entertainment is music.

Newspapers can present and comment on the news in much detail in comparison to radio and TV newscasts. News- papers can cover much more events and news.

Magazines do not focus on daily, rapidly changing events. They provide more profound analysis of events of proceeding week. Magazines are designed to be kept for a longer time so they have cover and binding and are printed on better paper.


Aerial - A radio antenna, especially one suspended in or extending into the air.

Column is a recurring piece or article in a newspaper, magazine or other publication. Columns are written by columnists.

Editorial, leader (US), or leading article (UK) is an article in a newspaper or magazine that expresses the opinion of the editor, editorial board, or publisher.

Editorial board is a group of editors, usually at a print publication, who dictate the tone and direction that the publication's editorials will take

Ex. 1. A) Scan the text and formulate the main ideas. Read the text again carefully and retell it close to the original.

B) Answer the questions:

1. What kinds of mass media do you know?
2. What was the earliest kind of mass media?
3. Why is the television so exciting?
4. What is the reason for widespread use of radios?
5. What advantages do newspapers have over the other kinds of mass m
6. What is the difference between a newspaper and a magazine?

Ex. 2. Fill in the gaps with the type of the film.

1. A movie that makes you laugh is _________________.

2. A movie that makes you scream is ________________.

3. A movie that is exciting with lots of guns and explosions is an ____________movie.

4. Movies about future or space are known as _____________films.

5. A movie about real life is ___________.

6. An _______________film has cartoon characters.

7. A film about lots of travelling and exciting or dangerous events is ______________.

8. A film about love is _____________.

Ex. 3. A) Read the news. The words written in bald have few meanings. How do you think, what is their meaning in these sentences? 


Chile’s minister of Mines has been in touch with trapped miners by telephone, through a narrow shaft piercing the 700 meters of rock straight down. The leader underground said the men were well, and they cheered and sang the national anthem.


1) (n) the hard substance which the Earth is made of.

2) (n) a small piece of rock that had broken away from a mountain or a cliff.

3) (n) loud music with a strong beat that is played using instruments including electric guitars and drums.


Drilling to begin on shaft to rescue trapped miners. A new video of Chile’s trapped miners has been broadcast showing the 33 men, sending greetings to their families.


1) (n) a device for catching animals.

2) (v) to trick you so that you do or say something which you did not want to.

3) (v) when something  falls onto you or blocks your way, preventing you from moving.


In Chile four survivors of a plane crash in the Ands Mountains 38 years ago have arrived at the mine where 33 miners have been trapped. They met with the families to offer them encouragement and support for the ordeal ahead.


1) (v) not to die

2) (v) to manage to continue in spite of the difficult circumstances

3) (v) (to survive someone) – to continue to live after they have died


The 33 trapped Chilean miners were able to communicate with their loved ones on Saturday (September 4) through a video teleconference system. Silvia Segovia, whose brother is among the trapped miners, said that she was happy her brother seemed to be in good condition


1) (v) (with someone) - to give them information

2) (v) to talk to each other

3) (v) to make someone aware of idea or feeling to them.


Thirty-three trapped Chilean miners were able to watch the Chilean national squad’s friendly against the Ukraine over a fiberoptic line

Squad -

1) (n) a section of a police force that is responsible for dealing with a particular type of crime

2) (n) group of players from which a sports team will be chosen

3) (n) a small group of soldiers.


The arrival of Esperanza, a baby girl at the Copiapo maternity clinic has, quite literally, given hope to one of the 33 trapped miners in Chile.

Arrival -

1) (n) your arriving at a place is the act of arriving there.

2) (n)beginning to exist or become available

3) (n) someone who just arrived at a place.


Rescue workers in Chile could be just a day away from reaching 33 trapped miners. A drill known as Plan B is said to be less than 100 meters from the men.

Drill -

1) (n) a tool for making holes

2) (v) to make a hole using a drill

3) (n) a procedure which a group of people especially soldiers, practice so they can do something quickly and efficiently.


The operation to rescue the 33 trapped miners in Chile has begun successfully. Florencio Avalos was the first to be pulled out of the San Jose mine, shortly after midnight local time. Mario Sepulveda followed him to the surface about an hour later. The third miner, Juan Illanes has just reached the surface.

Mine -

1) (pron.) The first person singular possessive pronoun.

2) (n) a place where deep holes or tunnels are dug under the ground in order to extract minerals.

3) (n) A bomb hidden in the ground or in water which explodes when something touches it.


The operation to rescue the trapped miners in Chile has been a complete success. All 33 men have reached the surface safely. The rescue team has also made the trip to the surface. The last man to leave was the first who went down to the miners, Manuel Gonzalez.

Surface -

1) (n) – the top part of something or the outside of it.

2) (n) The surface of the situation is what can be seen easily rather than what is not immediately obvious.

3) (v) to come up to the surface of the water.

B) Answer the questions:

Who are the heroes of the news? What happened to the miners? How do you think, what has left behind the official news?

C) Pairwork. Do tasks and act out your story in front of your classmates:

- Make up a dialogue about a story with the trapped miners. Imagine that you are:

a) a miner that was trapped under the ground;

b) a miner’s wife;

c) a rescuer.

- What would you feel and how would you act?

Ex. 4. Write a fake news story with the headline, “Man Eats 20 Light Bulbs and Asks for More”.

Ex. 5. Watch the video about the attitude of British to mass media and compare all you’ve learnt with our people. http://busyteacher.org/10394-the-media.html (4:40 min)

Ex. 6. Watch the video about George and Aidan in a competition in Britain’s Got Talent http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SogBz3aAle0 (6:21 min) and answer the question ‘WHO IS BETTER?’


1. How old is he?

a) 13        b) 14      c) 15

2. What does he do?

a) He works          b) He plays the guitar         c) He dances

3. What was his goal in the first audition?

a) To achieve a better life for his family    b) To become famous            c) For fun

4. How did he do in his first audition?

a) He did well          b) He did bad      c) He did awful

5. What does he have now in his second audition?

a) More friends        b) Bigger and better moves         c) Bigger and better mood

6. Where does he dance to get better?

a) At home               b) In the streets of Manchester         c) At school

7. What does he look now?

a) Much taller         b) Much fatter             c) Much better

8. What did he do last summer?

A) He trained harder and “got bigger and better”      b) He played Hide and Seek      c) He practiced a little


9. Did he take dance classes?

a)Yes         b) He didn’t say                    c) No

10. Where does he practice?

a) In his house/in his room            b) In a friend’s house             c) In the streets of London

11. How old is he?

a) 11            b) 10                 c) 9

12. Why did he enter the competition?

a) He just likes dancing       b) To make money           c) To make new friends

Ex. 7. A) Match the words and their definitions.

  •  Television
  •  Newspaper
  •  The Internet
  •  Radio
  1.  a paper printed and sold usually daily or weekly with news, advertisements etc.;
  2.  broadcasting programmes for people to listen to;
  3.  broadcasting programmes (the news, plays, advertisements, shows, etc.) for people to watch on their television sets;
  4.  a way to communicate with your partner who might be a thousand miles away using the computer (e-mails).

B) Complete the column “THE EFFECTS OF MASS-MEDIA”



GRAMMAR: Non-finite form of the verb: The Infinitive

In modern English the Infinitive has the following forms:




To write

Be written


To be writing



To have written

To have been written

Perfect Continuous

To have been writing


Negative form: not + Infinitive 

  •  She asked me not to forget to post the letter.

Only two forms of the Infinitive (the Indefinite Active and Passive to ask/ to be asked) have corresponding forms in Russian. There are no corresponding forms for continuous, Perfect and Perfect Continuous Infinitive; hence they can be translated only in a sentence. The Infinitive of transitive verbs has special forms for the Active and Passive voice. 

It is wonderful to love and to be loved.

Ех. 8. Translate the sentences into your language.

A) 1. To go on with this discussion is to waste time. 2. I’m sorry to have taken so much of your time. 3. It all sounds too good to be true. 4. We assembled to discuss and arrange our plans. 5. He was the first to raise the question. 6. A celebration such as this was a chance not to be missed. 7. I didn’t come here to be shouted at. 8. You are a bachelor with no family to take care of. 9. To meet the demands for goods, new shops have been opened in the town. 10. Now, the first thing to settle is what to take with us.

B) 1. The first question to be considered is whether the offer of the sellers should be accepted. 2. A committee headed by B. worked out a resolution to be presented to the conference. 3. The plan of our work will be discussed at the meeting to be held on May. 4. The barges loaded with coal were towed to the dock where the vessel to be coaled was lying. 5. The buyers agreed to accept the goods at a price to be fixed by arbitration. 6. We have discussed the terms to be included in the letter of credit to be opened by the buyer in favor of the seller.

Ex. 9. Use the correct form of the Infinitive in brackets.

1. I hope (to see) you soon. 2. We expect (to be) back in two days. 3. I am glad (to do) all the homework yesterday. 4. I hate (to bother) you, but the students are still waiting (to give) books for their work. 5. Is there anything else (to tell) her? I believe she deserves (to know) the state of her sick brother. 6. The woman pretended (to read) and (not to hear) the bell.

Ex. 10. A) Complete the sentences with true information about you.

All about me

One day, I want __________________________________________________________________

I have never tried _________________________________________________________________

I often forget ____________________________________________________________________

I love __________________________________________________________________________

Soon, I really must ________________________________________________________________

I wish people would stop ___________________________________________________________

After class, I would like ____________________________________________________________

When I was a child, I enjoyed _______________________________________________________

I hate ___________________________________________________________________________

I would never refuse _______________________________________________________________

I can't stand _____________________________________________________________________

Our teacher often tells _____________________________________________________________

The last time I made a promise was when I promised _____________________________________

B) Now discuss your answers in small groups, e.g. One day, I want to give up smoking. What about you? What do you want to do?

Ex. 11. Match a line (a-j) with a line (1-10).

a We'd love to have a holiday,                              1 I'm sorry. I haven't had time to.

b Why don't you come to our house?                    2 I used to.

c Make sure you're back early tonight.                  3 Because I have to. It's a business trip.

d I don't smoke any more, but                               4 I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.

e Mum, have you mended my jeans?                     5 No, we aren't allowed to.

f Have you asked Jill to go out with you?             6 I'll try to, but it depends on the traffic.

g You've broken my antique vase!                         7 but we can't afford to.

h Why are you going away?                                   8 Yes, I just managed to.

i Can you chew gum at school?                             9 I'd love ~to.Thank you!

j Did you get to the end of the exam?                   10 No. I want to, but I'm too shy.

Ex. 12. Fill in the correct infinitive forms to the given verb forms.

verb form












Ex. 13. Revision of Reported Speech. Return to exercise 3 and finish the sentences.

Euronews: Chile’s minister of Mines has been in touch with trapped miners by telephone.

Euronews announced that ______________________________.

Euronews: A video of Chile’s trapped miners has been broadcast.

Euronews announced that__________________________.

Euronews: In Chile four survivors of a plane crash in the Ands Mountains 38 years ago have arrived at the mine where 33 miners have been trapped.

Euronews announced that ______________________________.

Euronews: The 33 trapped Chilean miners were able to communicate with their loved ones on Saturday.

Euronews announced that ______________________________.

Euronews: Thirty-three trapped Chilean miners were able to watch the Chilean national squad’s friendly against the Ukraine over a fiberoptic line.

Euronews announced that ______________________________.

Euronews: The arrival of Esperanza, a baby girl at the Copiapo maternity clinic has given hope to one of the 33 trapped miners in Chile.

Euronews announced that ______________________________.

Euronews: The operation to rescue the 33 trapped miners in Chile has begun successfully.

Euronews announced that ______________________________.

Euronews: The operation to rescue the trapped miners in Chile has been a complete success.

Euronews announced that ______________________________.

Euronews: All 33 men have reached the surface safely.

Euronews announced that ______________________________.

Euronews: The rescue team has also made the trip to the surface.

Euronews announced that ______________________________.

Euronews: The last man to leave was the first who went down to the miners, Manuel Gonzalez.

Euronews announced that ______________________________.

Задания на СРО:

Do the ex.1-3 on p. 519-520 (К.Н. Качалова «Практическая грамматика английского языка», Москва 1998 г.)

Unit 2

Theme: Human Rights

Grammar: The Infinitive Constructions

Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to use active vocabulary of this theme in different forms of speech exercises.

Students should be better at discussing human rights.

Students should know the rule of Infinitive Constructions and fulfill grammar exercises.

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to timetable.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Human rights”.

Define the basic human rights and their role in our country. Discuss in groups ‘Human rights in democratic society’. Observe some articles of Constitution. Speak about gender rights. Introduce the M.L. King’s life.

Grammar: Introduce and practice the Infinitive Constructions. Revise the use of Continuous and Perfect Tenses.

What are economic, social and cultural rights

60 years ago, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaimed a wide spectrum of human rights that every human being has – without discrimination. They include not only rights to freedom of expression and freedom from torture and ill-treatment, but also rights to education, to adequate housing and other economic, social and cultural rights.

Economic, social and cultural rights are a broad category of human rights guaranteed in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and other legally binding international and regional human rights treaties. Nearly every country in the world is party to a legally binding treaty that guarantees these rights. They include:

rights at work, particularly just and fair conditions of employment, protection against forced or compulsory labor and the right to form and join trade unions;

the right to education, including ensuring that primary education is free and compulsory, that education is sufficiently available, accessible, acceptable and adapted to the individual;

cultural rights of minorities and Indigenous Peoples;

the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, including the right to healthy living conditions and available, accessible, acceptable and quality health services;

the right to adequate housing, including security of tenure, protection from forced eviction and access to affordable, habitable, well located and culturally adequate housing;

the right to food, including the right to freedom from hunger and access at all times to adequate nutritious food or the means to obtain it;

the right to water – the right to sufficient water and sanitation that is available, accessible (both physically and economically) and safe.

Who is responsible?

States – national governments – bear the primary responsibility for making human rights a reality. Governments must respect peoples' rights – they must not violate these rights. They must protect peoples' rights – ensuring that other people or bodies do not abuse these rights. And they must fulfill peoples' rights, making them a reality in practice.

Governments have widely differing resources. International law allows for the fact that making economic, social and cultural rights a reality can only be achieved progressively over time. However, the duty of governments to respect and protect these rights and to ensure freedom from discrimination is immediate. Lack of resources is no excuse.

Although governments may need time to realize economic, social and cultural rights, this does not mean they can do nothing – they have to take steps towards fulfilling them. As an initial step, they must prioritize "minimum core obligations" – minimum essential levels of each of the rights. Under the right to education, for example, core obligations include the right to free primary education.

Governments must not discriminate in their laws, policies or practices and must prioritize the most vulnerable when allocating resources.

States also have obligations when they act beyond their borders to respect, protect and fulfill economic, social and cultural rights. These obligations extend to action they take through intergovernmental organizations such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

As stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, "every organ of society" has human rights responsibilities. Corporations play an increasingly significant role globally in the realization or denial of human rights. Amnesty International is committed to holding businesses accountable where their actions result in human rights violations.

Despite international guarantees of these rights, across the world:

923 million people were suffering from chronic hunger. Hunger is often driven by human rights violations, as Amnesty International has documented in North Korea, Zimbabwe and elsewhere. The current world food crisis, which itself has been fuelled by human rights violations, has led to an additional 75 million people being chronically malnutritioned.

Over a billion people live in 'slums' or informal settlements, with one in every three city residents living in inadequate housing with no or few basic services. Their situation is worsened by a global epidemic of mass forced evictions.

Every minute, another woman dies because of problems related to pregnancy. For every woman who dies, 20 or more experience serious complications.

Over 100 million children (more than half of whom are girls) do not have access even to primary education.


Xenophobia: A fear of foreigners, of persons from other countries or of things foreign generally. Xenophobia can lead to discrimination, racism, violence and even armed conflict against foreigners.

Human trafficking: the recruitment, transportation, harboring or receipt of people for the purposes of slavery, forced labor

Creed – A set of fundamental beliefs or guiding principles

Ex. 1. A) Speak about democracy. How do you understand it? Can you give explanation of it?


What does it mean to be fully human? How is that different from just "being alive" or "surviving"?

Based on this list, what do people need to live in dignity?

Are all human beings essentially equal? What is the value of human differences?

Can any of our "essential" human qualities be taken from us? For example, only human beings can communicate with complex language; are you human if you lose the power of speech?

What happens when a person or government attempts to deprive someone of something that is necessary to human dignity?

What would happen if you had to give up one of these human necessities?

B) Read aloud the story of Dr. Martin Luther King's life. Make notes of the main periods of his life. Say why he was called ‘CIVIL RIGHT LEADER’.

Ex. 2. Cut out each statement and glue under Right or Responsibility. Explain why your group decided it was a either

Be treated kindly                                                To ask for help

To do my best                                                    To complete assignments

To a clean and attractive classroom                  To work in a quiet classroom

Use materials neatly and return to

correct place                                                      To be kind

To learn                                                              To tell the teacher what I am feeling

To be on time to school                                     To follow the teachers


To use my time wisely                                       To be listened to

Not to bully others                                             To not bully others

To listen to others                                              To complete assignments

Ex. 3. Match the columns:

           1.  someone who sells things                                a.  alley

2.  a general name for "cows"                                b.  appetite

3.  skinny; thin                                                       c.  boast

4.  huge, large, enormous                                d.  cattle

5.  without covering or clothing                                e.  drudgery

6.  on the whole                                                       f.  dull

7.  improve the quality of something                    g.  entirely

8.  wander, walk around without direction               h.  gigantic

9.  desire to eat                                                       i.  goofy

10.  upset, very mad                                            j.  hatch

11.  funny, silly                                                       k.  naked

12.  boring, not exciting; not bright or sharp        l.  outraged

13.  have difficulty doing something; fight        m.  outskirts

14.  break out of an egg                                           n.  peddler

15.  brag; say great things about yourself        o.  portion

16.  get bigger, enlarge                                           p.  roam

17.  small part or section                                           q.  slim

18.  the suburbs, area around a city                    r.  struggle

19.  a narrow passageway or street                  s.  swell

20.  hard, uninteresting labor                              t.  upgrade

Ex. 4. Roleplay with your desk-mate any situation where you can demonstrate your rights.

Ex. 5. A) Watch the video on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTlrSYbCbHE.

B) Write essay about the right of the nations living in our country to learn and teach their native languages at schools and speak in them.

Ex. 6. A) Make a list of rights that women of the 19th century didn’t have but now they do. Discuss them with whole group.

B) Game ‘Guess’. On separate sheets of paper write some of those rights and fix them on the backs of students so that the owners of sheets not to see what is written there. Group can walk around the class to read each others sheets. Then students have to explain each other what right is on their backs.

Note: Students are not allowed to use words written on the sheets, they can do explonation with help of synonyms/ antonyms.

GRAMMAR: The Infinitive Constructions

Uses of the Infinitive

  1.  The Infinitive may be used alone: We began to walk down the road.
  2.  The Infinitive may be the subject of a sentence.
  3.  The Infinitive may be the complement of a verb: His plan is to keep the affair secret.
  4.  The Infinitive may be the object or part of the object of a verb: He wants to pay or He wants me to pay.
  5.  The Infinitive can be used after certain adjectives: angry, glad, happy, sorry, fortunate, likely, lucky.
  6.  The Infinitive can be used with too/ enough.

Ex. 7. Translate into your language.

1. The first question to be considered is whether the offer of the sellers should be accepted. 2. A committee headed by B. began to work out a resolution to be presented to the conference. 3. The plan of our work will be discussed at the meeting to be held on may 25. 4. The buyers agreed to accept the goods at a price to be fixed by arbitration. 5. We stopped to have a smoke. 6. Please send us your instructions at once to enable us to ship the machines by the 20th May.

Ex. 8. Insert to where necessary.

1. I like … play the piano. 2. My brother can … write poems. 3. We had … put on our overcoats because it was cold. 4. They wanted … cross the river. 5. It is time for you … go to bed. 6. Let me ... help you with your homework. 7. I was planning … do a lot of things yesterday. 8. I think I shall be able ... solve this problem. 9. What makes you … think you are right? 10. Do you like … listen to music?

Ex. 9. Replace the group of words in italics by an Infinitive or an Infinitive constructions.

It is important that he should understand this.

It is important to him to understand this.

1. The captain was the last man who left the ship. 2. Would you be very kind and lend me your umbrella? 3. There are a lot of sheets that need mending. 4. It is better that he should hear it from you. 5. If he had another child with whom he could play he would be happier. 6. He put his hand into his pocket and was astonished when he found that his wallet wasn’t there. 7. I can’t go to the party; I have nothing that I can wear. 8. Haven’t you anything with which you could open it? 9. The strikers decided that the strike should continue. 10. He took out his spare wheel and was very disappointed when he discovered that that tyre was also punctured.

Ex. 10. Fill in the right form of the verb given. Use verb+ing or to+infinitive. 

Example: I want (go) ___ to the cinema tonight.

Ex.11. Fill the gaps with s preposition and an –ing form.

about like        without by            with of           at for

Having               making                 buying                asking                    remembering

being stung         arriving               going                doing                        coming

a) I got into trouble ____________ at school late. b) You can lose weight ______________ exercise. c) How _____________ out for a meal tonight? d) How dare you take my money ____________ me? e) This machine is used ____________ pasta. f) I'm hopeless ____________ people's names. g) I’m thinking ______________ a new car. A Renault, maybe. h) Thank you __________ to see me. i) Yuk! Monday morning! I don't feel ________________ to work!

Задания на СРО:

Do the §182 ex.1 and §183 ex.1 on p. 520 (К.Н. Качалова «Практическая грамматика английского языка», Москва 1998 г.)

Unit 3

Theme: High Energy Automatic Systems Engineering

Grammar: The Complex Object

Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to use active vocabulary of this theme in different forms of speech exercises.

Students should be better at discussing mass media.

Students should know the rule of the complex object: the Infinitive and fulfill grammar exercises.

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to timetable.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “High energy automatic systems engineering”.

Define the basic styles in rocket engineering and its role in our country. Discuss in groups “High energy automatic systems engineering”.

in democratic society’. Observe the last world news. Speak about the rights of journalists.

Grammar: Introduce and practice the complex object. Revise the use of modal verbs.

High Energy Automatic Systems Engineering

To start with I'd like to introduce myself to you. My name is ...  I was born in Biysk in ...
I don’t think my childhood and school years differ much from those of other people.  At the age of 7 I went to school. At school I was interested in Physics, Maths and Chemistry. Finishing school means the beginning of a serious examination of our knowledge, abilities and character. It is the time when you face the problem of ma
king up your mind and choosing one of the hundreds of jobs. Now I'm ... years old. I finished school in 20 … and entered the Institute.
I took three entrance examinations: ... . Now I'm a second year student of Biysk Technological I
nstitute of the Altai Technical University. I study at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty.

Engineers in this field design, test, build and operate machinery of all types. Some mechanical engineers specialize in particular types of machines. A mechanical engineer designs not only the machines that make products but the products themselves and must design for both economy and efficiency.

You probably know that our Institute possesses a high-level technical basis that meets all modern requirements. Studying at the Institute is a long, slow process that takes a lot of time and patience. But students are trying to do their best and every year a great number of new specialists in different fields graduate from this higher educational institution and get an opportunity to work according to their speciality.

As far as you know the Institute provides three forms of education. As to me I study at the day-time department. A person, who studies and works simultaneously or has some other occupation, can choose evening or extra-mural courses.

You should know that the Chair of «High Energy Automatic Systems Engineering» is in charge of training students in this specialty. Highly qualified instructors and lecturers, the majority of which enjoy academic degrees and ranks, are engaged there. Besides, the chair is supplied with modern equipment and computer facilities.

My speciality is a mechanical engineer in the sphere of design and exploitation of automatic rotor and rotor-conveyor lines.

Automatic rotor lines are a new type of machines, which has productivity much higher than traditional manufacturing equipment-cutting machines and stamping presses. The application of ARL allows to automate the technological processes of molded plastic products production by stamping, drawing, squeezing, extrusion, forging. It is also possible to use them in food industry.

As you know at the Institute we study various general and special subjects: Mathematics, the Strength of Materials, Physics, English, Philosophy, Informatics, Physical Training and others.

My aim is to get education, successfully defend diploma and work according to my speciality if possible. Of course, while choosing a job many factors should be taken into consideration: wages and salaries, job-satisfaction, opportunities to travel a lot and to see much, etc.

Mechanical engineers have a wide range of job opportunities, as they are vital to the running of plants. They may be employed in industries such as food, steel, chemicals and heavy and light engineering. Mechanical engineers’ jobs are demanding and exciting. Mechanical engineers are at the core of production: they manage a plant and equipment, they manage people.

I hope this information was interesting to you. Thank you for your time and attention.

The Complex Object consists on a noun in the common case or pronoun in the objective case and the Infinitive.


Object+ Predicate+ noun(pronoun)+ Infinitive

I want mother to help me.

They expect the steamer to leave tonignt.

The Complex Object is used after the verbs:

of mental activity: to know, to think, to consider, to believe, to find, to expect.

of declaring: to pronounce, to declare, to report, to teach.

denoting wish and attention: to want, to wish,to desire, to intend.

Denoting feeling and emotion: to like, to dislike, to hate.

Denoting order and permission: to allow, to suffer, to ask (for), to command, to forbid.

Denoting sense perception: to hear, to see, to watch, to feel etc.

Ех. 5. Translate the sentences.

1. Мама не позволяет мне играть в футбол.2. Не заставляйте меня лгать.3. Распорядитесь, чтобы кто-нибудь принес мел. 4. Дай мне знать, когда все выяснится. 5. Надеюсь, я не заставил вас долго ждать. 6. Что заставило его сделать этот шаг. 7. Пусть он курит здесь.

8. Я не могу заставить его бросить курить. 9. Он сказал, что ничто не заставит его зменить свое решение. 10. Дайте мне знать, когда она придет.

Ех. 6. Translate the sentences.

1. Мы слышали, как они спорили. 2. Она видела, как мальчик поднимался по лестнице.

3. Никто не заметил, как я открыл дверь и вышел. 4. Мы наблюдали, как ремонтировали дорогу. 5. Я считаю, что это был смелый шаг. 6. Мы почувствовали, что он не заметил нас.

7. Она видела, что он ее не понимает. 8. Мы не предполагали, что он приедет так рано.

9. Он заметил, как она побледнела. 10.Мы не ожидали, что он примет такое решение.

Ех. 7. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Они хотят, чтобы мы послали им телеграмму. 2. Я хотел бы, чтобы вы подождали меня здесь. 3. Он хочет, чтобы его дочь стала архитектором. 4. Она хочет, чтобы ее пригласили на вечер. 5. Хотите ли вы, чтобы я позвонил вам? б. Мы не хотим, чтобы нас прерывали.

7. Доктор не хочет, чтобы я принимал это лекарство. 8. Она любит, чтобы обед был вовремя. 9. Он любит, чтобы ему делали комплименты. 10.Я не хочу, чтобы меня посылали туда.

Ex.8. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Tell me what would you like me to do.2. Seeing her enter the room he rose to greet her.3. Hearing the bell he went to see who was at the door.4. Did you feel the bridge shake? 5. We lay in the shade of the tree, waiting for our friends to come.6. I don’t like you to say such words.7. Put on a thicker coat, I don’t want you to catch cold.8. He asked for a telegram to be sent to his son.9. The buyers wished the goods to be discharged into lighters.10. We consider ourselves to have the right to claim an allowance of 15 per cent.

Задания на СРО:

Do the §182 ex.1 and §183 ex.1 on p. 520 (К.Н. Качалова «Практическая грамматика английского языка», Москва 1998 г.)

Unit 4

Theme: Rocket Engines Engineering

                                           Grammar: The Complex Subject

Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to use active vocabulary of this theme in different forms of speech exercises.

Students should be better at discussing human rights.

Students should know the rule of Infinitive Constructions and fulfill grammar exercises.

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to timetable.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Rocket engines engineering”.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Rocket engines engineering”.

Define the basic styles in rocket engineering and its role in our country. Discuss in groups “High energy automatic systems engineering”.

Grammar: Introduce and practice The Complex Subject. Revise the use of Continuous and Perfect Tenses.

Rocket Engines Engineering

To start with I'd like to introduce myself to you. My name is ...  I was born in Biysk in ...
I don’t think my childhood and school years differ much from those of other people.  At the age of 7 I went to school. At school I was interested in Physics, Maths and Chemistry. Finishing school means the beginning of a serious examination of our knowledge, abilities and character. It is the time when you face the problem of making up your mind and choosing one of the hundreds of jobs. Now I'm ... years old. I finished school in 20… and entered the Institute. I took three entrance e
xaminations: ... . Now I'm a second year student of Biysk Technological Institute of the Altai Technical University. I study at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty.

Engineers in this field design, test, build and operate machinery of all types. Some mechanical engineers specialize in particular types of machines. A mechanical engineer designs not only the machines that make products but the products themselves and must design for both economy and efficiency.

You probably know that our Institute possesses a high-level technical basis that meets all modern requirements. Studying at the Institute is a long slow process that takes a lot of time and patience. But students are trying to do their best and every year a great number of new specialists in different fields graduate from this higher educational institution and get an opportunity to work according to their specialty.

As far as you know the Institute provides three forms of education. As to me I study at the day-time department. A person who studies and works at the same time or has some other occupation, can choose evening or extra-mural courses.

You should know that the Chair of «Rocket Engines Engineering» is in charge of training students in this specialty. Highly qualified instructors and lecturers, the majority of which enjoy academic degrees and ranks, are engaged there. Besides, the Chair is supplied with modern equipment and computer facilities.

My future speciality is Rocket Engines Engineering. It is a science dealing with problems of making, researching and testing motive units of flying vehicles. The dream of space travel is as old as history but in the 20th century the dream became reality. Do you know that in 1926 the first liquid-fuelled rocket was launched that travelled 200 feet? The flying vehicles are being improved constantly. Researchers and engineers develop new types of engines, engine fuel, and new lubricants for machine parts. Many new ideas are widely applied and extended in rocket and space engineering. I hope I'll manage to make my contribution to this process.

As you know at the Institute we study various general and special subjects: Mathematics, Physics, English, Philosophy, Informatics, Physical Training, Theory of Viscoelasticity, Combustion Processes, Mechanics of Fluids, Fundamentals of Rocket Engines Design and so on.

Mechanical engineers have a wide range of job opportunities as they are vital to the running of plants. They may be employed in industries such as food, steel, chemicals and heavy and light engineering. Mechanical engineers’ jobs are demanding and exciting. Mechanical engineers are at the core of production: they manage plant and equipment, they manage people. The graduates of our faculty work at scientific research centre of «Altay», Biysk Oleum Plant and in some private enterprises.

My aim is to get education, successfully defend my diploma and work according to my specialty trying to get more knowledge that I need for my future work if possible. Of course, while choosing a job many factors should be taken into consideration: wages and salaries, job-satisfaction, opportunities to travel a lot and to see much, etc.

I hope this information was interesting to you. Thank you for your time and attention.

Упражнение 10. Найдите в текстах английские эквиваленты.

Интересоваться чем-то, сдавать вступительные экзамены, поступить в институт, специальность, отвечать современным требованиям, высшее учебное заведение, дневное отделение, ученая степень, общеобразовательные и специальные предметы, цель, защитить диплом, работать по специальности, принимать во внимание.

Text A: автоматические роторные линии, производительность, технологический процесс, производство пластмассовых изделий, штамповка, вытяжка, отжим, прессование (выдавливание), ковка, поперечное сечение, порошковая металлургия, заготовка.

Text B: движущиеся части, транспортное средство, улучшать, сделать вклад, смазочный материал, горение, газовая турбина, детали машин, топливо для двигателя, ракетостроение, летательный аппарат, ракета на жидком топливе.

Упражнение 11. Заполните пропуски предлогами, где необходимо.

1. I entered … the Institute … last year.

2. We study … the faculty … Mechanics.

3. Every year a great number … students graduate … the Institute.

4. Highly-qualified instructors are … charge … training students.

5. Engineers develop new types … engines.

6. The chair is supplied … modern equipment.

7. All machines are built … different parts.

8. The engines are based … a piston moving.

Grammar: The Complex Subject.

The Complex Subject consists of a noun/ pronoun and the Infinitive: Laser is known to be used in medicine.

The Complex Subject is used with the verbs:

To say, to order, to ask, to announce, to report.

Denoting sense perception: to see, to hear, to notice etc.

Denoting mental activity: to think, to consider, to believe, to expect, to suppose etc.

Word groups: to be likely, to be unlikely, to be sure.

Pairs of synonyms: to seem, to appear, to prove, to turn out, to happen, to chance.

The Infinitive in the Complex Subject is used in all its forms and expressions.

a simultaneous action: He is said to live in London.

An action in progress: The water seems to be boiling.

An action prior to the action expressed by the finite verb: They are reported to have finished the construction.

The Infinitive in sentences with the Complex  Subject cannot refer to the future except with the verbs and word-groups: to expect, to be sure/certain, to be likely.

We are sure to come to the heart of the matter.

     He is expected to give us an answer tomorrow.

If the verbs to prove, to seem/to appear are followed by adjectives or nouns, the verb to be after then can be omitted.

She proved (to be) clever.

He seems ill.

He appears an experienced teacher.

Ex.6. Translate into English.

1. Говорят, что он в Москве.2. Считают, что он один из самых лучших друзей в его компании.3. Эта книга, по-видимому, бала куплена не в нашем магазине.4. Этот вопрос, по-видимому, затронул всех.5. Кажется, он работает еще в офисе.6. Все, казалось, были удивлены, услышав это.7. Эта задача оказалось самой трудной в этом семестре.8. Сундук, кажется, пустым.9. Говорят, что дои был построен 200 лет тому назад.10. Сообщают, что это событие произойдет через несколько лет.

Ex.7. Open the brackets, using the correct form.

1. He seems (to read) since morning.2. She seems (to work) at his problem since she came here.3. He appears (to know) French well. He is said (to spend) his youth in Paris.4. The enemy was reported (to overthrow) the defense and (to advance) towards the city.5. They seem (to quarrel).I could hear their angry voices.6. They are supposed (to work) at the problem for the last two month.7. They seemed (to wait) for ages.8.She seemed (to recognize) me.

Ex.8. Translate into English.

1. Видели, как она писала письмо.2. Он кажется, сердит на меня.3. Вряд ли она приедет сегодня.4. Он кажется , не женится на ней.5. Мы вряд ли , их пригласим на обед.6. Оказалось, что рассказали все нашим родителям.7. Предполагали, что они накажут их.8. Она кажется, знает всю првду.8. Говорят, что они купили дом на левобережье.

Ex.9. Translate into Russian.

1. He doesn’t seem to have been discouraged by his failure.2. It seems that she knows French perfectly well.3. It happened that he was at home.4. It appears that the house was built in the eighteenth century.5. It seemed that he knew the subject well.6. It seems that the play has made a great impression on him.7. It proved that he was a very experienced worker.8. It happened that they met that very day.

Unit 5


Grammar: Participle I

Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to use active vocabulary of this theme in different forms of speech exercises.

Students should be better at discussing human rights.

Students should know the rule of Infinitive Constructions and fulfill grammar exercises.

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to timetable.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Rocket engines engineering”.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Rocket engines engineering”.

Define the basic styles in rocket engineering and its role in our country. Discuss in groups “High energy automatic systems engineering”.

Grammar: Introduce and practice The Complex Subject. Revise the use of Continuous and Perfect Tenses.


Mechanical engineering has been recognized as a separate branch of engineering since the formation of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in Great Britain in 1847. The development of the textile machinery, steam engines, machine-tools, pumping machinery, turbines and locomotives of that time made such a diversity interest for civil  engineers that these and applied subjects were called mechanical engineering.

Mechanical engineering deals with the design, construction and operation of machines and devices of all kinds, and with research and sciences upon which these depend. Among these machines are prime movers such as engines and turbines using air, gas, steam and water as operating media; pumping machines and other hydraulic apparatus; steam boilers, heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigerating equipment, transportation structures used in aviation; automotive engineering, railroads and ships, machine-tools, special machines for industry and for construction of buildings, railroads and harbours. In fact, mechanical engineering enters into the work of all engineers whose machines are to be developed for the processes of specialists of the other branches of engineering. To understand better the extent of the activities and interests of mechanical engineers, the following lists of the professional divisions and technical committees of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) are given: professional divisions, applied mechanics, aviation, fuel, graphic arts (printing), heat transfer, hydraulics, industrial instruments and regulators, management, materials handling, metals engineering, oil and gas power, process industries, production engineering, railroad, rubber and plastics, textiles, wood industries.

Grammar: Non-finite form of the verb: Participle I.

The form of  Participle I is the infinitive + ing: working, loving, sitting.

It uses:

To form the continuous tenses: he is working

As adjectives: running water

After have + object: we have people standing on our steps all day.

Participle I can sometimes replace a relative pronoun + verb: people who wish to visit the caves/ people wishing to visit the caves.

After verbs of sensation: I see him  passing my house every day.

After catch/find/leave + object: I caught them stealing my apples.

After go, come, spend, waste, to be busy: come dancing.

Ex.5. Translate the sentences from English into Russian? Paying special attention to the function of the participle in the sentence.

1.  The boy playing in the garden is my sister’s son.2. He asked her to go on with her story, promising not to interrupt her again.3. Receiving no letters from her father, she called him.4. He left the office at three o’clock, saying he would be back at five.5. She stood leaning against the wall.6. He lay on the sofa reading a noewspaper.7. Seeing her he raised his hat.8. A person bringing good news is always welcome.9. Receiving the telegram, he rang the manager up.10. There are many wonderful books describing the life of people in the North.

Ex.6. Translate the following participles.

Покупающий, получающий, разговаривающий, работающий, открывающий, стоя, входя, видя, жарящаяся рыба,  проигрывающая команда, прыгающая собака, смеющийся голос, переводя, получая, покупая.

Ex.7. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Гордясь своим отцом, он часто говорит о нем.2. Выступая на собрании, я забыл упомянуть об этом факте.3. Как зовут человека, говорящего по телефону?4. Некоторые вопросы, затрагивающиеся в докладе, заслуживают серьезного внимания.5. Не найдя нужной книги, он пошел в библиотеку.6. Путешествуя по стране, мы увидели много интересных вещей.

Ex.8. Translate into English.

1. While we were crossing the bridge, we saw a man, who was talking with our father.2. As we were very tired, we refused to go for a wolk.3. As the boys had climbed the mountains the summer before, they understood the difficulties.4. A large branch, which had been broken by the wind, lay across the road.5. At a conference, a number of important scientific problems are being discussed.6. A person bringing good news is always welcome.7. While skating yesterday, he fell and hurt himself.8. When writing a telegram we must use as few as possible.9. The leaves lying on the ground reminded us of autumn.10. Arranging everything, he could come home very late.

Unit 6


Grammar: Participle II

Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to use active vocabulary of this theme in different forms of speech exercises.

Students should be better at discussing human rights.

Students should know the rule of Infinitive Constructions and fulfill grammar exercises.

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to timetable.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Rocket engines engineering”.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Rocket engines engineering”.

Define the basic styles in rocket engineering and its role in our country. Discuss in groups “High energy automatic systems engineering”.

Grammar: Introduce and practice The Complex Subject. Revise the use of Continuous and Perfect Tenses.


Defined in the simplest terms a machine is a device that uses force to accomplish something. More technically, it is a device that transmits and changes force or motion into work. This definition implies that a machine must have moving parts. A machine can be very simple, like a block and tackle to raise a heavy weight, or very complex, like a railroad locomotive or the mechanical systems used for industrial processes.

A machine receives input from an energy source and transforms it into output in the form of mechanical or electrical energy. Machines whose input is a natural source of energy are called prime movers. Natural sources of energy include wind, water, steam, and petroleum. Windmills and waterwheels are prime movers; so are the great turbines driven by water or steam that turn the generators that produce electricity; and so are internal combustion engines that use petroleum products as fuel. Electric motors are not prime movers, since an alternating current of electricity which supplies most electrical energy does not exist in nature.

The terms like work, force, and power are frequently used in mechanical engineering, so it is necessary to define them precisely. Force is an effort that results in motion or physical change. If you use your muscles to lift a box you are exerting force on that box. The water which strikes the blades of a turbine is an exerting force on those blades, thereby setting them in motion.

In a technical sense work is the combination of the force and the distance through which it is exerted.

To produce work, a force must act through a distance. If you stand and hold a twenty-pound weight for any length of time, you may get very tired, but you are not doing work in an engineering sense because the force you exerted to hold up the weight was not acting through a distance. However, if you raised the weight, you would be doing work.

Power is another term used in a special technical sense when speaking of machines. It is the rate at which work is performed.

In the English-speaking countries, the rate of doing work is usually given in terms of horsepower, often abbreviated hp. You will remember that this expression resulted from the desire of the inventor James Watt to describe the work his steam engines performed in terms that his customers could easily understand. After much experimentation, he settled on a rate of 33,000 footpounds per minute as one horsepower.

In the metric system power is measured in terms of watts and kilowatts. The kilowatt, a more widely used term, equals a thousand watts or approximately 1/3 horsepower in the English system.

Упражнение 3. Соедините термин с соответствующим ему определением, данным в правой колонке.


Prime mover


the rate at which work is performed

a device that uses force to accomplish something





an effort that results in motion or physical change

a machine whose input is a natural source of energy

a combination of the force and the distance through which it is exerted

Упражнение 4. Прочитайте внимательно два последних абзаца и заполните сле-дующую таблицу, в которой должно быть показано соотношение между единицами мощности в разных системах.

Единицы мощности



Полное название





лошадиная сила

33,000 foot-pounds per minute



Упражнение 5. Распределите следующие слова в три группы: а) обозначающие основные понятия физики и механики; б) обозначающие источники энергии; в) меха-низмы, машины:

wind, power, water, force, work, steam, wind mill, petroleum, turbine, motion, weight, block, device, locomotive, input, output, steam engine, rate, effort, distance, generator, part, weight.

Упражнение 6. Следующие глаголы часто сочетаются с понятиями физики и механики. Составьте с ними глагольные сочетания, используя материал текста.

Model: to transmitto transmit motion / force

to produce, to transform, to supply, to result in, to exert, to set, to perform, to result from, to measure ... in.

Упражнение 7. Изучите внимательно второй абзац текста еще раз и сгруппируйте следующие существительные в таблицу:

wind mill, wind wheel, steam engine, electric motor, internal combustion engine, turbine.

Вид двигателя

Энергия на входе



The input is a natural source of energy.

The input is a source of energy that does not exist in nature

Упражнение 8. Подготовьте развернутые ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. What is a simple definition of a machine? What is a more technical definition? What does this definition imply? 2. Describe some very simple machines. What are some complex ones?
3. What are the machines called whose input is a natural source of energy? What are some natural sources of energy and the machines that use them? 4. Why aren't electric motors prime-movers? 5. What is force? Give some examples. 6. What is work? How can work be expressed mathematically? Give an example. 7. What is power? 8. How is the rate of doing work usually given in the English-speaking countries? Why was the term invented? 9. In what terms is power measured in the metric system?

Grammar: Non-finite form of the verb : Participle II.

The form of  Participle II  is  regular verbs by adding –ed or –d to the Infinitive and  the past participle of irregular verbs

It uses:

As an adjective; stolen money

To form the perfect tenses/infinitives and participles and the passive voice: he has seen, it was broken, to have loved.

The participle II can replace a subject + passive verb as the participle I can replace subject + active form: She enters. She is accompanied by her mother./ She enters, accompanied by her mother.

Ex.5. Translate the sentences into English. Use the present participle instead of the italicized verbs.

1. Мы оставили ему записку и отправились на прогулку в парк.2. Он открыл книгу и показал мне подчеркнутое место.3. Она улыбнулась и вышла из комнаты.4. Она тяжело вздохнула и налила себе вторую чашку кофе.5. Мы оставили чемоданы в камере хранения и отправились на поиски комнаты.6. Она медленно печатала что-то на машинке и иногда спрашивала меня, как пишется то или другое слово.

Ex.6. Translate the sentences from English into Russian.

1. Informed of the arrival of the ship, they sent a car to the port.2. She showed the travelers the room reserved for them3. Books read in childhood seem like old friends.4. The answer received from her greatly surprised us.5. The figures mentioned in his article were published in “Izvestia”.6. Having left  in that town all his life, he knew it very well.

Ex.7. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Это была одна из историй, которые часто рассказывала нам мать.2. Он не мог забыть ту грустную историю, которую рассказала ему старуха.3. Обещанная помощь не приходила.4. Я поговорил с одним из студентов, принимавших участие в конференции два года назад.5. Здесь уже давно нет дороги, которая раньше вело к озеру.6. Мне сказали, что женщина сидевшая в коридоре, ждала директора.  

Ex.8.  Join each  of the following sentences, using either participle I or participle II.

1. I knew that he was poor. I offered to pay his fare.2. She became tired of my complaints about the programme. She turned it off.3. He found no one at home. He left the house in a bad temper.4. He realized that he had missed the last train. He began to walk.5. They found the money. They began quarreling about how to divide it.6. She entered the room suddenly. She found them smoking.7. He fed the dog. He sat down to his own dinner.8. He stole the silver. He looked for a place to hide it.9. I didn’t like to sit down. I knew that there were ants in the grass.10. I had heard that the caves were dangerous. I didn’t like to go any further without a light.

Unit 7


Grammar: Conjunctions

Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to use active vocabulary of this theme in different forms of speech exercises.

Students should be better at discussing human rights.

Students should know the rule of Infinitive Constructions and fulfill grammar exercises.

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to timetable.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Rocket engines engineering”.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Rocket engines engineering”.

Define the basic styles in rocket engineering and its role in our country. Discuss in groups “High energy automatic systems engineering”.

Grammar: Introduce and practice The Complex Subject. Revise the use of Continuous and Perfect Tenses.


Thermodynamics is that branch of physics which deals with the conversion of mechanical energy into thermal energy and the reverse process of transforming heat into work.

The production of heat by mechanical means may be illustrated by the phenomenon of friction. For example, fire may be started while rubbing together two sticks of wood. Heat is developed when compressing a gas. The transformation of heat into work may be illustrated by operation of a steam or gas engine by means of which heat may be transformed into mechanical energy.

So a heat engine is a machine for transforming heat into mechanical energy, the most important of the practical heat engines being the steam engine and the internal combustion engines.

To transform energy from any of its numerous forms into heat is a comparatively simple process. To transform heat into work is a different matter. Experience shows that any actual physical process, as the change of state of a system, is irreversible and is accompanied by a frictional effect. A strictly reversible frictionless process being an ideal, it may be approached but never attained. In the case of the ideal reversible process, there is no change in the quantity of available energy. But an actual irreversible process is always accompanied by a decrease of the amount of energy available for transformation. All transformations of energy are subject to two far-reaching laws:

1) The general law of conservation of energy, of which the following is a statement: the total energy of an isolated system remains constant and cannot be increased or diminished by any physical process whatever.

2) The law of degradation of energy. According to this law, the result of any transformation of energy is the reduction of the quantity of energy that may be usefully transformed into mechanical work.

The first law of thermodynamics is merely the law of conservation applied to the transformation of heat into work. It may be stated as follows: when work is expended in producing heat the quantity of heat generated is equivalent to the work done. And conversely, when heat is employed to do work, a quantity of heat precisely equivalent to the work done disappears.

The second law of thermodynamics is essentially the law of degradation of energy. Whereas the first law gives a relation that must be satisfied in any transformation of energy, it is the second law that gives information regarding the possibility of transformation and the availability of a given form of energy for transformation into work. A general statement of the second law is: «No change in a system of bodies that takes place of itself can increase the available energy of the system».

Упражнение 6. Опираясь на содержание прочитанного текста, закончите предложе-ния, используя предлагаемые варианты.

1. A heat engine is ...

a) a machine for transforming heat into mechanical energy.

b) a machine for defining the amount of mechanical energy.

c) a machine for solving physical problems.

2. The production of heat by mechanical means may be illustrated by ...

a) the phenomena  of potential energy of a body which it possesses due to its position.

b) the phenomena of conservation of energy which can neither be created nor destroyed in any physical effects.

c) the phenomena of friction.

3. The first law of thermodynamics is ...

a) the law of degradation of energy.

b) the law of conservation of energy.

c) the law of transformation of energy.

Упражнение 7. Расположите предложения в той последовательности, в которой они даны в тексте.

1. The production of heat by mechanical means may be illustrated by the phenomenon of friction.

2. Experience shows that any actual physical process is irreversible and is accompanied by frictional effect.

3. Whereas the first law gives a relation that must be satisfied in any transformation of energy, it is the second law that gives information regarding the possibility of transformation.

4. Thermodynamics is that branch of physics which deals with the conversion of mechanical energy into thermal energy and the reverse process.

5. A heat engine is a machine for transforming heat into mechanical energy.

Упражнение 8. Используя материал текста, ответьте на вопросы.

1. What does thermodynamics deal with?

2. The phenomenon of friction is the illustration of the production of heat by mechanical means, isn't it?

3. What are the most important heat engines?

4. Are there two or three laws of transformation of energy?

5. Will you explain the essence of the 1st law of thermodynamics?

6. What does the law of degradation of energy state?

Упражнение 9. Составьте план по прочитанному тексту и перескажите текст согласно этому плану.

Упражнение 10. Скажите, каким образом вы можете использовать информацию, содержащуюся в тексте, при работе по специальности?

Grammar: Conjunctions.

1. Co-ordinating conjunctions: and, but, both … and, or, either … or, neither .. nor, not only .. but also. These conjunctions join pairs of nouns/ adjectives/ adverbs/ verbs/ phrases/ clauses. He plays squash and rugby. He works quickly but accurately. He can’t (either) read and write. He can neither nor write. Not only men but also women were chosen.

Besides (preposition) means ‘in addition to’. It precedes a noun/ pronoun/ gerund: Besides doing the cooking I look after the garden.

However (conjunct) usually means ‘but’. It precedes its adjective/ adverb: You couldn’t earn much, however hard you worked.

Otherwise (conjunct) means ‘if not/or else’. We must be early; otherwise we won’t get a seat.

So (conjunct) precedes its clause: Our cases were heavy, so we took a taxi.

Therefore can be used instead of so in formal English” There is fog at Heathrow; the plane, therefore, has been diverted.

Still means ‘admitting that/ nevertheless’. Yet means ‘in spite of that/ all the same/ nevertheless’.

Though means ‘but or yet’: He says he’ll pay, though I don’t think he will.

Subordinating conjunctions: if, that, unless, when etc. These conjunctions introduce subordinate adverb or noun.

When, while, as used to express time. When is used, with simple tenses: When we lived in town we often went to the theatre.

As is used when the second action occurs before the first is finished: As I left the house I remembered the key.

While means ‘during the time that’: As he stood there he saw two men enter the bar.

Ex.6. Make sentences with ‘both … and … ‘, ‘neither … nor…’, and ‘either .. or … ‘ using the words in brackets.

1. We didn’t like the hotel. It was __________ (clean/ comfortable).2. I didn’t like the film. It was ____________ (boring/ long).3. I couldn’t remember his name. He was _______ (Robert? Richard).4. I wasn’t able to go on holiday that year. I’ve got _ (time/ money).5. We have tickets for Saturday concert. Which do you prefer? I don’t care, I can go _________ (Saturday/ Sunday).6. He is an ideal husband. He ________ (smoke/ drink).

Ex. 7.Translate into English.

1.  Я получил письмо и телеграмму.2. Солнце село, но еще светло.3. Идите немедленно, иначе вы не успеете на поезд.4. Я не могу этого сделать сейчас, потому что я очень занят.5. Деревня находится приблизительно в семи или восьми километрах отсюда.6. Когда я шел сюда, я встретил вашего брата.7. В то время как они составили контракт, мы обсуждали спецификацию товара.8. Он получит письмо завтра, если вы его сейчас отправите.

Ex.8. Use both, either or neither in the following sentences.

1. There is a forest of oak trees on …. Bank of the river.2. The man carried a suit-case in … hands.3. The first apple pie of the season was on the table and a large dish of purple grapes.4. I could hear them …, but saw … .5. … of the two could sing.6. You may take … of the dictionaries, but not … of them.7. She had brown shining hair which hung down on … sides of her face.8. What are you going to have, orange juice or Coke? - …. , I’m not thirsty.9. Nick and Tom are … my friends.10.  .. the jars, the big one and the small one, are empty. You can take … of them.

Unit 8


Grammar: Grammar revision

Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to use active vocabulary of this theme in different forms of speech exercises.

Students should be better at discussing human rights.

Students should know the rule of Infinitive Constructions and fulfill grammar exercises.

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to timetable.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Rocket engines engineering”.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Rocket engines engineering”.

Define the basic styles in rocket engineering and its role in our country. Discuss in groups “High energy automatic systems engineering”.

Grammar: Introduce and practice The Complex Subject. Revise the use of Continuous and Perfect Tenses.


1. The scientific and technological progress will continue in engineering along two main headlines. Firstly, it is automation, including the creation of «unmanned» industries. Secondly, raising the reliability and extending the service life of machines.

2. This certainly requires new technology. The early machine modules made on a large scale are well suited for «unmanned» industries. Intense work is being carried out by new robots. What we need is not merely manipulators which can take up a work piece and pass it on, but robots which can identify objects, their position in space, etc.

3. We also need machines that would trace the entire process of machining. Some have been designed and manufactured. Over the past few years this country has created new automated coal-digging complexes and machine systems, installations for the continuous casting of steel, machines for spindless spinning and shuttleless weaving, machine-tools for electrophysical and electrochemical treatment of metals, unique welding equipment, automatic rotor transfer lines and machine-tool modules for flexible industries.

4. New technologies and equipment have been designed for most branches of engineering. In the shortest time possible we are to start producing new generations of machines and equipment, which would allow us to increase productivity several times and to find a way for the application of advanced technologies.

5. Large reserves in extending service life for machines can be found in the process of designing. At present, advanced methods have been evolved for designing machines proceeding from a number of criteria. Automatic design systems allow for an optimizing of the solutions in design and technology when new machines are still in the blueprint stage.

6. A promising reserve in increasing the life of parts is strengthening treatment. In recent years new highly-efficient methods have been found. First and foremost of them is the vacuum plasma method for coating components with hard alloy compounds, such as nitrides and carbides of titanium, tungsten and boron. Methods have been designed for reinforcing machine parts most vulnerable to wear and tear, such as in grain harvesters, to make them last several times longer.

7. Thus, it is not merely numbers engineers and scientists are after, rather it is a matter of major characteristics. In other words, this is a matter of quality, and not of the mere number of new machines, apparatuses and materials.

Упражнение 3. Догадайтесь о значении следующих интернациональных слов. Найдите данные слова в тексте и уточните их значения по контексту:

module, robot, to identify, manipulator, electrophysical, electrochemical, unique, rotor, line, productivity, to reserve, criteria, to optimize, vacuum, plasma, component, nitride, carbide, titanium, apparatus.

Упражнение 4.

1. Выпишите из третьего абзаца текста словосочетания, обозначающие названия новых машин, механизмов, установок. Уточните их значения с помощью политехничес-кого словаря.

2. Переведите предложения с данными словосочетаниями на русский язык.

Упражнение 5. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты для следующих русских словосочета-ний:

срок службы, передовые методы, электрофизическая обработка, модуль станка, система проектирования, составы из твердых сплавов, методы вакуумной плазмы, упрочнение деталей машин, гибкое производство, полностью автоматизированное производство.

Упражнение 6. Определите, какие из данных высказываний соответствуют содержанию текста.

1. There are two main trends in modern machine-building: automation and raising of the reliability of machines. 2. The creation of «unmanned» industries is included into automation.
3. Machine modules and robots are not suited for «unmanned industries». 4. Automation and raising of the reliability of machines require new technologies. 5. Advanced technologies are applied in most branches of engineering. 6. The service life of machine parts can't be increased by strengthening treatment. 7. Hard alloy compounds are employed for coating components.
8. The process of designing can also be automated. This gives the advantage of optimizing solutions in design and technology.

Упражнение 7. Ответьте на вопросы по теме «Trends in Modern Machine-Building Industry».

1. Name the main trends in modern machine-building. 2. What does automation include?
3. In what way can automation be achieved? 4. What is the role of new technologies? 5. Give some examples of advanced methods for increasing the service life of machine parts. 6. How can the process of designing be improved? 7. What is the main task of the engineers and scientists developing new machines and technologies?

Grammar : Revision.

Ex.5. Combine each of the following parts of sentences using an Infinitive.

1. I am buying bread. I want to feed the bird.2. He opened the door. He intended to go out.3. He rushed into the burning house. He wanted to save the child.4. He rang the bell. He wanted to tell us that the dinner was ready.5. The farmer shot the rifle. He wanted to frighten the birds.6. He sent his children to his sister’s house. He wanted them to watch the television programme.7. I am saving up. I want to buy a car.8. I keep my hens in a field surrounded by wire netting. I want to protect them against the foxes.

Ex.6. Complete the following sentences by adding the Infinitive to each sentence.

1. The general idea was …2. His hobby is …3. The first thing you must do is …4. The last thing I meant was ..5. The main thing is …6. The only thing to do was …7. Your only chance is …8. Your job will be …9. My only wish is …10. What I want is …

Ex.7. Reply to the following sentences as in the example:

         If Tom meets us at the station we’ll be all right.

         But what’ll we do if he doesn’t meet us?   

1. I f he pays me tonight I’ll have enough money for the tickets.2. If I get a work permit I’ll stay for another six  months.3. If I pass this exam I’ll go to the university next October.4. If I can find a cheap room I’ll stay a fortnight.5. Your parachute should open after ten seconds.6. Tell the police the truth. I’m sure they’ll believe you.7. If the baby is a girl we’re going to call her Ann.8. If London airport is clear of fog we’ll land there.9. If the ice is thick enough we’ll be able to walk across the river.10. If we get a lift we’ll be in time.

Ex.8. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1. If I (wake) up to find the room full of smoke I (have) no idea what to do.2. I he (go) off with another girl I (pine) away and die.3. If we (work) all night we (finish) in time.4. If I (come) across two men fighting with knives I (call) the police.5. He (be) too horrified to speak at first. But when he’d recovered from the shock, he probably (start) talking about a divorce.6. If I (throw) my clothes away I (have) to ask my husband for 1.000$ to buy new ones.7.  If I (have) heaps of money I (drink) champagne with every meal.8. Why don’t you get a cat? If you (keep) a cat the mice (not run) about everywhere.9. If it (be) summer the people (not sit) round that big fire.10.  If the earth suddenly (stop) spinning we all (fly) off it.

Ex.9. Rewrite these sentences, using an if construction.

         He smokes too much; perhaps that’s why he can’t get rid of his cough.

         If  he didn’t smoke so much he might get rid of his cough .  

1. She is very shy; that’s why she doesn’t enjoy parties.2. He doesn’t take any exercise; that’s why he is so unhealthy.3. The shops don’t deliver now, which makes life difficult.4. We haven’t any matches so we can’t light a fire.5. He never polishes his shoes, so he never looks smart.6. I have no dog, so I don’t like being alone in the house at night.7. My house is guarded by two Alsatian dogs. That’s the only reason it isn’t broken into every night.8. People drive very fast. That’s why there are so many accidents.9. The flats are not clearly numbered, so it is very difficult to find anyone.10. You don’t wipe your feet, so you make muddy marks all over the floor.

Ex.10. Finish the following sentences.

1. If  you had a carpet on the stairs …2. If you should see a shake …3. If I lived in the country …4. He was sleepwalking. When I saw him going towards the window I stopped him. If I hadn’t stopped him …5. The milk wouldn’t have turned sour if …6. If you have another puncture …7. The hijackers threatened to kill the pilot unless he ….8. If buses and trains were free …9. If the price of petrol goes up …10. Unless you isolate people with infectious diseases …

Unit 9


Grammar:  The gerund

Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to use active vocabulary of this theme in different forms of speech exercises.

Students should be better at discussing human rights.

Students should know the rule of Infinitive Constructions and fulfill grammar exercises.

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to timetable.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Rocket engines engineering”.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Rocket engines engineering”.

Define the basic styles in rocket engineering and its role in our country. Discuss in groups “High energy automatic systems engineering”.

Grammar: Introduce and practice The Complex Subject. Revise the use of Continuous and Perfect Tenses.


A major advance in the twentieth century manufacturing was the development of mass production techniques. Mass production refers to manufacturing processes in which an assembly line, usually a conveyer belt, moves the product to stations where each worker performs a limited number of operations until the product is assembled. In the automobile assembly plant such systems have reached a highly-developed form. A complex system of conveyer belts and chain drives moves car parts to workers who perform the thousands of necessary assembling tasks.

Mass production increases efficiency and productivity to a point beyond which the monotony of repeating an operation over and over slows down the workers. Many ways have been tried to increase productivity on assembly lines: some of them are as superficial as piping music into the plant or painting the industrial apparatus in bright colors; others entail giving workers more variety in their tasks and more responsibility for the product.

These human factors are important considerations for industrial engineers who must try to balance an efficient system of manufacturing with the complex needs of workers.

Another factor for the industrial engineer to consider is whether each manufacturing process can be automated in whole or in part. Automation is a word coined in the 1940s to describe processes by which machines do tasks previously performed by people. The word was new but the idea was not. We know of the advance in the development of steam engines that produced automatic valves. Long before that, during the Middle Ages, windmills had been made to turn by taking advantage of changes in the wind by means of devices that worked automatically. Automation was first applied to industry in continuous-process manufacturing such as refining petroleum, making petrochemicals, and refining steel. A later development was computer-controlled automation of assembly line manufacturing, especially those in which quality control was an important factor.

Упражнение 2. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

mass production, conveyer belt, assembly line, industrial engineer, manufacturing process, continuous-process manufacturing, assembly line manufacturing, computer-controlled automation.

Упражнение 3. Прочитайте текст еще раз и найдите в нем словосочетания, равнозначные по значению следующим определениям:

1. ... manufacturing of large quantities of similar products with each worker in the plant performing only a limited number of operations on the product ... 2. ... an arrangement of equipment, machines and workers so that work passes in line until the product is assembled ...
3. ... the process of operating and controlling mechanical devices by automatic means without action by human beings ... .

Упражнение 4. Определите, какие из приводимых парных высказываний соответст-вуют содержанию текста:

a) 1. Mass production referred to manufacturing processes with an assembly line. 2. Mass production refers to manufacturing processes with an assembly line.

б) 1. Automated processes do tasks which have been performed by people. 2. Automated processes do tasks which were performed by people.

в) 1. Automation was first applied to assembly line manufacturing, then to continuous-process manufacturing such as refining steel. 2. Assembly line manufacturing was a later development of industrial automation.

Grammar: Non-finite form of the verb: Gerund.





Being written


Having written

Having been written

The Indefinite Gerund denotes an action simultaneous with that of the predicate: He avoided making the same mistake again.

The Perfect Gerund denotes an action prior to that of the predicate: He admitted having made the mistake.

The Gerund is always used after:

Verbs followed by prepositions: accuse of, apologize for, forgive for, result in, thank for, insist on, depend on, hear of  etc.

Nouns used with prepositions: chance of, difficulty of, plan for, purpose of, way of, skill in, opportunity of, idea of, interest in, mistake of, experience in.

Phrasal verbs: leave off, keep on, put off, go on, give up, burst out.

Such verbs as: avoid, consider, escape, excuse, finish, forgive, miss, risk, include, practice, mind, justify.

Word combinations: be afraid of, be angry for, be busy, be capable of, be disappointed at, be fond of, be grateful for, be worried about, be responsible for, have difficulty in.

Prepositions: after, before, besides, instead of, in spite of, on, without, by.

Ex. 6. Translate the sentences from English into Russian.

1. Could you please stop making so much noise?2. I don’t enjoy writing letters.3. Does your work involve meeting a lot of people?4. I considered taking the job but in the end I decided against it.5. If you work into the road without looking you risk being knocked down by a car.6. I don’t fancy going out this evening.7. Do you think the grass needs cutting?8. I wonder what prevented him from coming to the party.8. The arrested man was suspected of breaking into the house.

Ex. 7.  Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary.

1. She only succeeded … blocking the way.2. She showed no intention .. leaving.3. There is no point … staying.4. He did not object …  being examined.5. I was not used … driving a big car through crowded streets.6. She was surprisingly clever … finding out things.7. They positively insisted … visiting all the rooms.8. Everything depends .. being on the spot.9. I thanked him again .. lending me the car.10. After all I’m personally responsible … bringing you back safe and sound.

Ex. 8. Replace the parts in bold type by gerund.

1. When she saw him she stopped reading at once and put the letter away and even did not explain anything.2. In this thick fog she was afraid that she might be knocked down.3. He preferred to keep silent for fear that he might say something inopportune.4. He felt much better after he had been operated on.5. He was not only the author of brilliant short stories, but he was also a talented playwright.6. While he was writing his report, he remembered that he had forgotten to mention some facts.7. When the girl entered the room, she glanced a little wonderingly at the faces of the three men.8. The whole neighborhood was so dearly and run-down that he hated the thought that he would have to live there.

Unit 10


Grammar: Gerundial construction

Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to use active vocabulary of this theme in different forms of speech exercises.

Students should be better at discussing human rights.

Students should know the rule of Infinitive Constructions and fulfill grammar exercises.

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to timetable.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Rocket engines engineering”.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Rocket engines engineering”.

Define the basic styles in rocket engineering and its role in our country. Discuss in groups “High energy automatic systems engineering”.

Grammar: Introduce and practice The Complex Subject. Revise the use of Continuous and Perfect Tenses.



We now use the term automation for specific techniques combined to operate automatically in a complete system. These techniques are possible because of electronic devices, most of which have come into use in the last thirty years. They include program, action, sensing or feedback, decision, and control elements as components of a complete system.

The program elements determine what the system does and the step-by-step manner in which it works to produce the desired result. A program is a step-by-step sequence that breaks a task into its individual parts. Some steps in an industrial automation program direct other parts of the system when and how to carry out their jobs.

The action elements are those which do the actual work. They may carry or convey materials to specific places at specific times or they may perform operations on the materials. The term mechanical handling device is also used for the action elements.

Perhaps the most important part of an automated system is sensing or feedback. Sensing devices automatically check on parts of the manufacturing process such as the thickness of a sheet of steel or paper. This is called feedback because the instruments return or feed back this information to the central system control.

The decision element is used to compare what is going on in the system with what should be going on. It receives information from the sensing devices and makes decisions necessary to maintain the system correctly. If some action is necessary the decision element can give instructions or commands to the system.

The control element consists of devices to carry out the commands of the decision element. There may be many kinds of devices: valves that open or close, switches that control the flow of electricity, or regulators that change the voltage in various machines; they make the necessary corrections or adjustments to keep the system in conformity with its program.

An industrial engineer working with automated systems is a part of a team. Many components of the system, such as computers, are electronic devices. So electronic engineers and technicians are also involved. Many of the industries in which automation has proved particularly suitable − chemicals, papermaking, metals processing − involve chemical processes, so there may be chemical engineers at work too. An industrial engineer with expertise in all these fields may become a system engineer for automation projects thereby coordinating the activities of all the members of the team.

Grammar: Non-finite form of the verb: Gerundial constructions.

There are some cases when the Gerund is related to its own “subject”, expressed by a noun or pronoun: We appreciate your helping us./ We enjoyed the band’s playing very much.

A gerundial construction is nearly always rendered in Russian by a clause, generally introduced by “то,что” / ”тем,что “/ “как “.

The nominal element of the construction can be expressed in different ways:

If it denotes a living being it may be expressed  by a possessive pronoun or a noun in the possessive case: Do you mind my smoking?

When the nominal element consists of two or more noun, possessive case is not used: I object to Mary and Jane going out on such a windy day.

If the nominal element denotes a lifeless thing it is expressed by a noun in the common case: I said something about my clock being slow.

Ex.5. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. We appreciate John’s helping us. 2. I can’t imagine my mother approving it.3. They resented my winning the prize. 4. I think that’s enough to start her worrying. 5. I can’t excuse her not answering our invitation.6. I can’t bear him interfering in what I do. 7. I really miss him playing the piano in the evening. 8. Excuse, my asking but does everyone in your family approve of your flying. 9. Your coming has done him good. 10. I wonder at Jolyon’s allowing the engagement.

Ex.6. Join two sentences, using gerunds.

Example: The children are making such a noise. Can you stop them making such a noise?

                Students must write their corrections carefully. The teacher insists on  ….

                The teacher insists on students’ writing their corrections carefully.

1.  told that my watch was five minutes slow. Have you forgotten …. 2. He allows his son to drive his car. He doesn’t mind … 3. No one helped her with her homework. She did her homework without …. 4. He got my letter although I had addressed it wrongly. He got my  letter in spite of ….  5. I beat him at tennis, and he wasn’t pleased at all. He hated … 6. She was afraid that the baby would fall out of the bed. She was afraid of … 7. He doesn’t believe that a boy of twelve should have too much pocket-money. He doesn’t believe in … 8. My father doesn’t like me to stay out late at night. He doesn’t like … .

Ex.7. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using gerundial constructions.

1. Я слышал о том, что он назначен директором большого завода.2. Я не возражаю против того, чтобы они приехали сюда. 3. Я помню, что он мне об этом говорил несколько дней тому назад.4. Я слышал о том, что его посылают на юг.5. Нет надежды, что он закончит работу к вечеру. 6. Вы не имеете ничего против, чтобы я курил здесь. 7. Мы настаивали на том, чтобы они начали переговоры немедленно.8. Он отвечает за то, чтобы работа была закончена вовремя.

Unit 11


Grammar: Infinitive and gerundial constructions

Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to use active vocabulary of this theme in different forms of speech exercises.

Students should be better at discussing human rights.

Students should know the rule of Infinitive Constructions and fulfill grammar exercises.

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to timetable.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Rocket engines engineering”.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Rocket engines engineering”.

Define the basic styles in rocket engineering and its role in our country. Discuss in groups “High energy automatic systems engineering”.

Grammar: Introduce and practice The Complex Subject. Revise the use of Continuous and Perfect Tenses.


1. An automatic transfer line (transfer machine) is a system of machine tools, work transference devices, and checking devices, which automatically carry out machining or assembling with predetermined interconnection and sequence, being operated by a central control system. Automatic transfer lines represent a higher stage of manufacturing process organization.

2. Automatic transfer lines (or simply transfer lines) fall into nine categories, depending on the mode of feeding blanks into the line and ejecting finished parts out of the line (piece-by-piece, a group of parts, a continuous flow of parts). Depending on the rate of production, transfer lines are classified as single-flow (progressive action) lines and multiple-flow (parallel-progressive) lines. As to the type of machine tools employed, there are transfer lines with special machine tools designed and built for a given line, with unit-built machines, with semi- and fully-automatic general-purpose machines, and with modernized (automated) universal machines.

3. As to the type of intermachine transfer system, transfer lines are classified as:

a) the pass-through type in which the workpiece passes through the clamping zone (this type being used for machining housing-type parts on automatic unit-built machines);

b) the overhead type, where the workpiece is conveyed horizontally in a longitudinal direction and vertically in a transverse direction;

c) the side-loading (frontal) type with longitudinal and transverse conveying movements;

d) the combined-transfer type;

e) the rotary conveying type, used in rotary transfer lines.

4. With respect to the arrangement of equipment, transfer lines are divided into closed-loop and open-loop types. Closed-loop transfer lines may be circular and rectangular. Circular transfer lines, for example, rotary transfer machines, feature a small number of stations and a rotary indexing table. Most transfer lines have an open-loop arrangement, such as straight-line (in line), L-shaped, U-shaped, W-shaped, and zigzag.

5. The kind of workpiece and the sequence of operations in a manufacturing process are the key factors which determine the type of transfer line. As to the kind of workpieces machined the transfer lines are classified, as those for housing-type parts, for shafts, for disc-shaped parts (gear wheels, etc.), for antifriction bearing races, and for small parts (screws, pins, rollers, etc.).

Упражнение 5. Подтвердите или опровергните высказанное утверждение, используя следующие фразы:

That's right... / That's not right...

The rate of production and the control system are the key factors which determine the type of transfer line.

Упражнение 6. Укажите абзац, в котором, по вашему мнению, выражена обобща-ющая мысль текста.

Упражнение 7. Определите количество типов межстаночных транспортировочных механизмов.

Упражнение 8. Выберите из текста слова-синонимы, относящиеся к понятию «транспортировочный механизм».

Упражнение 9. Просмотрите текст еще раз и выберите полезную информацию, относящуюся к вашей специальности.

Grammar: Infinitive and Gerund constructions.

As usual some verbs may take either infinitive or gerund without change of meaning.

With begin, start, continue, cease either infinitive or gerund may be used without difference in meaning, but the infinitive is more usual with verbs of knowing and understanding and the verb matter: I began working./ I began to work.

After can/could bear (chiefly used in the negative) either gerund or infinitive can be used: I can’t bear waiting/ to wait.

After intend, an infinitive: I intend to sell it (more usual). The Infinitive is necessary when we have intend + object: I intend him to take over the department.

With advise, allow, permit, recommend. If the person concerned is mentioned we use the Infinitive: He advised me to apply at once. But If the person is not mentioned, the gerund is used: He  recommends buying the big tins.

It needs/ requires/ wants can be followed either by the gerund or by the passive Infinitive, the gerund being the more usual: The grass wants cutting or The grass needs to be cut.

Verbs which may take either Infinitive or gerund: forget, hate, like, love, prefer, propose, regret, try, used to, want.

Ex.6.  Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (gerund or Infinitive).

I am looking forward (to see) you.2. I arranged (to meet) them here.3. He urged us (to work) faster.4. He warned her (not touch) the wire.5. Don’t forget (to lock) the door before (to go) to bed.6. You are expected (to know) the safety regulations of the college.7. I am prepared (to wait) here all night if necessary.8. Would you mind (to show) me how (to work) the lift.9. The boys like (to play) games but hate (to do) lessons.10. I can’t help (to sneeze): I caught a cold yesterday from (to sit) in a draught.

Ex.7.  Translate the sentences into English using Infinitives or gerund forms.

1. Она стала плакать.2. Я хотел что-нибудь выяснить о нем.3. Поль не нуждается в защите.4. Он любил находиться в обществе своих родственников.5. Теперь я начал понимать кое-что.6. Вскоре я перестал быть полезным им.7. Дэн не мог не видеть, что лицо миссис Джоунз распухло от слез.8. Я предложил найти доктора и привести его домой.9. Они позабыли пригласить меня.10. Мне не хотелось оставлять его.11. Яне мог вынести, чтобы со мной обращались так холодно.12. Ты не забыл послать деньги.13. Я решил не беспокоить его своими проблемами.14. Он пробовал выращивать там картошку.15. Я знал, что он старается копить деньги.16. Я устал притворяться, что пишу и читаю.17. Несмотря на дождь, мы продолжали ждать.18. Я помню, что она так много болтала.19. Ее друзья обещали найти ей работу.20. Он продолжал упорно звонить в гостиницу.

Unit 12

Theme:Quality management

Grammar: Subjunctive mood I

Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to use active vocabulary of this theme in different forms of speech exercises.

Students should be better at discussing human rights.

Students should know the rule of Infinitive Constructions and fulfill grammar exercises.

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to timetable.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Rocket engines engineering”.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Rocket engines engineering”.

Define the basic styles in rocket engineering and its role in our country. Discuss in groups “High energy automatic systems engineering”.

Grammar: Introduce and practice The Complex Subject. Revise the use of Continuous and Perfect Tenses.

Quality management

Let me introduce myself to you. I’m … . I was born in Biysk in 19… . I finished school
№ … years ago. I passed three entrance exams and entered Biysk Technological Institute. I study at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty. Now I am a second year student. There are many specialities at our Institute, but I chose Quality Control Engineering. This speciality aims to train specialists who will create the quality control systems at various enterprises according to the ISO 9000 International Standards. International Organization for Standardization is the world’s largest developer of standards. These standards have great economic and social importance and benefit both for business and customers. They contribute to making  development and supply of products more efficient and safer. When things go well it is often because they conform to standards.

Our graduates will be able to provide, evaluate and certify the product quality. Modern service industry, state and private enterprises are in need of such specialists.

Thus, the problem of employment does not trouble them.

No society can be successful without perfecting its products and services. Modern enterprises are to raise their products quality. They also must have the advanced management system. So our graduates can work as quality managers at any enterprise or firm.

To become high skilled experts we are to know much. That is why we are taught many general and special subjects, such as Mathematics, Management, Economics, Ecology, Computer Networks and others. Modern life is impossible without computers and a foreign language, often English. Well equipped computer classes and a video class are at our disposal. Our students attend lectures, have laboratory works. They also take part in different scientific conferences.

If our graduates are eager to continue their studies they are welcome to enter a post-graduate course and to get the candidate’s degree.

Personally I try to do my best to become a good specialist and work according to my speciality.

Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте слова, однокоренные данным, определите их часть речи и переведите:

special, manage, engineer, develop, standard, industrial, important, evaluation, employ, differ.

Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие группы слов:

Mechanical Engineering Faculty, modern industrial production, quality control engineering, quality control systems, benefit both for business and customers, service industry, quality manager, International Organization for Standardization.

Упражнение 5. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты:

оценивать качество продукции, система контроля качества, общие и специальные предметы, крупнейший в мире разработчик стандартов, повышать качество продукции, находятся в распоряжении.

Grammar:  Subjunctive Mood I.

The first type of sentences is probable. The verb in the if- clause is in the present tense; the verb in the main clause is in the future simple. I doesn’t matter which comes first: If he runs he’ll get there in time.

This type of sentence implies that the action in the if-clause is quite probable.

Possible variations of the basic form.

Variations of the main clause. Instead of if + present + may/might (possibility): If the fog gets thicker the plane may/might be diverted.

If + present + may (permission) or can (permission or ability): If your documents are in order you may/can leave at once.

If + present + must, should or any expressions of command, request or advice: If you want to lose weight you must/ should eat less bread.

If + present + another present tense, if + two present tenses is used to express automatic or habitual results: If you heat ice turns to water

If + present continuous, to indicate a present action or a future arrangement: If you are waiting for a bus (present action) you’d better join the queue.

If + present perfect: If you have finished dinner I’ll ask the waiter for the bill.

Ex.5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

1. If I see him I (give) him a lift.2. The table will collapse if you (stand) on it.3. If he (eat) all that he will be ill.4. If I find your passport I (telephone) you at once.5. The police (arrest) him if they catch him.6. Someone (steal) your car if you leave it unlocked.7. If she (need) a radio she can borrow mine.8. What will happen if my parachute (not open).9. If he (be) late we’ll go without him.10. Unless he (sell) more he won’t get much commission.11. If you (not believe) what I say, ask your mother.12. Should you require anything else please (ring) the bell for the attendant.

Ex.6. Translate into English.

1. Если мы не найдем такси, мы опоздаем на поезд.2. Если ты будешь слушать внимательно, ты все поймешь.3. Если я буду врачом, я буду лечить вас.4. Если вы мне поможете, я закончу работу к вечеру.5. Я пойду к ним в гости, если они меня пригласят.7. Ты узнаешь все новости, если прочитаешь вечернюю газету.8. Она придет раньше, если закончит свои дела.9. Если я поеду в город, я захвачу тебя с собой.10. Она будет учиться хорошо, если поступит в университет.

Unit 13


Grammar: Subjunctive mood II

Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to use active vocabulary of this theme in different forms of speech exercises.

Students should be better at discussing human rights.

Students should know the rule of Infinitive Constructions and fulfill grammar exercises.

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to timetable.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Rocket engines engineering”.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Rocket engines engineering”.

Define the basic styles in rocket engineering and its role in our country. Discuss in groups “High energy automatic systems engineering”.

Grammar: Introduce and practice The Complex Subject. Revise the use of Continuous and Perfect Tenses.


If there were no standards, we would soon notice. Standards make an enormous contribution to most aspects of our lives − although very often that contribution is invisible. It is when there is an absence of standards that their importance is brought home. For example, as purchasers or users of products, we soon notice when they turn out to be of poor quality, do not fit, are incompatible with equipment we already have, are unreliable or dangerous. When products meet our expectations, we tend to take this for granted. We are usually unaware of the role played by standards in raising levels of quality, safety, reliability, efficiency and interchangeability − as well as in providing such benefits at an economical cost.

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world's largest developer of standards. Although ISO's principal activity is the development of technical standards, ISO standards also have important economic and social repercussions. ISO standards make a positive difference, not just to engineers and manufacturers for whom they solve basic problems in production and distribution, but to society as a whole.

The International Standards which ISO develops are very useful. They are useful to industrial and business organizations of all types, to governments and other regulatory bodies, to trade officials, to conformity assessment professionals, to suppliers and customers of products and services in both public and private sectors, and, ultimately, to people in general in their roles as consumers and end users.

ISO standards contribute to making the development, manufacturing and supply of products and services more efficient, safer and cleaner. They make trade between countries easier and fairer. They provide governments with a technical base for health, safety and environmental legislation. They aid in transferring technology to developing countries. ISO standards also serve to safeguard consumers, and users in general, of products and services − as well as to make their lives simpler.

When things go well − for example, when systems, machinery and devices work well and safely − then often it is because they conform to standards. And the organization responsible for many thousands of the standards which benefit society worldwide is ISO.

Слова к тексту:











turn out










take for granted

считать само собой разумеющимся






орган (организация)










в конечном счете






гарантия, гарантировать


польза, приносить пользу

bring home

убедить, заставить понять

Упражнение 1. Найдите в тексте ответ на вопрос, вынесенный в заголовок.

Упражнение 2. Определите значение следующих слов по их фонетическому и графическому сходству с русскими словами:

standard, aspect, product, role, economical, engineer, international, professional, base, technology, system.

Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте предложения, выражающие одну и ту же мысль.

Упражнение 4. Прочтите первые предложения абзацев и назовите вопросы, которые будут рассматриваться в тексте.

Упражнение 5. Сократите текст за счет подробностей, которые могут быть опущены без ущерба для содержания.

Упражнение 6. Какие из данных предложений можно использовать в тексте?

  1.  Suppliers can base the development of their products and services on specifications that have wide acceptance in their sectors.
  2.  International standards can contribute to the quality of life in general.
  3.  Each participating member in ISO has one vote.
  4.  ISO standards are voluntary.
  5.  ISO standards are technical agreements which provide the framework for compatible technology worldwide.

Grammar: Subjunctive Mood II.

The verb in the if-clause is in the past tense; the verb in the main clause is in the conditional tense: If I had a map I would lend it to you.

Type 2 is used:

When the supposition is contrary to known facts: If I lived near my office I’d be in time for work. ( But I don’t live near my office).

When we don’t expect the action in the if-clause to take place: If a burglar came into my room at night I’d scream. (But I don’t expect a burglar to come in).

Might or could may be used instead of would: If you tried again you would succeed. (certain result). If you tried again you might succeed. (possible result). If I had a permit he could get a job. (ability or permission).

Ex.5. Finish these sentences, taking care to use the correct tenses.

1. If he had  my advice … .2. If you ate less …3. We’ll send for the doctor …4. If she practiced more …5. If there isn’t enough wine in the bottle …6. If you have checked the petrol before we started …7. This clock wouldn’t have run down if …8. If these gates are locked …9. If we leave before breakfast…10. The grass would look better if …11. If you didn’t shake the camera so much, your photographs …12. I brought my coat … 13. If Tom rings while I’m out …14. Try on the blue one if ….15. Her life might  been saved if …14. If your uncle sees you ….

Ex.6. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

1. If  I had a typewriter I (type) it myself. 2.  I shouldn’t drink that wine if I (be) you.3. More tourists would come to this country if it (have) a better climate.4. If you (not sneeze) he wouldn’t have known that we were there.5. The hens (not get) into the house if you   shut the door.6. Rome (be captured) by her enemies if the geese hadn’t cackled.

Unit 14


Grammar: Subjunctive mood II

Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to use active vocabulary of this theme in different forms of speech exercises.

Students should be better at discussing human rights.

Students should know the rule of Infinitive Constructions and fulfill grammar exercises.

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to timetable.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Rocket engines engineering”.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Rocket engines engineering”.

Define the basic styles in rocket engineering and its role in our country. Discuss in groups “High energy automatic systems engineering”.

Grammar: Introduce and practice The Complex Subject. Revise the use of Continuous and Perfect Tenses.


The International Organization for Standardization (ISO or Iso) is an international standard-setting body made up of representatives from national standards bodies. Founded in 1947 February 23, the organization produces world-wide industrial and commercial standards.

While the ISO defines itself as a non-governmental organization (NGO), its ability to set standards which often become law through treaties or national standards makes it more powerful than most NGOs, and in practice it acts as a consortium with strong links to governments. Participants include one standards body from each member country and major corporations.

ISO cooperates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), which is responsible for standardization of electrical equipment.

The organization is usually referred to simply as ISO (pronounced eye-so). It is a common misconception that ISO stands for International Standards Organization, or something similar. ISO is not an acronym; it comes from the Greek word isos, meaning equal. In English its name is International Organization for Standardization, while in French it is called Organisation Internationale de Normalisation; to use an acronym would result in different acronyms in English (IOS) and French (OIN), thus the founders of the organization chose ISO as the universal short form of its name. However it should be noted that ISO also identifies itself as the International Organization for Standardization in its own reports.

ISO standards are numbered, and have a format that contains «ISO ISnnnnn:yyyy: Title» where «nnnnn» is the standard number, «yyyy» is the year published, and «Title» describes the subject.

Aside from standards, ISO also creates Technical Reports for documents that cannot or should not become International Standards such as references, explanations, etc. The naming conventions for these are the same as for standards with the exception of having TR pretended in the place of IS in the standard's name. Examples:

  •  ISO IS17799:2000 Code of Practice for Information Security Management
  •  ISO TR15443-1/3 Information Technology − Security Techniques − A Framework for IT Security Assurance parts 1−3

Finally, ISO will on rare occasions issue a Technical Corrigendum. These are amendments to existing standards because of minor technical flaws, improvements to usability or to extend applicability in a limited way. Generally, these are issued with the expectation that the affected standard will be updated or withdrawn at its next scheduled review.

ISO documents are copyrighted and ISO charges for copies of most. ISO does not, however, charge for most draft copies of documents in electronic format. Although useful, care must be taken using these drafts as there is the possibility of substantial change before it becomes finalized as a standard.

During the 1990s, ISO gained a reputation for being slow, bureaucratic, congested, and insensitive to feedback from consumers and businesses. This was mainly due to the catastrophic failure of the enormous Open Systems Interconnect project, which was finally shut down in 1996. Since then, ISO has undertaken modest reforms to decrease the time required to promulgate new standards.

ISO International Standards are not in any way binding on either governments or industry merely by virtue of being International Standards. This is to allow for situations where certain types of standards may conflict with social, cultural or legislative expectations and requirements. This also reflects the fact that national and international experts responsible for creating these standards don't always agree and not all proposals become standards by unanimous vote. The individual nations and their Standards Bodies remain the final arbiter.

The fact that many of the ISO created standards are ubiquitous has led, on occasion, to common usage of «ISO» to describe the actual product that conforms to a standard. Some examples of this are:

  •  CD images end in the file extension «ISO» to signify that they are using the ISO 9660 standard filesystem (there are other file systems that can be used) − hence CD images are commonly referred to as «ISOs». Virtually all computers with CD-ROM drives can read CDs that use this standard. DVD-ROMs also use ISO 9660 filesystems.
  •  Photographic film sensitivity to light, its speed, is measured and determined by ISO standard, hence the film speed is often referred to as its «ISO number». There are equivalent standards giving us its ASA and DIN.

Слова к тексту:





result in

приводить к

the same

такой же, тот же самый






список опечаток



charge for







объявлять, распространять

by virtue of

посредством, на основании





by unanimous vote







означать, иметь значение


мерить, измерять

refer to

ссылаться на что-либо

Grammar: Subjunctive Mood III.

The verb in the if-clause is in the past perfect tense; the verb in the main clause is in the perfect conditional. The time is past and the condition cannot be fulfilled because the action in the if-clause didn’t happen: If I had known that you were coming I would have meet you at the airport. (But I didn’t know, so I didn’t come).

The continuous form of the perfect conditional may be used: At the time of the accident I was sitting in the back of the car, because Tom’s little boy was sitting beside him in front. If Tom’s boy had not been there I would have been sitting in front.

W e can use the past perfect continuous in the if-clause: I was learning a seat belt. If I hadn’t been wearing one I’d have been seriously injured.

Had can be placed first and the if omitted: I f you had obeyed orders this disaster would not have happened = Had you obeyed orders this disaster would not have happened.

Ex.7.  Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

1. If I had known that you were in hospital I (visit) you.2. The ground was very soft. But for that, my horse (win).3. If you (arrive) ten minutes earlier you would have got a seat.4. You would have seen my garden at its best if you (be) here last week.5. If I  (have) a map I would have been all right.6. If I (know) that you were coming I’d have baked a cake.6. If you had told me that he never paid his debts I (not lend) him the money.7. If you (not sneeze) he wouldn’t have known that we were there.8. If he had known that the river was dangerous he (not try) to swim across it.9. If he had known the whole story he (not be) so angry.10. Rome (be captured) by her enemies if the geese hadn’t cackled.

Ex.8. Translate into English.

1.Если  бы я был ребенком, я бы ничего не делал по дому.2.Если бы он знал где они жили раньше, он бы всех повел туда.3. Если бы мне тогда разрешили водить машину, я бы съездил на свою родину.4. Он бы все выкупил, если бы знал цены.5. Нам бы сразу объяснили инструкцию этого аппарата, если бы мы  его купили.6. Они бы не успокоились, если бы не ваши советы.

Ex.9. Translate the verbs in brackets.

1. I wouldn’t have believed it if (я бы не видел) it with my own eyes.2. (я бы предложил) to help him if I had realized that he was ill.3. If (я бы понял) what a bad driver you were I wouldn’t have come with you.4. If I had realized that the traffic lights were red (я бы остановился).5. If (я бы попытался) again I think that I would have succeeded.6. (вы бы не попали) into trouble if you had obeyed my instructions.

Unit 15


Grammar: Grammar revision

Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to use active vocabulary of this theme in different forms of speech exercises.

Students should be better at discussing human rights.

Students should know the rule of Infinitive Constructions and fulfill grammar exercises.

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to timetable.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Rocket engines engineering”.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Rocket engines engineering”.

Define the basic styles in rocket engineering and its role in our country. Discuss in groups “High energy automatic systems engineering”.

Grammar: Introduce and practice The Complex Subject. Revise the use of Continuous and Perfect Tenses.


«Companies that embrace standards that have been globally adopted and reflect world-wide consensus are in the best position to succeed because they are able to create world-class products based on high-quality standards».

This is the view of Craig R. Barrett, chairman and chief executive officer of Intel, the world-leading semiconductor technology company. Barrett is the subject of an exclusive interview in the February issue of ISO Focus (www.iso.org/isofocus), the magazine of the International Organization for Standardization.

«These products have the benefit of being developed with broad participation, incorporating global perspectives and requirements», Barrett tells ISO Focus. «Standards that have been adopted globally free companies to compete in various markets around the world without having to develop multiple versions of a product».

Barrett appreciates that ISO standards are associated with worldwide consensus and quality. «Use of ISO standards in areas of management systems and supplier's declaration of conformity», he says, «have helped us to maintain our world-class manufacturing excellence .... Meeting these requirements will inspire high confidence among governments, regulatory bodies and consumers because the standard represents a world-class benchmark that can be applied globally across all businesses».

As a 'building-blocks' supplier, Intel uses ISO standards in its own products as well as to help set electronics industry-specific standards in, for example, the area of design for environment. Says Barrett, «Intel seeks to conform to international standards to promote product harmonization and to facilitate trade, which in turn makes it easier for our adopters and customers to market their products and compete in more markets around the world».

Both ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001:2004 management system standards, respectively for quality and environment, are fully integrated in Intel's corporate quality network and environmental, health and safety organizations world wide. «We have been able to use [ISO 9001] and its revisions as a means of driving continuous improvement in many areas», Barrett says in the interview. «In addition, we have leveraged the framework in our supplier selection, management and recognition processes, enabling us to keep pace with increasing expectations on supply chain performance».

Global standards also bring a great many benefits to consumers, Barrett emphasizes: «They lead to a higher number of product offerings for consumers, and introduce more competition and lower costs. Consumers are more willing to buy products when they are based on such standards because it is a safer choice».

«Intel remains a committed contributor to the development of ISO specifications», says the company's CEO. The world is getting smaller as people and countries become more interconnected, so the need for global standards has grown .... We look forward to ISO's continued leadership.

Слова к тексту:








польза, преимущество




соединять, объединять






ценить, оценивать






отметка уровня


снабжать, обеспечивать


окружающая среда




содействовать, способствовать




способствовать, поднимать




признание, одобрение



keep pace

идти наравне, не отставать от

Grammar: Revision.

Ex. 5. Translate into English.

Над ним смеялись, когда он сказал это.

На них смотрели с большим интересом, когда они появились в зале.

Я уверен, что его будут слушать с большим вниманием.

Когда лодка пропала из вида, мы пошли домой.

Я надеюсь, что их спору будет скоро положен конец.

Ex. 6. Translate into Russian.

The signal was given and the steamer moved slowly from the dock.

I came home early, but he remained to the end of the concert.

He will return from Leningrad in June; his will stay there another month.

He thought that the train arrived at 6.15.

He will get the letter tomorrow if you send it off now.

After the agreement had been signed, the delegation left Moscow.

Ex.7. Translate into English.

1.В этой комнате холодно.2. еще совсем светло. 3.тепло сегодня? 4. сейчас половина шестого. 5.шел дождь вчера? – да.6. уже поздно  и совсем темно. 7.

Трудно говорить на иностранном языке без ошибок. 8.отсюда очень далеко до вокзала? 9.Очень прият но купаться в мире.10. очень трудно переводить такие тексты без словаря.


Ex.8. Translate the sentences into Russian.   

4. Список основной и дополнительной литературы

4.1. Основная литература:

1. Толегенова Ж.Б. УМКД по дисциплине «Профессионально-ориентированный иностранный язык» для студентов 2 курса специальностей «Космическая технология и техника».

2. Дубровская, С.Г. Учебник английского языка для III этапов обучения в технических вузах: учебник / С.Г. Дубровская [и др.]. М.: АСВ, 2002. – 338 с.

.3. Clive Oxenden, Cristina Latham-Koenig, Paul Seligson New English File / Intermediate Level, 2010.

4. Шевелева С.А. Английский для гуманитариев, (2-ое издание) – М.: «Юнити», 2008 г.

5. English for engineers worksheets and online activities


6.2. Дополнительная литература:

1. «Космическая технология»/ Пособие по английскому языку, Издание второе, Москва «Высшая школа», 1986 г.

2. Бгашев, В.Н. Английский язык для машиностроительных специальностей: учебник / В.Н. Бгашев, Е.Ю. Долматовская. – 3-е изд., испр. и доп. – М.: Астрель, 2005. – 381 с.

3. English speaking practice online http://www.speaking24.com/.

4. Андрианова, Л.Н. Учебник английского языка для заочных технических вузов и факультетов: учебник / Л.Н. Андрианова, Н.Ю. Багрова, Э.В. Ершова. – М., 2000. – 300 с

5. Полякова, Т.Ю. Английский язык для инженеров: учебник / Т.Ю. Полякова, Е.В. Синявская, О.И. Тынкова, Э.С. Улановская. – М.: Высшая школа, 2000. – 300 с.


Темы практических занятий

В часах

3 семестр


Theme:Mass Media & Culture, Is It Tyranny or Education

Grammar: Infinitive

2 ч.


Theme: Human Rights 

Grammar: Infinitive

2 ч.


Theme:High Energy Automatic Systems Engineering

Grammar: The Complex Object

2 ч.


Theme:Rocket Engines Engineering

Grammar: The Complex Subject

2 ч. 



Grammar: Participle I

2 ч.



Grammar: Participle II

2 ч.



Grammar: Conjunctions

2 ч.



Grammar: Grammar revision

2 ч.



Grammar:  The gerund 

2 ч.



 Grammar: Gerundial construction

2 ч.



 Grammar: Infinitive and gerundial constructions

2 ч.


Theme:Quality management

Grammar: Subjunctive mood I

2 ч.



Grammar: Subjunctive mood II

2 ч.



Grammar: Subjunctive mood II

2 ч.



 Grammar: Grammar revision

2 ч.


30 часов

6. Задания для самостоятельной работы обучающихся в неаудиторных занятиях

3 семестр


Задания для СРО (с указанием форм отчета), кол-во часов

Срок сдачи


Do the ex.1-3 on p. 519-520 (К.Н. Качалова «Практическая грамматика английского языка», Москва 1998 г.)

4 часа



Do§182 ex.1 and§183 ex.1 onp. 520(К.Н. Качалова «Практическая грамматика английского языка», Москва 1998 г.)4 часа



Do the tasks 1-3 on pp. 340-341 and ex.1-6 on pp.353-355 (Н.А. Бонк«Учебниканглийскогоязыка»,Москва, ГИС 2008 г.).4 часа



Dotheexercisesof§192-194 onpp. 522-523 (К.Н. Качалова «Практическая грамматика английского языка», Москва 1998 г.)



Dotheex.1-2 onp. 528 (К.Н. Качалова «Практическая грамматика английского языка», Москва 1998 г.)



Dotheexercisesof§237-235 onpp. 529-530 (К.Н. Качалова «Практическая грамматика английского языка», Москва 1998 г.)



Dotheex. 1-7 onpp. 367-369 (Н.А. Бонк «Учебник английского языка», Москва, ГИС 2008 г.).



Dotheexercisesof§243-248 onpp. 532 (К.Н. Качалова «Практическая грамматика английского языка», Москва 1998 г.)



Dotheexercisesof§202-211 onpp. 525-526 (К.Н. Качалова «Практическая грамматика английского языка», Москва 1998 г.)



Visit http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/tests/infinitive-gerund-1andhttp://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/tests/infinitive-gerund-2 on “Best English for You” and do the test



Visit http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/tests/infinitive-gerund-3andhttp://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/tests/infinitive-gerund-4 on “Best English for You” and do the test



Visit http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/tests/conditional-sentences-1 on “Best English for You” and do the tes



Visit http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/tests/conditional-sentences-2on “Best English for You” and do the test



Visit http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/tests/conditional-sentences-3  on “Best English for You” and do the test



Visit http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/tests/conditional-sentences-4  on “Best English for You” and do the test



60 часов

7. Материалы для текущего и рубежного контроля, а также материалы для итогового контроля по завершению дисциплины

Текущий контроль

Текущий контроль по пройденному материалу может осуществляться в форме:

- написания эссе;

- написания и защиты реферата;

- подготовки слайд-шоу;

- устного опроса.

Рубежный контроль (2 варианта по 30 вопросов)

Блок 1

Variant 1

1 If you throw a rock into the water, it __________.

A sinks  B sank   C sunk   D is sinking

2 What __________ you do if there is a thunder storm?

A shall   B will   C are   D have

3 When it snows we __________ outside.

A go   B went   C are going  D goes

4 __________ my parents live in Australia.

A Neither  B Both   C Any   D None

5 There aren’t __________ cars in the car park today.

A much  B some  C many  D none

6 Sorry, we have __________ fresh eggs.

A no   B none   C any   D nothing

7 Sorry, I __________ here on Monday. I have to go to the dentist.

A is   B ‘m   C ‘ll be  D won’t be

8 I __________ 40 years old in 2030.

A is   B am   C will be  D am being

9 I __________ them since they went to Norway.

A haven’t seen        B didn’t see       C wasn’t seen       D won’t see

10 I haven’t eaten any meat __________ I became a vegetarian.

A since  B after   C until   D before

11 How are you? I haven’t seen you __________ a long time?

A since  B after   C before  D for

12 Who __________ the housework in your house?

A makes  B does   C has   D gets

13 If I lost my wallet, I__________ the police.

A phone  B ‘m phone  C ’ll phone  D ’d phone

14 Would you go to the moon if you __________ the chance?

A have   B had   C has   D will have

15 If I didn’t like flying, I __________ be a pilot.

A won’t  B haven’t  C didn’t  D wouldn’t

16 If she __________ recharge her battery, she won’t be able to use her CD player.

A doesn’t  B isn’t   C hasn’t  D wasn’t

17 I __________ to your party, if you don’t want me to come.

A ’ll come  B ’m coming  C won’t come D don’t come

18 Who __________ you talk to, when you have a problem?

A did   B do   C does   D will do

19 Excuse me? Can I buy __________ fresh eggs please?

A a few  B less   C a bit   D a little

20 Have you __________ finished your homework?

A complete  B completed  C full   D completely

21 Are you three girls __________ in the back of the car?

A comfort  B comfortable  C comforted D comforting

22 The play was very long and we were very __________.

A bored  B boring  C bore   D boredom

23 Josef Stalin __________ in this house when he was a child.

A had lived  B used to live  C would live  D lives

24 Jack __________ blue jeans when I saw him.

A wore   B was wearing       C has worn      D wears

25 They arrived after the film __________.

A finished  B had finished        C was finished D finish

Variant 2

1 I __________ 50 years old in 2030.

A is   B am   C will be  D am being

2 There aren’t __________ students in the class today.

A much  B some  C many  D none

3 Excuse me? Can I buy __________ green apples please?

A a few  B less   C a bit   D a little

4 Sorry, we have __________ green apples.

A no   B none   C any   D nothing

5 Sorry, I __________ here on Thursday. I have to go to the dentist.

A is   B ’m  C ’ll be  D won’t be

6 __________ my brothers live in the U.S.A.

A Neither  B Both   C Any   D None

7 When it rains we __________ inside.

A go   B went   C are going    D goes

8 What __________ you do if there is a blackout?

A shall   B will   C are     D have

9 If you throw a stone into the water, it __________.

A sinks  B sank   C sunk   D is sinking

10 Who __________ you talk to when you have a problem?

A did   B do   C does   D will do

11 I __________ to your flat if you don’t want me to come.

A ’ll come  B ’m coming  C won’t come  D don’t come

12 If she __________ recharge her battery, she won’t be able to use her phone.

A doesn’t  B isn’t   C hasn’t  D wasn’t

13 If I didn’t like cooking, I __________ be a chef.

A won’t  B haven’t  C didn’t  D wouldn’t

14 Would you go into space if you __________ the chance?

A have   B had   C has   D will have

15 If I lost my handbag, I __________ the police.

A phone  B ’m phone  C ’ll phone  D ’d phone

16 Who __________ the washing-up in your house?

A makes  B does   C has   D gets

17 How are you? I haven’t seen you __________ a long time?

A since  B after   C before    D for

18 I haven’t eaten any meat __________ I became a vegetarian.

A since  B after   C until   D before

19 I __________ her since she went to Germany.

A haven’t seen  B didn’t see  C wasn’t seen  D won’t see

20 He __________ in this house until he died in 1998.

A lives   B has lived  C lived   D living

21 We __________ French by Mr Dubois, the French teacher.

A teach  B were taught    C learnt    D taught

22 The race __________ by Paul Lucas in 92.8 seconds.

A was won  B has won  C is won  D had won

23 How __________ have you had this boat?

A much  B far   C long   D time

24 What time did you __________ go to bed when you were ten years old?

A must   B should  C have to  D ought to

25 I’ll come and see you after I __________ my essay.

A finished  B will finish  C have finished     D did finishes

Блок 2

Variant 1

1 If you throw a rock into the water, it __________.

A sinks  B sank   C sunk   D is sinking

2 What __________ you do if there is a thunder storm?

A shall   B will   C are   D have

3 When it snows we __________ outside.

A go   B went   C are going  D goes

4 __________ my parents live in Australia.

A Neither  B Both   C Any   D None

5 There aren’t __________ cars in the car park today.

A much  B some  C many  D none

6 Sorry, we have __________ fresh eggs.

A no   B none   C any   D nothing

7 Sorry, I __________ here on Monday. I have to go to the dentist.

A is   B ‘m   C ‘ll be  D won’t be

8 I __________ 40 years old in 2030.

A is   B am   C will be  D am being

9 I __________ them since they went to Norway.

A haven’t seen        B didn’t see       C wasn’t seen       D won’t see

10 I haven’t eaten any meat __________ I became a vegetarian.

A since  B after   C until   D before

11 How are you? I haven’t seen you __________ a long time?

A since  B after   C before  D for

12 Who __________ the housework in your house?

A makes  B does   C has   D gets

13 If I lost my wallet, I__________ the police.

A phone  B ‘m phone  C ’ll phone  D ’d phone

14 Would you go to the moon if you __________ the chance?

A have   B had   C has   D will have

15 If I didn’t like flying, I __________ be a pilot.

A won’t  B haven’t  C didn’t  D wouldn’t

16 If she __________ recharge her battery, she won’t be able to use her CD player.

A doesn’t  B isn’t   C hasn’t  D wasn’t

17 I __________ to your party, if you don’t want me to come.

A ’ll come  B ’m coming  C won’t come D don’t come

18 Who __________ you talk to, when you have a problem?

A did   B do   C does   D will do

19 Excuse me? Can I buy __________ fresh eggs please?

A a few  B less   C a bit   D a little

20 Have you __________ finished your homework?

A complete  B completed  C full   D completely

21 Are you three girls __________ in the back of the car?

A comfort  B comfortable  C comforted D comforting

22 The play was very long and we were very __________.

A bored  B boring  C bore   D boredom

23 Josef Stalin __________ in this house when he was a child.

A had lived  B used to live  C would live  D lives

24 Jack __________ blue jeans when I saw him.

A wore   B was wearing       C has worn      D wears

25 They arrived after the film __________.

A finished  B had finished        C was finished D finish

Variant 2

1 If you throw a rock into the water, it __________.

A sinks  B sank   C sunk   D is sinking

2 What __________ you do if there is a thunder storm?

A shall   B will   C are   D have

3 When it snows we __________ outside.

A go   B went   C are going  D goes

4 __________ my parents live in Australia.

A Neither  B Both   C Any   D None

5 There aren’t __________ cars in the car park today.

A much  B some  C many  D none

6 Sorry, we have __________ fresh eggs.

A no   B none   C any   D nothing

7 Sorry, I __________ here on Monday. I have to go to the dentist.

A is   B ‘m   C ‘ll be  D won’t be

8 I __________ 40 years old in 2030.

A is   B am   C will be  D am being

9 I __________ them since they went to Norway.

A haven’t seen        B didn’t see       C wasn’t seen       D won’t see

10 I haven’t eaten any meat __________ I became a vegetarian.

A since  B after   C until   D before

11 How are you? I haven’t seen you __________ a long time?

A since  B after   C before  D for

12 Who __________ the housework in your house?

A makes  B does   C has   D gets

13 If I lost my wallet, I__________ the police.

A phone  B ‘m phone  C ’ll phone  D ’d phone

14 Would you go to the moon if you __________ the chance?

A have   B had   C has   D will have

15 If I didn’t like flying, I __________ be a pilot.

A won’t  B haven’t  C didn’t  D wouldn’t

16 If she __________ recharge her battery, she won’t be able to use her CD player.

A doesn’t  B isn’t   C hasn’t  D wasn’t

17 I __________ to your party, if you don’t want me to come.

A ’ll come  B ’m coming  C won’t come D don’t come

18 Who __________ you talk to, when you have a problem?

A did   B do   C does   D will do

19 Excuse me? Can I buy __________ fresh eggs please?

A a few  B less   C a bit   D a little

20 Have you __________ finished your homework?

A complete  B completed  C full   D completely

21 Are you three girls __________ in the back of the car?

A comfort  B comfortable  C comforted D comforting

22 The play was very long and we were very __________.

A bored  B boring  C bore   D boredom

23 Josef Stalin __________ in this house when he was a child.

A had lived  B used to live  C would live  D lives

24 Jack __________ blue jeans when I saw him.

A wore   B was wearing       C has worn      D wears

25 They arrived after the film __________.

A finished  B had finished        C was finished D finish

Материалы для итогового контроля (10 топиков)

1. Rocket Engines Engineering

2. Mechanical engineering branches

3. High energy automatic systems

4. American society of mechanical engineers

5. American space engineering

6. Space system in Kazakhstan

7. Space engineering in the world

8. The law of thermodynamics

9. Industrial engineering in Kazakhstan

10. International standards of space engineering


Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университеті

2012-2013 оқу жылы

Шетел тілдері кафедрасы

Пән: Кәсіби бағатталған шетел тілі

Мамандықтар: «Космическая технология и техника»II курс, 1 жартыжылдық, 3 семестр

№1 емтихан билеті

1. Do the written tasks.

2. Read the text #1 and choose the correct answer.

3. Speak on the topic.

20.11.2012 каф. мәж. №3 хатт. бекітілді Кафедра меңгерушісі: __________ Сагимбаева Ж.Е.

8. Каталог электронных ресурсов:

1.         МОН РК // www.edu.gov.kz 

2. Articles & Research Papers // http://iteslj.org/Articles/ 

3. Audio and video clips to help you improve your English // http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/multimedia/index.shtml 

4. AudioEnglish net: on-line Dictionary // http://www.audioenglish.net/dictionary/ 

5. Centre for Independent Language Learning // http://elc.polyu.edu.hk/cill/default4.htm 

6. Daily life in Britain // http://www.woodlandsjunior 

7. English as 2nd Language // http://esl.about.com/od/englishforbusinesswork

8.        English club // http://www.englishclub.com/ 

9.        English Grammar // http://www.edufind.com/english/grammar/toc.cfm

10. English Language Tests and Games // http://www.edufind.com/english/englishtests/index.CFM 

11. English teaching and learning resources // http://www.eslgold.com 

12. ESL Desk - Learn English as a Second Language // http://www.esldesk.com/index.htm   

13.  English Wordgames / http://www.learn-english-today.com/wordgames.html 

14.  Games, handouts, and worksheets for English study and teaching // http://eslgrammar.

15.  Learn English Basics // http://www.learnenglish.de/basics/numbers.htm 

16.  Learning English through movies //  http://www.lingual.net/lingualproductitems/ 

17.  Math printables / http://www.edhelper.com/math.htmProfessional jokes // http://www.workjoke.com/projoke42.htm 

18.  Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab http://www.esl-lab.com/ 

19.  Reasourses for English as 2nd Language http://www.usingenglish.com/

20.  Video exercises / http://www.learnenglishfeelgood.com/eslvideo/index.html 

21.  Virtual language centre / http://www.edict.com.hk/vlc/default.htm 

22.  Центральная научная библиотека МОН РК // http://www.library.kz  

23.  Learning English // http://www.eslteachersboard.com/cgi-bin/english/index.pl 

24.  Writing a Summary: Guidelines // http://glory.gc.maricopa.edu/~mdesoto/101on

1. Курсовая работа- Типология трудовых конфликтов и пути их урегулирования
2. Тема- Таблицы. Создание таблиц
3. Лабораторная работа 28 тЕПЛОПРОВОДНОСТЬ ГАЗОВ Цель работы- Изучение процессов переноса в воздухе ра
4. Контрольная работа- Пороки развития головного мозга
5. ТЕМА- Топографія очеревини та її відношення до органів
6. Азы воспитания подготовка к учебному году задачи на год родительские договора и правила детского
8. тематический и постоянный анализ потребностей и требований ключевых групп потребителей а также разработка
9. тема II Неравенства вида решаются следующим образом
10. Цель фестиваля- популяризация активных видов отдыха среди студентов
11. лекция новинок декоративной косметики компании Батэль
12. Комиссия Европейского Союза
13. либо содержания от прошлых впечатлений и накопленных знаний категоризация иными словами любой объект в
14. Реферат- Информация и информатика.html
15. 1904 утверждал что нельзя относиться к обществу как агрегату физических тел и явлений
16. экономических пространственных образований структура географии и ее место в системе наук
17. Лабораторная работа- Робота з пакетом MathCAD 2000 Pro
18. пространственная среда и предметная среда ее характеристики
19. Науковий потенціал незалежної України