Поможем написать учебную работу
Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.

Предоплата всего

Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.
Предоплата всего
Частина І
(електронне видання)
Рекомендовано Методичною радою НТУУ "КПІ"
Київ 2012
Англійська мова загальнотехнічного спрямуваня. Частина І. = English for the I-st year students of the Institute of Physics and Technology. Part I. : навч. посіб. для студентів І курсу Фізико-технічного інституту / Синекоп О.С., Ярмоленко О.А., Медкова О.М. К. : НТУУ "КПІ", 2012. 275 с.
Гриф надано Методичною радою НТУУ "КПІ"
(Протокол № __ від ....2012 р.)
Автори: |
Синекоп О.С., Ярмоленко О.А., Медкова О.М. |
Відповідальний редактор: |
Конопленко Людмила Олександрівна |
Рецензенти: |
Асоянц П.Г., к.т.н., професор кафедри інформаційних технологій Київського національного лінгвістичного університету Струтинська О.В., к.пед.н., доцент кафедри теоретчних основ інформатики Інституту інформатики Національного педагогічного університету імені М.П. Драгоманова Козьміна Н.А., старший викладач кафедри англійської мови технічного спрямування №1 факультету лінгвістики НТУУ «КПІ» Корбут О.Г., старший викладач кафедри англійської мови технічного спрямування №2 факультету лінгвістики НТУУ «КПІ» |
У навчальному посібнику представлені дев'ять англомовних оригінальних текстів з розробленим методичним забезпеченням у рамках загально технічної тематики. Зокрема, студентам запропонована така тематика, як навчання в університеті, англійська мова і наука, тестування IQ, галузі точних наук.
Навчальний посібник призначений для студентів першого курсу Фізико-технічного інституту рівня володіння мовою − незалежний користувач (B1 − просунутий).
Розроблений навчальний посібник сприятиме систематизації іншомовного навчального матеріалу, формуванню навичок, розвитку і вдосконаленню вмінь у аудіюванні, читанні, говорінні, письмі та перекладі; підвищенню ефективності організації навчання іноземної мови у аудиторний і позааудиторний час, а також поглибленню знань у рамках загальнотехнічних дисциплін.
[1] [2] ??UNIT 2: ?mperial English: the Language of Science. [3] ???????? ???????????????????
[4] [5] ???????? The Principal Elements of the Nature of ?cience: Dispelling the Myths?? [6] ? [7] ???????? ??????????????????? [8] ? [9] ? [10] ? [11] ?
[12] [13] ?? [14] ??????????????????????????????????????? [15] ???????????????????????????? [16] ??????? [17] ??????? [18] ??????? [19] UNIT 4 [20] ??????? [21] ??????? [22] ??????? [23] ??????? [24] ??????? [25] ??????????????????????????
[31] [32] UNIT 1 [33] UNIT 2 [34] UNIT 3 [35] UNIT 4 [36] UNIT 5 [37] UNIT 6
[38] [39] UNIT 8 [40] UNIT 9
[41] [42] ????????????????? [43] ?????? [44] UNIT ?? [45] ???????? [46] ? [47] ????????
[48] [49] ???????? [50] ???????? [51] ????????? [52] ??????? [53] ????????? [54] ???????????? |
English for the first-year students of the Institute of Physics and Technology aims to help learners improve their competence in communication skills. This is achieved in various ways, as the material is flexible in design. It can be used by the first-year-students of the Institute of Physics and Technology, the intermediate stage.
Underlying the material is the conviction that students will learn more readily and efficiently if they are actively and personally involved in their language lessons. Thus, throughout the units, the learners are encouraged to express their own opinion on questions concerning many aspects of science and technology and to discuss and evaluate the role they play in society.
The course includes listening, speaking, reading, writing and problem-solving sections. The material is designed to be used either in the classroom or by the student working alone.
English for the first-year students of the Institute of Physics and Technology covers nine topics: "Our University", "Imperial English: the Language of Science", "The Mind Machine", "IQ Testing", "The Principal Elements of the Nature of Science: Dispelling the Myths", "Beauty in Science", "Mathematics − the Language of Science", "Recreational Mathematics", "The Dawn of Atomic Physics".
While developing the material we have shared a great deal of fun with students, colleagues and friends. We thank them all for their participation, advice and comments, and hope that you will share the fun we had working on the course.
UNIT 1: University.
Education begins a gentleman, conversation completes him.
Dr. Thomas Fuller
mechanical, technological, chemical, glorify, speciality, specialization, engine, consecration, leisure, knowledge, physical, engineering, enthusiasm, metallurgist
b) Practise reading the following figures paying attention to the comma: 70%; 374; 1,000; 21; 15,000; 150,000; 2,000; 2,650,000; 1989−2012 (years).
Example: prominent people
The National Technical University of Ukraine
“The Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.
The National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnic Institute” (NTUU”KPI”) is one of the oldest and biggest higher educational institutions in Ukraine. It is well known not only in our country but abroad as well.
The University is situated not far from the centre of the city in a beautiful shady park. At present the number of students in the NTUU ”KPI” exceeds 50000. They obtain qualifications on 68 specialities and 70 specializations. There are more than 20 faculties and institutes in the KPI. Among them there is the Institute of Physics and Technology where I study.
The Universitys graduates work at numerous enterprises and research institutions all over the country and abroad.
The teaching staff of our institute consists of highly qualified teachers, professors and scientists. 70% of them have scientific degrees. Among them there are academicians and corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences, professors, merited scientists.
Training of full-time students lasts 5 years and 6 months, of tuition by correspondence − 5 years 10 months. About 9000 students are accommodated in 21 hostels, 3 of them are at the disposal of married students. So, almost all non-Kyiv students are provided with hostel facilities.
The Institute was founded in 1898. It had only four departments: mechanical, chemical, agricultural and civil engineering ones. The first enrolment constituted 360 students.
The first rector of the Institute was Professor V.L. Kirpichov, an outstanding scientist in the field of mechanics and strength of materials.
Some Institutes were organized on the KPI basis. Among them are: the Civil Engineering Institute, the Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry, the Institute of Civil Aviation, the Automobile and Road Building Institute, the Agricultural Institute (now Agricultural Academy) and others. In 1934−1944 the KPI was called the Industrial Institute.
A large number of prominent people worked and studied at the KPI: E.O. Paton, the founder of electric welding; M.L. Konovalov, a well-known chemist; L.P. Bardin, the greatest metallurgist in the country; A.M. Liulka, the chief of aeroplane engines and S.P. Korolyov, the great designer of spaceships. President of the First Examining Board in chemical faculty was D.I. Mendeleyev.
Scientists of the University are engaged in researching up-to-date trends of the contemporary development of the human society:
A number of new economic and humanitarian faculties − Management and Marketing, Social Sciences and Law, Linguistics were formed in addition to traditional technical faculties. They revealed opportunities for young people to obtain besides technical specialities, the second higher education in humanities or economics and to become a qualified interpreter or manager. The KPI education meets the standards of the world-known universities at a reasonable tuition fee. The University has its Preparatory School where foreign entrants, within 10-month course study Ukrainian, Russian, English, Mathematics, Physics, Biology and other subjects in the scope that is necessary for further mastering of the university program.
The most active international scientific and technological co-operation is carried out by the chairs of the University with the partners from Poland, Germany, Bulgaria, Denmark, Lebanon, etc. Lately, the relations with China, the USA, Italy, Vietnam, Spain have become more active. The University carries out the students exchange program according to the agreements on collaboration.
The University has at its disposal a disease-prevention centre for employers and students. Our University also takes care of students' leisure. A well-organized leisure is a very important factor in bringing up young specialists.
Knowledge square became the centre of the whole NTUU ”KPI” complex. It is about 105x100 m. Meetings, festivals, consecration into students take place there.
There are many sport grounds, a football field, volleyball and basketball courts at students' disposal. Many students go in for different kinds of sports according to their liking. It helps them keep their body healthy and strong.
higher educational institution |
to be situated |
well-known |
all over the country |
to exceed |
to obtain qualification |
graduate |
abroad |
enterprise |
research |
teaching staff |
to consist of |
to train |
academician |
tuition by correspondence |
to be founded |
civil engineering |
electric welding |
consequences |
tuition fee |
to carry out |
chairs |
exchange program |
agreements on collaboration |
disease-prevention center |
to take care of students' leisure |
consecration into students |
at the disposal |
tuition by correspondence, exchange programs, to obtain qualification, world-known, monitoring, prominent, development, tuition fee
1 |
specialty |
a |
something that logically or naturally follows from an action or condition |
2 |
department |
b |
reflecting the latest information or changes |
3 |
outstanding |
c |
a distinct, usually specialized division of a large organization |
4 |
up-to-date |
d |
a special pursuit, occupation, aptitude, or skill |
5 |
consequence |
e |
prominent, remarkable, or striking |
obtain, up-to-date, consequences, disposal, enterprises, protection, educational, information, research, prominent
1 |
........ of environment |
6 |
liquidation of .......... |
2 |
...... networks |
7 |
numerous ....... |
3 |
........ trends |
8 |
...... institutions |
4 |
........ people |
9 |
higher ....... institutions |
5 |
at the ..... of married students |
10 |
to ....... qualifications |
1 |
to graduate from |
a |
навчати |
2 |
enterprise |
b |
перевищувати |
3 |
teaching staff |
c |
за кордоном |
4 |
to exceed |
d |
тривати |
5 |
abroad |
e |
інженерно-будівельний |
6 |
to train |
f |
викладацький склад |
7 |
to last |
g |
профілакторій |
8 |
at the disposal |
h |
закінчувати (вуз) |
9 |
civil engineering |
i |
у розпорядженні |
10 |
desease-prevention centre |
j |
підприємство |
Verb |
Noun |
graduate |
........, ......... |
design |
........., .........., ......... |
conclude |
............ |
agree |
............. |
organize |
............ |
measure |
............., .............. |
The system of higher 1) _____ (educate) in the United States differs from its counterparts in Europe in certain ways. In the United States, there is a nationwide assumption that students who have completed secondary 2) _____ (schooling) should have at least two years of university education. Hence, a great number of "junior 3) ______ (college)" and "community colleges" have sprung up to provide two years of undergraduate study, in contrast to the 4) _____ (tradition) universities and colleges, where a majority of students complete four years of postgraduate study for a degree and where substantial numbers go on for one to three years of study in a “graduate school.” Universities that provide four-year 5) _____ (studying) courses are either privately funded foundations or are state or city foundations that 6) _____ (dependent) heavily on the government for 7) _______ (finance) support. 8) _______ (Privacy) universities and colleges depend largely on tuition charges levied on students.
chairs, graduates, engage, enrolment, increased, guides
a) an apostrophe ('): the life of students, the scientific work of these teachers, the computer of my friend, a dictionary of a student, a hostel of the University, some laboratories of the faculty, the office of the dean, a lecture of this professor.
b) .... of .....: this authors idea, a department timetable, the teachers room, the colleges curriculum, somebodys books, my classmates credit book, Great Britains universities, a readers subscription.
There is There are There will be There was There were Will there be Were there Was there Are there Is there |
no not any |
We use the verb "do"
We use the verb "make"
For example, you can start “My first day at the University was ...” / “When I entered the hostel I felt ...”
Let me tell you about my first day at the University and my impression of it. At first it was all so confusing and new. There are new customs and words to be learnt and, of course, new rules and regulations. But remembering that I was not the only “freshman” ( as a first-year student is called) I cheered up and very soon made friends. There are about 50000 students at the KPI, so, naturally, it is crowded.
I share a room at the hostel with two guys. We share some interests and get on together well.
What principles do school graduates follow when they choose a course of studies?
Teacher (looking over Students work). “I dont understand how its possible for a single person to make so many mistakes!”
Student (proudly) “It isnt a single person. My best friend helped me.”
− “ Our economics prof talks to himself. Does yours?”
− “ Yes, but he doesnt realize it. He thinks we are listening”.
The more we study, the more we know.
The more we know, the more we forget.
The more we forget, the less we know.
The less we know, the less we forget.
The less we forget, the more we know.
So, why study?
Teacher “Robert, what is a synonym?”
Student “Its a word you use in place of another when you cannot spell the other one.”
Student “But I dont think I deserve an absolute zero.”
Professor “Neither do I, but it is the lowest mark that I am allowed to give.”
a) about a hundred
b) forty
c) fifty
d) forty-five
a) in the twelfth century
b) in the fifteenth century
c) in the seventeenth century
d) in the nineteenth century
a) in medicine
b) in arts and social studies
c) in agriculture forestry, architecture, veterinary.
d) science and technology
You've decided to place an announcement on the Internet. Write short announcements for the situations described below.
Read the text "From the History of the National Technical University of Ukraine “The Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”" and make a mind map to it. Share your mind map with a partner. Explain how the circles are related to each other.
MIND MAPPING To make a mind map, use a whole sheet of paper, and write your topic in the middle, with a circle around it. Then put the next idea in a circle above or below your topic, and connect the circles with lines. The lines show that the two ideas are related. |
Samuel Johnson
If you have any difficulties, see Appendix 7.
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????? ????????,??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
????????????????? |
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??????????????? |
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???????????????????????? |
??????????????????????? |
?????????? |
1? |
??????????? |
a |
?????????????????????????? |
2? |
????????? |
b |
???????????????????????? |
3? |
???????????????? |
c |
besides? |
4? |
????????? |
d |
????????????????????????? |
5? |
?????????? |
e |
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
????????? |
?? |
to link or connect in the mind or imagination? |
?? |
???????????? |
?? |
lack of physical or intellectual ability or qualifications? |
?? |
????????????? |
?? |
happening or arising without apparent external cause? |
?? |
????????????? |
?? |
general acceptance or use? |
??? |
????????? |
?? |
communication of thoughts and feelings through a system of arbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols? |
1? |
????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
???????????????????????????? |
?? |
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
?????????????????????? |
?? |
?????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
????????????? |
?? |
???????????????????????????????? |
?? |
???????????????????? |
?? |
??????????????????????????????????? |
??? |
???????????????????????? |
1? |
??????????? |
a |
невблаганно |
2 |
to master |
b |
рішуче |
3 |
to recall |
c |
оволодівати |
4 |
inexorably |
d |
провести |
5 |
to hold |
e |
згадувати |
6 |
to attend |
f |
переміщати |
7 |
to shift |
g |
бездоганний |
8 |
immaculate |
h |
стікатися |
9 |
to flock |
i |
відвідувати |
????? |
????? |
?????????? |
????????????????????? |
????????????????????????? |
?????????????? |
???????????????????? |
?????????????????????????? |
?????????? |
??????? |
???????????????????????????? ?????????? |
?????????? |
???? |
??????????????????????????? |
???????????????????? |
???????????????????????? |
??????????? ??????????????????????? |
????????? |
?????????????????????????? |
???????? ???????????????????? ???????? |
????????? ????????? |
№ |
How long |
Since |
1 |
listen to this lecture |
8:30 |
2 |
study quantum mechanics |
last term |
3 |
look for information about connection of science and language |
9:00 |
4 |
write a report on mechanics |
July |
??????????? |
??????????? |
????? |
?????????? |
????? |
??????? |
? with? |
??????? |
???????follow? |
????????follow? |
??????????? |
? follows? |
?????????????? |
??????????????????? |
????????? |
???????? |
?????????????????????? |
???????????????? |
????????? |
???????????????? |
1 |
a technical language |
a |
жива мова |
2 |
an artificial language |
b |
міжнародна мова |
3 |
a programming language |
c |
універсальна мова |
4 |
a world language |
d |
державна мова |
5 |
a living language |
e |
штучна мова |
6 |
a foreign language |
f |
офіційна мова |
7 |
a dead/an extinct language |
g |
аналітична мова |
8 |
a universal language |
h |
спеціальна мова |
9 |
a national language |
i |
мертва мова |
10 |
an analytic language |
j |
іноземна мова |
11 |
a formal language |
k |
комп'ютерна мова |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
?? |
?? |
????? |
??? |
?? |
??? |
?? |
??? |
4 |
__ |
The brain needs ten times as much blood as other organs of the body, as it can't store glucose for?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
5 |
??? |
??6 |
??? |
??????????????????????? |
?????????? |
??????????????????? |
??????????????? |
???????????????????????????????????? |
?????????????????????????? |
????????????????? |
???????????????????? |
???????????????????????? |
????????????????????????? |
?????????????????? |
??????????????????????????? |
???????????????????????? |
???????????????????? |
??????????????????? |
????????????? |
????????????????? |
??????????????????? |
1? |
?????? |
a |
???????????????????????????????????????????? |
2? |
????? |
b |
??????????????????????????????????????? |
3? |
??????????? |
c |
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
4? |
???????? |
d |
precisely determined? |
5? |
?????? |
e |
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
???????????? |
?? |
to state to be true, especially when open to question; assert or maintain? |
?? |
???????? |
?? |
to act in response to or under the influence of a stimulus or prompting? |
?? |
????????? |
?? |
a set of customary and often mechanically performed procedures or activities? |
?? |
????????? |
?? |
the capacity to acquire and apply knowledge? |
??? |
????????????? |
?? |
the act or process of consuming? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
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?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
1? |
?????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
??????????????????????? |
?? |
???????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
??????????????? |
?? |
???????????????????????? |
?? |
??????????????????????? |
?? |
?????????????????? |
?? |
?????????????????? |
?? |
????????????????????????????????????? |
??? |
????????????????????? |
include (c), men (m), women (f), great (i), difficult (c), spoken (v), create (p)
1 |
speed |
a |
містити |
2 |
calculations |
b |
викрутка |
3 |
to contain |
c |
становить, складає |
4 |
screwdriver |
d |
швидкість |
5 |
to make up |
e |
обчислення |
6 |
to read upside down |
f |
глибоко сформовані звички |
7 |
deeply formed habits |
g |
конкурувати |
8 |
memory associations |
h |
складні розрахунки |
9 |
to compete |
i |
читати догори ногами |
10 |
complicated calculations |
j |
асоціації пам'яті |
Verb |
Noun |
Adjective |
relate |
..................., relation |
relational, .................... |
................... |
.................... |
continuing, .................... |
fix |
fix, .????????????????????? ??????? |
?????????? ??????????????????? ? |
?????????????????????? |
?????????????????????? ???????????? ?????????????????????? |
??????????????????? |
?????????? |
??????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? |
??????????????????? |
?? |
Your brain needs |
?? |
?????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
??????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
????????????????????????????? |
?? |
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
???????????? testing? |
?? |
?????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
? have proposed? |
??????????? |
?????????? |
?????????????????????? |
????????????????????? |
??????????? |
?????????? |
????????? |
????????????????? |
?????? |
? has been? |
??????? |
????????? |
????????? |
?????????? |
? is not? |
??????????????? |
????????????????????? |
???????? |
?????????? |
?????????????? |
??????? |
?????????????? |
????????? |
?? |
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
? |
?? |
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
? |
?? |
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
? |
?? |
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????computer science − established not merely because they are well understood, but because they 8) ..... fact are products of human engineering. An examination of what this usage means and whether it is correct reveals a great deal about the history and present state 9) ..... artificial intelligence research. And it highlights the aspirations of some of the luminaries of AI − researchers, writers, and advocates 10) .... whom the metaphor of mind-as-machine is dogma rather than discipline.
Компанія IBM оголосила про початок роботи над комп'ютером, що працює за принципом людського мозку. Дослідження фінансується з державного бюджету США.
Для участі в проекті IBM поєднує провідних психологів, нейробіологів і фахівців в галузі комп'ютерних технологій, повідомляє BBC.
На перший етап роботи Управління наукових досліджень Пентагона DARPA виділило 4,9 млн. доларів.
"Людська свідомість має унікальну здатність аналізувати інформацію, отриману через різні органи чуття, навіть якщо ці дані суперечать одне одному", − каже керівник дослідження Дармендра Модха.
"Мозок здатний з легкістю створювати нові категорії часу і простору й інтегрувати в них інформацію, отриману сенсорно", − продовжує науковець.
"На сьогодні жодна з існуючих комп'ютерних технологій навіть не наблизилася до дивних здібностей цього органу", − додає він.
Нова технологія може бути використана при великомасштабному аналізі даних, розпізнаванні зображень та об'єктів і навіть незалежному прийнятті рішень.
"Основна ідея когнітивної комп'ютерної технології полягає в тому, щоб відтворивши структуру, динаміку, функції і реакції людського мозку, сконструювати апарат, що діє за тими самими принципами", − каже професор Модха.
Фахівці IBM і п'яти провідних університетів США поставили перед собою завдання об'єднати знання з біології з комп'ютерним відтворенням роботи нейронів.
У результаті вони сподіваються розробити систему, яку за складністю можна порівняти з мозком кішки.
Як стверджують вчені, нейрологія накопичила достатньо інформації про роботу нейронів та міжнейронних зв'язки − синапси.
Водночас розробки в галузі комп'ютерних технологій уже дозволяють симулювати діяльність мозку невеликого ссавця. Торік професор Модха керував роботою з імітації мозку миші. Для цього треба було 55 млн. штучних нейронів та півтрильйона міжнейронних синапсів.
Подібні експерименти стали можливі зовсім недавно. Тільки зараз науковцям вдалося досягти щільності нейронного матеріалу, який можна порівняти з мозком тварини − 10 млрд. нейронів на квадратний сантиметр.
Синапси, або міжнейронні зв'язки нейронів мозку, створюються, розпадаються, зміцнюються або слабшають в залежності від діяльності мозку. Одні з головних труднощів дослідження − розробка матеріалу, що зможе відтворити цю особливість мозку.
Якщо ця проблема буде вирішена, то на відміну від існуючої технології, що дозволяє лише запрограмувати штучний мозок на вирішення тієї чи іншої задачі, комп'ютер зможе на підставі накопичених знань, пам'яті та "досвіду" аналізувати дані − те, що ми називаємо здатністю "мислити".
Two things are i?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
????????????????????????? |
to take into consideration |
malnutrition |
to be affected by |
?????????????????????????????? |
income |
reasoning abilities |
cognitive style |
to possess values |
order |
to score |
spatial awareness |
creativity |
emotional intelligence |
inaccurate |
mental retardation |
to multiply by |
academic performance |
to link |
to conduct a study |
benchmark |
leadership |
to divide by |
to determine |
personality |
gender |
Verb |
Noun |
consider |
divide |
multiply |
link |
improve |
define |
assess |
prove |
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? can pride themselves on a very high intelligent quotient: Bobby Fischer − IQ of 190, Garry Kasparov − 185, Robert Byrne and Judith Polgar − 170.
?? |
to compute |
income |
?? |
to diagnose |
intelligence |
?? |
to measure |
values |
?? |
to make |
bias |
?? |
to have |
performance |
?? |
to show |
impact |
?? |
to conduct |
mental illness |
?? |
to compare |
IQ |
?? |
to possess |
leadership |
??? |
to assess |
a study |
? |
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
?????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
?????????????????????????? |
?? |
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
???????????????????????????????????????????????? |
??????????? |
????????????? |
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?????????????????????????? ????????????????????? |
?????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? |
? |
?????????????????? ????????????????????????????????? |
?????????????????? ???????????????????????? |
? |
???????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????? |
??????????????????? ???????????????????????? |
? |
?? |
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?? |
?? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
This funding relationship is not necessarily damaging, but the freedom experienced by the pure scientists of the Victorian age is long gone.? |
? |
Copernicus and Kepler changed our view of the solar system using observational evidence derived from lengthy and detailed observations frequently contributed by other scientists, but neither performed experiments.? |
? |
Usually experiments have as a primary goal?the establishment of a cause and effect relationship.? |
? |
Scientists work in research teams within a community of like-minded investigators. |
? |
The pursuit of knowledge for the sake of knowledge alone is called pure science while its exploitation in the production of a commercial product is applied science or technology.? |
? |
????? encouraged |
to associate science with experimentation? |
procedures, explorations??activities? |
accompanied by |
all hands-on experiences |
???be labeled |
???orchestrate? |
a cause and effect relationship? |
??????????? |
?????????????? |
noteworthy scientists |
the inability to control variables? |
extensive |
to solve a technology challenge |
observational evidence? |
???derive? |
???contribute |
???perform experiments |
misconception |
?he pursuit of knowledge |
exploitation |
applied science? |
???blend |
the quest of pure science |
to explore? |
to pursue any goal |
premise |
a solitary pursuit |
constraints of time |
the revelation of truth |
????????????? orchestrated procedures? applied science??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????all hands-on experiences??noteworthy scientists??constraints of time??solitary?
1? |
experiment? |
a |
is something brought about by a cause or agent; a result? |
2? |
effect? |
b |
is the process of learning something that was not known before, or of findings someone that was missing or hidden? |
3? |
observation |
c |
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
4? |
discover?? |
d |
is a test under controlled conditions that is made to demonstrate a known truth, examine the validity of a hypothesis, or determine the efficacy of something previously untried? |
5? |
procedure |
e |
is the act of noting and recording something? |
?? |
???perform |
?? |
to investigate systematically; examine |
?? |
???contribute |
?? |
to give or supply in common with others |
?? |
to explore |
?? |
the act of employing to the greatest possible advantage |
?? |
exploitation |
?? |
cause (something) to be mixed with (something else) |
??? |
???blend |
?? |
the act of disclosing |
??? |
revelation? |
?? |
to begin and carry through to completion |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
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?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
1 |
?????? observations |
6 |
???????????? scientists? |
2 |
????????? scientists? |
7 |
?????????????and test groups |
3 |
technical procedures, ?????????or activities? |
8 |
?????????????experiments |
4 |
? common ?????????? |
9 |
?he pursuit of ???????? |
5 |
?????????? the quest of pure science? |
10 |
?o ?????????? any goal |
1? |
accurat????? |
a |
переслідувати будь-які цілі |
2 |
to pursue any goal |
b |
неможливість контролювати |
3 |
to fund |
c |
точно |
4 |
the inability to control |
d |
весь практичний досвід |
5 |
all hands-on experiences |
e |
фінансувати |
6 |
misconception |
f |
супроводити |
7 |
to accompany |
g |
здійснювати цілі |
8 |
the quest of pure science |
h |
прикладна наука |
9 |
to pursue any goal |
i |
неправильне уявлення |
10 |
applied science |
j |
пошук чистої науки |
scientists, proof, discovery, scientific, considered, inevitable? frequently? science? criticize?
First, even if individuals understand that ?????????????????? laws are equal in importance to theories, they rarely appreciate that all knowledge in science is tentative, occasionally seeing ???“??????????????” in science equal to proof in mathematics. The issue of tentativeness is part of the self-correcting aspect of science but one that those who fault science ???????????????????? ignore. Creationists, for instance, are quick to ?????????????? science by pointing to the ????????????????????? of several teeth found in Nebraska early in this century (Gould, 1991). Initially, these teeth were ???????????????????? to have come from a primitive human, but were later found to be those of an extinct pig. ??????....??????? made both the initial identification and the later revision, but those who would like to fault ?????????????????? only discuss the error, while rarely mentioning the ?????????.......?? correction. ?
???????? |
? hallmark? |
????????? |
???????? |
? evidence? |
?????????? |
??????? |
???????????? |
????????????? |
????????????? |
???????? |
? exploring? |
?????????? |
??????????????? |
????????????? |
? procedures? |
???????????? |
??????????? |
? observation? |
?????????? |
??? |
The result of the lack of oversight has recently put ? |
?? |
report valid, but negative results.? |
?? |
An interesting corollary to this myth is that scientists rarely ? |
?? |
about everything I saw.?Darwin? |
?? |
Humans are the producers of new knowledge and ? |
?? |
the truth? |
?? |
Nothing could be farther from ? |
?? |
science itself under suspicion. |
??? |
I could not help making hypotheses? |
?? |
also the arbiters of what counts as new knowledge.? |
? suggests? |
??????????????? |
???????????? |
???????????????? |
? ha? found? |
? found? |
???????????? |
? have found? |
??????suggested? |
??????suggested? |
? suggested? |
????????????????? |
??????????? |
???????????? |
????? |
??????? |
??????????????? |
??????????????? |
???????????????? |
???????????????? |
????? |
????? |
??????? |
? were? |
???????????????????? |
???????????????? |
?????????? |
??????????????? |
??????????? |
????????????? |
???????????? |
???????????? |
??????????????? |
??????????? |
??????????????? |
????????????????????? |
?????????? |
?????????????? |
???????????????????? |
??????????????? |
?? |
The term hypothesis has at least three definitions, and for that ???reason, should be abandoned and replaced, or at least used with caution.? |
? |
?? |
For instance, when Newton ?????said that he framed no hypothesis as to the cause of gravity he was saying that he had no speculation about an explanation of why the law of gravity operates as it does. |
? |
?? |
In this case, ????Newton used the term hypothesis to represent an immature theory. |
? |
?? |
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
Galileo also began his studies on motion in, which he pursued steadily for the next two decades.? |
?? |
In 1588 Galileo applied for the chair of mathematics at the University of Bologna but was unsuccessful. |
? |
?? |
By 1609 a Galileo had determined that the distance fallen by a body is proportional to the square of the elapsed time and that the trajectory of a projectile is a parabola. |
? |
Без сумніву, ці мрійники не заслуговують багатства, тому що вони не бажають цього. Тим не менш, організоване суспільство має забезпечити, щоб такі працівники ефективним засобом досягнення своїх завдань, в житті звільнені від матеріальної допомоги та вільно присвячений дослідженням." Марія Кюрі
????????????????????????????? ?The Principal Elements of the Nature of Science: Dispelling the Myths???
?????????????????????? |
???????????????? |
с) Albert Einstein |
d) Sergei Korolev |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
???????? |
????????????????????????????????? ? ??
5 Grass appears green because:
ultraviolet radiation?
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
???????????????????????????????? |
to contradict experimental data |
to extend the principle |
to fit experiment |
to unify fundamental forces |
to retain the form |
fraction of a second |
electroweak theory |
decay process |
to exhibit mirror symmetry |
?????????????????????????????????? |
to quantify objectively |
theory of relativity |
electromagnetic force |
gravitation |
coordinates |
evidence |
compatible |
???????????????????????????? |
to reflect an intuition |
?? |
symmetry? |
?? |
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
equation? |
?? |
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
nuclear force? |
?? |
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
experimental data? |
?? |
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
the big bang? |
?? |
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
aesthetics? |
?? |
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
weak force? |
?? |
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
decay? |
?? |
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
????? |
????? |
?????????? |
??????? |
?????????????????????? |
???????????????????????????????? |
????????????? |
????????????????? |
????????????????????????????????????????????? |
????????????????? |
????????????????????????????????????????????? |
???????????????????????????????????????? |
?????? |
????????????????? |
?????????? |
???????????? |
?????????????????? |
????????? |
????????? |
????????????????? |
??????????????????? |
?????????????????? |
???????????????????????? |
?????????????????????????????? |
???????? |
????????????????????????????????? |
???????????????? |
?????????? |
?????????????? |
????????????????? |
?? |
?? |
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?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
principle of? |
?? |
parity? |
?? |
fraction of? |
?? |
coordinates? |
?? |
inverted? |
?? |
energy? |
?? |
cling on to? |
?? |
theory? |
?? |
spring from? |
?? |
explanations? |
?? |
conservation of? |
?? |
relativity? |
?? |
instant of? |
?? |
aesthetics? |
?? |
primordial? |
?? |
theories? |
?? |
offer |
?? |
a second |
??? |
electroweak |
?? |
symmetry |
1 |
The great equations of modern physics are a permanent part of scientific knowledge, |
a |
complex mathematics that de?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
??????????? |
???? |
????????????????????????? |
????????????????? |
? |
? |
?????????????????????? |
? |
? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
?????????− thirty |
seventeen − seventy |
fo(u)rteen − fo(u)rty |
eighteen − eighty |
fifteen − fifty |
nineteen − ninety |
sixteen − sixty |
vs. |
cf. |
e.g. |
v.v. |
etc. |
B.C. |
i.e. |
A.D. |
fig. |
exc. |
??????????????????????????????? |
??????????? |
??????????????????????? |
?????? |
???????????????? |
?????????????????????? |
????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
????????????? |
????????????????? |
????????????????? |
???????????? |
???????????????? |
???????????????????????? |
????????? |
???????????? |
????????????? |
??????? |
??????????????????????????? |
?????????? |
?????????? |
????? |
???????????? |
????????????????????? |
??????????????? |
?? |
????????? |
?? |
to spread through or throughout? |
?? |
?????????? |
?? |
a voiced speech sound whose articulation is characterized by the absence of friction-causing obstruction in the vocal tract, allowing the breath stream free passage? |
?? |
???????? |
?? |
something that serves as the object of an operation.? |
?? |
??????? |
?? |
a speech sound produced by a partial or complete obstruction of the air stream by any of various constrictions of the speech organs, such as (p), (f), (r), (w), and (h)? |
?? |
??????????? |
?? |
to indicate or specify, point out? |
?? |
?????????? |
?? |
applicable or common to all purposes, conditions, or situations? |
1 |
??????????????????????? |
6 |
???????????????????? |
2 |
???????????????????? |
7 |
?????????????????????? |
3 |
???????????????????????? |
8 |
????????????????????????? |
4 |
???????????????? |
9 |
??????????????????????? |
5 |
????????????????????????????????? |
10 |
?????????????????????????? |
???????????????????? |
????????????????????? |
???????????????????? |
?????????????????? |
????????????????????? |
????????????????????? |
???????????????????? |
????????????????????????? |
?? |
???????????????????????? |
?? |
набирати вигляду |
2 |
vowels and consonants |
b |
продукт суспільного розвитку |
3 |
to take the form (of) |
c |
цілеспрямовано розроблений |
4 |
a product of social development |
d |
аналогічні метаморфози |
5 |
a powerful technique |
e |
невідомі величини |
6 |
purposefully designed |
f |
голосні та приголосні |
7 |
unknown magnitudes |
g |
могутній спосіб (метод) |
Noun |
Adjective |
symbol |
mathematics |
precision |
concision |
science |
verb |
frequency |
similarity |
conve??????? |
? |
?????? |
? |
??????? |
? |
?? |
???????????????? |
?? |
???????????????????? |
?? |
????????????????????? |
?? |
????????????????????? |
?? |
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
????????????????????? |
?? |
???????????????????? |
?? |
????????? |
?? |
?????????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
???????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
????????????????????????? |
?? |
??????????????????? |
?? |
????????????????????????????????????? |
?? |
????????????????? |
?? |
????????????????????????? |
?? |
???????????????????? |
?? ? |
?? ? |
?? ? |
?? ? |
??? |
? |
??? |
? |
??? |
? |
??? |
? |
??? |
? |
??? |
? |
? |
The Pythagorean theorem: ? The sum of the areas of the two squares on the legs (a and b) equals the area of the square on the hypotenuse (c). |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
4 |
5 |
3 |
???????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????? Georges Pompidou Center, Paris |
?????????????? ?????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
an artist |
to trace back |
to be fascinated |
protective charms |
mesmerizing patterns |
to equate with planets |
????????????????? |
millennium / millennia |
a row / a column |
a tortoise |
consecutive natural numbers |
?????????????????????????????????????????????? |
square's order |
array of integers |
magic constant |
an engraving |
adjacent entries |
the magic-carpet property |
statesman |
subsquare |
matrix / matrices |
to abandon modesty |
to be inspired |
a corner |
1 |
antimagic square |
a |
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
2 |
panmagic square |
b |
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
3 |
consecutive |
c |
the ordinary counting numbers |
4 |
squares order |
d |
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
5 |
magic square |
e |
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
6 |
magic constant |
f |
????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
7 |
array |
g |
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
8 |
natural number |
h |
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
Function |
Sign |
Process |
Verb |
Result |
addition |
+ |
the sum |
to subtract from |
Ч |
times |
ч |
divided by |
the quotient (+ the remainder) |
Put the appropriate verb of measurement into the sentences, changing its form if necessary. Pay attention to the tenses.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
?????????????????????????????????????????????? |
???????????????????????????????????? |
??????????????????????????????????????????????? |
???Sudoku completed grids |
,????????????????????????????????????????????? |
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
???Yantra magic squares |
?????????????????????????????????????? |
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
???????????????????????????????????? |
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
????????????????????????????????????? |
?????????????????????????????????????????????? |
????????????????????????????????? |
??????????????????????????????????????? |
?????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
Figure (noun) |
Shape (adjective) |
Figure (noun) |
Shape (adjective) |
cone |
cube |
oval |
octagon |
rectangular |
cylindrical |
prismatic |
square |
spiral |
circle |
spherical |
quadrangle |
1 Mail box ? |
2 Goat cheese |
3 Sunflower |
4 Frugal soap |
5. Tortilla?chips ? |
6. Puppy treats |
6. Golf ball |
7.Carabiner ? |
8. Nautilus shell |
9. Earring |
10. Honey combs |
11. Dumpling pastry |
?? |
??????? |
?? |
?????????? |
?? |
??????????? |
?? |
?????????????? |
?? |
???????? |
?? |
???????????? |
?? |
????? |
?? |
????? |
?? |
??????? |
?? |
????? |
?? |
???????? |
?? |
????? |
??????????????????????????????????????????????????? evening/tomorrow/next week.
Example: Im doing my exams next week.
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? |
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
?? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
2. Habitat 67, Montreal, Canada
3. Crooked house, Sopot, Poland
Оригамі це мистецтво паперової пластики, яке зародилося в Японії. Починається історія оригамі в період Хейан (794-1185 рр.). У цю епоху зроблений власноруч папір був вишуканим і цінним матеріалом, який використовували в особливих випадках, переважно під час проведення релігійних церемоній. Можливо, від цього пішла й назва мистецтва оригамі: від японських слів «папір», що звучить як «орі» та «Бог», тобто «камі». Таким чином у японців виник містичний звязок між релігійними обрядами та виробами з паперу, тобто «орикамі». Один із таких ритуалів, приміром, полягав у виготовленні невеликих паперових коробочок Санбо, в які клали маленькі шматочки риби та овочів і підносили як жертвоприношення в храмах.
У період Камакура (1185-1333рр.) і Муроматі (1333-1573рр.) оригамі виходить за межі храмів і досягає імператорського двору. Аристократи, монахи, придворні повинні були володіти особливими навичками в мистецтві складання з паперу. Саме це вміння в ті часи вважалося ознакою освіченості та шляхетності. А сімї навіть використовували фігурки оригамі в якості гербів і печаток. Записки ж, cкладені у формі метелика, лелеки чи квітки вважалися ознакою дружби чи добрих побажань іншій людині.
У період Адзуті-Момояма (1573-1603рр.) та Едо (1603-1867рр.) оригамі з мистецтва перетворилося в популярний спосіб проведення часу. Було винайдено багато моделей, які стали класичними, зокрема японський лелека (цуру) традиційний символ щастя та довголіття.
Поява більшої кількості авторських робіт повязана з іменем відомого японського майстра Акіри Йошизави. Саме він придумав своєрідну «нотну азбуку» оригамі, яка дозволила записувати і передавати процес складання фігурок.
У 1960-х мистецтво оригамі стало поширюватися по всьому світу, першим отримало розповсюдження модульне орігамі, а потім і численні течії, включаючи кірігамі. У модульному орігамі ціла фігура збирається з багатьох однакових частин (модулів). Кожен модуль складається за правилами класичного орігамі з одного аркуша паперу, а потім модулі зєднуються шляхом вкладання їх один в одного, а сила тертя, що зявляється при цьому, не дає конструкції розпастися. Одним з найпоширеніших обєктів модульного орігамі є Кусудама, обємне тіло кулястої форми.
a) circumference b) radius
a) four b) five
a) two b) three
a) six ??????????b) four
a) four b) five
a) Yes b) No
a) one ?b) two
? |
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Marie and Pierre were especially interested in learning more about pitchblende. ? |
? |
After that Marie and Pierre isolated a second new element. ? |
? |
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
? |
To answer this question, they purified huge amounts of the natural ore. ? |
? |
They chose the name "radium" because the element gives off such intense radiation.? |
? |
Eventually, they isolated a new element that gave off radiation much more intensely than did the pitchblende itself. ? |
? |
Becquerel's discovery caused great excitement among scientists. ? |
? |
What was in the ore that was giving off radiation, they asked.? |
? |
The Curies named the new element polonium.? |
? |
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to announce? |
?????????????? |
??????????? |
??????? |
?? |
?????????? |
?? |
a blackish mineral that is a type of uraninite and occurs in veins, frequently associated with silver: the principal source of uranium and radium? |
?? |
???????? |
?? |
to enter into and permeate? |
?? |
???????????? |
?? |
to make known publicly? |
?? |
??????? |
?? |
easily seen or understood; obvious? |
?? |
????????????? |
?? |
exceptionally small; tiny? |
?? |
???????? |
?? |
any of a large group of one-celled organisms that lack a cell nucleus, reproduce by fission or by forming spores, and in some cases cause disease |
?? |
????????? |
?? |
impenetrable by light; neither transparent nor translucent |
?? |
to announce? |
?? |
a small part; a bit |
?? |
?????? |
?? |
the remainder of something after removal of parts or a part |
?? |
?? |
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