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Verbl communictive fetures. Thirdly my gol is to confirm my words nd lso to compre the relity with the help of the video

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My project’s goal was to estimate the behavior of two different and at the same time a bit similar groups. I observed it in different clubs in Warsaw.

The reason I chose this part of the entertainment industry is the fact that clubs are visited by millions of people daily and I had the opportunity to see hundreds of people who were so different and how alike in their behavior. People behaved  perfectly natural in their emotions and  movements. People whom I observed were completely liberated and I actually got great pleasure from creating the project.

This is my agenda.

First of all I would like to talk about adults and teenagers.

Secondly, I want to comment on pictures that  were found on the Internet as a vivid example of non-verbal communicative features.

Thirdly, my goal is to confirm my words, and also to compare the reality with the help of the video. It is to be shown not long before the end of the presentation, that will help me to draw a visible conclusion.

The first and the only social group in my project is adults and teenagers as it clearly prevails in numbers in the clubs.


Teenagers are markedly different from those of all other groups, as they were incredibly active from start to finish of the parties that I have visited. Their behavior can be called unless the vulgar. They were very sharp in their words and probably very few people around could  understand their movements, except that they could. Adults were more restrained in their movements. Their behavior was satisfactory because their personalities are more formed. It seemed like the whole world was now for them alone.

Eye contact

They never for a moment lost eye contact with each other.  that glance showed that they are interested in the opinion of their friends and new acquaintances  about how they look from the side. In contrast to teenagers adults approach to this issue was more close and careful. Most often, such a view is used to attract girl or to show their interest in dealing with somebody.


Usually in clubs is not so much space, and a surprising number of visitors come.  An average distance between them was very little, less then 45 cm. Many of them crowded like creating a feeling of an overcrowded room. It looked as if the entire population of the city gathered in one place.


Teenagers love to wear clothes in bright colors, with different designs and adhere to a particular style. For the most part it depends on to what subculture they belong. Nevertheless, I observed the same teenagers who do not belong to any of the subcultures and dress up not less  noticeable. The way they dress is one of the mediums to attract attention to themselves. For this social group clothing plays an important role, that's why they give it enough time. As for adults, this issue they care less. Many adults already have an established style and it is more restrained in contrast to teenagers.



They used slang in their speech. Among teenagers  new words and expressions are developed daily, which may eventually become so-called "mainstream" and can be heard in different places around the world. Thus the interactions between them become simplistic and fun. The same was observed in adults.

Voice, tone

Teenagers and Adults tone was friendly, but they were quite noisy due to the loud music that was playing on the dance floor. Because most teenagers that were out of the dance floor spoke in a raised voice. It created a sense of the earthquake in the ears. Everyone tried to be heard, but the extra shout did nothing.

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