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Topic ldquo;My friends nd Irdquo;

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Student Card #1

Give a 2-2.5 min. talk on the topic “My friends and I”.

Remember to say:

How many friends you have and if friendship is of great importance for you;

What you like about them;

If there is anything in their behavior( поведение) that annoys (раздражает) you;

What brings you together (связывает) and makes you good friends.

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

Friendship is of great importance for everyone. Every person should have a friend. He must not be alone (одинокий). We need friends to speak, to have support (иметь поддержку) in difficult situations and to spend free time together.

As for me, I have a lot of friends. All my friends are good, funny, intelligent (умный) and I love them very much. For example, my best friend is…. .She is 15 years old. She is neither tall nor short. She’s got brown hair, large eyes, long eyelashes. a little nose and a cute smile. She is thin, slim and good looking. We are classmates and we have been studying together for 5 years. We get on well (ладим хорошо) together, spend free time, going to the cinema, for a walk, to the shop. My friend is a reliable (надёжный) person, I share my secrets (делюсь своими секретами) and trust     (доверяю) her. I feel that she is a real friend.

But there is something that annoys me in her behavior. She is too talkative, and sometimes she asks silly questions like “What date is it today?”, “What is the next lesson?” and so on.

But nevertheless, (тем не менее) we respect (уважаем) and trust (доверяем) each other. We try to help each other when we have some problems in our studies and give advice in different situations. I think that our common interests bring us together. We like the same films, actors, and we have the same hobby-sport, playing basketball.

Student card #2

Give a 2-2.5 min. talk on the topic “Relations in the family and between teenagers”.

Remember to say:

If there are good relations(отношения) in your family, what things(вещи) usually bring together(связывают);

If you sometimes argue with your parents and what the reasons of your misunderstanding;

If you have some problems while communicating(общении) with other teenagers;

In what way you try to solve your problems.

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

Good relations in the family are very important. Because friendly atmosphere makes the family happy. What things make the family happy? I think there are some things: love to your parents, to your children, understanding and trusting each other. I suppose the ideal model of a happy family, when the family respects the interests, opinions of each person in the family. When they have sometimes similar pastimes: for example doing sports, travelling, fishing and so on. But sometimes there are problems between the relationships of adults and young generation and that’s why there are some conflicts, arguments.

   What about me, I don’t have serious problems or arguments with my parents. If I have some problems my parents try to help me with their advice, to solve the problems. But I don’t say that I am an ideal child. Sometimes my parents abuse me if I come home late, don’t help my parents about the house, spend too much time in front of computer or with my friends.

What about the relationships between teens, I don’t have any problems in communication. But sometimes we can quarrel because of misunderstanding. But it is not for a long time. Because other common friends help us to make peace.

Student Card #3

Give a 2-2.5 min. talk on the topic “Gettng education and choosing career”.

Remember to say:

What your favourite subjects at school are, why you are interested in them;

If you believe that good education will help you to succeed in life;

What professions seem to be attractive for you, if you have already made  choice;

Where you can get information about different professions;

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

The problem of choosing career has always been very important. The properly chosen career makes a person happy and successful for the rest of his life. It is generally believed that professions should be both prestigious and interesting. At the same time other factors are important. It depends on inclinations and interests of the person. What about my favorite subjects at school – they are Algebra, Physics, Russian, Literature, English and Physical Education. I am interested in these subjects because they come easily to me. And I believe they will help me to succeed in my future career. There are a lot of professions in the world: a lawyer, an economist,  a doctor, an engineer, a teacher, a manager and others. I think all professions have their advantages and disadvantages. What about me, I haven’t made my mind what profession to choose. But I am sure getting good knowledge at school will help me to enter the university and get a good education. We can get information about different professions from our parents, psychologists, friends, relatives from books or newspapers. I think it is necessary to start thinking about the future profession as soon as possible. It’s high time for discussing the problem with parents and friends.

Student Card #4

Give a 2-2.5 min. talk on the topic “Spare time”.

Remember to say:

If you have spare time;

What your favourite way of spending free time is;

Who you like to have free time with.

If it is important to know how to spend spare time correctly.

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

Different people have different ideas about how to spend their spare time. Some people prefer staying at home, watching TV, listening to music. Others enjoy going to the theatre, cinema or concerts.

As for me, I go to school 6 days a week. So I have only 1 day off, Sunday. I prefer to spend my day off with my friends. We go for a walk, play volleyball, go to the cinema. Sometimes I spend my time with my family. I usually cook a cake and we have tea together. In evenings I usually  go for a walk with my dog and play outdoors.

It is important to know how to spend spare time properly. There are some people who have much free time and don’t know what to do and they spend their free time playing computer games, communicating with virtual friends. To my mind, computer replaced real communication. It obviously makes a lot of harm to our health.

Young people should know how to spend their free time according to their interests and inclinations. Each person has a talent and he must realize it. In our towns a lot of young people go in for sports, ride  bicycles, go to the skating rink, or go in for dancing or singing.

Student Card #5

Give a 2-2.5 min. talk on the topic “Healthy way of life , sport”.

Remember to say:

What healthy way of life is;

If all sports are healthy;

If every sport give a chance for a person to enjoy it;

How to motivate people generally not interested in sports;

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

As far as I am concerned, healthy way of life it is when a person doesn’t smoke, drink alcohol, take drugs eats proper food and goes in for sports.

There are different  kinds of sport s such as: extreme sports, individual sports and  team sports.

From my point of view, extreme sports are snowboarding, surfing, motoracing, climbing mountains, and others. Because they are dangerous and people can injure themselves by doing these sports. But individual sports like jogging, hiking, cycling are useful for health.

If you ask most people why they choose to do a particular sport, they will probably tell you  because it is fun gives them pleasure.

As for me I really like playing volleyball. It’s exciting and it takes a lot of skill. I am at school team player and I play for my school in different competitions. What I like in volleyball is that the players have to work together to be successful. You can be fantastic player, but without the others you are nothing.

I think each person should go in for sports or do some exercise to keep fit and healthy. To be healthy is on the first place and important for people’s  life.

To follow healthy way of life is trendy nowadays.

Student Card #6

Give a 2-2.5 min. talk on the topic “International youth contacts”.

Remember to say:

If it is important to hold international youth contacts;

What goals of exchange programs are;

What major problems exchange students have;

What impact such contacts have on individuals, on the countries involved.

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

Nowadays it is very important to hold international youth contacts. People have international contacts to learn about different countries , their history , culture, traditions, way of life, interests and simply have a dialogue or communication. For example, exchange students programs are becoming popular during the last years.. It means the students go to another country to study at the college or university at some period of time . The programs are mostly about breaking stereotypes and preparing new generations to live in the future world.

There are some goals of exchange programs: ability, to speak English, ability to adapt to a very different way of life, ability to make friends easily and to represent their country. It needs to be flexible , outgoing, and even to have a good sense of humour.

The major problem is adaptation to a new situation,  people, because students going to another country feel like if they are on a different planet: the way the foreigners eat, sleep, work. But I think the programs are tremendously positive for both countries and students, and they apply their knowledge when they return back.

Student Card #7

Give a 2-2.5 min. talk on the topic “Life in big cities and villages of your country”.

Remember to say:

What most appeals to you in the life in a town(a village);

What problems faces those who live in a village( in a big city);

What means of communication ( means of transport) you can use in town ( in village);

if  there is a variety of cultural life and entertainment in towns (villages).

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

Life in big cities and in villages is quite different in our country. It differs by the level of living, comfort and way of life.

People in villages mostly live in private houses with a large yard., where you can find a cow house, a greenhouse, a summer house and other constructions for home needs. Usually houses don’t have gas, central heating, and other conveniences. People get water and wood themselves. They have to chop the woods to heat the stove , to warm their houses. So the life in villages is more difficult than in cities.

What about me I prefer to live in a city/ people mostly live in flats with modern conveniences: a barthroom, a toilet, gas, cold and hot running water and central heating. Of course all these things appeal people to live in a city.

People use different means of transport in cities: cars, buses, taxis, trolley-buses, trains and planes. In villages the roads are usually very bad and so people have to use tractors, lorries or motocycles.

Besides, there is a variety of cultural life and entertainments in towns: cinemas, theatres, clubs, cafes, restaurants, museums, galleries and stadiums. On the contrary, there is a shortage of all entertainments in a village.

Student Card #8

Give a 2-2.5 min. talk on the topic “Travelling”.

Remember to say:

What the main reasons for travelling are;

What ways of travelling are and which you prefer;

What means of transport you prefer to travel by.

What places of interest you would like to visit, why.

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

       Why do people travel? Because people want to see and to know about another country, culture and traditions. It is always interesting to discover new things, different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food and so on. There are different ways of travelling: sightseeing travelling, seaside, adventure, camping, skiing and others.

       As for me I prefer sightseeing travelling and seaside travelling. I like to visit museums, art galleries and to visit exotic restaurants. I also like quiet holiday by the sea, doing nothing, but walking, swimming and lazing in the sun.

       All means of travelling have their advantages and disadvantages. And people choose one according to their plans and destinations. If I travel around our republic I prefer travelling by bus or by car. But if I travel to another country I would prefer travelling by plane. It’s convenient and fast.

       I would like to visit a lot of places, such as Paris to see the Eiffel Tower, Egypt to see the Pyramids, in Rome to see the ruins of ancient towns, in London- Big Ben and Tower bridge.

        And maybe someday my dreams will come true.

Student Card #9.

Give a 2-2.5 min. talk on the topic “Shopping”.

Remember to say:

What types of shops you can go to;

What advantages and disadvantages of shopping centres ( corner shops) are;

Where you prefer to buy food and clothes, why;

Whom you prefer to go shopping with.

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

      Shopping is the way to buy things. It can be clothes, some kinds of techniques, books, food and others. Some people enjoy shopping very much. They spend a lot of money and they are called are shopaholics. But other people don’t like shopping, because they get tired and bored of it.

       There are a lot of types of shops: supermarkets, department stores, bookshops and others. I prefer going to the clothes shops, because I like to wear nice clothes.

        There are a lot of shopping centres in our town. The advantages of shopping centres are that you can find everything you need, from books to TV sets. But disadvantage is that there is a very big choice and you don’t always know what to choose.

        I prefer to buy clothes in shops, because only shops provide beautiful and fashionable clothes of high quality. I buy food in supermarkets, because it’s very convenient, food is always fresh and the prices are lower than in other shops.

I like going shopping with my friends. When I try on clothes they advise me to buy this thing or not and if it suits or not.

         I like shopping, but I am not a shopaholic.

   Student Card #10.

Give a 2-2.5 min. talk on the topic “Means of communication”.

Remember to say:

How people get information;

Whether you use an internet;

What people use an internet for;

If there is any harm in internet and what they are.

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

Getting information is one of the necessities of human being. People can’t live without press, television and radio. Press usually comments on events, reflects home or foreign events openly or objectively. There are some popular newspapers in our republic: “Yakutsk vecherniy”, “Yakutia”, “Kyym”, “ Echo Stolitzy” and others. My family and I usually buy “Yakutsk vecherniy” because to my mind it gives full information on the current events which take place in our republic.. It covers the news of all sides of our society: political life, economy, criminals, cultural life, sport and others. I think the readers  of all ages find this newspaper interesting and attractive.

But in modern time people use an internet widely. Every family has an internet at home or if they haven’t they go to the internet café. People use an internet for different purposes: for education, for getting information, for communication.

What about me I use an internet for my studies, communication and amusement But of course there is some harm in internet. You can become dependent on it. The virtual life can replace the real alive communication.

Student Card #11.

Give a 2-2.5 min. talk on the topic “Youth fashion”.

Remember to say:

Whether there is any difference two concepts-fashion for the youth and fashion for the adults;

What peculiar about the youth fashion is;

What  your attitude towards youth fashion is;

Why people follow the fashion.

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

People cannot live without clothes. They want to look fashionable and smart. Every generation has its own fashion, because clothes come into fashion and go out of fashion. Some people care about the fashion because they want to stand out. Of course there are two different concepts- fashion for the youth and fashion for the adults. Young people prefer to wear bright, comfortable , glamorous clothes, original designer clothes. Nowadays there are different kinds of fashionable magazines such as: Cosmopolitan, Glamour , Mini and others. And young girls  like to look through these magazines trying to look as models, stars from these magazines. What about adults, they prefer to wear casual clothes, practical, classical and comfortable clothes. They usually wear costumes, dresses, shirts, skirts, blouses, sweaters, pullovers and so on.

   What about the youth fashion it is different too. Some young people prefer casual clothes and others bright original or dark clothes. Because it depends on their character and style of life and subculture.

   As for me I partially follow the fashion. I usually buy my clothes in the sales and they don’t cost very much. My favourite jeans are Calvin Cline. I like to wear practical and comfortable clothe: jeans, T-shirts, sweaters, trainers and caps. I think people follow the fashion to look honey, fashionable, smart and the clothes express their individuality.

Student Card #12.

Give a 2-2.5 min. talk on the topic “Public holidays”.

Remember to say:

What public holidays during the year are ;

What people do on different public holidays;

Your favourite public holiday, why;

What you enjoy about other public holidays, why;

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

In our country there are a lot of public holidays such as New Year’s Day,  the Defendance Day, the Women’s Day. Victory day, the First of May and others.

    During public holidays people usually visit friends and relatives or stay at home with their families. They give presents to each other.

    As for me my favorite public holidays are New Year and Yhyakh. Yhyakh usually starts on the 26th of June  and goes on for two days. There is a traditional opening ceremony, people dance Ohuokhay, drink kumys, eat traditional national food. Some people wear national clothes, which look very beautiful. National sporting events are held in yhyakh. It usually takes place out of town in open air. And there are a lot of different amusing competitions and contests.

   New Year is a magic holiday It is celebrated on the 31(thirty first) of  December. We meet New Year at midnight. I decorate my house with colored paper and my New Year tree with toys. Each member of our family gives and takes presents. Usually I get lots of presents. I love this holiday very much.

Student card #13.

Give a 2-2.5 min. talk on the topic “Environment protection”.

Remember to say:

The global environment problems you can name;

How topical these problems are for our country and why / why not.

What government institutions and individuals can do to protect the environment

If nuclear power plants should be built and used, and why/why not.

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

About two hundred years ago man lived in harmony with nature because industry was not much developed. Today, however, the construction between man and nature are dramatic. Every year world industry throws  out into atmosphere about 1000 million tons of dust and other harmful substances. People of many cities suffer from smog. Forests are disappearing. The pollution on the air, oceans, rivers, lakes and the destruction of the ozone layer can lead to a global catastrophe. These problems are topical for our country too. For example the lake Baikal, its purest water was ruined because of a pulp- paper factory. The whole ecological system on the lake has changed greatly. Some organisms that can be found only in Lake Baikal are disappearing , trees are dying from the dust.

To solve these problems the government and the individuals can do some things; saving money for cleaning, declare places to specially protected zones, individuals can protect from littering, not to cut trees

What about nuclear power plants they are not only helpful but dangerous too. For example, the accident in 1986 in Chernobyl nuclear power plant led to radioactive explosion.

Student card #14

Give a 2-2.5 min. talk on the topic “Famous people’s contribution to the world of culture and science”.

Remember to say:

What famous people you know; what field they worked;

Where they got their education; what they were interested in;

How they began their professional career;

If you think these people have any influence on our life

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

There are many famous people in the world who contributed to the world of culture and science.

Galileo Galilei,( thermometer and microscope) Alexander Bell (telephone), Dmitry Mendeleev (table of chemical elements), Ivan Pavlov ( conditional reflexes), Isaak Newton (law of universal gravity), Albert Einstein ( theory of relativity), Michael Faraday( electromagnetic induction) and others.

I would like to tell you about one of the famous person Alexander Graham Bell. He was born in Scotland but spent his youth in England. After graduating from the university of London , Alexander was the teacher of the deaf. In 1876 Bell showed his first model of the telephone. Bell’s invention was immediately called the greatest of the time. Alexander Graham Bell received the Centennial prize awards for both the multiple telegraph and telephone. In his memoirs Bell wrote: “ I went to bed , the night before, an unknown man, and awoke to find myself famous”.

Student card #15

Give a 2-2.5 min. talk on the topic “The contribution of the USA\ Great Britain to the world of music”.

Remember to say:

What styles of music you know;

What influenced greatly on the development of this style of music;

What famous representatives(singers, groups or composers ) you can tell about;

What, who your favorite group or singer is and why.

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

Music accompanies us everywhere. We listen to the music on the radio, TV and on MP 3 players.

Adults are fond of classical music, retro and attend opera and concert halls. Young people prefer to listen to pop music, rock, rap techno and dancing music. Music plays an important role in our life, influences on personality.

I would like to tell you about British pop music. The British love of music is shown by the existence of about a hundred summer schools in music where you can meet all grades of musicians, from the beginner to the skilled performer. Pop music festivals are also popular they draw thousands of people especially young people/There are many styles of pop music in Britain and thousands of groups. Some groups and singers are well-known all over the world (Elton John, … and others).

My favorite group is the most successful group “the Beatles”/ four young musicians and singers from Liverpool were John Lennon, Paul McCarthney, George Harrison and Ringo Star. During the sixties the Beatles were always in the news headlines, films and scandals. In the early seventies they decided to break up. Many people hoped for their reunion but it became impossible with the tragic murder of John Lennon in New York in 1980. Many fans still love their songs.

Student card #16

Give a 2-2.5 min. talk on the topic “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.

Remember to say:

The countries , the capitals which the UK consists of;

Geographical position;

People, industry and agriculture of the countries; its climate.

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.  The UK covers the British Isles which is the geographical name of all the island situated northwest coast of the European continent. They consist of Great Britain, Ireland and about five thousand small islands. British Isles are washed by North Sea, English Channel, Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.

    The mountains in Great Britain are not very high, the highest mountain is Ben Nevis in Scotland. The main rivers in Britain are the Thames, the Severn, and others.

  The climate of Great Britain is mild. The summers are cool and rainy, the winters are not very cold.

   Great Britain is a highly developed industrial country. One of the leading industries in Great Britain is the textile industry. Coal, iron, and steel as well as various machines are also produced there. Shipbuilding and motor industry are highly developed too.

   There are many big industrial cities in Britain, such as Birmingham, Sheffield, Manchester and Liverpool, Cardiff and others. London the capital of the UK is one of the biggest commercial centers and parts of the world.

     The total pollution of Great Britain today is about 59 million people, The official language of the country is English. But in Scotland speak Scottish, in Ireland speak Irish, in Wales speak Welsh and their native languages are taught at schools.

Student card #17

Give a 2-2.5 min. talk on the topic “The British way of living and having a rest”.

Remember to say:

Their tendency to live in a detached house which means a separate building not in blocks of flat;

The usual meals;

Spending weekends;

Traditions and customs.

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

Every nation every country has its own customs and traditions. In Britain traditions play a more important part in the life of the people than in other countries.

These days an English family prefers a house with a fireplace and a garden to a flat in a modern house with central heating.

Most English love gardens. Sometimes the gardens in front of the house are a little square covered cement painted green an imitation of grass and a box of flowers. They love flowers very much.

      The usual meals in Britain are: breakfast, lunch, tea and supper. Usual English breakfast is porridge or cornflakes with milk, bacon and eggs, toast and tea or coffee. Britain is famous for “English tea”. They have it between 5 or 6 o’clock, and have with a good cake.

Sunday is a very quiet day in London. All the shops, the theatres and most of the cinemas are closed. Londoners like to get out of town on Sundays. The sea is not far only 50-60 miles away- and people like to go down to the sea in summer.

      Englishmen are of their traditions and carefully keep them up some English customs and traditions are famous all over the world. For example, Englishmen love to talk about the weather.

Student card #18

Give a 2-2.5 min. talk on the topic “General facts about school education  in English speaking countries”.

Remember to say:

What types of schools in the UK, in the USA in Russia exist;

What advantages and disadvantages of educational system in these countries are;

If it is necessary to be well educated  or not and why;

What ideal education is.


You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

Every country has its own system of education. I would like to tell you about system of education in the USA, and in Russia. There are three types of schools  in the USA: public, private, and home schools.

Most children go to public schools. These schools are run by Government. Public schools are usually very large. The families who want their children to study in private schools must pay tuition . They pay salaries for teachers, for building and equipments. There are fewer children in classes and so teachers can devote more time to everyone. Some parents choose home education. They hire teachers for their children and think it’s the best way of education.

Children go to school at the age of 6 and study for 12 years. Grades from 1-to 5 are elementary schools from 6- to 8 are middle grades and from 9-12are high schools

I can’t say about advantages or disadvantages of school education in these countries. I think every system has its positive or negative But I want to say about negative sides of Russian Education. It’s very difficult to pass the exam on Math in our country and it mustn’t be obligatory , because it is not necessary in my future career. But I am sure it is necessary to be well educated to get a good education and job.

Student card #19

Give a 2-2.5 min. talk on the topic “Crossing barriers”.

Remember to say:

Different ways to communicate with people, why;

What means of communication people use in everyday situations;

If it is important to know different means of communication;

If ways of communication will change in future.

You have to talk for 2-2.5 minutes. The teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

People cannot live without communication, because communicating with people we express our thoughts, ideas and feelings.

Nowadays there are different kinds of communication with people: internet, mobile phones, letters which make our life easier.

Not so long ago people got information through telegrams, letters and telephones and it was very difficult if you wanted to send and to get information immediately. For example mobile phones help us in everyday situations: adults can control their children, friends can find each other everywhere and mobile phones can help us in extreme situations.

Using internet helps us to communicate with people in a long distance. Writing letters are not so popular because people use sms information. It is faster and cheaper.

       I think means of communication will be changing in future and it will become faster, modern and better, because new technologies are improving from year to year and modern people cannot live without these technologies

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