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Incresing potentil for good nd bd to mximize sth t the expense of sth for the benefit of humnkind Speking p 43 hrmful stellite mobile phone

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Vocabulary1 p.42

with reference to sth




potential for good and bad

to maximize sth

at the expense of sth

for the benefit (of humankind)

Speaking p 43



mobile phone

have a positive (negate) effect

to rule our lives

to go off ( about a phone)

impact on others

mental arithmetic

to affect sb

a good question

to turn to sciences

to explain sth through logic

to get sth wrong

to make

s /to advance (intr.)/to advance knowledge

to benefit from sth

on top of that…

Grammar 1 p. 44

to do revision

chemistry set

to have access to the Internet

to press a button

to give sb an electric shock

to keep up with scientific developments

sci-fi books

mp3 player

cosmetic surgery

generally accepted


genetic engineering

Exam Focus p.45. Listening






on the Internet

the bottom line is…

to broaden one’s horizons

the downside is...

to make snap decisions

(well) in advance


work commitment



lack of facilities

to restrict sth (e.g. sb’s ability)

to respond to the needs

sensible course of action

Reading 46


for a reason

to coin a term

to accelerate

vital to the success

manufacturing industries


to be derived from sth


countless examples


to go off

to register an occasion

applicable (to apply to sth)

to eliminate



integral part

a wide spectrum

to be put down to sth

to circumvent sth

‘folk’ variant

manufacturing techniques

new-fangled technology

Listening p47


popular science

academic work

thorough research

ancient manuscript

to give sb an insight into sth

to breed a bird

to set out to do sth

to create a hybrid


to transfer the genes


an exaggerated claim

genetically engineered

to judge sth by the standards of today

highly recommended

to interfere with genetics

cure for the common cold


Vocabulary 2 p.48


Petri dish



contaminated by sth

diagnostic tool

Grammar p. 48

wireless connection to the Internet

Vocabulary 3

to twist an ankle

to pull a muscle

to make a good living

to hack into computers

to bookmark one’s favorite web  pages

to prioritise one’s work

to conduct experiments (on humans/animals)

utterly + adj. (hilarious)

bitterly (disappointed)

hugely (successful)

deeply (grateful)

enormously (impressed)

completely (absorbed)

matter of opinion

proof of identity

a pack of lies

a twist of fate

a sense of curiosity

rocket science

to foot the bill

(to come) out of the blue

at the root of the problem

not to be an exact science

Exam focus

to buy sth in bulk

pharmaceutical company


an engaging opening paragraph


a cure for cancer

to process tax returns

on a laptop

public investment in sth

genuine, living science


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