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10.1999 the University ws nmed Ntionl

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Lviv National University is one of the best institutions in Lviv and well-known all over Ukraine. Its main building is rather old but it is beautiful. It is situated in Universytetska street in the centre of the town in front of a nice park.

The University was founded in 1661 and consisted of 4 faculties: philosophical, law,  medical and theological. At that times studying at the University was accessible only for reach people. But anyway the University was always the centre of new ideas, scientific achievements.

After 1939 the University changes greatly. All plans, programs are renewed.  Medical department became a separate institute. There appear 5 faculties: philological, historical, nature, law, physical-mathematical. Besides department by correspondence, post-graduate course. In 1940 it was named after I. Franko. 11.10.1999 the University was named National.

Till 1991 there were 13 faculties at the University. During the independence period the institution developed greatly, and today there are 18 faculties, pedagogical, law and nature colleges, the institute of post graduate education. Besides University has in its structure 7 scientific-research institutes, observatory, botanical garden, scientific library which is 400 years old. There are 121 sub faculties at the University. Also here work about 1.5 thousand of teachers an there are about 28000 students who study 79 specialties.

Besides all that was named one can also notice that there are some international centers (German, French, Italian, British council) where students can find a lot of materials, information about the country they are interested in. University pays great attention to foreign cooperation, also it supports sport, amateur and professional performance, and if students want to spend their holidays in an interesting way, University can suggest to have a rest in camps and bases by the Black sea and in the Carpathians.

So I can advise everybody to try to enter Lviv National University because it is a very interesting institution which gives its students not only good knowledge, but also a lot of opportunities.


Lviv National University is one of the best institutions in Lviv and well-known all over Ukraine. Its main building is rather old but it is beautiful. It is situated in Universytetska street in the centre of the town in front of a nice park.

The University was founded in 1661 and consisted of 4 faculties: philosophical, law,  medical and theological. At that times studying at the University was accessible only for reach people. But anyway the University was always the centre of new ideas, scientific achievements.

After 1939 the University changes greatly. All plans, programs are renewed.  Medical department became a separate institute. There appear 5 faculties: philological, historical, nature, law, physical-mathematical. Besides department by correspondence, post-graduate course. In 1940 it was named after I. Franko. 11.10.1999 the University was named National.

Till 1991 there were 13 faculties at the University. During the independence period the institution developed greatly, and today there are 18 faculties, pedagogical, law and nature colleges, the institute of post graduate education. Besides University has in its structure 7 scientific-research institutes, observatory, botanical garden, scientific library which is 400 years old. There are 121 sub faculties at the University. Also here work about 1.5 thousand of teachers an there are about 28000 students who study 79 specialties.

Besides all that was named one can also notice that there are some international centers (German, French, Italian, British council) where students can find a lot of materials, information about the country they are interested in. University pays great attention to foreign cooperation, also it supports sport, amateur and professional performance, and if students want to spend their holidays in an interesting way, University can suggest to have a rest in camps and bases by the Black sea and in the Carpathians.

So I can advise everybody to try to enter Lviv National University because it is a very interesting institution which gives its students not only good knowledge, but also a lot of opportunities.

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