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Тема- Водій автомобіль дорога

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Тема:  Водій, автомобіль, дорога.

Мета: перевірити навички засвоєння лексики по темі, навички перекладу  і розуміння текстів технічного напрямку, граматичні навички; розвивати  пам'ять, логічне мовлення; культивувати розуміння необхідності вивчення іноземної мови для майбутньої професії.

Вид заняття: семінар

Обладнання: роздатковий матеріал із завданнями

Література: С.П. Сафронова

Хід заняття:

  1.  Організаційний момент (дата, чергові, відсутні, повідомлення плану проведення семінару)
  2.  Виконання варіантів письмової роботи

Variant 1

Variant 2

  1.  Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian:

1) petrol tank; 2) tyres; 3) velocity; 4) fixtures; 5) traffic rabbits; 6) degree of ascent; 7) to cross the road; 8) to obey the rules

1) headlight; 2) rear wheel; 3) to maintain appropriate speed; 4) rush-hour; 5) frequency; 6) skid; 7) at the junction; 8) to be knocked down

  1.  Complete the dialogues with any possible replies:

1) - Good afternoon. Is my car ready?

   - ……

2) - Petrol, sir?

   - ….

1) - There’s something wrong with the brakes.

   - ….

2) - Wouldn’t you mind if I pay by my credit card?

   - …

  1.  Translate the text into Ukrainian

          In 1903 nobody was allowed to drive faster than 20 miles an hour, even on wide open roads. The police were anxious to catch all motorists who went too fast. So a group of “scouts” was formed to warn motorists when there was a policeman waiting on the roads in front of them.

From this beginning, the Automobile Association started in 1905. Then it had less than 100 members; today it has more than 3,000,000.

The picture is quite different: now the A.A. patrols cooperate with the police and are on the road to help motorists who need them.

It may be a puncture, engine trouble, or an accident. The yellow uniform of the A.A. man, with his yellow motor-cycle or van, is a familiar sight throughout Britain.

Road construction. In modern road construction, there is much greater recognition of the importance of the subsoil beneath a road. It is regarded as an integral part of the road. In case of mechanical stabilization granular or cohesive materials are added to the subsoil. I n dry climates it is necessary to add substances helping to retain sufficient moisture.

Stabilization can be carried out by adding substances that harden the soil, and greatly increase its compressive strength. The constantly increasing volume of modern traffic involves the construction of numerous auxiliary structures, such as bridges, flyovers, tunnels, and underpasses. It is mainly these structures that will present problems for the engineers

  1.  Ask 5 questions to the text
  1.  Put the correct preposition after the given adjectives:

1) to be crazy …smth; 2) to be responsible …; 3) to be interested ….; 4)  to be fond ….; 5) to be impressed …

1) to be famous …; 2) to be different ….; 3) to be full …; 4) to be tired …; 5) to be similar …

  1.  Підвeдення підсумків заняття.
  2.  Домашнє завдання

№ 23                                                      Роздатковий матеріал

Variant 1

Variant 2

  1.  Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian:

1) petrol tank; 2) tyres; 3) velocity; 4) fixtures; 5) traffic rabbits; 6) degree of ascent; 7) to cross the road; 8) to obey the rules

1) headlight; 2) rear wheel; 3) to maintain appropriate speed; 4) rush-hour; 5) frequency; 6) skid; 7) at the junction; 8) to be knocked down

  1.  Complete the dialogues with any possible replies:

1) - Good afternoon. Is my car ready?

   - ……

2) - Petrol, sir?

   - ….

1) - There’s something wrong with the brakes.

   - ….

2) - Wouldn’t you mind if I pay by my credit card?

   - …

  1.  Translate the text into Ukrainian

          In 1903 nobody was allowed to drive faster than 20 miles an hour, even on wide open roads. The police were anxious to catch all motorists who went too fast. So a group of “scouts” was formed to warn motorists when there was a policeman waiting on the roads in front of them.

From this beginning, the Automobile Association started in 1905. Then it had less than 100 members; today it has more than 3,000,000.

The picture is quite different: now the A.A. patrols cooperate with the police and are on the road to help motorists who need them.

It may be a puncture, engine trouble, or an accident. The yellow uniform of the A.A. man, with his yellow motor-cycle or van, is a familiar sight throughout Britain.

Road construction. In modern road construction, there is much greater recognition of the importance of the subsoil beneath a road. It is regarded as an integral part of the road. In case of mechanical stabilization granular or cohesive materials are added to the subsoil. I n dry climates it is necessary to add substances helping to retain sufficient moisture.

Stabilization can be carried out by adding substances that harden the soil, and greatly increase its compressive strength. The constantly increasing volume of modern traffic involves the construction of numerous auxiliary structures, such as bridges, flyovers, tunnels, and underpasses. It is mainly these structures that will present problems for the engineers

  1.  Ask 5 questions to the text
  1.  Put the correct preposition after the given adjectives:

1) to be crazy …smth; 2) to be responsible …; 3) to be interested ….; 4)  to be fond ….; 5) to be impressed …

1) to be famous …; 2) to be different ….; 3) to be full …; 4) to be tired …; 5) to be similar …

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