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neutrl re such compound which re formed without ny linking element

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Another means of word formation is called composition. Composition is such word formation when the target word is formed by combining two or more stems. Usually the first component modifies or qualifies the second one. Compound words are hard to distinguish from free word combinations.

Compound words are words created by word composition: ice-cream, bathroom, horse race.

The structure of compound words

1. neutral are such compound which are formed without any linking element. They are build by mere juxtaposition (соединение) of two or more words: shop-window, baby-sitter, marry-go-round

a) simple neutral compound  - consists of simple affixless stem: shop-window, bedroom,  sunflower, toy-boy

b) derived compound  these are compound with affixes in their structure: teenager = teenag-er,  [crash-worth]-ness

c) contracted  these are compound words with a shortened stem in their structure: V-day (день победы), TV-set

2. morphological compound- these are compound words with 2 stems linked by a vowel or consonant: [Angl]o-Saxon, [spoke]s[man]

3. syntactic compound  - are formed from segments of speech. They are formed according the grammatical pattern existing in present day language: marry-go-round, lily-of-the-valley (ландыш майский), good-for-nothing (никуда не годный), sit-at-home (домосед) 

The semantics of compound words

  1.  completely motivated compounds (понятные по значению) –non-ideomatic. Their meaning can be described as a sum of their constituent parts: sky-blue (главная часть обычно стоит в конценебесно голубой), tea-tester дегустатор чая

2. partially motivated compounds One of their components had changed its meaning though the meaning reminas transparent (понятный): football (это не мяч, это игра в мяч)

3. non-motivated  idiomatic: a ladybird (божья коровка), tallboy (комод), a horse-marine ( человек, который занимает не свое место), a tallboy – compound word, tall boy – словосочетание (word combination).

The criteria for distinguishing between a compound and a word combination (plural – criteria, singular- criterion).

  1.  graphic criterion

Most of the compound words spelled either solidly (слитно) or with a hyphen (дефис): I-know-what-you-are-going-to-say = word adjective

  1.  the semantic criterion

This criterion is especially important for idiomatic compound. In a few word combinations each component has its meaning. Ex: blackbird  - дрозд  -  I saw a black bird ( я видел черную птицу)

  1.  the phonetic criterion

The compound words acquire a new stress pattern: a ‘key a ‘hole – a ‘keyhole

4. the morphological and syntactical criteria

a) morphological

In a word combination each component is opened to grammar changes: a tall boy -> a taller boy, tall boys, a tallboy -> a tallboys

b) syntactical

New components can be introduced into a word group (word combination): a tall handsome boy.

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