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Project nd the constructor who builds the project re directed towгd the sme go1 nmely the cretion of something which wi11 serve the purpose for which it is built1

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Text 2


The efforts of an engineer, who designs а project, and the constructor, who builds the project, are directed towaгd the same goa1, namely, the creation of something which wi11 serve the purpose for which it is built. Construction is the ultimate objective of а design. The application of engineering fundamentals and analyses to construction activities may reveal methods оf improving the quality, while at the same time reducing the costs of construction.

An engineer is engaged to prepare the plans and specifications and usually to supervise the construction of the project. It is the duty of the engineer to design the project which wi11 most nearly satisfy the needs of the occupant at the lowest practical cost.

The engineer should study every major item to determine if it is possible to reduce the cost of the project. It may be possible to change а design, modify the requirements for construction; оr revise portions of the specifications in such а manner that the cost of the project wi11 be reduced without sacгificing its essential value. An engineer who practices this philosophy is rendering а real service to his client. Thus, it seems evident that an engineer should be reasonably familiar with construction methods and costs if he is to design а project that is to be constructed аt the lowest practical cost.


to design  a project – проектировать объект

to built a project – строить объект

engineering fundamentals – основы строительства

to reduce the costs of constructionснизить стоимость выполнения строительных работ

to be engaged in (to) – быть занятым

specificationsтехнические условия (характеристики)

to supervise the construction of the project – осуществлять надзор за ходом строительства объекта

to satisfy the needs – удовлетворять нуждам

to sacrifice – приносить жертву

to render a service to – оказывать услугу

to be  familiar with – хорошо знать что-либо

  1.  Answer the following questions:

1. Are the efforts of an engineer and the constructor directed toward the same goal?

2. Construction is not the ultimate objective of а design, is it?

3. What is an engineer engaged to dо?

4. Is it the duty оf the engineer to design the project which will most nearly satisfy the needs of the occupant?

5. Why should the engineer study every major item?

6. Should an engineer be reasonably familiar with construction methods and costs?

  1.  Fill in the gaps using the following words:

engineer, cost, design, construction methods, project

1. Construction is the ultimate objective of а_______.

2. An ______is engaged to prepare the plans and specifications and usually to supervise the construction of the project.

3. It is the duty of the engineer to design the_______ which wi11 most nearly satisfy the needs of the occupant at the lowest practical cost.

4. The engineer should study every major item to determine if it is possible to reduce the________of the project.

5. Thus, it seems evident that an engineer should be reasonably familiar with_______ and costs if he is to design а project that is to be constructed аt the lowest practical cost.

3.  Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb:

1. Construction (be) the ultimate objective of а design.

2. An engineer (be engaged) to prepare the plans and specifications and usually to supervise the construction of the project.

3. It (be) the duty of the engineer to design the project which wi11 most nearly satisfy the needs of the occupant at the lowest practical cost.

4. An engineer who (practice) this philosophy is rendering а real service to his client.

5. Thus, it (seem) evident that an engineer should be reasonably familiar with construction methods and costs if he is to design а project that is to be constructed аt the lowest practical cost.

  1.  Make up sentences using the words:

1. Objective, construction, the, ultimate, is, of, а, design.

2. the, fundamentals, application, of, and, may, analyses, to, activities, methods, reveal, оf, construction, improving, engineering, the, quality.

3. engineer, is, an, to, prepare, specifications, engaged, the, plans, and.

4. the, should, study, engineer, major, every, item.

5. engineer, methods, should, costs, the, be, familiar, reasonably, with, construction, and.

  1.  Match the following words:




satisfy the needs









технические хар-ки



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