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Electricl prts of instlltions is under voltges s result of dmge to the insultion; the impct of touch voltge nd step; touching the nonelectricl prts of instlltions is under v

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  1.  How many degree has electric shocks?






  1.  How characterized degree IV of electric shock? 

muscular twitching without loss of consciousness;  

loss of consciousness, but with preserved respiration and heart;

loss of consciousness and heart disorder and / or breathing;  

state of clinical death;

all of the answers are correct

  1.  Electric shock to persons may occur in the following case:

Touching the electrical parts of electrical installations;  

touching the non-electrical parts of installations, is under voltages as a result of damage to the insulation;  

the impact of touch voltage and step;    

touching the non-electrical parts of installations, is under voltages as a result of damage to the protective grounding;

all of the answers are correct

  1.  How many groups are of all the rooms on accessibility of electrical equipment and qualification of personnel?






  1.  Fire protection (explosion protection) facilities provided with:

right choice fire resistance of the object and the limits of fire resistance of individual elements and structures, as well as limiting the spread of fire in the event of occurrence of the fire;

provision of fire security facility, gas rescue and mountain rescue services;

using of active explosion suppression systems and application designs easily dumped in buildings;

using systems of smoke protection and safe evacuation of people and using of fire alarm, notification and firefighting;  

all of the answers are correct

  1.  How many degrees are classified for fire resistance of the building and construction?

two degrees;

three degrees;

four degrees;

five degrees;

all of the answers are wrong

  1.  From what materials must be made fire barriers?

of conventional materials;

of non-combustible materials;

of metallic materials;

all of the answers are correct

all of the answers are wrong

  1.  How is called the time from the start of the fire to a dangerous situation for a person?

evacuation time;

time of salvation;

the critical duration of the fire;

all of the answers are correct

all of the answers are wrong

  1.  What reasons underlie emergencies?

comprehensible and incomprehensible;

complete and incomplete;

explainable and unexplainable;

internal and external;

all of the answers are correct

  1.  Classification of emergency on the scale of distribution:

The object;




all of the answers are correct

  1.  Social emergency include:

an armed attack;

unrest in some areas;

the use of modern weapons in the fighting in the war;

acts of terrorism;

all of the answers are correct

  1.  Whose orders to follow the territorial formation of civil defense?

appropriate akims;

appropriate heads of civil defense;

appropriate staff of civil defense;

Minister of Emergency Situations;

all of the answers are wrong

  1.  To eliminate the effects of natural and man-made emergency situations from the existing groups of CD and regular specialized units are created emergency response teams of cities  total number high alert:

at least 150 people;

at least 100 people;

at least 50 people;

at least 20 people;

all of the answers are wrong

  1.  What is the general similarity between the industrial facilities?

there is no similarity, all, each object is unique;

in all buildings being carried out production;

density of development at many facilities is 30-60%;

2 и 3;

all of the answers are wrong

  1.  To what group of city classified cities refers the capital of RK and the cities with a population of 1 million or more?






  1.  The main methods of protection in an emergency peacetime and wartime: 

shelter population in protective structures;

evacuation of the population from dangerous areas to safe areas;

provision of means of individual and health protection;

the correct use of personal and medical protection;

all of the answers are correct

  1.  Classification of protective structures on terms of building:

shelter, antiradiation shelter (ARS), the simplest shelter;

to protect the population, to host governments;

built-in and free-standing;

constructed in advance in time of peace and quickly erected;

all of the answers are correct

  1.  Which rooms are basic in the shelters? 

room for sheltered, control centers, health post (medical center);

room for sheltered, control stations, filter and ventilation room;

room for sheltered, health post (medical center), sanitary facilities;

room for sheltered, diesel power plant, storage products;

room for sheltered, vestibules, medical center;

  1.  Normal capacity of the gap:

5-10 people;

10-15 people;

50 people;

60-75 people;

more than 75 people.

  1.  Personal protective equipment are divided into:  

respiratory protection and skin protection;

eyes protection and skin protection;

respiratory protection and the protection of eyes;

respiratory protection, skin protection, protection of eyes;

only the general.

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