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Efrosiny church in Polotsk nd fought for the unity of the country

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1 EfrosinyaPolotskaya

       There are many outstanding people in Belarus who made the pride of our country. One of them was Efrosinya Polotskaya, a princess, a philosophical and spiritual leader in Polotsk principality in the 12th century. She was born in Polotsk in 1100. At the age of twelve she entered the Convent and became a nun and later Mother Superior of the Convent. She was a highly educated person of that period. She did a lot of charitable work which included opening schools and hospitals. She taught other people, wrote and rewrote books by hand. She founded the Spass-Efrosinya church in Polotsk and fought for the unity of the country. In 1173 during her pilgrimage to JerusalemEfrosinya got seriously ill and died. She was buried inJerusalem and later reburied in the Spass-Efrosinya church in Polotsk. Now Efrosinya is considered to be the protector of Belarus.


       Efrosinya Polotskaya fought for the unity of the country. On her request a famous jeweler Lazar Bogsha created a cross to symbolizeChristianity and the unity of the nation. The cross was decorated with gold, silver and precious stones. There were icons of saints, the founders of Christianity on it.It became a national sacred thing. Unfortunately, the cross disappeared during the Great Patriotic War.


-What book are you working at now? What is the book about? Is it about Belarus and its people? Who is the main character in the book? Is it a detective or love story? Is it difficult to write stories? What are your plans for the future?


       The 16th century is considered to be the Golden Age in Belarusian history. I agree with this point of view. First, in the 16th century there lived and worked the first printer, Dr. Francisak Skaryna. The most important of his achievements was the translation and publication of the Bible into the Belarusian language. Second, the world known philosopher Symon Budny from the town of Nesvizh also lived and workedin thiscentury. Third, the collection of law- the famous Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was published in the 16th century. Many European countries based their collections of law upon this Statute.


        I fully agree with these words of a famous Russian ballet dancer. Talent is nothing if it is not accompanied by hard work. And the life of all outstanding people proves this. They all achieved success working hard. Steven King said, “What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work”.

1 What outstanding people of Belarus do you know? Speak about one of them.

2 Efrosinya Polotskaya fought for the unity of the country.On her request a famous jeweler Lazar Bogsha created a cross to symbolize Christianity and the unity of the nation. What do you know about the destiny of the cross?

3 Imagine you have a chance to interview a famous Belarusian writer. What questions would you like to ask him?

4The 16th century is considered to be the Golden Age in Belarusian history. How can you support this point of view?

5 “No one can arrive from being talented alone, work transforms talent into genius”. Anna Pavlova. Do you agree with these words of a famous Russian ballet dancer?

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