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cr-crrige pulled by two horses

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Chapter 4

  1.  Translate into English.
  2.  Карета, повозка
  3.  Его глаза были (смотрели) на
  4.  Бледная кожа
  5.  Мягкий голос
  6.  Я так по тебе скучала!
  7.  Ладить, дружить
  8.  Все остальное неважно
  9.  Жестокий
  10.  Напомнить
  11.  Мое прошлое было наполнено несчастьем
  12.   Озариться радостью, наполниться радостью
  13.  Смех
  14.  Гип-гип ура!
  15.   Умолять, просить
  16.  Двигаться к
  17.   Фруктовый пунш
  18.  Заставлять, принуждать

  1.  Choose the correct alternative.

The ghost and Scrooge were in a 1) car/carriage pulled by two horses. There was a young 2) man/woman and a young girl. The man had dark hair, red cheeks and dark eyes. It was 3) Scrooge/Jacob. His eyes were on the young girl, his sister. She had 4) pale/tanned skin, dark hair and a soft voice. Everything about her seemed gentle and kind. She was a very 5) kind/ beautiful young girl. Scrooge felt sad but proud/angry. His sister 6) married/died many years ago. But she 7) had/didn't have a child. His name was 8) Bob/Fred, Scrooge’s nephew. Scrooge looked down and his heart felt heavy because his nephew came into his shop and invited him for Christmas 9) supper/dinner and Scrooge 10)  refused/cancelled to go.

The carriage stopped, and the young Scrooge and his sister 11) got out/on. The older Scrooge, with the ghost got out too and now they 12)were/was back in 13) country/London. But it was the London of many years ago. Scrooge walked 14) sadly/happily through the snow-covered streets. His past was filled with 15) happiness/unhappiness. 

They were standing 16) in front of /next to the shop where Scrooge got his first job. His eyes lit up with 17) joy/proud. When they opened the door, there was the sound of music, dancing and laughter. Mr Fezziwig was there with his 18) friend/wife and children. All the shopkeepers from 19) the town/neighbourhood were there, and so was another young Ebenezer, a little older than before. Mr Fezziwig was more than a 20) boss/friend. He was always  21) eager/interested in Scrooge problems. The Scrooge 22) remembered/believed about Bob. Scrooge 23) was/ wasn't very nice to him today.  They walked outside and it was night-time. They came to a 24) park /bridge. A man and a woman wearing 25) black/grey were standing on it. The woman looked like she was crying. Scrooge did not want to move towards this 26)  pair/couple, but something forced him to do it. With each step, the pain in his heart grew greater and greater.

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