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They see mny indictions tht the fmily in decline.html

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Family is a cradle for an individual

  1.  The family is the most basic and ancient of all institutions, and it remains the fundamental social unit in every society.
  2.  An ideal family consists of a husband, a wife, and their dependent children.  4) This particular family pattern, however, is far from typical.
  3.  Broadly speaking, the family is a group of people related by blood or law, living together or associating with one another for a common purpose.
  4.  There are some characteristics that are common to all family forms:
  5.  First, the family consists of a group of people, who are in some way related to one another.
  6.  Second, the members live together for long periods.
  7.  Third, the adults assume responsibility for any offspring.
  8.  Some people couldn’t live without support of their families, but others say it is the most of their problems and anxieties. 9) Whatever the truth is that the family is a powerful symbol.

10) There are people, who say that traditional family is a thing of the past. 11) They see many indications that the family in decline. 12) One of them is high divorced rate and increased number of one-parent family.

13) But there are many strong families today. 14) Strong families spend a lot of time together, members of such families show affection and appreciation and they committed to one another. 15) People all over the world cherish values about strong families.

16) Today families are changing, but they are not disappearing. 17) Family give us strength and purpose, it show us, who we are.


The idea that money doesn’t buy happiness is hardly a new discovery for economists. But how can anyone believe that money doesn’t buy happiness when almost everyone wants more money ? Some researchers have supported this argument and stated that more money does increase happiness, but only temporarily.

Consider the things we value because we are sure that they will make us happy – professional success, religious fulfillment, a loving family, good friends, good health, more education and many others. Like more money, more of these things increase our happiness, but not for ever.

Human happiness comes from striving for improvements and from the sense of achievement which a person gains by overcoming the challenges he faces along the way.

Thus happiness gained from money, struggle and achievement may be temporary, but fortunately new struggles and achievements are always available for replenishing our happiness.

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