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Subject nor the predicte They represent specil type existing in the lnguge longside of the previling subjectpredicte structure

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incomplete sentence, with some part (parts) omitted for the sake of conciseness (краткость, лаконичность, сжатость; выразительность) of style. The missing part (parts) of such sentences can be easily understood from the context or the situation. Being incomplete in form, elliptical sentences are quite complete in thought when used in the proper places in speech.

Elliptical sentences are chiefly used in colloquial speech and especially in dialogue.

e.g. “What were you doing?” – “Reading.”

       “How were the races?” – “Fine.”

       “I’m looking for the dog?” – “Dog? What dog?”

ONE-WORD SENTENCE has only one member which is neither the subject nor the predicate. They represent a special type existing in the language alongside of the prevailing subject-predicate structure.

The so-called sentence-words:

1) words of affirmation and negation: Yes, No.

2) conversational formulas of greeting (Good-morning. How do you do.), leave-taking (Good-bye. So long.), thanking (Thank you. Thanks.), congratulating (A Happy New Year. Many happy returns), apologizing (Sorry. Excuse me.).

Other kinds of one-word sentence include the following parts of speech as the principal (or the only) part:

1) nouns: Attention! What a day! (nominal sentences)

2) verbs

a) in the form of imperative: Stop! Come here!

b) in the form of the infinitive: To think of it! Why not tell him?

3) adjectives: Splendid! So kind of you! How romantic!

4) modal words: Certainly! Of course! All right!

PARENTHETICAL PARTS are words and word groups which are not grammatically dependent on any other part of the sentence. They refer to the whole of the sentence, specifying the modality of the utterance or connecting the utterance with the preceding one.

Parenthetical parts may be expressed by:

1) interjections: oh, hurrah, hallo, hush, why, eh, alas, etc

2) direct address: e.g. How do you do, Mr. Butt.

3) parenthetical (modal) word and expressions: of course, to be sure, surely, indeed, after all, in any case, in fact, frankly speaking, to tell the truth, certainly, assuredly, decidedly, truly, naturally, actually, possibly, perhaps, evidently, obviously, maybe.

4) adverbs: firstly, secondly, finally, thus, consequently, then, anyway, moreover, besides, still, yet, nevertheless, otherwise, notwithstanding, therefore, etc.   

5) prepositional phrases: in a word, in truth, in my opinion, in short, by the by, on the one hand, on the contrary, at least,etc. 

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