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Note the kind of work they do EXMPLEJOBWORK Level Designer scripts events Red bout Bruno gin nd nswer the questions

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demo  (n) a demonstration game


It's my job

Read about Bruno Schleef, a Video Games Designer. Make a list of the jobs he mentions, and note the kind of work they do.


Level Designer       scripts events Read about Bruno again and answer the questions.

  1.  Why is it difficult to get a job in the video games
  2.  What qualifications does Bruno have?
  3.  How did he get a demo?
  4.  Name two predictions he makes about video games.
  5.  What other applications does video games
    technology have?


Find out more about working in the video games industry. Make notes about the following information

  1.  education / qualifications
  2.  experience
  3.  salary

Compare answers with other students in your class These sites may help:

  1.  www.gamesindustrv.biz/1obs.php
  2.  www.aameiobs.com


Bruno Schleef: Video Games Designer


It's difficult to get into this industry because you have to show success, and you can't do that without having experience.

I took a degree in Computer science, worked for a while, and then did a Master's in Computer games technology. We got into a competition called 'Dare to be digital' as a team of five students. Our team won the prize for 'Greatest marketing potential'. That got us noticed and gave us a demo. So that's how I got started.

Another way in is to be a Games Tester. It's the hard way. You play games for eight hours a day, trying to make them fail. But quite a lot of people have become Level Designer from that position. You can script events in the game.

I work as part of a development team. A few years ago you only needed a couple of Programmers and an Artist. Now we've got

teams of sixty or more. In addition to Games Designers like me who are responsible for creating ideas for

 games, there are Concept Artists. They're normally trained Illustrators who draw 2-D characters. There are 3-D Artists who do all the 3-D modelling. There are also 3-D Animators who make the characters move. Of course, you have your Producer - to oversee, make sure deadlines are kept, and the work goes to budget, that kind of thing. You've got your Programmers to write the code. If you want realistic slow-motion action, you need CGI experts.

The way it's going is more film techniques are coming into games. More people are getting broadband so online payability is important. Massively multiplayer online gaming, MMOG. That's also proving really popular and is sure to grow. They're role-playing gar"65 you play online with other people. As other hardware, mobile phones, all that stuff, becomes more advanced what you play your games on will become less specific

>t just consoles. You can play online at home, then plan your next moves on your mobile phone on your way to work.

It all sounds good fun, but there's a serious side to games, too. Companies make military simulations and medical simulations, for example dealing with a neck injury, responding to a disaster

1. это область духовной деятельности которые основывается на особом философском типе мышления лежащем в о
2. а ауд В212 Спец
3. XVII вв хотя вопрос о хронологических границах древнерусской литературы окончательно не решен нашей наукой
4. Курсовая работа- Облік витрат, виходу продукції (робіт, послуг) і визначення собівартості
5.  Громадський контроль за станом охорони праці в організації
6. тематичних лекцій за блоками змістовних модулів відповідно робочій навчальній програмі дисципліни за денн
7.  Экономическая теория является фундаментом целого комплекса наук- отраслевых экономика торгового дела про
8. Педагогічна майстерність31
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