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Вариант 1 V1 This tool used for- Working with front contr

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Вариант 1


This tool used for: 

Working with front control panel and indicators

Setting control points in VI, functions and structures.

Inputting text in labels 

Opening popup menu of the object with the left mouse button

Copying colors 


This tool is used for:

Working with front control panel and indicators

Setting control points in VI, functions and structures.

Inputting text in labels

Opening popup menu of the object with the left mouse button

Copying colors


What is “divide” node for? (в переводе на английский становится слишком очевидным вопросом, так как слово divide означает деление)

For dividing

For adding

For multiplying

For subtracting

For square rooting


What data type flows through the green conductors?




flowing in 2 directions

not having a direction


Which waveform graph is used by VI to display accumulated in array data (та же ситуация, что и с divide)

Waveform Graph

Sweep Chart

Waveform Chart

Strip Chart

Scope Chart


Ports through which data passes between the block diagram and the front panel are called:







This tool used for:

Working with front control panel and indicators

Browsing window without scrollbars

taking samples from the wires in the diagram

Painting an object

Connecting objects in the block diagram with wires


Wiring icon


Unbundle tool is used for:

Searching for errors

Cleaning up extra wires

Splitting clusters into individual elements

Selecting specific element of the cluster

Building arrays (здесь был дублирован первый вариант ответа, заменен на рандомный)


Probe tool


Subpalette consisting of data analysis VIs is

Instrument I/O sub palette 

Analysis sub palette

Advanced sub palette 

Instrument Drivers sub palette

Application Control sub palette


Instrument I/O sub palette

Analysis sub palette 

Advanced sub palette 

Instrument Drivers sub palette

Application Control sub palette


Tool consisting of the controls and indicators for Numeric Data

Numeric sub palette 

Path & Refnum sub palette

String sub palette 

Control sub palette

Array & Cluster sub palette 


Tool consisting of the controls and indicators for the paths and links

Numeric sub palette

Path & Refnum sub palette

String sub palette

Control sub palette

Array & Cluster sub palette 


Tool consisting of the controls and indicators for ASCII strings and tables

Numeric sub palette 

Path & Refnum  sub palette

String sub palette 

Control sub palette

Array & Cluster sub palette 



versatile tool for solving various problems related to data processing, computing and mathematical modeling

a development environment and platform for running programs created in the graphical programming language

computer algebra system of computer-aided design class, focused on preparing interactive documents with calculations and visual accompaniment

two-and three-dimensional computer-aided design and drafting

software tool, designed to be capable of doing variety of mathematical and engineering calculations

which provides the user with tools for working with formulas, numbers, graphics and text


New M-file

opens a window for loading m-file

Opens an empty window for editing m-file

Opens a Simulin library browser page

opens the Help window

Open a previously saved page


Simulink is

“interactive visual simulation of dynamic systems” environment

Data visualization tools

import and export data tools

Function libraries

tools of symbolic computation


Workspace is

displaying the contents of the working directory

starting almost as a standalone application

display of all existing variables

Debugging, profiling and optimization tool

command input window and results output


Current Directory is

displaying the contents of the working directory

Debugging, profiling and optimization tool

command input window and results output

starting almost as a standalone application

display of all existing variables

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