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Тема- Англомовний світ і Україна- культура і мистецтво Тема уроку- Живопис Мета- ввести та активізувати ле

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План-конспект уроку до підручника О.Карпюк

Клас 10

Тема: Англомовний світ і Україна: культура і мистецтво

Тема уроку: Живопис

Мета: ввести та активізувати лексичний матеріал до теми Живопис, сприяти розвитку навичок  аудіювання та читання, усного мовлення

Сприяти естетичному  вихованню

Розвивати увагу, оперативну пам'ять, мовленнєву реакцію

Обладнання: мультимедійне обладнання, комп’ютер, презентація до уроку

 Тип уроку: урок введення нового матеріалу  з елементами технології критичного мислення

Хід уроку

І Організаційний момент

1. Введення в іншомовне спілкування

27th of november 2012 , 03:28 

Selling of Russian painting masterpieces gave Christie's 24 million dollars

The main lot of auction was Boris Kustodiev’s chef-d’oeuvre  “Drayman”. It set a record of cost – 4,400,000 ponds 

Teacher Extraordinary news! I have read about  Christie's auction. Masterpieces are sold for a big sum of money. For example Boris Kustodiev’s picture Drayman was sold for 7 million dollars. Is it foolish or a well thought action? I’d like to know your ideas.

  1.  Is it reasonable to pay enormous sums for a piece of paper?
  2.  Would you buy a piece of art or something else if you had enough money?
  3.  Is private collection a nice place for any masterpiece? Why do you think so?
  4.  For some people buying works of art is a hobby for others it is a nice business to save money. What is your choice?

2. Введення теми уроку, цілепокладання

Teacher  How do you think is painting an interesting topic to speak about? Is it worth to spend time discussing art masterpieces?

So what is our topic for the next lessons? You are right, we start studying painting. (If you don’t like painting nevertheless let’s try to spend some lessons to change your opinion.)

Teacher What should we do at the beginning of any new topic?

Possible answers: work up a topic vocabulary, accumulate information in speaking, reading or listening, writing.

That’s exactly right for today’s lesson.

ІІ Основна частина

1. Розвиток усного мовлення прийом Інтерв’ю

It would be interesting to know your attitude to painting. You are welcome to make a small poll.

(Using ex.1p.110  3-5 pupils put questions to micro groups, analyze  the answers and represent them orally)





What is the difference between painting and drawing?


doesn’t know

What is your favoutite painting

Mona Lisa

Morning in the forest

Who is your favoutite painter

Leonardo da Vinci


2 . Введення та активізація лексичного матеріалу

1) Let’s read aloud new words from word file p.112

2) Is meaning of every word clear to you? Look at the screen and check your knowledge and try to remember new information

artist                           a person who creates paintings or drawings as a profession or hobby

image                         a representation of the external form of a person or thing in art

fame                            the state of being known by many people

genre            a style or category of art

masterpiece       a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship

scene                          the place where an incident in real life or fiction occurs, a landscape

scenery                    the natural features of a landscape considered in terms of their appearance,

                     especially when picturesque

tendency                an inclination towards a particular characteristic or type of behaviour

theme                         the subject of a talk, piece of writing, exhibition, etc.; a topic

depict                        represent by a drawing, painting, or other art form

devote           give all or most of one’s time or resources to (a person or activity)

propagate            spread and promote (an idea, theory, etc.) widely

represent              depict in a work of art

be inspired        fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative                 

be influenced  the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behaviour of

                       someone or something, or the effect itself

3) How could we use these words? I propose to make up sentences with new topic vocabulary to group A (A1, A2 if you have many pupils) and create a small story to group B. You have to represent them orally in 1 minute. During the presentation of sentences group B tries to fix and analyse opponents’ mistakes and vice versa.   

3. Розвиток навичок аудіювання та читання.

1) Would you like to listen to the text paying attention to the slide show on the screen?

(первинне пред’явлення тексту)

2) Look through the text and try to do ex.4b) p.112. Group A will refer paragraphs to the questions and group B will answer the questions.

(проглядове читання)

Clues to the test 1D 2G 3A 4I 5F 6E 7B 8H 9C

3) The following task is to find words to their definitions ex.5. p.112. We’ll check your answers by slide show

(орієнтування в тексті)

ІІІ Рефлексія

Would you like to make a time line of the development of Ukrainian painting? You can use your knowledge and information from our textbook. Group B tries to use today’s topic vocabulary in its work.

IV Підсумки уроку

Пояснення домашнього завдання  виконати тестові завдання з робочого зошита впр. 1-3 розділ 7.


1. Оценка эффективности инвестиционного проекта
2. тематическое осмысление его результатов зародившееся еще в предыдущую эпоху стали в Новое время могучей ду
3. лекция 14 1
4. Проективная методика исследования личности Автор методики- Р
5. тематическое получение прибыли от производства и-или продажи товаров оказания услуг
6. Корреляционные моменты Коэффициент корреляции
7. Преподобный Нил Сорский
8. Антропологические методы оценки волос
9. Лекция 1.4 сентября Михайлова Надежда Константиновна
10. Реферат- Таракташ