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MSTER OF SCIENCE IN SUSTINBLE MNGEMENT FROM UKRINE Trs Shevchenko Ntionl University of Kiev Turid Ntionl V

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TO STUDENTS ON THE PROGRAM «MASTER OF SCIENCE IN SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT» FROM UKRAINE (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Taurida National V. Vernadsky University of Simferopol)

Here is some information for you.

  1.  After receiving the letter of admission and sending back the student acceptance form with your signature you need to arrange your residence permit in Norway. You can read all information and apply via website www.udi.no.  You need to pay a fee with card and then come with all documents to the Norwegian Embassy/Consulate. The process takes time, so it is important to start as soon as possible!
  2.  Before arrival to Bodø you need to make sure that you have got the address of your student dormitory and that you have arranged (via International Office) that somebody is meeting you with keys. Dormitories and school are closed outside working hours.
  3.  You have to come in the period 03.january – 13.january. Official opening of the semester by rector of the university is on 06.january. Lectures and opening of your program is on 13.january. Please note that 13.january is the last date you can register at the Information desk in person to be admitted to the course.
  4.  You are getting “minimum funding”. This means that your accommodation will be paid directly by the university starting from January until the middle of June, you will get basic literature for the course, you will get reimbursement for travelling tickets up to 2000NOK, and you will get an allowance 7000NOK for this semester.  The money can be reimbursed and allowance can be paid only after you have opened a Norwegian bank account. This will be possible only after getting your residence permit card. Therefore, estimated time for getting basic funding is 1.5 months. Be prepared to this!
  5.  Upon arrival to Bodø you need to register at the university (at the Information desk) and get your student card. Also, as soon as possible go to Police station and apply for getting your residence permit card, get the residence permit card. Then go to bank and open an account. We recommend DNB bank, their office is in the city centre, in the shopping centre “Glasshuset”. There you can ask to open a student account and make a simple card without Photo ID for you. Their rules allow opening an account for non-Norwegians with a residence permit card. It is free for students. After opening your account you can come with documents for reimbursement.
  6.  Upon arrival to Bodø you will get an opportunity to apply for full funding “Eurasia”. Note that full scholarship substitutes your minimum funding. That means, in case of getting this full scholarship, you will have to pay for accommodation, travelling and literature yourself and you will not get any allowance. All information about how the process and application is coming at the “Boot camp” on 14.januar.

See you soon in Bodø!

Best regards,

Natalia Andreassen

Advisor, High North Center, University of Nordland

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