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Lern the new words- ureter duct convey urethr reolr tissue cvernous kidney eliminte fold prosttic

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Text: The anatomy of the urinary system.

Grammar: Absolute Participle Construction

Exercise 1. Learn the new words:

  1.  ureter
  2.  duct
  3.  convey
  4.  urethra
  5.  areolar tissue
  6.  cavernous
  7.  kidney
  8.  eliminate
  9.  fold
  10.  prostatic 

  1.  urinary bladder
  2.  kidney extremity
  3.  renal medulla
  4.  renal cortex

15.  renal pelvis


[d ʌ kt]





[kɪ̱dni] [ɪ'lɪmɪneɪt]





  1.  сечовід
    1.  протока (залози) ; канал
    2.  перевозити, транспортувати  
    3.  сечовипускальний канал, уретра
    4.   пухка сполучна тканина 
    5.  печеристий; порожнинний; кавернозний
    6.  нирки

8. усувати, виключати;

9. складка; згин

  1.  простатичний, який відноситься до передміхурової залози 
  2.  сечовий міхур
  3.  полюс почки
  4.  мозкова речовина нирки
  5.  коркова речовина нирки
  6.  ниркова миска

 Exercise 2. Read and translate into your native language

Ureter: There are 2 ureters in the human body. Ureters convey urine from the kidneys.

Duct: bile duct, obstruction of the urinary ducts,

Convey: convey oxygen from the lungs, convey waste substances from the kidneys.

Urethra: Inflammation of urethra, the difference between male and female urethra. The urethra is the organ of the urinary system.

Urinary bladder: urinary bladder infection, rupture of the urinary bladder. Cystitis is an inflammation of urinary bladder.

Kidney: 2 kidneys, inflammation of kidneys, kidney extremity, kidney infection, the enlarged boarders of the kidney.

Exercise 3. Form nouns with the help of suffixes –sion, -tion, -ment, -ance. Translate them into your native language:

To treat, to decide,  to develop, to improve,  to appear, to inflame, to infect, to manifest,  to prevent.

Exercise 4. Translate the word-combinations into your native language.

A mass of fat and loose areolar tissue, an upper and lower extremity of the kidney, a thick-walled narrow cylindrical tube, renal medulla and the renal pelvis, triangle-shaped organ; the prostatic, membranous, and cavernous portions; to hold in place by ligaments, soluble substances, to discharge urine from the body, backward flow of the urine.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text.


The urinary system  is a group of organs in the body concerned with filtering out excess of fluid and other substances from the bloodstream. This system keeps the chemicals and water in your body balanced.  It consists of two kidneys, which secrete the urine, the ureters, or ducts, which convey urine to the urinary bladder, where it is stored for some time; and the urethra, through which it is discharged from the body.

The kidneys are paired bean-shaped organs of purplish or brown colour. They have two surfaces, two borders, and an upper and lower extremity. There are three major regions of the kidney: renal cortex, renal medulla and the renal pelvis. 

The kidneys are situated in the posterior part of the abdomen, behind the peritoneum. They are covered by the renal capsule. Each kidney is about 11.25 cm in length, 5 cm in breadth, and 2.5 cm in thickness. The left kidney is longer and narrower, than the right one. The weight of the kidney in the adults varies from 170 gm to 115 gm.

There are more than 1000000 nephrons in each kidney. The nephron carries out nearly all of the kidney's functions. Its chief function is to regulate the concentration of water and soluble substances like sodium salts by filtering the blood, reabsorbing what is needed and excreting the rest as urine. A nephron eliminates wastes from the body, regulates blood volume and blood pressure, controls levels of electrolytes and metabolites, and regulates blood pH. The inflammation of nephrons in the kidneys is called nephritis.

The ureters are two tubes which measure from 25 to 30 cm in length. They convey the urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder. 

The urinary bladder is a triangle-shaped, hollow musculomembranous organ. It is located in the lower part of the abdomen and is held in place by ligaments that are attached to other organs and the pelvic bones. After the urine enters the bladder from the ureters, small folds in the bladder mucosa act like valves preventing backward flow of the urine. 

The urethra is a tube that connects the urinary bladder to the outside of the body. Male and female urethra differs in shape and length. Male urethra length varies from 17.5 to 20 cm; and it is divided into three portions, the prostatic, membranous, and cavernous. The female urethra is a narrow membranous canal, about 4 cm. long.


Exercise 6.  Find corresponding definition to the words on the left.  


the outer portion of the kidney containing the glomeruli and the tubules


a distensible membranous sac in which the urine excreted from the kidneys is stored


each of a pair of organs in the abdominal cavity of mammals, birds, and reptiles, that excrete urine

urinary bladder

the duct by which urine passes from the kidney to the bladder or cloaca

renal cortex

the duct by which urine is conveyed out of the body from the bladder

Exercise 7. Answer the questions to the text.

1. What does the urinary system consist of?

2. What form do the kidneys have?

3. Where are the kidneys situated?

4. What is the function of nephrons?

5. What is the function of the ureters?

6. Where is the urine stored before it is discharged from the body?

7. What is the function of the urethra?

8. What conveys urine from the kidneys?

9. What is the form of urinary bladder?

10. What is the difference between male and female urethra?

Exercise 8. Find corresponding equivalents:

1. renal pelvis

2. to eliminate waste products

3. kidneys and urinary bladder

4. renal medulla

5. ureter and urethra

6. a thick-walled narrow cylindrical tube

7. to discharge urine

8. to be held in place by ligaments

9. to prevent backward flow of the urine

10. small folds in the bladder mucosa

  1.  сечовід та сечовипускальний канал
  2.  підтримуватися звязками
  3.  мозкова речовина нирки
  4.  виводи продукти відходів життєдіяльності 
  5.  перешкоджати зворотному відтоку сечі
  6.  маленькі складки у слизової оболонці сечового міхура
  7.  ниркова миска
  8.  товстостінна вузька циліндрична трубка
  9.  нирки та сечовий міхур
  10.  переносити сечу

Exercise 9.  Agree of contradict the following statements.

  1.  Urine is stored in the urethra before discharging from the body.
  2.  A nephron regulates the concentration of water and soluble substances.
  3.  The urinary bladder is a hollow bean-shaped organ, which discharges urine from the body.
  4.  The ureters convey the urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder.
  5.  Kidney is a musculomembranous tube which stores the urine before eliminating from the body.
  6.  The urine is discharged from the body through the ureters.
  7.  Urethra is a tube that connects kidney and urinary bladder.
  8.  The main function of ureters is to regulate the concentration of water and soluble substances.

Exercise 10. Translate words given in italics.

  1.  Urine is stored in сечовий міхур.
  2.  There are 2 нирки in the human being.
  3.  Сечовід виводить urine from the kidneys.
  4.  All urine is виділяється from the body by сечовипускальний канал.
  5.  These organs are situated in the posterior part of черевної порожнини.
  6.  Ниркова миска is the hollow funnel, into which urine is discharged before entering the ureter.
  7.  Renal stone is a solid piece of material that forms in the kidney from substances in the сечі.
  8.  Nephrons виводять продукти відходів from the body.

Exercise 11. Fill in prepositions from the box below where necessary:

Most urine infections are … … bacteria that come from your own intestines. Some bacteria lie …… your anus after you pass a stool. These bacteria can sometimes travel …. your urethra and …. your bladder. Some bacteria penetrate ….. urine and multiply quickly to cause infection.

Cystitis means inflammation ….. the bladder. It is usually caused ……..  a urine infection. Typical symptoms are pain when urine is conveyed …..  ….. the body, blood in your urine and a fever.

Your immune system can often clear the infection. Without antibiotics, cystitis (particularly mild cases), may go ….. on its own …. a few days. However, symptoms can sometimes last ….. a week or so if you do not take antibiotics.

for         by        away     into       out of       in        around     of     to        due to       into      

Grammar in Use 





(not) asking – той, що питає

(not) being asked – той, якого спитали


(not) having asked – той, що спитав

(not) having been asked – той, якого спитали

Exercise 1. Translate the sentences  into your native language paying attention to Participles:

  1.  Microorganisms invading the human body can develop an infection.
    1.  Vessels carrying blood to the heart are called veins.
    2.  The liver consisting of loves is covered by fibrous tissues.
    3.  A nephron eliminating wastes from the body, regulates blood volume and blood pressure,
    4.  Being examined by the physician the patient was prescribed antibiotics.
    5.  Being located in the posterior part of the abdomen the kidneys receive blood from the paired renal arteries.
    6.  Having asked the patient about his complains the doctor could make a preliminary diagnosis.
    7.  Having been operated successfully the patient was gradually recovering.

Absolute Participle Construction

My friend suffering from a severe pain, I called in a doctor.

Так як мій друг страждав від сильного болю, я викликав лікаря.

External bleeding being profuse, the patient was taken to the hospital.

Так як зовнішня кровотеча була дуже надмірною, то пацієнта забрали до лікарні.

The surgeon having performed the operation, the patient’s condition became better.

Після того, як хірург зробив операцію, стан пацієнта покращився.

The operation having been performed, the patient’s condition became better.

Коли було зроблено операцію, стан пацієнта покращився.

Exercise 2.  Read and translate paying attention to the translation of Absolute Participle Construction.

  1.  The nephron carrying out nearly all of the kidney's functions, its chief function is to regulate the concentration of water
  2.  The nephrons in the kidney being inflamed, the patient was administered antibiotics.
  3.  The patient suffering from pains in the lumber area, urine analyses were made.
  4.  The patient being admitted to the hospital, the doctor examined him in the reception ward.
  5.  The patient having been hospitalized, the abdominal pain was controlled several hours later.
  6.  The patient having survived the operation well, the danger of peritonitis was eliminated.
  7.  Gastric and duodenal ulcers having been proved to result from Helicobacter pylori that colonizes the mucosa.
  8.  Hypertension complicating the nephritis, the patient was prescribed vasodilators and diuretics.

Exercise 3. Make questions to the underlined words.  

1. The human organism can fight against the microorganisms.

2. The doctor has just examined this patient.

3. The administrations were changed to restore the patient’s health rapidly.

4. The capillaries are connected with the endings of the arteries and veins.

5. Bacteria cause inflammation of the urinary bladder.

6. The bladder is composed of serous, muscular, submucous, and mucous coats.

7. Koch's pupils found the organisms responsible for diphtheria, typhoid, and pneumonia.

8. The symptoms of acute pyelonephritis are aching pain in the lumbar region and fever.

Exercise 4.  Open the brackets and put the verbs in a correct form.  

  1.  The patient's wound (to bandage) 2 hours ago.

2. Urine (to form) in three steps: Filtration, Reabsorption, and Secretion.

3. No sex differences (to exist) in the count of white corpuscles.

4. A test in Histology (to pass) the day after tomorrow.

5.  Last night she (to experience) an attack of acute pain in the tooth.

6. V. P. Filatov (to found) the Institute of Eye diseases in Odesa.

7. The prescribed antipyretics already (to reduce) elevated body temperature.

8. When he entered the room, they (to carry out) the experiment.

Завдання для самостійної роботи

студентів (СРС)

I. Translate:

1. сечовід та сечовипускальний канал

  1.  нирки та сечовий міхур
    1.  ниркова миска
    2.  продукти відходів життєдіяльності
    3.  накопичуватися в крові
    4.  мозкова речовина нирки
    5.  порушення функцій органів
    6.  перешкоджати зворотному відтоку сечі
    7.  виводити сечу

10. розташуватися за очеревиною

  1.  Answer the questions:

1. What does the urinary system consist of?

2. What form do the kidneys have?

3. What is the function of nephrons?

4. Where is the urine stored before it is discharged from the body?

5. What is the difference between male and female urethra? 

III. Describe the term:

Kidney, nephron, urinary bladder

Тестові завдання для поточного контролю знань


1. ……………… convey urine to the urinary bladder.

a) Urethra  b) ureters c) kidney d) nephron e) urinary bladder

  1.  Urine is discharged from the body through …...

a) Urethra  b) ureters c) kidneys d) nephron e) urinary bladder

3. The chief function of ………….. is to regulate the concentration of water and soluble substances.

a) Urethra  b) ureters  c) nephron  d) nerves e) bladder

4. ………………. is a triangle-shaped, hollow musculomembranous organ.

  1.  Kidney b) urinary bladder     c) renal pelvis      d) ureter e) stomach

5. ……….. is divided into three portions, the prostatic, membranous, and cavernous.

  1.  Male urethra b) female urethra c) ureters d) urinary bladder e) kidney


6. The urinary bladder ……... in place by ligaments.

  1.  is tightened  b) is held c) is attached  d) is divided  e) is bounded

7. ………………… has a characteristic bean-shaped form.

  1.  Urinary bladder  b) renal pelvis  c) kidney d) liver  e) spleen

8. …………… measures from 25 to 30 cm in length.

  1.  Urethra b) ureter c) kidney d) small intestine e) esophagus

9. Inflammation of the nephrons in the kidneys is called ………….

a) Nephrolithiasis b) nephritis с)  pyelonephritis d) cystitis e) hepatitis

10. Nephrons …..

a) eliminate wastes from the body   b) regulate blood volume and pressure

c) control levels of electrolytes and metabolites d) regulate blood pH

e) all of the above



Text: The anatomy of the urinary system.

Grammar: Absolute Participle Construction


Exercise 1. Read and memorize.

1. Storage  

2. tighten

3. reservoir

4. expand  

5. alert

6. sphincter

7. squeeze out

8. breakdown

9. sweat

10. consume

11. sterile

12. urea

13. to propel

14. to expel

15. subsequently  
















зберігання, сховище



розширювати, поширювати попереджати (про небезпеку)



видавлювати, витискувати порушення, розпад

розвал, розпад


з'їдати, вживати 

стерильнийб безплідний


приводити в рух; просувати вперед; штовхати

вилучати, виштовхувати

згодом, потім, пізніше

Exercise 2. Read and translate into your native language.

Waste products, to transmit via the ureters, propel urine towards the urinary bladder, forcing urine downward, sweat and breathing, excess of water, walls relax and expand, alert about the time to urinate, bacteria, viruses and fungi, continually tighten and relax, breakdown of active tissues, accumulate in the blood, to consume food, subsequently expell from the body.

Exercise 3. Form words with negative meaning with the help of prefixes un-, in-,  im-, dis-. Translate new words.

 Model: known – unknown – відомий – невідомий

Comfortable, appear, agree, frequent, function, continue, complicated, patient, advantage, possible.


Exercise 4. Rewrite the sentences giving the words in brackets with negative meaning.

1. I am sorry, I (to understand) her message completely.

2. Ukraine got the status of (dependence) 1996.

3. The pain (to appear) 15 minutes after I took these pills.

4. We normally have similar opinions but I (to agree) with him totally now.

5. This drug has several (favourable) effects such as nausea and drowsiness.

6. The formation of kidney stones can cause (function) of kidneys.

7. The (adequate) oral hygiene can cause caries formation.

8. You should (to continue) the treatment if you don’t notice any improvement in patient’s condition.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text.


The urinary system is the major system involved in the excretion of metabolic waste products and excess of water from the body, regulates blood volume and pressure, and regulates blood pH. A type of waste called urea is removed from the blood by the urinary system. Urea is produced when foods containing protein, such as meat, are broken down in the body. Urea is carried in the bloodstream to the kidneys.

The kidneys remove urea from the blood through nephrons. And then urea, together with water and other waste substances, forms the urine and passes through the nephrons and then it is excreted from the kidney via the ureters.

Wastes in the blood come from the normal breakdown of active tissues and from food. The body uses food for energy and self-repairs. After the body has taken what it needs from food, wastes are sent to the blood.

Ureters are two narrow tubes that propel urine towards the urinary bladder, where it is stored and subsequently expelled by urination.  Muscles in the ureter walls continually tighten and relax forcing urine away from the kidneys. If urine backs up or stands still, a kidney infection can develop.

The urinary bladder acts as a reservoir for the urine. The bladder's walls relax and expand to store urine, and contract to empty it. Nerves in the bladder alert a person when it is time to urinate.

The urethra passes the urine outside of the body. The brain signals the bladder muscles to tighten, which squeezes urine out of the bladder. At the same time, the brain signals the sphincter muscles to relax to let urine exit the bladder through the urethra. When all the signals occur in the correct order, normal urination occurs.

Facts about urine:

• Average urine production in adults is about 1 – 2 l per day. The amount of urine depends on the amounts of fluid and food a person consumes and how much fluid is lost through sweat and breathing.

• Normal urine is sterile fluid. It contains fluids, salts and waste products, but it is free of bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Exercise 6. Find corresponding definition to the words on the left.


a colorless crystalline compound that is the main nitrogenous breakdown product of protein metabolism in mammals


a flow of bodily fluid in animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells.


a watery, typically yellowish fluid which contains nitrogen compounds such as urea and other waste substances removed from the blood by the kidneys


any of the cordlike bundles of fibers that conduct sensory or motor impulses


each of the functional units in the kidney, consisting of a glomerulus and its associated tubule, through which the glomerular filtrate passes before emerging as urine

Exercise 7. Answer the questions.

1. What are the main functions of the kidneys?

2. What is urine?

3. What do wastes in the blood come from?

4. What organs carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder?

5. Why should kidneys remove waste products?

6. What is the function of nerves in the bladder?

7. What does the urinary bladder act as?

8. What part does the brain take in the process of urination?

Exercise 8. Translate word-combinations into English.

Тимчасове зберігання, виведення продуктів метаболізму, накопичуватися в крові, руйнувати нирки, сечовина, надлишок води, руйнування активних тканин, бактерії та грибки, безперервно стискати та розслаблювати, витискувати сечу з сечового міхура, повідомляти мозок, спорожнювати сечовий міхур, сеча застоюється у сечовому міхурі, вживання їжі та рідини, нормальне сечовиділення.

Exercise 9. Fill in the gaps with words from the box:

  nephrons       urine          bladder         kidney         wastes        urea         ureters      nerves

1. ________________ in the blood come from the normal breakdown of active tissues.

2. Normal ________________ contains fluids, salts and waste products.

3. Many of  _________________ functions are accomplished by relatively simple mechanisms of filtration, reabsorption, and secretion, which take place in the nephron.

4. __________________ carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder.

5. All the blood in our bodies passes through _______________ several times a day.

6. Urine is formed by ___________ together with water and other waste substances.

7. A person gets an alarm from the ____________when it is time to urinate.

8. In humans, a normal kidney contains 800,000 to 1.5 million ____________.

Exercise 10. Find the definitions to the terms mentioned in ex. 9:

  1.  It filters waste products and urea from the blood. 
    1.  It is composed by waste products and urea and usually averages 1-2 L a day.
      1.  These are the materials performed as a result of a breakdown of active tissues.
      2.  It is an organic compound, which is colorless, odorless, solid and highly soluble in water.
      3.  It is an organ in the pelvis. When empty, it is about the size and shape of a pear.
      4.  It serves the body as a natural filter of the blood, and removes wastes, which are transfered to the urinary bladder.
      5.  They are tubes made of smooth muscle fibers that propel urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder.
      6.  It is a cable-like bundle of fibers (the long projections of neurons) in the peripheral nervous system.

Exercise 11. Translate word-combinations given in italics.

1. Продукти відходів життєдіяльності appear in the blood because of порушення of muscles work.

2. If urine застоюється, a kidney infection can develop.

3. Nerves in the bladder попереджають a person about the time of urination.

4. Muscles in the ureter стискаються and relax примушуючи виведення сечі out of the kidneys.

5. Wastes products which накопичуються in the blood may greatly damage the health.

6. The body вживає food for energy and самовідновлення.

7. The muscles in the bladder розширюються to store urine.

8. Normal urine is is free of бактерії, віруси та грuбки.

Exercise 12. Fill in the gaps with the words and word-combinations from the box:

Urologic disease can involve ___________________________ dysfunction of the urinary system. Glomerulonephritis is a type of kidney disease in which the kidneys' filters become inflamed and ____________, and slowly lose their ability ________________________ from the blood to make urine. Patients may experience the following ________________:  fatigue, high blood pressure, __________________, blood and protein in the urine.

Unfortunately, even with today's medicine, kidney disease cannot be ______________. Treatments focus on slowing ____________ of the disease and preventing ________________. Treatment may include: drug therapy, diet modification, dialysis (a medical treatment to remove wastes from __________) and kidney transplantation.

congenital or acquired,   complications,   scarred,  the blood,   to remove wastes and excess fluid, symptoms,    decreased urine output,     cured,       the progression


Absolute Participle Construction (revision)

Exercise 1. Match the beginning of the sentence in column A and the end of the sentence in column B and translate the sentences into your native language:



1. There being no high temperature,

he made the diagnosis of nephritis.

2. A man having got into the car crash,

intense pain may appear.

3. The patient being exhausted by the treatment

the patient felt better.

4. Viruses being highly virulent,

he could make a preliminary diagnosis.

5. The doctor having asked the patient about his complains,

he fell asleep immediately.

6. The doctor having looked through the results of patient’s urine analyses,

they can survive in water, food and hands for many days.

7. The man having been operated,

he was brought to the post-operating ward.

8. The movement of the stone causing duct obstruction

he was brought into the reception ward of the city hospital by an ambulance.

Exercise 2. Open the brackets, use an appropriate form of Participle and translate the sentences into your native language:

1. Normal urine (to be) free from bacteria and fungi it is practically sterile fluid.

2. There (to be) no symptoms, stones may be carried in kidneys for years.

3. The parents (to call) in an ambulance in panic, they forgot to tell address.

4. Muscles in the ureter walls continually (to tighten) and (to relax), the urine is forced downward, away from the kidneys.

5. A nurse (to give) an injection of anesthetics she asked whether he had an allergy to novocaine.        

6. The woman (to hospitalize) with pains, she was operated immediately on her kidney obstruction.

7. The patient (to have) a large stone in his kidney, it resulted in the destruction of the kidney.

8. Kidneys (to discharge) metabolic waste products and excess of water from the body, it regulates blood volume and pressure.


Exercise 3. Put questions to the underlined words.

Tuberculosis may affect not only the lungs but also other organs.

Patients with pyelonephritis are administered antibiotics.

The patient’s pulse rate became irregular and accelerated on physical exertion.

Next Monday the patient will be made a biopsy of the left kidney.

The patient has lost 3 kilograms of weight this month.

The process of urination must be controlled by the nerves in the brain and spinal cord.

These patients have just taken the prescribed drugs.

The diagnosis was approved by the results of urine analyses.

Exercise 4. Open the brackets and put the verbs in a correct form.

The patient (not to take) this medication now.

The condition of the patient (to improve) a little since yesterday. It’s better now.

The urinary bladder (to excrete) about 1,5 l of urine per day.

Vitamins (to take) daily for optimal health.

The patient (to discharge) from the hospital in 2 days.

After the injection, given an hour ago, he (to feel) much better.

The drug (to store) in a place protected from light.

At the prescription department medicines (to make up) according to prescriptions.

Завдання для самостійної роботи

студентів (СРС)

  1.  Translate:

1. накопичуватися в крові

2. бактерії, віруси та грuбки

3. спорожнювати сечовий міхур

  1.  виведення сечі через уретру

5. вживати рідину та продукти харчування

6. тимчасове зберігання

7. нормальне сечовиділення

8. повідомляти мозок

9. руйнування активних тканин

10. стискатися та розслаблюватися

  1.  Answer the questions:

1. What part does the urinary bladder take in the process of urination?

2. What part does the brain take in the process of urination?

3. What may happen if kidneys don’t remove waste products?

4. What do wastes in the blood come from?

5. What are the main functions of the kidneys?

III. Describe the term:

Urinary system, urine, ureter

Тестові завдання для поточного контролю знань


1. There are no  …... in normal urine.

  1.  salts and waste products b) bacteria, viruses and fungi c) leukocytes
  2.  erythrocytes  e) casts

2. Urine is transmitted ……….. the ureters to the bladder.

a) In   b) from  c) via  d) to  e) by

3. ……………… - alert a person when it is time to urinate.

  1.  Nerves in the brain      b) muscles in the ureter  c) nerves in the bladder

d)  spasms in the bladder     e) nephrons in the kidneys

4. ……………….. carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder.

  1.  Urethra b) ureters     c) a ureter  d) arteries  e) veins

5. The urinary system is involved in ………….of metabolic waste products and excess of water from the body.

  1.  the excretion b) secretion       c) formation d) production         e) dissemination

6. If urine backs up, or is allowed to stand still, ……….. can develop.

  1.  nephritis     b) a kidney infection c) kidney destruction        d) cystitis         e) gastritis

7. The bladder muscles squeeze urine ……… the bladder.

  1.  out of b) into  c) via  d) from e) away from

8. After the body has taken what it needs from food, wastes are sent to ……..

  1.  kidneys        b) urinary bladder c) the blood  d) nephrons  e) brain

The bladder's walls …………. to empty urine through the urethra.

  1.  dilute        b) expand  c) contract  d) extend  e) squeeze

10. The urea is removed from the blood through units called ………….

a) nephrons  b) kidneys     c) arteries  d) ureters  e) urethra

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