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s for George Soros himself his exceptionl tlent for prediction which won him billions on bets ginst mjor nd lesser world currencies lso turned him to prophet of doom.html

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As for George Soros himself, his exceptional talent for prediction, which won him billions on bets against major and lesser world currencies, also turned him, to a prophet of doom. Some may accuse him of 'crocodile tears', but he is nevertheless very much heeded, when it comes to the intricacies of forex market strategy. After his letter to the Financial Times on the innate weakness of the Russian banking system led to the rapid plunge of the rouble, he, in his appeal to the USA Congress, prophesied nothing less, than 'the collapse of the world financial system'.

He told Congress that the global capitalist system, which has been responsible for our prosperity, is 'coming apart at all seams'. The picture Soros painted is of panic in world financial markets spreading from Asia through Russia to Latin America. Tills is costing banks and other financial institutions so much money that they will stop lending altogether, even in the West. There could be a general 'credit crunch' and global recession.14

Gerald Holtham of the London Daily Express further biii'.^-. as an illustration of the speculatively distorted market values the fact that 'the Emperor's palace in Tokyo was valued at more than the entire state of California'. It is the same analysis of the world situation that led the Observer and other major papers of the world to believe that 'now at stake is nothing less than the viability of the world financial and world order put in place over the last 20 years.' President Clinton, in his assessment of the possible damage to the world economy, went even further in saying that the situation, in which financial markets found themselves was 'the biggest challenge to the world economy in 50 years'.15

Anatole Kaletsky of The Times, among other economists, whilst being politely sceptical about the most desperate doomsday scenario, still conceded that

It may be true that the seeds of the present financial crisis v.'er'-' sown in the speculative mania that swept over Asia and other emerging markets from 1992 to 1997. It may be that, of we are looking for fundamental causes of the economic desolation, we should tocus not on tlie recent devaluations and speculative currency outflows, hut on the speculative inflows, currency over-valuations, excessive investments and corrupt lending of the previous years.16

It is not coincidence that this book focuses on the events and political figures of approximately the same period, although its political and geographical settings are far from widely known. But the major issues remain the same, whether we speak of a captain proudly looking forward from the desk of his Titanic of economic success, or a pilot managing to

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2. Тема 1- Введение в информатику Цель- Сформировать представление об информационном обществе показать ст
3.  Зміст контрольних робіт та методичні вказівки до їх виконання 1
4. сороконожки БЕРЕГ Чтоб река бежала смело И в пути не обмелела Берег реку стережёт Берег реку б
5. Но что уж поделать неоконченное высшее образование и нежелание ездить далеко от дома привело меня именно сю
6. Средняя общеобразовательная школа с
7. РЕФЕРАТ дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата філологічних наук5
8. Моя семья ~ моё богатство Классный руководитель- Земскова С
9. Возраст таких мировых религий как буддизм и христианство исчисляется несколькими тысячелетиями.
10. методическим объединением вузов по машиностроительным и приборостроительным специальностям в качестве
11. тема и их среда географическая крупные геосистемы географические процессы с участием живых систем их с
12. Прогрессирующие мышечные дистрофии
14. Доходы и богатство в современной России
15. Рекомендации по учету обязательств работодателя по условиям и охране труда в трудовом и колле
16. Эффективные коммуникации и формирование сплоченности в малых группах
17. ВАРІАНТ 2 Питання N 1 Представники яких- родин вірусів мають найбільш виражені онкогенні властивості 1.
18. тема мащення двигуна навчити учнів основним поняттямРозділ- Технічні науки Система мащення двигуна навчит
19. Франция от революции 1848 года ко второй империи
20. ТЕМА1 - Менеджмент в здравоохранении