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Лексикология английского языка - Учеб

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Seminar 5

Free Word-groups and Phraseological Units

  1.  The notion of lexical syntagmatics. Syntagmatic relations.
  2.  Semantic word relations. Free word-groups vs phraseological units.
  3.  Lexical and grammatical valency.
  4.  Free word-groups:
    •  features of free word-groups;
    •  meaning of free word-groups;
    •  classification of free word-groups.
  5.  Phraseological units:
  •  features of phraseological units;
  •  classifications of phraseological units;
  •  origins and sources of phraseological units;
  •  semantic and stylistic features of phraseological units.

Assigned Readings

  1.  Arnold I.V. The English Word. Лексикология современного английского языка:  Учеб. для ин-тов и фак. иностр. яз. / И. В. Арнольд – 3-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М. : Высш. шк., 1986. – С. 165-181.
  2.  Лексикология английского языка : Учеб. для ин-тов и фак. иностр. яз. / Р. 3. Гинзбург,  С. С. Хидекель, Г. Ю. Князева и А. А. Санкин. 2-е изд., испр. и доп. М. : Высш. школа, 1979. С. 210–236.
  3.  Rayevska N. N. English Lexicology. Лексикологія англійської мови. K. : Вища школа, 1977. – P. 265-283.
  4.  Кунин А.В. Некоторые вопросы английской фразеологии / Англо-русский фразеологический словарь.М., 1956. – P. 1433-1455. (Scanned! See the Self-Study Folder for Seminar 5).
  5.  Харитончик З. А. Лексикология английского языка. – Минск : Вышэйшая школа, 1992. – C. 194 – 222.


Task 1. Give the definition of the linguistic terms below. Transcribe the terms:

syntagmatic relations, a free word-group, distribution, lexical valency, grammatical valency, endocentric word-groups, exocentric word-groups, predicative word-groups, non-predicative word-groups, a phraseological unit, a phraseological combination (collocation), a phraseological unity, a phraseological fusion, an idiom, a phraseme, motivation (idiomaticity), semantic unity (cohesion).

Task 2. Use a dictionary or online corpus to find frequent collocations (verbal, adjectival, nominal etc.) with these words. Say whether they are used metaphorically or literally. Then use them in the sentences of your own:

experience, n           knowledge, n            opinion, n              success, n            

Task 3. Correct the collocation errors in the sentences below:

  1.  The manager had to make a number of changes to office procedures to do all the improvements he had planned for the company.
  2.  Do you think you can free out some time to have a quick meeting this afternoon?
  3.  I’ve got a raw idea of what I am going to say in my essay, but I haven’t planned it properly yet.
  4.  Increasing number of people today subscribe for the theory that small is beautiful.
  5.  There is increasingly high competition between airline companies.
  6.  The article does not back down its conclusions with enough convincing evidence.
  7.  It is important that we should front the issue of climate change immediately.
  8.  My mother always used to tell me not to spill unkind rumours.
  9.  This region has a ripe tradition of folk singing and dancing.
  10.  We hope our new organisation will be a force for political change.

Task 4. Define the meaning of the phraseological units below. Group them in accordance with the formal classification:

head and shoulders, a new broom, to hit below the belt, through thick and thin, a mare's nest, to take the revenge, to beat the air, a wet blanket, as the crow flies, to sit on the fence, tooth and nail, to make head or tail, a bull in a china shop, to cut the mustard, out of a clear sky, a snake in the grass, when pigs fly, Dutch courage, in the long run.

Task 5. Define the meaning of the phraseological units below. Arrange them into three semantic fields – "Communication", "Relationship", and "Work". Add at least three more expressions to each field.

to be at each other's throats, not to lift a finger, to talk to a brick wall, through thick and thin, to be on the same wavelength, to have one's hands full, not to see eye to eye, the gift of gab, to get the message, to twiddle one's thumbs, to get on like a house on fire with sb, to burn the candle at both ends, to beat about the bush.

Task 6. Transcribe the words from the box and use them to complete the phraseological units below. Define their origin and source. Give Ukrainian equivalents and comment on cultural peculiarities if any. Use them in the sentences of your own.

  1.  a … can't change its spots
  2.  to rest on one’s …
  3.  to cross the …
  4.  to paddle one’s own …
  5.  to meet one's …
  6.  to open … box
  7.  to have the … touch
  8.  to grin like a … cat
  9.  an … cave
  10.  to hoist with one’s own ….
  11.  to set the … on fire
  1.  Rubicon  
  2.  Cheshire  
  3.  Waterloo  
  4.  Pandora  
  5.  Midas  
  6.  Aladdin
  7.  Thames
  8.  canoe
  9.  laurels
  10.  leopard   
  11.  petard

Task 7. Define the meaning of the phraseological units below. Comment on their stylistic features. Give linguistic evidence to your answer.

as keen as mustard, to be at a crossroads, a face like thunder, to have sth up the sleeve, to have head for heights, as thick as two short planks, a dark horse, to have good ear for music, to be all thumbs, to feather one’s nest, as dry as dust, a drop in the ocean.

Task 8. Group the phraseological units below into:

  1.  synonymous pairs

when pigs fly

to turn a blind eye on sth

to twiddle one’s thumbs

an old salt

to give sb the brush-off

skin and bone

a sea dog

on the Greek calends

a bag of bones

to give sb the cold shoulder

to be at a loose end

to close one’s eyes to sth

  1.  antonymous pairs

milk for babes

Tom Thumb

big wigs

to be on the breadline

to keep one’s chin up

not to care a pin for sth

small potatoes

to hang down one’s head

to make much of sth

a hard nut to crack

as tall as a maypole

to spend money like water

       Task 9. Read the text below and do the tasks that follow.

For associate professor Jeremy Williams, who has been teaching in tertiary institutes for more than two decades, making the crossover from a classroom to an e-learning environment was not a difficult choice. ‘It was something that just happened one day, like a wake-up call, when I realised the way I was teaching the MBA courses was not authentic,’ he says. ‘Here I was waxing lyrical in a classroom on what happens in business environment, but it doesn’t really translate to what actually takes place in the marketplace.’

Universitas 21 Global was launched in September 2000 with headquarters in Singapore as a $90m joint venture between Universitas 21, Thompson Learning – a US-based educational publisher – and a global consortium of 16 universities. The online institute wants to tap into the vast potential demand for higher education, particularly in Asia. It also aims to break away from the elitist model of higher education by making tertiary education accessible to more people.  

  1.  Find at least five predicative free word-groups in the text.
  2.  Find at least ten non-predicative free word-groups in the text. Classify them according to the type of connection and the headword.
  3.  Find cases of phraseological units in the text. Define their meaning. Classify them according to the degree of motivation.
  4.  Find words and expressions in the text that have a similar meaning to the following: (1) higher university or at university level; (2) to use or take from sth; (3) to begin to speak about sth in the specified manner; (4) an association, typically of several companies.
  5.  Define the meaning of the noun demand in the given excerpt. Give examples of phraseological units and typical collocations with it.

Self-Study Work

Reproductive level

Creative level

Innovative level

Tasks and exercises // Методичні рекомендації для самостійної роботи з курсу лексикології англійської мови для студентів ІІІ курсу / Укл. Л.Ф. Бойцан. – К.: Вид. Центр КНЛУ, 2000. – C. 27-31.

Choose one of the following problems, read and summarize the main points in English in 120-150 words:

1) Cowie A.P. Introduction. In Phraseology: Theory, Analysis, and Applications. Ed. By A.P. Cowie. – Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998. – P. 4-20.

2) A semantic classification of phraseological units. In Кунин А.В. Некоторые вопросы английской фразеологии / Англо-русский фразеологический словарь. – М., 1956. – P. 1433-1445.

3) Synonymy and derivation of phraseological units. (ibid.). – P. 1445-1455.  

The scans are attached!

Study the collocational and phraseological potential of 10 polysemous words of your choice and write a report on your research (approximately 3 pages).

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