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Clmidiosis cused irrittion of rectum nd n itch then the whore picked open the nl fork nd extended ll worms then died from blood poisoning

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1.Clamidiosis caused irritation of a rectum and an itch then the whore picked open the anal a fork and extended all worms then died from blood poisoning.

2.The old shit dried on hair of anal walls stupid a bough and it thrust to herself into an ass the vacuum cleaner and drained in a rectum which hammered a pipe together with shit and the vacuum cleaner exploded lumps.

3.Dirty sex in a toilet at the station where stinks of ammonia and a shit of drunk bums caused vomiting in the whore directly on a face of the client who choked with her vomiting and died finishing it in an ass.

4.The whore shitted on the person to the old fetishist in a black leather mask and it had a blockage of the top airways and it died in ecstasy.

5.The rupture of a sewer pipe of a toilet caused a never-ending stream of shit and urine which flooded the whore and the client at the time of sex with the closed doors of the sleeping room.

6.Stupid cunt decided to clean off a shit from the ass by means of an emery paper and tore apart anal till it bleeds thereby having caused an infection and further rotting of anal pass.

7.Drunk a bough I struck in an ass with the bum and I choked with the vomiting at the time of an orgasm.

8.Ecstasy of old coprophile from that that on it is shitted by tens men to it directly on the person and wiping asses push it in a mouth the trashed scraps of toilet paper.

9.Bathing in sewer shit and masturbating slut started to itself in cunt microbes which infected it and it died from an infection at the time of a menstrual cycle.

10.Stupid a bough I wanted to shit in a crematorium and it opened a crematorium door fell in fire and burning down it shitted and shouted from simplification and pain.

11.Role-playing games of the whore and the client in a toilet booth at the time of the fecal act of the spotting old fetishist in pervert basement club.

12.The young pervert licks a shit from a floor thus masturbating the brush who was soiled in shit.

13.Chaotic fecal acts during group sex between smelly bums with the rotted-through anuses.

14.Stupid a bough I shitted in a toilet near plant where the base of a toilet didn't sustain and it failed and choked in others shit.

15.Burning in a crematorium the trashed corpses of old degenerates that decayed on a wheelchair of the thrown mortuary.

16.Crushing a press of dead whores that заблевали parking near points where alcoholics and other degenerates constantly struck.

17.Expansion of anal pass with the help отвёрти which the whore picked up on the street with hope that its ass will be more convenient for pass of a penis of clients.

18.The whore who seduced the poor priest as a result was fucked.pissed and is trashed.

19.The stupid rubbish fell asleep having gorged on shit and having fucked on the trashed corpse of the client who died of a sharp coronary syndrome.

20.Bratishka,ya tebe pokushat prinyos

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