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Business interests cn mke lot of money without interferencefrom Government

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A: Many politicians have visions of a better society. Do you have such a vision?
B: I'll need lime to think about that.  If you can describe the visions of the different political parties, then I'll tell you where I stand.
A: O.K. I'll start with the Labour Party. It seems that they want gradual change towards a more equitable society with improvements to education, health and public transport. The Conservatives seem to favour private ownership. They want a society where people with business interests can make a lot of money without interference
from Government. The Liberal Democrats want more or less the same as New Labour, though they are more eager to change the voting system.
B: Don't you think the vision of the three major parties is more or less the same?

A: Well, it has to be. They're out for votes. They've learnt that people are wise to promises which can't be delivered, in fact, they probably don't want too much upheaval in their lives.

B: Do any of the minor parties offer promises of greater change?

A:I think we can forget about the National Front Party, because there now seems to be a general acceptance that Britain is a multi-racial society as well as a fairly tight stance on immigration The Green Party is of far greater interest, because their vision relates to everything we produce and consume and the effects of all our acceptance on the environment

B: But surely, they’ll never get enough support to win a General Election.
A: No, but you can be certain that the major political parties will steal their clothes. Everybody notices when town centres become clogged up with cars, when the air in their streets becomes polluted, when it becomes dangerous to swim in the sea and when their water tastes of pesticides.

B: You mean it's possible to ignore the Green Part), but you can’t ignore their policies when a general consensus of people come to support them?

A: Exactly.

B: Well. I think I'll go along with the Green Party's vision of society, but I'm not sure that I'll vote for them. You see. I want my vote to count

A: You should vote for what you believe in. Then there's far more chance that the major parties will sit up and take notice.

Text for dictation

The meaning of "society" is susceptible to changes in place and time. In Britain, during the Second World War there was a feeling of community because civilians helped one another out. When the war ended, the Welfare State was founded.
People were provided with free eye-tests, glasses, medicines and dental check-ups.
There was a sense of the strong helping the weak. By the end of the 1950s, many people were purchasing washing machines and televisions. Some were even buying their own houses. The consumer society was under way. Politicians told us that we'd never had it so good During the 1960s, in both Britain and America, the conventional view of society was challenged by a youth movement whose opinions were articulated through pop and folk music and student politics. Songs such as "Little boxes" ridiculed the idealized picture of the too parent family whose children went through both summer school and university to become perfect products of society The little boxes of many different colours, but which all looked just the same, were the suburban dwellings of the American middle class. Other songs such as "What did you learn in school, today''" questioned the image of the good citizen who never doubts the teacher's word, regards the police as friends, supports the death penaltv and is eager to fight for his country. The attack on the uniformity of the family developed into a protest against the Vietnam war. By the early 1970s, criticism turned to the corruption inherent in the Nixon administration
Today, people show greater tolerance towards different family structures such as single parent families and there is a wider acceptance of different races and sexual orientations. However, trust is in short supply  judging by the number of security


  1.  Should governments use the welfare system to encourage people to live within two parent families?

2. At what age should a son or daughter be permitted to leave home?

3. Should young people be allowed to buy contraceptives as soon as they reach puberty?

4 Should the age of consent be the same for both gays and heterosexuals?

5. Should gays and heterosexuals have the same right to join the armed forces?

6. Should abortion be available to women on demand?

7. Should euthanasia be available lo people in great pain who want to die?

8. Is it possible to pass effective laws against racism?

9. Do you believe in a high tax economy (e.g. Sweden) which distributes money to education and health or a low tax economy (eg. the U.S.A.) where people make private provision for good services?

10. Do you have a vision of a better society? What changes would you make?

11. Do you think genetic engineering should be used to create good citizens?

12. What do you think are the characteristics of a good member of society?

1. Секс и здоровье. Секс и брак
2. Водные мелиорации издревле волновали души людей
3. 27февраля 1996г. ТИПОВАЯ ИНСТРУКЦИЯ 11 ПО ОХРАНЕ ТРУДА ДЛЯ МЕДНИКА ТОИ Р 200 11 96 Инстру
4. Електронна търговия
5. Курсовая работа- Органы предварительного расследования
6. Мифологизация предания о деятельности Евангелиста Луки, как художника
7. I Кіріспе IIНегізгі б~лім- А Е~бек ы~ы туралы жалпы т~сінік
8. по теме- Экиден Козин Иван Класс 10Г Москва 2012 Экиде~н яп
9. рождения науки
10. Согласовано Зам
11. ЛЕКЦІЯ 5 Психологія взаємодії людей в соціальних групах 1
12. МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ по написанию и защите выпускных квалификационных дипломных работ
13. Реферат- Переход от диктатуры к демократии в Испании
14. Тема 4 Платіжна система виконання бюджетів 1
15. Задание на домашнюю работу по курсу
16. Тема- АНТИСЕПТИКА Одним из важных разделов общей хирургии является тема
17. Земельная рента в сельском хозяйстве
18.  Учебный план. На уровне общего теоретического представления государственный стандарт содержания общ
19. то сделать для других отдать ее другим людям
20. Lb Запустити MpInfo Вибрати Open Tble відкрити дані