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Phonetic s science. Brnches of Phonetics.html

Работа добавлена на сайт samzan.net:

1.Phonetic as a science. Branches of Phonetics.

2.Phonetic system of English, its role and functions.

3. Phonetics in connection with other linguistic science.

4. Phonetics in connection with non-linguistic science.

5. Phonetics and Communication.

6. Speech sound as the basic phonetic unit

7. Systematic character of English speech Sounds.

8. The articulatory Aspect of Speech Sound

9. Vocalic and consonantal distinctions of English Speech Sounds.

10. The English monophthongs and diphthongs.

11. Vowel distinctions based on the final phase of articulation in English

12. System of the English consonants

13. Consonant distinctions based on the type of obstruction and manner of producing noise

14. Consonant distinctions based on the kind of noise produced

15. Consonant distinctions based on the active organ of speech, and the place of articulation

16. Modification of English Speech Sounds in Connected Speech

17. The Phoneme, its Materiality

18. The Phoneme, its abstracted and generalized character

19. The functional aspect of the Phoneme

20. Phonetics & Phonology

21. The Phoneme Theories

22. Syllable as the elementary unit of a spoken chain, types of syllables

23. Syllable as a phonological unit

24. Syllable formation. Sonority theory in syllabification

25. Syllable division.

26. Word stress and accent, its nature and role

27. Functions of word stress in English

28. Functional degrees of word accent in English

29. Positional distinctions of word accent in English

30. Distinctive functions of word accent in English

31. Intonation, its role and functions

32. Components of an Intonation Pattern.

33. Articulatory and acoustic aspects of Intonation

34. Voice distinctions of an English Utterance

35. Nuclear tones

36. Stress distinctions of an English Utterance

37. Constitutive function of English Intonation

38. Distinctive functions of Intonation

39. Intonation/Prosody

40. Phonostylistics

41. Styles and style-forming means

42. Major accent types: British and American

43. Received English Pronunciation

44. General American Pronunciation

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