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These chirs 2 This computer

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Module 1: Greetings and Introductions

Situation 5

H. 1. These chairs.

2. This computer.

3. These pens.

4. This desk (table).

5. These copy –books.

I.  1. B

2. b

3. a
4. B

5. a

J. 1. Это карандаш.

2. Приятно познакомиться

3.  Я итальянец.

4. Какая у тебя фамилия?

Module2: Exchanging Information

Test 2

  1.  1. Hairdresser, barber


3. Secretary


B. 1. A

2. an

3. an

4. a


C.  1. fourty

2. twenty – eight

3. sixty

4. fourty – nine

5. eighty – four

D. 1. What are in the boxes?

2. This is a computer.

3. They are students.

4. Is it an Italian dictionary?

5. This is Anna’s book.

6. They (we) are not teachers.

E. 1. Their


3. his

4. our

5. her

F. 1. Monday

2. Tuesday

3. Wednesday

4. Thursday
5. Friday

6. Saturday

7. Sunday

G. 1. A

2. b

3. a

4. b

5. b

6. b

H. 1. This

2. these

3. that

4. those

5.  this

6.  those

I. 1. Сегодня понедельник?

2. Какой номер телефона у Тома?

3.  Я – продавец в магазине одежды.

4. Что в этих коробках?

5. Я из Франции

6. Сколько лет Дэну?

Module 3: Family and friends

  1.  1 c
  2.  F
  3.  B
  4.  E
  5.  A
  6.  D

  1.  1. Have

2. have

3. has

4. have

5. has

6. have

C. 1. She hasn’t long hair.

2. The children haven’t brown eyes.

3. Dan hasn’t three sons

4. We haven’t two aunts.

D.  1. Do you have brothers?

2. They have two children.

3. Dan doesn’t have green eyes.

4. Does Jen have long hair?

E.  1. He is tall.

2. she is old.

3. It is big

4. Her hair is long.

F. 1. Frank’s

2. Doris’s

3.  Pat’s

4. Doris’

G.  1. Head

2. ear

3. arm

4. hand

5. leg

6. eyes

7. nose

8. mouth

9. finger

10. foot

H. 1b






  1.  1. Моему сыну 6 лет

2. Это мои бабушка с дедушкой

3. Твоя мама высокая и худая

4. у Роба нет девушки

5. у меня карие глаза и длинные белокурые волосы.

6. У меня нет братьев

Module 4: how much? How many?

  1.  1. There isn’t

2. There is

3. There aren’t

4. There aren’t

5. there are

6. there isn’t

7. there aren’t

B. 1. Are there

2. Are there

3. Is there

4. Is there

5. Are there

C. 1.Are there

2. there are

3. is there

4. there is

D. 1. Any

2. some

3. any

4. any

5. any

6. some

7. some

8. any

9. any

10. some

E. 1. How many

2. how much

3.how much

4. how many

5.how many

6. how much

7. how many

F. 1. Some

2. a

3. some

4. some

5. a

6. some

7. an

8. a

G. 1. There is a concert this weekend.

2. There aren’t any bands on the stage.

3. I need an onion for a vegetable salad.

4. How much sugar do you need?

5. Is there any bag in the cereal?

6. There is some milk and an apple.

7. There are two canaries in the cage.

8. How many red apples do you need?

Module 5: Describing your home

A. 1. The First

2.the  sixth

3. the third

4. the tenth

5. the second

6. the fourth

B. 1. Curtains

2.an armchair

3. a stove

4. a table

5. a pillow


С. 1.e

2. c

3. d


5. a


D. 1. A kitchen

2. a dining-room

3. a bathroom

4. a bedroom

E. 1 live

2. share

3. sleeps

4. sleep

5. eat


7. makes

8. washes

9. play

10. watches

F. 1. Gary doesn’t watch television.

2. We don’t live in an ugly apartment.

3. I don’t use  the bath.

4. My friends don’t drink wine.

5. Katie doesn’t wash the cups.

G.  1. a. Do Bob and Joan listen to pop music?

b. Yes, they do.

2. a.Does Sylvia like light sheets?

b. No, she doesn’t

3. a. Does he read cook books?

b.Yes, he does.

4. a. Do they buy furniture from this department store?

b. No, the don’t.

H. 1. He doesn’t like washing dishes.

2. she doesn’t like eating cookies.

3. He likes reading books.

4. they like dancing.

5.We like talking.

Module 6: Describing daily Routines

A. Jobs: babysitter, fashion designer,  sports doctor.

Sports: football, tennis, soccer, baseball.

Places: beach, park,  museum.

B. 1. Take  - a shower, a taxi

2. go – to work, to bed

3.make  - a meal, copies

4. have – a snack, a breakfast

5. do – a homework , a project

6. pick up – a note, the children

C. 1.a. Peter does his homework in the evening.

b. Peter doesn’t do his homework in the evening.

2. a. The children wake up at 7 o’clock.

b. The children don’t wake up at 7 o’clock.

3. a. My husband and I take a train to work.

b. My husband and I don’t take a train to work.

4. a. Our teacher teacher in the computer room.

b. Our teacher doesn’t teach in the computer room.

5. a. Their dad plays basketball on weekends.

b. Their dad doesn’t play basketball on weekends.

D. 1. In

2. on

3. at

4. at



E. 1.where

2. how

3. when

4. why

5. who

F. 1.a. plays

b. doesn’t

2. a. does

b. meets

3. a. go

b. does. Likes.

4. a. do

b. don’t.  play

G.1. She always wakes up at 7 a.m.

2. We sometimes have breakfast together.

3. I often drive to work.

4. He usually plays basketball on Sundays.

5. They are never late for school.

Module 7: thing we can/can’t do

A.1. a cookery: a cake

2. a bank: money

3. a post- office: stamps

4. a sweet-shop: candy

B. Clothes: coat, shirt, dress, sweater

Seasons: winter,  summer, spring, fall

Feelings: angry, bored, excited, surprised

C. 1. April

2. December

3. August

4. February

5. October

6. January

D. 1 d

2 b

3 e

4 c

5 a

E. 1. Offer

2. permission

3. request

4. request

5. offer

6. request

F. 1. Where can I buy a dress for his party?

2. What can we buy for Jim?

3. Who can help me with this recipe?

4. How can we bring Jim to the party?

5. Where can they get the balloons?

6. When can you bake the cake?

7. Who can send the invitation for the party?

G. 1. Я умею петь, но не умею танцевать.

2. Когда ты сможешь купить перекусить?

3. Могу я помочь вам?

4. Могу ли я выпить бокал вина?

5. Кто может подвести ее на вечеринку?

6. могу я взять твоё пальто?

7. Они могут уйти с работы раньше?

8. Они сегодня не могут пойти за покупками.

9. Они могут купить торт в кулинарии Билла.

10. Где она может купить платье на вечеринку?

Module 8

A.  Weather – snow, wind, rain, sun

Being Sick- medicine, a cold, drugstore, rest in bed

Hobbies- ballet, painting, photography, sculpture

Food - dessert, rice, meatballs, soup

B. 1. Hungry

2. noisy

3. fast

4. terrible

5. bored

6. interested

7. tired

8. thirsty

C.1. c

2. a

3. e




D. 1. Tom isn’t resting in bed.

2. You are winning the game.

3. I’m not learning ballet.

4. It’s raining now.

5. we aren’t showing the video today.

6. They are getting ready for work.

7. Mary and Joe are not studying

8. The basketball player is throwing the ball.

E. 1. No, I’m not.

2. Yes, she is.

3. No, they aren’t

4. No, he isn’t

5. No, I’m not.

6. Yes, we are

F. 1. Where are they studying?

2. Who is interviewing the runner?

3. What is he learning?

4. What am I painting?

5. Who are dancing?

6. Why aren’t we working today?

Module 1: Greeting and Introductions

A. 1. One

2. eight

3. five

4. nineteen

5. thirteen

6. twenty

B. 1. Am


3. is

4. is

5. are

6. are


C.1. I’m fine, thanks

2. It’s an ID card

3. He’s a student

4. What’s your name?

5. You’re my friend.

D. 1. She isn’t my teacher

2. They aren’t American

3. I amn’t Spanish.

4. He isn’t from Italy

5. We aren’t students

6. It isn’t a dictionary

E. 1.d

2. a

3. b

4. c

F. 1. I am your friend.

2. You are a student.

3. Jack is from Italy.

4. They are Greek.


2. Italian

3. Japanese

4. Spanish

5. American

1. тематичних наук перевибрали одну й ту ж особу академіка Володимира Вернадського.
2. Проблемы экологии на Урале
5. Обмен нуклеотидов
6. Различают следующие виды оплаты труда.html
7. Распределение доходов
8. Полюс в период с 13 по 18 января 2014 года ДОРОГИЕ ДРУЗЬЯ ЕСЛИ ВЫ НАШЛИ СЕБЯ В СПИСКЕ И ПЕРЕДУМАЛИ ЕХАТЬ
9. прервать пост В зависимости от того когда состоялся последний прием пищи организм может голодать пости
11. Лабораторная работа- Расчёт заземления
12. лекція рослин АВТОРЕФЕРАТ дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата сільсь
13. Общая психология как наука
14. Современные криптографические методы.html
15. тематику з традиційною для попереднього періоду мелодрамою та пригодницькими жанрами Укразія П
16. на тему- ГОСУДАРСТВО И ПРАВО ДРЕВНЕГО РИМА Студент- Чурсина А
17. Вища школа 1987 75
18. тематическая статистика
19. Модуль самостійної роботи з тем- Створення і реєстрація видавництва Змістова та матеріальна структури
20. Макроэкономика связана с большими экономическими процессами на уровне общества