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Subjects they know lot bout for exmple politics B someone you py to come to your house nd look fter your children C someone whose job is to mke or repir things from wood D some

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Start up

1. What is business English?  What words come to your mind when you hear the word “business”?  Share your ideas with the class.

2. What words come to your mind when you hear the words “work”, “job”, and “occupation”? Write them down then compare with your partner.

3. What is your dream job?

4. Here is a job quiz.  Get into two teams and have a quiz.

A  someone whose job is to give advice on subjects they know a lot about, for    example politics

B   someone you pay to come to your house and look after your children

C  someone whose job is to make or repair things from wood

D  someone whose job is to collect the rubbish from outside people’s houses

E  a scientist who studies the environment

F  someone who works for different companies but is not employed by them

G  someone who studies geology

H  someone who studies underground water

I            someone who interviews people, especially as a job

J  someone who makes, repairs, sells objects made of valuable metals and  stones

K  someone whose job is to make clothes using wool and sticks

L  someone who provides people with legal advice and services

M  someone whose job is to dig coal, gold etc from the ground

N  someone who studies living things and their environment

O  someone who works for a telephone company and helps people with calls

P  someone who studies physics, especially as their job

Q  a woman who rules a country because she belongs to a royal family

R  someone who works at a hotel and receives visitors

S    someone who is trained to help people with social problems

T  a teacher in a college or university

U  a person who provides insurance

V  someone who plays a violin

W  someone whose job is to weld metal

X             someone who takes a picture of the inside of something using x-rays

Y  someone whose job is to help young people deal with problems  

Z  a scientist who studies animals

5.  Write down 10 adjectives describing the word “job”. Make up questions as in the example: What are the toughest jobs in the world? Answer the questions.


Jobs and occupations

1. Read and learn the following words:

1. employ     нанимать на работу

2. employee    служащий

3. employment    занятость

4. employer     работодатель

5. employment agency   агентство по трудоустройству

6. keep up with    не отставать

7. pay attention to    обращать внимание на что-либо, кого-либо

8. accelerate fast    быстро ускоряться

9. get a sense of smth   осознать что-либо

10. predict     предсказывать

11. do well     процветать, преуспевать

12.  rise dramatically   существенно возрастать

13. take place in    происходить, иметь место

14. get competitive   становиться конкурентными

15. become old-fashioned  устаревать, становиться устаревшим

16. move up the company ladder  продвигаться по карьерной лестнице

17. react quickly    быстро реагировать

18. give up     отказаться, оставить

19. become self-employed  работать на самого себя

20 require     требовать, нуждаться

21. get left behind    отставать, не успевать

22. be  in demand    пользоваться спросом

23. work load    нагрузка на работе

24.covering letter    сопроводительное письмо

25. earn money    зарабатывать деньги

3. Find in the text English equivalents of the following words.  

Технологически развитые страны;  сфера деятельности, изменения на рынке труда; динамичные компании, сельское хозяйство; текстильная промышленность; тяжёлая промышленность; рабочее место; рынок труда; компании будут организованы более демократично; ответственные и легко приспособляющиеся работники;  хорошие коммуникативные навыки;  работать на одну компанию; без сомнения; в настоящее время; предлагать альтернативные пути работы; разнообразие контрактов; продолжать учёбу; иметь много свободного времени; движущая сила; работать  в сотрудничестве; уживаться в команде.

4. Agree or disagree. Explain your opinion.

1. Technologically advanced nations will experience difficulties in the job market in the future.

2. Agriculture, textiles, coal mining are the job areas of the future.

3. In the future people will work for one company.

4. New technology is a welcome and new development.

5. Companies will require flexible and responsible employees.

6. Working home people might have many personal benefits.

5. Make up situations, using the following words and words combinations.

1. do for a living, programmer, give up working for a boss, to be upset, to hesitate;

2. work co-operatively, get on well in a team, a manager, continue one’s studies, change;

3. read about the latest technology, to be worth, to benefit,  the workplace, require.

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