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Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.
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Text Forms of Business Organization
Grammar Revision . The Degrees of Comparison
.Comparative Constructions with the Adjective
.The Modal Verbs
.Different Functions of “that” and “those”
5. Telephone Conversation
6. Some Facts about Canada
Ex.1. Form the comparative and superlative degrees of the following adjectives:
vast, broad, old, new, high, fair, low, quick, easy
apparent, precise, scientific, responsible, difficult, original, common
Good better the best
Bad worse the worst
Little less the least
Much, many more the most
Far farther the farthest (further the furthest)
Ex.2. Open the brackets using the correct form of the adjectives.
Scotbank is one of Europes leading banks. We offer you (good) banking services than any of our competitors. Our many clients range from the (small) family businesses to the (large) multinational companies. We have just opened our (new) branch in North Street. You will find that we have installed the (late) technology which will make your banking even (easy) and (convenient). Our staff is one of the (professional). Come and see for yourself.
Ex.3. Translate the following sentences. Mind the degrees of comparison.
Ex.4. Mind Comparative Constructions with the Adjective. Translate the sentences that follow the Table.
to compare things which are the same: as… asтакой же как; twice as … as, three times as… as |
The adjective is used in the Positive degree. |
The new equipment is as reliable as the old one.(Новое оборудование такое же надежное, как и старое) Petrol is twice as expensive as it was a few years ago.(Сейчас бензин в два раза дороже, чем несколько лет назад) |
to compare things that are different: not as … as, not so …as не такой как |
Positive degree |
Mathematics is not as interesting to him as economics.(Математика не так интересна для него, как экономика) This definition of the subject is not so precise as the others.(Данное определение предмета не такое точное, как другие) |
than чем |
Comparative degree |
Now the living standard of people is much higher than it was a century ago.(Сегодня уровень жизни людей намного выше, чем столетие назад) |
the … the чем … тем |
Comparative degree |
The greater is the demand for energy the higher is its price.(Чем больше спрос на энергию, тем выше цена на нее) |
Ex.5. a) Remember the Modal Verbs and their equivalents. b) Read the sentences and analyze the use of the Modal verbs. c) Translate the sentences.
Can (could) = to be able to |
физическая или умственная способность |
May (might) = to be allowed to |
разрешение, возможность |
Must, should, ought to, to have to, to be to |
долженствование |
Neednt |
отсутствие необходимости |
Ex.6. Translate the following sentences into English.
Ex.7. Match A and B.
1. Producers are selling their equipment… |
1.Производителям придется продавать оборудование… |
2. Producers are to sell their equipment… |
2.Производители сейчас продают оборудование… |
3. Producers have sold their equipment… |
3.Производителям пришлось продавать оборудование… |
4. Producers had to sell their equipment… |
4.Производители должны продавать оборудование… |
5. Producers will have to sell their equipment… |
5.Производители уже продали оборудование… |
6.The equipment is sold…(usually) |
6.Оборудование только что продали… |
7. The equipment is being sold… |
7.Оборудование обычно продается… |
8. The equipment has just been sold… |
8.Оборудование должно продаваться … |
9. The equipment is to be sold… |
9.Оборудование сейчас продают… |
10. The equipment was sold… |
10.Оборудование уже будет продано… |
11. The equipment had to be sold… |
11.Оборудование приходится продавать… |
12. The equipment will be sold... |
12.Оборудование продали… |
13. The equipment has to be sold… |
13.Оборудование продадут… |
14. The equipment will have been sold… |
14.Оборудование придется продать… |
15. The equipment will have to be sold… |
15.Оборудование пришлось продать… |
Ex.8. Translate into English.
Ex.9. Read the sentences and state the function of that or those in them. Translate the sentences into Russian.
Words to the text “Forms of Business Organization”
1. flow n. [flqu] flow v. |
течение, поток e.g. Theres a continuous flow of young people from the country to the towns a flow of money, a flow of cars, a flow of words. течь, проистекать e.g. Wealth flows from industry and economy. This river flows south into the English Channel. |
2. facilitate v. [fq'sIlIteIt] |
облегчать, способствовать, содействовать e.g. The new airport will facilitate the development of tourism in the country. |
3. involve v. [In'vOlv] |
1). привлекать, вовлекать e.g. A lot of experts are involved in the project. ). включать e.g. Running a business involves great risk. |
4. entrepreneur n. ["Pntrqprq'nE:] |
предприниматель e.g. A person who organizes and runs a business is called an entrepreneur. |
5. enterprise n. ['entqpraIz] . single (sole)proprietor n. |
1). предприятие e.g. a commercial enterprise ). предприимчивость e.g. a man of great enterprise .предпринимательство e.g. The government supports private enterprise частный предприниматель, собственник e.g. In many countries a single proprietor is still a predominant figure. |
single (sole) proprietorship [sIngl (squl) prq'praItqSIp] |
индивидуальное частное предприятие e.g. A sole proprietorship is run by one owner. |
7. partnership n. ['pRtnqSIp] |
товарищество e.g. The success of a partnership in much depends on harmonious relationship between the partners. |
8. advantage n. [qd'vRntIG] ant. disadvantage |
преимущество e.g. His university education gave him an advantage over the other candidates for the job. |
9. suffer v. ['sAfq] |
страдать, испытывать, претерпевать e.g. In a crisis the living standards of people suffer greatly. The plan of reconstruction has suffered some changes. |
10. loss n. [lOs] |
потеря, убыток, ущерб e.g. The firm suffered a loss of 5 million dollars. |
11. borrow v. ['bOrqu] |
занимать, одалживать e.g. I had to borrow from the bank to pay for my car. |
12. flexibility n. ["fleksI'bIlItI] |
гибкость e.g. The firm operates successfully due to the flexibility of management. |
13. approval n. [q'prHv(q)l] |
одобрение e.g. The new economic policy of the government hasnt received public approval. |
14. lack n. [lxk] |
отсутствие, недостаток e.g. A lack of practical experience is sometimes compensated by good theoretical knowledge. |
15. sufficient adj. [sq'fIS(q)nt] |
достаточный e.g. The firm has earned a profit which is sufficient for the purchase of new equipment. |
16. liability n. ['laIqbl] liable (for) adj. |
ответственность, обязательства e.g. Russia assumed full liability for the debts of the Soviet Union. ответственный за e.g. Manufacturers are liable for any defects in their equipment. |
17. obligation n. ["OblI'geIS(q)n] |
обязательство, долг, обязанность e.g. legal obligation, moral obligation, family obligation |
18. pool v. [pHl] |
объединять в общий фонд e.g. The investors agreed to pool their resources to develop the business. |
19. retailing n. [rJ'teIlIN] ant. wholesaling ['hqul"seIlIN] |
розничная торговля e.g. Retailing is the sale of goods to the public in relatively small amounts. |
20. entity n. ['entItI] legal entity |
экон. экономический объект, предприятие e.g. There are a number of certain regulations when the name of a business entity is chosen. юридическое лицо |
21. stock n. [stOk] syn. share (joint) stock |
акция (амер.) e.g. A broker both buys and sells stocks. акционерный капитал, основной капитал e.g. The government holds the stock of the public corporation and determines its policy. |
stock(share)holder n. |
акционер, пайщик e.g. The great majority of the shareholders of the corporation never participate in the control of the corporation. |
22. real estate n. ['rIql Is'teIt] |
недвижимое имущество e.g. Real estate is property in the form of land and buildings. |
23. assets (pl.) n. ['xsets] |
имущество, фонды, активы e.g. As the company hadnt paid taxes its assets were arrested. |
24. sue v. [sjH] |
предъявлять судебный иск e.g. According to the contract the firm can be sued for nonpayment of dividends. |
25. bond n. [bOnd] bondholder n. |
облигация, долговое обязательство e.g. Bonds constitute obligations of the corporation itself, but not of the individual shareholders. держатель облигаций e.g. A bondholder is a person who owns one or more investment bond. |
26. issue v. ['ISH], ['IsjH] |
выпускать, издавать e.g. to issue books; to issue a law; to issue a bond |
27. elect v. [I'lekt] |
избирать, выбирать e.g. He was elected to Parliament a year ago. |
28. hire v. ['haIq] |
нанимать ( на работу) e.g. As the business expanded the management had to hire more workers. |
29. mining n. ['maInIN] |
горная промышленность e.g. coal mining; gold mining |
30. net income n. [net 'INkAm] |
чистый доход; чистая прибыль |
31. customer n. ['kAstqmq] |
покупатель, потребитель, заказчик, клиент e.g. The shop gives a discount to its regular customers. |
32. insurance n. [InSuqr(q)n(t)s] |
страхование, страховка e.g. The insurance company paid out for the ruined equipment. |
33. introduce v. [,Intrq'djHs] |
вводить, внедрять, представлять e.g. to introduce methods; to introduce equipment; to introduce people. |
34. enable v. [I'neIbl] |
давать возможность или право (сделать ч-л) e.g. The new law has enabled more women to return to work. |
Ex.10. Read the text and find:
Возможность получения прибыли; в случае успеха; простота открытия бизнеса; особые юридические меры; просто зарегистрировать; совладельцы; условия соглашения; логическое продолжение; административные навыки; по существу; отрасли экономики; сфера услуг; самостоятельное юридическое лицо; с точки зрения закона; от имени корпорации; пропорционально вкладу в акционерный капитал; добывать деньги; совет директоров; в свою очередь; в отличие от индивидуального частного предприятия; которое обычно называется; в следующем; фиксированная ставка дивидендов; соответствующие покупки; отрасли промышленности; приспосабливаться к изменяющимся условиям.
Forms of Business Organization
The process by which people determine the allocation of factors of production, the flow of income, and the final distribution of goods and services is facilitated by business organization. Starting a business involves a risk, but the opportunity for profit stimulates thousands of individuals to become successful entrepreneurs. Some knowledge of the structure of various types of business firms, therefore, can be beneficial for a better understanding of the operation of the economic system.
The basic forms of business enterprises include proprietorships, partnerships, corporations and cooperatives. Each has certain advantages and disadvantages.
A single (sole) proprietorship is the earliest and the simplest form of business enterprise and it is often referred to as the one-person business. One individual provides the capital, directs the business, and assumes the risks. If successful, the individual receives all the profit; but if the business fails, that person must suffer all the losses. Ease of entry is one of the major advantages of the single proprietorship. Practically anyone who can accumulate a small amount of savings or can borrow some money can go into business. For that he neednt take special legal measures, he is just to register his companys name. Another advantage is the flexibility of management in a single proprietorship. The proprietor can make decisions himself and he doesnt have to receive the approval of other members of the firm. On the other hand the lack of sufficient capital for expansion and for the use of complex innovative technology as well as unlimited liability of the proprietor for all obligations of the firm are the greatest disadvantages of this type of enterprises.
A partnership is a business which is owned and operated by two or more persons. Partners or co-owners pool their resources and start a business. They share in their obligations and profits according to the terms of agreement. This type of organization represents a logical development from the one-person business, thus both the advantages and disadvantages of this form are similar to those of the single proprietorship. The legal procedure of starting a partnership is as simple as that of a proprietorship. But it should be noted that there are some differences between these two types. For example, a greater degree of specialization, additional capital and additional managerial skills. The partnership is to be found in essentially the same segments of economy as the sole proprietorship: retailing; service trades; the professions such as medicine and law; and agriculture.
A corporation is a separate legal entity which is owned by stockholders. The corporation is a “legal person” from the viewpoint of the law. Contracts can be made in the name of the corporation, it can own real estate and other assets, and it can sue and be sued. Ownership in the corporation is proportional to the holdings of joint stock. In addition to the stockholders, in the typical large corporation there are bondholders. The essential character of a bondholder is that of a creditor of the corporation, as he purchases a bond from the corporation. Through the sale of bonds the corporation can raise large sums of money. Thus, the more bonds the corporation issues and sells the greater funds it borrows from other persons. The owners of the corporation elect a board of directors, who in turn hire the management personnel to operate the business. Unlike a single proprietorship or partnership, the corporate owners have limited liability. The worst that can happen to a stockholder is the loss of what he has invested in the business. The main segments of the economy in which the corporation is dominant include the following: manufacturing, transportation, mining, finance, and communication.
The cooperative association, which is commonly called the co-op, is simply a special type of the corporation. It differs from the typical corporation in the following respects: 1) The control is based on the principle “one member, one vote”; 2) There is a fixed rate of dividends on the stock; 3) The net income, after payment of the nominal dividend to shareholders, is distributed among the customers of the cooperative according to their respective purchases from the cooperative. Cooperative associations are mainly found in agriculture, retailing, credit and insurance.
Economic progress has modified the old ways of doing business and has introduced new forms of business organization such as holding companies, multinational corporations, etc. This has enabled various branches of industry to adapt to changing conditions and to function more easily, efficiently, and profitably.
Prefixes of Negation
Prefixes |
Examples |
un- |
unlimited -- неограниченный |
in- |
independent -- независимый |
im- |
impossible -- невозможный |
il- |
illegal -- нелегальный |
ir- |
irregular --неправильный |
dis- |
disadvantage -- недостаток |
non- |
non-governmental -- неправительственный |
Ex.11. Form the opposites of the following words and translate them into Russian:
Illiberal, unable, immobile, illiterate, non-autonomous, innumerable, uncertain, disorder, irregular, unsuccessful, disagreement, unreality, irresponsible, uncomfortable, imperfect, inexactly, non-aggressive, disbelief, immoral, inessential, undesirable, non-specific, unemployment, improper, disapproval, imprecise.
Ex.12. Form a) nouns; b) adjectives. Follow the models. Translate into Russian.
a) Model 1. noun + “-ship” noun
proprietor - proprietorship
friend -_______________ leader -__________________
member -________________ owner -__________________
partner -________________ citizen -__________________
Model 2. verb + “-al” noun
to approve -- approval
to propose -________________ to arrive -__________________
to deny -________________ to dismiss -__________________
to refuse -_________________ to renew -__________________
b) Model 3. verb + “-ive” -- adjective
to innovate innovative
to execute -_________________ to act -___________________
to accumulate -_________________ to construct -___________________
to speculate -_________________ to protect -___________________
Model 4. noun + “-full” adjective
help helpful
use -__________________ power -____________________
peace -__________________ success -____________________
skill -___________________ fruit -_____________________
Model 5. noun + “-less” adjective
end endless
use -__________________ help -_____________________
power -___________________ job -______________________
land -___________________ price -______________________
Ex.13. Find synonyms in A and B.
to facilitate extra
opportunity absence
entrepreneur consumer
single enough
enterprise to help
ease constant
to suffer sole
lack entity
agreement to experience
sufficient to combine
obligation businessman
to pool chance
additional to employ
separate contract
assets to operate
fixed to choose
holdings responsibility
stock resources
to hire independent
customer simplicity
to function investment
to elect share
Ex.14. Translate the following word combinations.
To flow into the sea water flow lava flow the flow of traffic flow of talk the flow of information the flow of capital; loss of weight loss of lands memory loss to be at a loss loss of ideas loss of life tax loss to suffer losses loss-making industries; to borrow money to borrow a book from the library to borrow an idea from a book; to take advantage of the opportunity unfair advantage to be at an advantage definite advantage over partnership to my advantage to best advantage to advantage the economy of the country; free enterprise private enterprise a joint enterprise between French and Japanese companies a person of great enterprise; to hire a worker to hire a car a contract of hire hire of tools; grammatical function to perform a function mathematical function to function without local support to function as an educational centre a function of social power functions of a secretary the equipment is still functioning to attend social functions functional system.
Ex.15. Say in one word. The words in brackets will help you.
( entrepreneur; proprietorship; customer; assets; disadvantage; retailing; dividend; bond; stockholder; insurance; liability )
Ex.16. Match A and B. Make as many variants as possible.
1.receives all the profit but suffers all the losses |
.is owned and run by two or more persons |
2. A sole proprietor |
3.have limited liability |
.can get only a fixed rate of dividends on the stock |
3. A partnership |
.is run by one person |
.is just to register the companys name |
4. Partners |
.is owned by stockholders |
.elect a board of directors |
5. A corporation |
.issues and sells bonds |
.distribute the net income according to the purchase from the enterprise |
6. Owners of a corporation |
.get profit according to their holdings of common stock |
.doesnt always have sufficient capital for expansion |
7. Members of a cooperative |
.is the simplest form of business |
.has a greater degree of specialization than a proprietorship |
.pool their resources |
.raises capital through the sale of bonds |
.share in obligations and profits |
.control business on the democratic principle |
.is personally liable for all obligations of the firm |
.can lose only what they have invested |
.neednt receive the approval of other members of the enterprise |
.make a partnership agreement |
.can employ skillful management personnel |
24.is not able to use innovative technology |
25.may operate in mining, transportation and finance |
Ex.17. Fill in the blanks choosing the proper word from those given before the text.
( partner, own, unlimited, management, share (2), run, supply, liability, business organization, liable, limited, partnerships, disadvantage)
… are combinations of from 2 to 20 persons who … and … a business. The partners usually … in the task of running the business, but a … neednt play an active role. A person who joins a partnership, … capital and … in the profits, but takes no part in … is known as a sleeping partner. Partnerships are a common form of … in such professions as law and medicine.
The great … of a partnership is the fact that the … of the partners is unlimited and they are fully … for the acts of the other partners. There are, however, some limited partnerships. In such firms some partners may have their liability … to some specified sum, but at least one of the partners must have … liability.
Ex.18. Answer the following questions:
Ex.19. Translate the following sentences into Russian.
Ex.20. Name the type of business organization.
Ex.21. Fill out the following chart.
Form of business organization |
Organization pattern |
Advantages |
Disadvantages |
Fields of use |
Ex.22. Translate the text in writing. Use a dictionary.
The Joint Stock Company
The most important form of business organization in the UK is the joint stock company. Basically, it consists of an association of people who hold a joint stock of capital for the purpose of running business and earning a profit. A company may be defined as a legal entity which is created to run a business, capable of owning productive assets, of entering into contracts, and of employing labor in the same way as an individual. There are two kinds of joint stock companies, the private company and the public company.
The public companies are much larger units and account for about two-thirds of all the capital that is employed by companies. In general, private companies are small firms which often consist of the members of one family. Both public and private companies must have at least two members. A private company must include the word “limited” in its name while a public company must have the words “public limited company” at the end of its name although this can be abbreviated to “plc.” The basic distinction between a private and a public company is that a public company can sell its shares and bonds to the public. All companies must file annually details of their turnover, profits, assets, liabilities and other financial information about their structures and activities.
Ex.23. Translate the following into English.
Известно, что успешному развитию бизнеса способствует его правильная организация, которая, в свою очередь, во многом определяется типом предприятия. Основными формами организации бизнеса являются индивидуальные частные предприятия, товарищества и корпорации.
Простейший способ начать дело это создать индивидуальное предприятие. Предприниматель самостоятельно обеспечивает капитал, руководит делами фирмы и принимает на себя все риски, связанные с бизнесом. К тому же, юридическая процедура открытия такого предприятия довольно проста: необходимо просто зарегистрировать название фирмы. Но следует помнить, что владелец фирмы несет неограниченную ответственность за все обязательства предприятия.
Для создания товарищества два или более партнеров объединяют свои ресурсы в общий фонд и составляют контракт о разделении ответственности и дохода. Как правило, товарищества, также как и индивидуальные предприятия, доминируют в таких отраслях экономики, которые не требуют больших вложений капитала.
Корпорация это организация, владельцами которой являются акционеры. Корпорация является самостоятельным юридическим лицом, которое может заключать контракты от своего имени, покупать и продавать собственность и ресурсы, нанимать служащих, выступать в роли истца и ответчика и т.д. Кроме того, корпорация выпускает и продает акции и облигации, что способствует привлечению дополнительного капитала.
Индивидуальные предприятия, товарищества и корпорации имеют свои определенные преимущества и недостатки, которые рассматриваются на основе следующих критериев: процедура открытия бизнеса, способность увеличивать капитал, ответственность, управление, распределение доходов, налоговые ставки и др.
Ex.24. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your argumentation. Use the introductory phrases from Ex.26 in Unit 1.
Ex.25. Speak on :
Ex. 26. The telephone is a necessary means of communication in everyday life and in business. Remember these useful telephone expressions:
Could you put me through to… Соедините меня с …
Hold the line, please Не кладите трубку, подождите.
Ill call back Я перезвоню
Speaking Я Вас слушаю
Id like to speak to … Я хочу поговорить с …
This is Brown speaking C Вами говорит Браун
I was cut off Меня разъединили
Please, place a call to… Примите, пожалуйста, заказ на разговор с …
Sorry, youve got the wrong number Вы не туда попали
Whos calling, please? Кто звонит?
Can I leave a message, please? Могу я оставить сообщение?
Mr. Brown is not available at the moment Мистера Брауна нет на месте.
1) Fill in the blanks:
Secretary: Hello, Im calling from General Electronics. Id like to confirm our reservation for two people at 12.30, please.
Receptionist: …..
Secretary: The name is Brown.
Receptionist: …..
Secretary: Thanks a lot. Good-bye.
2) Translate into English:
A: Доброе утро. Компания «Дженерал Электроникс». Чем могу помочь?
B: Здравствуйте. Моя фамилия Смит. Я бы хотел поговорить с г-ном Брауном.
A: Пожалуйста не кладите трубку, г-н Смит. Я Вас соединю.
3) Work in pairs: make up a phone conversation using the following situations.
1. a) You are a company manager of a certain company and want to discuss some matters
with the manager of another company.
b) You call him but hes not available at the moment. His secretary asks you to leave a
c) Leave a message; describe the main purpose of your call and give your phone number.
2. You are a Managing Director of a company. You have been instructed by your Boss
to get in touch with another company that produces a new model of computers. Your
purpose is to discuss by phone the possibility of placing an order* with this company.
*place an order разместить заказ, заказать
Do you know?
Canada consists of almost all of the North American continent north of the US except Alaska. Its total land area of more than 9 mln. sq. km makes it the second largest country in the world.
The total population is about 24 mln people. English and French are the official languages of Canada and have equal status, rights and privileges as to their use in all governmental institutions.
The National Flag of Canada, also known as the Maple Leaf, is a red flag with a white square in its centre, featuring a stylized red maple leaf. Its adoption in 1965 marked the first time a national flag had been officially adopted to replace the Union Flag. Many different flags have been created for use by Canadian officials, government bodies, and military forces. Most of these flags contain the maple leaf motif in some fashion, either by having the Canadian flag charged in the canton, or by including maple leaves in the design.
The Royal Union Flag is also an official flag in Canada, used as a symbol of Canada's membership in the Commonwealth of Nations, and of its allegiance to the Crown.
Canada is a federation of 10 provinces and 2 northern territories. The federal Parliament is made up of the House of Commons and the Senate. The leader of the party that wins the largest number of seats in a newly elected House of Commons is asked to form the government.
The civil law follows English common law everywhere except in Quebec, where it follows the Napoleonic Code.
Canada is a world leader in the production of asbestos, nickel and other elements and forestry products. Although no longer the foremost sector of the economy, agriculture is of major importance to the economy as a whole. Canada is among the worlds leading wheat producers and is second in the export of wheat.
Basically, Canada has a free-enterprise economy. A recurrent problem for Canada has been the dominant position of US corporations and investors.