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English Learner’s Digest No.22 – 2005

It doesn’t pay to go to some universities

  THE widening gulf in pay and job prospects of students at Britain’s best, and worst-performing universities is revealed today in the first league tables to show how graduates fare in job market.

  The figures, published in the Sunday Times University Guide, show that former students of Imperial College London were the best paid six months after they graduated last year, earning an average of 24,247.

  This was almost twice the pay level at Aberystwyth, the lowest-ranked institution.

  Imperial’s graduates are also among the least likely to be in jobs that they believe could have been done by a non-graduate, with only 11.1 % falling into this category. By contrast 53.7 % of former students at the University of Wales, Lampeter, believed they were in non-graduate jobs.

  Experts say the poor employment performance of some universities casts doubt on the wisdom of Tony Blair’s target that half of British school leavers should go to university.

  “If graduates from higher education they are going to get an interesting job on a good salary that will give them a middle-class carrier, many of them will be disappointed,” said Philip Brown, professor of sociology at Cardiff University and co-author of The Mismanagement of Talent, a book published earlier this year that claims economy is producing too few graduate jobs to absorb all university leavers.

  Brown added: “Employers think there is a shortage of real talent so they pay the really talented a lot of money, but there is a glut of what they see as run-of-the-mill graduates.”

  Competition is becoming really fierce for graduate jobs, with an average of 40 applicants for each vacancy and growing numbers of foreign job seekers sending on-line applications from Asia and Eastern Europe.

  Anthony Hesketh, a management lecturer at Lancaster University and Brown’s co-author, said: “If you have got less than 300 Ucas [University and College Admissions Service] points [three Bs or equivalent] it might not even be worth going to university if you are dreaming of one of those coveted graduate jobs.”

    The figures published in the Sunday Times guide have been gathered by the Higher Education Statistics Agency from more than 182,000 students who graduated last summer and were asked about the jobs they held on January 15 this year.

    They show that the national average starting salary for graduates is 16,393, while 7.1 % are unemployed six months after leaving university.

  On average, almost one-third of graduates believe they are in the jobs that they could have obtained without going through a three-year degree course and amassing 20,000 debts.

  London colleges – including University College, the Sunday Times University of the Year – head the table of graduate earnings, filling the top five places. This can partly be attributed to the higher salaries paid in the capital and also to the presence of big medical schools in four of the top five.

  Several other universities also perform well. Graduates from Dundee, in ninth place, earn an average starting salary of 18,884, with Aberdeen close behind on 18,685.

  In terms of both starting salary and standard of job, the traditional elite institutions dominate the league tables. Some new universities, however, are performing well. Many offer targeted courses, often highly regarded for particular professions. They include London South Bank, the only former polytechnic in the top 10 for graduate earnings. It is also in the top 20 for low numbers of students in non-graduate level jobs.

  Oxford Brookes, which has a renowned course for potential managers in hospitality industry, for example, comes near the top. Only 23.1 % of its graduates are in jobs that a non-graduate would have been qualified to do, a better figure than that achieved by neighbouring Oxford University.

  Job-hunting is likely to become increasingly difficult for graduates who do not get into top universities or find highly regarded courses at lower-ranked institutions.

  Suzie Perry, 23, who graduated last year from the University of the West of England in Bristol with a 2:1 in business studies, has still not managed to find a steady job and is working as a temporary secretary in London. “I must have sent out about 100CVs,” she said. “Everybody has a degree these days so it counts for less. But there just aren’t enough jobs out there for all the graduates. A lot of my friends are in the same situation.”

  Carl Gilleard, chief executive of the Association of Graduate Recruiters, said: “The middle-of-the-road institutions are perhaps very traditional in their outlook, with a lot of academics who haven’t quite come into the 21st century and where the students are not performing as well on graduation because they are not switched on.”

  Some of the best-performing universities point out, however, that the education they offer is not simply about finding a well-paid job. Gordon Chesterman, director of the carriers service at Cambridge, said: “We are not here to prepare students for ‘oven ready’ jobs. We are here to produce scholars.”  

                                                                                                  From “The Sunday Times”

1. Тема 3- Общая анатомия вен Функциональное значение вен
2. Книги эпохи просвещения и формирование идеологии декабристов
3. Нейл ~ дизайн на фото заочное участие среди субъектов малого и среднего предпринимательства о
4. реферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук ІваноФранків
5. Реформы Рузвельта
6. Школьная неуспеваемость
7.  В настоящем диссертационном исследовании предпринимается попытка реализации принципов системного подход
8. Медико-психологическая защита населения и лиц участвующих в его спасении при чрезвычайных ситуациях
9. з курсу за вибором Теорія крайових задач для звичайних диференціальних рівнянь Основні поняття та о
10. День сурка его тогда показывали по телевизору в день когда родилась моя сестрёнка
11. на тему- В лес скорее мы пойдем чудеса мы там найдём совместно с родителями в младшей группе
12. Предмет и история эстетики. Этапы развития русской эстетики
13. Тургенев- Руди
14. Курсовая работа- Диверсификация производства и развитие менеджмента
15. Економіка сучасної Греції
16. А Общенаучные категории т
17. Тоталитаризм сущность форма конкретные примеры
18. Комплексный экономический анализ хозяйственной деятельности
19. Российский государственный профессиональнопедагогический университет Институт менеджмента и экономич
20. околі точки х0 значення функції Fx містяться в як завгодно малому епсілоноколі точки А