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Розділ 2. Курс 2 Освіта сучасної людини.

Заняття 2.14 Міжнародні програми обміну студентів

International Students Exchange programs

Ex.1. Read and learn topical vocabulary:








social horizons

take part


solve problems





main duty









брати участь


вирішувати проблеми

дивитись за дітьми



брати участь

загальні обов’язки

take care of

day-to-day duties



heavy-duty chores

host family

be granted

full day off

plan ahead



room and board

pocket money

amusement park




піклуватись про

щоденні обов’язки



важкі справи

родина, яка приймає

бути нагородженим

повний вихідний

планувати заздалегідь



кімната та харчування

кишенькові гроші

парк розваг

заробітна плата



Ex.2. Read and translate the text:                    

"So, you have been to Germany?" - a young man asked. - "Yes, I spent a whole year there,"- answered a good-looking girl taking out some money to buy a bus ticket."Remember, it was my dream to go somewhere abroad and improve my German as well as to get acquainted with another culture. Finally, I realised that idea. I was so happy." - "I'm so glad for you. It seems to be realty amazing. How did you manage to go there?"- the young man wanted to know. - "It is a cultural exchange program, called Au Pair."- "Au Pair? I heard about it, but considered it to be difficult to realise. Nevertheless, if you did it, why can't I?" was the reply, from the young man who was ready to leave the bus. And the lady almost shouted to the man getting off: "I am sure you will succeed. Good luck!"

A student exchange program is a program in which a student chooses to live in a foreign country to learn language and culture. These programs are called 'exchanges' because originally the goal was an exchange of students between different countries. Student exchanges became popular after World War II, and have the aim of helping to increase the participants' understanding and tolerance of other cultures, as well as improving their language skills and broadening their social horizons.

Au Pair is one of the cultural exchange programs that enables young men and women to visit a foreign country, stay there in a family, and take part (приймати участь) in everyday life. The main purpose of the program is to assist families from the receiving countries to solve their problems with babysitting, while providing an opportunity for young people to travel abroad.

Anybody aged 17 to 26 can participate in the program. An au pair should have a good knowledge of the language of the country he/she is going to. Usually, au pairs go to a foreign country for a period of 3 to 12 months. As a rule, if the program is for a year, it will be timed to coincide with the start of the academic year.

The main duty of an au pair is taking care of children (dressing, feeding, playing with them, etc.). In addition, he/she may be asked to perform other day-to-day duties in a host family's household (shopping, dusting, etc.). However, au pairs should not be required to do heavy-duty chores. In general, an au pair works 30-45 hours per week.

All au pairs shall have an opportunity to attend language courses. In such a case, the host family is to pay for an au pair's transportation to and from the place of classes and tuition expense.

Of course, free time is the biggest attractions of the program for an au pair. He/she can go out, meet new people, make friends and have fun. By the contract an au pair shall be granted at least one full day off per week and one-week paid vacation for each six-month period of his/her stay. It is advisable that you plan ahead where and what you will do during your holidays. A host family also has some responsibilities. For example, they (family) shall provide room and board as well as pocket money.

Ex.3. Answer the questions using the text and topical vocabulary.

  1.  What is a student exchange program?
  2.  What is Au Pair?
  3.  How long can the program last?
  4.  What does an au pair commonly perform?
  5.  How many hours a week should perform an au pair’s duties?
  6.  What about free time?
  7.  Will there be language improving opportunities?
  8.  What can an au pair expect from the host family?

Ex.4. Read and translate the text:

WORK AND TRAVEL USA is another popular program of cultural exchange, developed by the U.S. government. The 1-4 year full-time students of any university can take part in the Work and Travel USA. The program lasts 3-4 months and 30 days of travelling to the United States. Participants have the opportunity to work in the amusement parks, golf clubs, fast food restaurants, shops, beaches, factories of light industry, yacht clubs, casinos, etc. Salaries can range from $7.5 to $12 per hour. Accommodation and meals will be at the expense of a participant and can range from $100 to $300 per month. Being in the U.S. surroundings, the student will be able to look inside the culture of this great country, to improve knowledge of English, to get work experience needed nowadays.

Requirements to participants. You can participate in the program if:

-  you are 18 to 26 years old;

-  you speak English (medium level required);

-  you have no criminal records;

-  you have got a good health;

-  you have got a secondary education;

-  you are an independent, grown-up and positively thinking person.

Ex.5. Answer the questions using the text and topical vocabulary.

  1.  What is the deferens between Au Pair and Work and Travel programs?
  2.  Would you like to be an exchange student? Why?
  3.  Which program

Ex.6. Translate into Ukrainian:

understanding and tolerance, to improve language skills, to broaden the social horizons, solve problems with babysitting, to participate in the program, to take part in everyday life,  main duty, to take care of children, day-to-day duties,  household, heavy-duty chores, to provide an opportunity, to travel abroad, to provide room and board, to have some responsibilities.

Ex.7. Match the following English words with their Ukrainian equvalelnts:

  1.  An exchange program
  2.  a foreign country
  3.  participant
  4.  increase
  5.  the main purpose
  6.  assist
  7.  the receiving countries
  8.  abroad
  9.  amusement


  1.  expenses
  1.  витрати
  2.  головна ціль
  3.  допомагати
  4.  житло
  5.  закордон
  6.  збільшувати
  7.  іноземна країна
  8.  країна, що приймає
  9.  програма обміну студентів
  10.  розваги
  11.  учасник


Заняття 2.15 Творчість студентів

Students’ activities

Ex.1. Read and learn topical vocabulary:







campaign in













обидва (і…, і)


брати участь





поза навчальний



взаємодіяти, співпрацювати











run for office  



throughout a year



за межами

брати участь




уявляти собі





тут викладачi

мати успіх

протягом року


Ex.2 Read and translate the text:

 The primary reason people go to college is to continue their educations.  But what some students don’t realize is that opportunities to learn don’t shut off after the class day is through.

An important part of college life is extra-curricular activities. There are different groups or clubs, where students can succeed in the field they are particularly interested in. Art clubs, Music, Drama and history clubs and groups, studying foreign languages, computer study are among them. Any student can enroll in a beauty contest, such as "Mr. or Ms. of college". Other important activities are sports teams. Most colleges offer a variety of teams for both boys and girls. Football, basketball, volleyball, and tennis are played in the majority of colleges.

 Throughout the academic year, students have the opportunity to conduct research work in their chosen field, both academically and experientially. This work is organized and guided by the professional staff of the college. At the end of the program students present their creative works in a form of an essay or a project. The best works are represents in different competitions and the winners are awarded.

Besides, students may participate with their own reports in many conferences that are conducted throughout the year. These reports are published in specialized digests.

Students are also welcome to write interesting and up-to-the-moment articles for the college’s newspaper.

Whether you’re on a sports team, in a dance troupe, or a representative in your student government, you will learn a lot about the activity itself, and more importantly, a lot about yourself. For example, if you love student government, that’s a sign that perhaps, you should really run for office one day. And if you hate (ненавидіти) it, that’s important information to have before you begin a campaign in the real world and realize it’s a big mistake. You will also learn how to work and interact with other people outside the classroom setting. This skill is a very important. Once you graduate from college, you will need to work with other people, and all of that work will take place outside of the classroom.

Additionally, participating in college activities will make you a better student in your coursework. It’s true in at least two ways. First, you will force yourself to be organized about getting your course assignments (завдання) done. Secondly, taking a break from studying by doing something else will make you more effective in your course work. When you go to do your activity, you are giving yourself a total break from calculus or Shakespeare, so when you go back, you’ll be refreshed. Doing a college activity is better for your brain than taking a break by watching TV for example.

Ex.3 Answer the following questions:

  1.  What is the primary reason people go to college?
  2.  Are there any opportunities to learn after classes?
  3.  What is an important part of college life?
  4.  What extra-curricular activities do you know?
  5.  Do you attend any club in college?
  6.  What kind of research work can students conduct throughout the academic year?
  7.  Have you ever conducted any research work? If yes, what was it?
  8.  Why is it useful for students to participate in college activities? Give several reasons.

Ex.4 Complete the following sentences and translate them into Ukrainian:

The primary reason people go to college is

An important part of college life is

There are different groups or clubs, where students

Throughout the academic year, students have

Students present their creative works

The best works are represents in

Students may participate with their own reports

These reports are published

Students are also welcome to write interesting

10) College activities will make you   

a better student in your coursework.

and up-to-the-moment articles for the college’s newspaper.

can succeed in the field they are particularly interested in.

different competitions.

extra-curricular activities.

in a form of an essay or a project.

in many conferences that are conducted throughout the year.

in specialized digests.

the opportunity to conduct research work.

to continue their educations.  

Ex.5  Match the word with the corresponding definition:

1) Activity, n.

2) Research, n.

3) Conference, n.

4) Reason, n.

5) Curriculum, n.

6) Contest, n.

7) Participate, v.

8) Article, n.

9) Succeed, v.

a large formal meeting where a lot of people discuss politics or science for several days;

a piece of writing about a particular subject in a newspaper or magazin;

a situation in wich two or more people are competing with each other;

cause why someone decides to do something;

serious study of a subject in order to discover a new facts;

something that you do because you enjoy it, or things that people do in order to achieve a particular aim;

the subjects, that are thought by school, colleges, etc.;

to be well in your job, espetialy because you have warked hurd at it for a long time;

to take part in an activity or event;   

Ex.6  Put each of the following words  in its place in the sentences and translate them:














taking part

People give many different _________ for changing jobs.

Languages are an essential part of the school _________.

She wanted to be the first woman to climb Mount Everest, and she almost _________.

I am still doing _________ for my thesis [  i:s s] (дисертація).

I would like to know the _________ why she didn’t accept the job.

The primary reason people go to college is to continue their _________.

An important part of college life is extra-curricular _________.

There are different clubs, where students can _________ in the field they are interested in.

Throughout the academic year, students have the opportunity to _________ research work.

10) Students present their _________ works in a form of an essay or a project.

11) The best projects are represents in different _________.

12) Students may _________ in many conferences that are conducted throughout the year.

13) Students can write up-to-the-moment _________ for the college newspaper.

14) ____________ in college activities will make you a better student in your coursework.

Ex.7 Scratch out a needless ward :






carry out




come in

take part

to be involved in









Ex. 8 Translate the following wards and ward combinations.

        Make one sentence with each item:

The primary reason; 2) opportunities; 3) creative wark; 4) to partisipate in; 5) projects;

6)  to succeed; 7) to conduct; 8) to force yourself; 9) extra-curricular activities;10) report.

Ex. 9 Translate the text in writing:

Club of Fun called "KVN"

The Club of Fun and Quick-witted is a fun student organization that is made up of student teams and the jury. The teams come up with hilarious jokes, sketches, and covers of famous songs, which they then perform before the audience and the jury. The teams compete with each other for first, second and third places and the jury grade their efforts. The contest is made up of quarterfinals, half-finals and the finale of the season. The winners are presented with awesome prizes and achieve immense popularity among students.

Заняття 2.17 Самоосвіта – запорука успіху

Self education

Ex.1. Read and learn topical vocabulary:
















human being


здобувати/набувати навички

відганяти (думки)





заробити (гроші)





сфера діяльності








knowledge master






self education 









радість, задоволення


оволодівати (мовою)

сприятлива можливість



намір, мета



що вивчився самотужки




сам/для себе



Ex.2 Read and translate the text:

Education Is Important – but all education is self education.

Most people’s education stops when they leave the formal system but that when the successful person’s education begins. People who are ambitious and have plans for their future know that the most important and valuable work they will ever do is the work they do on themselves. 

Officially self education or self-directed learning is called autodidactism. It is the art of how to learn not how to be taught. Self education doesn't only mean that you teach yourself everything that you need to know. It also means that you are the director of your education and you acquire the knowledge and experience that will help you make the most of yourself and your opportunities in life.

A self-taught person, who having learned a skill or a subject by reading about it, practicing it yourself, rather than in school, is called an autodidact. Self-educated people are not dependent on others for knowledge. If they need a specialized skill, they know how to acquire it. Basically, every person is able to learn and educate themselves in ways that work for their individual interests, goals and learning styles.

Self education is not a new concept. Many of the greatest thinkers and innovators were autodidacts. Among them are:

Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) - Thought by some of his teachers to be too stupid for school, Thomas Edison was taught at home by his mother in his early years. Eventually this self-taught scientist himself became the big bang (вибух) of technology, holding 1023 patents (патенти) and pioneering such technology as the electric light and the phonograph.

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) - He was an extraordinary inventor in both electrical and radio technology. He attended college but left to pursue (займатись) his own studies.

Henry Ford (1863-1947) - Henry Ford attended school until the age of 15. He satisfied his curiosity about mechanics by repairing watches. A self-taught engineer he founded the Ford Motor Company in 1903.

Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) - Author of For Whom the Bells Toll, Old Man and the Sea among others he decided to skip (втекти) college in order to learn from the experience of living. In 1954, he received the Nobel Prize for Literature

Walt Disney (1901-1966) - Co-founder of the Walt Disney Media Empire, Walt Disney taught himself the art of cartooning with the help of correspondence schools.

 All people have ability to learn new skills fast. But, to be successful in studies one must have the number of positive qualities of character. To make progress in any subject one should be hard-working and persistent person. Only strong-willed and industrious people can stand up all difficulties and hardships and have a purpose in life. Thomas Edison believed in hard work, sometimes working twenty hours a day. He was quoted as saying, "Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration."

If you are a self-taught person you would always gain some of the benefits from continuing your education. For example:

1. You'll get your brain in better shape. It may sound strange to say it that way, but your brain works like a muscle. You've got to "use it or lose it."

2. You'll discover the true nature of learning. Actually, life is learning. You learn by trial and error. You learn all the time by doing. There is no other way.

  1.    If you keep at it, you'll begin to see that you are not as limited as you think. Age doesn’t matter. Gender doesn't matter. As a human being, you are unique. You have the capacity to learn anything. Einstein once stated that anyone could master any subject if they studied it for 15 minutes a day.

4. You will learn to banish the phrases "I can't" from your mind and life. "I can't learn this, I'm too old." "I can't find the time." "I can't do it." If you keep expanding your mind with constant learning and doing, you'll eventually stop saying "I can't."

5. You'll find joy in the process of learning. Anyone who finds joy in the learning process can master their subject well enough for their own enjoyment and a career.

No matter what you want to achieve from your life, there is no doubt that the more books you read, the more seminars or courses you attend, the more you will know about your specialist field or area of interest. You will become highly employable and earn more within your chosen field, or will be well placed to move into new areas, or to set up and successfully run your own business.

There were people before you and there will be people coming after you but the only thing that matters right now is the choice you make about your life.

Ex.3 Answer the following questions:

  1.  What is the formal education?
  2.  How is self education called officially?
  3.  What is autodidactism?
  4.  What is the meaning of self education?
  5.  What is the deferens between the formal and self education?
  6.  Is self education a new concept? Name autodidacts you know.
  7.  What qualities of character must one have to be successful in studies and business?
  8.  What benefits would a self-taught person gain from self education?
  9.  Can everyone be an autodidact?  Are you an autodidact?

Ex.4 Scratch out a needless ward :

  1.  goal  




  1.  teach



  1.  capacity




  1.  opportunity




  1.  acquire




  1.  hard-working




Ex.5 Complete the following sentences and translate them into Ukrainian:

  1.  Officially self education or self-directed learning …
  2.  You are the director of your education and you …
  3.  Self education will help you make the most …
  4.  A self-taught person, who having learned a skill by …
  5.  Many of the greatest thinkers and …
  6.  To be successful in studies one must …
  7.  To make progress in any subject one should …
  8.  Genius is one percent inspiration …

  1.  be hard-working and persistent person.
  2.  have the number of positive qualities of character.
  3.  and 99 percent perspiration.
  4.  innovators were autodidacts.
  5.  is called autodidactism.
  6.  of yourself and your opportunities in life.
  7.  reading about it, practicing it yourself, rather than in school, is called an autodidact.
  8.  acquire the knowledge and experience.

Ex.6  Match the word with the corresponding definition:

1) a student

2) a self-taught person

3) formal education

4) self education

5) opportunity

6) capacity

7) curiosity  

  1.  a chance  to get a job or education;
  2.  the process of teaching and learning at school, college, etc.;
  3.  someone’s ability to do something;
  4.  the desire to know about something;
  5.  someone who having learned a skill or a subject by reading about it, practicing it yourself, rather than in school;
  6.  the process of learning by yourself rather than at school;
  7.  someone who is studying at a university or college;    

Ex.7  Put each of the following words  in its place in the sentences and translate them:

opportunity     capacity      acquire      satisfy      curiosity      purpose      master

  1.  You have the  __________  to learn foreign languages.
  2.  Children have natural  __________  about the world around them.
  3.  He spent years to  __________  his skill as a top manager.
  4.  She had to  __________  English to get better job.
  5.  The  __________  of this voting is to elect a new president.
  6.  The program is designed to  __________  the needs of students.
  7.  I will never  __________ the art of conversation.
  8.  I opened the pocket just  __________  my  __________ .
  9.  What is the  __________ of your visit?
  10.   Songs provide the perfect  __________  for language development.
  11.   She __________  good knowledge of Chinese.
  12.   There fewer ____________  for new graduates this year.

Ex. 8 Translate the following quotations and explain their meanings:

  1.  "Formal education will make you a living but self education will make you a fortune."
  2.  "To Have More Than You've Got, Become More Than You Are."
  3.  "Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration."

Заняття 2.18 Праця – обов’язок кожного громадянина 

Ex. 1. Read and learn topical vocabulary

on behalf – від імені

assure – гарантувати

according – згідно

labour – праця

honorable – почесний

wealth – добробут

occupation – заняття, фах

fill in – заповнювати

official – службовець

skilled – кваліфікований

manual worker – робітник фізичної праці

trade – професія, заняття, ремесло

job – робота, служба, посада

considerable – значний

mental skills – розумові вміння

Ex.2. Read and translate the text:

Labour is the duty of everybody. Governed by the Act of Ukraine’s Independence of August 24, 1991, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on behalf of the Ukrainian people adopted the Constitution – the Fundamental Law on June 28, 1996.

The Constitution establishes the country’s political system, assures rights, freedoms and duties of citizens, and is the basis for its laws.

As everybody knows according to the Constitution labour is an honorable duty of all the citizens. It is very important for everybody to work hard for the good of the country, as the wealth of it is created by the labour of all the citizens. Our state wants the schoolchildren to enter life well prepared, with deep knowledge and a good occupation. Young people can acquire an occupation at various technical schools, colleges, institutes, universities.

So, what is an occupation?

An occupation is an activity of any kind for which a person has the necessary qualification and training. If you have to fill in an official form you will usually find the reading “Occupation”, and if you are interviewed by an official he may ask you: “What’s your occupation?” if he already has a general idea of the kind of work you do – whether you are a professional worker, a technician, a skilled, a semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker - he may ask more specifically: “What’s your profession?”, “What’s your trade?” or “What’s your job”. In ordinary everyday conversation, a person who wants to know someone’s occupation will simply ask: “What’s your job?”, “What do you do for a living?”, “What’s Mr. Jones”, “What does Steve do?”

There are three main groups of occupations: professions, trades, jobs.

Traditionally, profession is an occupation which requires mainly intellectual work and long a period of higher education at a university or an academy. Thus, we speak of the medical profession, the teaching profession, the profession of an engineer and so on.

A trade is an occupation which demands a high level of manual skill and a certain period of practical and theoretical training. Mechanics, electricians, fitters, turners, tailors, weavers, hairdressers, etc. have learned a trade.

Many occupations are neither trades nor professions. We often call these occupations “jobs”. In this sense the term job includes both unskilled and semi-skilled manual occupations on the one hand and occupations which require considerable knowledge and mental skills on the other hand. The dividing lines between trades, jobs and professions are by no means always clear.

Ex.3. Answer the following questions:

  1.  What did the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopt on June 28, 1991?
  2.  What does the Constitution of Ukraine establish and assure?
  3.  What is the honorable duty for everybody in our country?
  4.  How is the wealth of out country created?
  5.  What is an occupation?
  6.  What do people say in ordinary conversation if they want to know someone’s occupation?
  7.  What is a profession?
  8.  What professions can we speak of?
  9.  What is a trade?
  10.  What examples of trades are given in the text?
  11.  What sorts of occupation does the term “Job” include?

Ex. 4. Find out English equivalents to the following:

Основний закон, гарантувати права та обов’язки, згідно з Конституціею, плідно працювати, глибокі знання, необхідна практика, кваліфікований робітник, напівкваліфікований робітник, некваліфікований робітник, високий рівень, робітничі навички, значні знання, інтелектуальні вміння

Ex. 5. Find out the right definition:

  1.  Occupation
  2.  Profession
  3.  Trade
  4.  Job
  1.  includes manual occupations and mental skills
    1.  is an activity of any kind for which a person has the necessary qualification and training
    2.  is an occupation which demands a high level of manual skill
    3.  is an occupation which requires mainly intellectual work

Ex. 6. What job is every definition for?

diplomat, doctor, factory worker, accountant, fire fighter, lawyer, cashier, computer programmer, mechanic, travel agent

  1.  the person who treats patients for illnesses
  2.  the person who puts out fires
  3.  the person who prepares an instructional program on a computer
  4.  the person who arranges tickets and hotels for travelers
  5.  the person who deals with international relations
  6.  the person who works in a factory
  7.  the person who keeps and inspects financial records
  8.  the person who repairs cars
  9.  the person in charge of paying and receiving money
  10.  the person who gives legal advice to clients and represents the in court

Ex. 7. Think it over and give answers about yourself:

  1.  What kind of occupation attracts you most of all and why?
  2.  Does our country need such specialists?
  3.  What education is necessary to acquire this occupation?
  4.  Will you try to get your education just after finishing secondary education or will you work in this field for a while?
  5.  What is your parents’ attitude to your choice?

Ex. 8. Which of the jobs do you think these words go with?

Interesting                                              regular working hours

Satisfying                                               uniform

Very boring                                            away from home

Glamorous                                              inside

Dangerous                                              outside

Stressful                                                 nine-to-five jobs

Very well paid                                        flexible working hours


dentist, diplomat, doctor, fire fighter, farmer, hair stylist, accountant, teacher, pilot, mechanic, police officer, plumber, politician, realtor, designer,  electrician, actress, cook

Заняття 2.19 Вибір професії

Ex. I Read and learn the following words.

a surgeon- хірург

a lawyer – адвокат, юрист

a dentist –зубний лікар

a mechanic - механік

a fireman - пожежник

a psychologist - психолог

a barber –перукар, цирюльник

a hairdresser - перукар

a shop assistant - продавець

an accountant - бухгалтер
an electrician - електрик
a policeman – полісмен, охоронець


secretary - секретар

vet - ветеринар

librarian - бібліотекар

miner - шахтар

docker – докер, портовий робітник

chef – головний кухар

newsagent – господар газетного


clerk -  конторський службовець,


estate agent – агент з нерухомості

architect – архітекто

Ex. II Who would you contact or call in the situations given below? Match the situations in the left column with the name of the job or profession in the right column.

  1.  a filling has come out of one of your teeth
  2.   you need to have your hair cut
  3.   you need legal advice
  4.   your house is on fire
  5.   your granny’s knee needs an operation
  6.   in the shop you want advice on what sort

   of coffee to buy

  1.   all the lights in your house have gone out

8) your neighbour’s flat has been burgled

9) you don’t get on well with your parents

10) you father needs somebody to help his firm

     with money problems

a) a surgeon

  1.   a lawyer
  2.   a dentist
  3.   a fireman
  4.   a psychologist
  5.   a barber/hairdresser

g) a shop assistant

h) an accountant
i) an electrician
j) a policeman

Ex. III Finish the following sentences with the names of jobs or professions given below.

1. A person who deals with office correspondence and records is a ...

2. A person whose job is to treat sick animals is a ...

  1.   A person who checks in and out books and gives advice on what to read is a...
  2.   A person who gets coal from under the ground is a...

5. A person who loads and unloads ships in a port is a ...

6. A person whose job is to cook in a restaurant is a...

  1.   A person who sells newspapers and magazines is a ...
  2.   A person who works in a government office is a ...
  3.   A person whose job is to help people buy and sell houses is a ...

10. A person who designs buildings is an ...

Ex. IV Match the words in the left column with their synonyms or explanations in the right column.

  1.  to realize
  2.   to rear
  3.   to apply to college
  4.  to refuse

5) to give financial support

6) to be unemployed

7) to be satisfied

8) to earn

9) to be sacked

10) to attend

11) to transfer

12) sales representative

13) dole

14) a blue-collar worker

15) labourer

16) fee

17) employer

18) employee

19) apprentice

  1.   to get money for some work
  2.   to give money
  3.   to be happy

d) to give another job inside the company

e) to bring up children

f) to come to classes

g) to enter a college

h) to lose a job

i) to understand

j) to be put of work

k) to say «no»

1) someone who pays others to work for him

m) someone learning a craft or trade from an employer, a beginner

n) money paid for education

o) someone paid to work on a regular basis

p) an unskilled worker

q) money given to people who are out of work

r) a salesman who sells while travelling

s) a worker

Ex. V Read and translate the following text.

Choosing your way in life

Mary Glass is thirty-nine years old and she is a doctor. She chose the medical profession because she wanted to help people and at the same time to make good money. When Mary was younger her wish was to become a teacher or a nurse but she soon realized that there was not much money in either of those professions- Mary’s parents were rather old-fashioned people and thought that a woman’s place is at home. So they wanted their daughter to become a secretary, marry a respectable young man, have several children and stay at home working about the house and bringing up the kids. When Mary applied to a medical college, her parents refused to give her any financial support and she had to work as a waitress in a restaurant to earn money for her college fees. She specialized as an optician, made a good career in the hospital she works, got married, had two children and is. very much satisfied both with her family life and her business career.

Billy Blackthorn left school when he was sixteen. He didn’t study well and had no qualifications. He just wanted to earn some money and got himself a job in a factory. He didn’t mind being a blue-collar worker, all he wanted was enough money to take his girl friend out on a Saturday night. But soon he and his fellow-workers were replaced by robots who could do their job and Bill was sacked. He was out of work for eighteen months and understood how terrible it was to be unemployed. The days seemed so long and the dole that he got was enough only for the cheapest food and second-hand clothes. Bill finally got a job as an unskilled labourer, working for a builder. He is twenty-five now and thinks that it is not too late to start attending night classes and get some extra training so that he can earn more money as a skilled worker.

John Rushton is a businessman. He is fifty years old and he has been working for the same company for twenty-seven years. He thinks that he has a very successful career. He started working for the company as a poorly paid clerk and was one of those nine-to-five white-collar office workers who spend all day with a pencil in one hand and a telephone in the other. He hated-it and asked to be transferred to sales where he became one of the company’s sales representatives. John travelled all over the country selling the company’s products and eventually became the most successesful salesperson on the stuff. In ten years he was promoted to manager of the sales department. He has got a good salary and benefits. He might retire in another ten years and then his pension will allow him to live comfortably in his country house enjoying his hobbies that he has no time for now while he still works.

Joan Evans: This month I am leaving school to face the real world. My main ambition is to live and work abroad. I want to work with people and see the world. I hope to go to college and do a tourism course. When I’m in college, I will learn at least two foreign languages. I think that by the time I’m 30 I’ll be married and have a baby. I don’t want to be rich and famous, but I do want to enjoy life. That’s all anybody can really ask.

Steve Taylor: My greatest wish is to be a manager for Rolls Royce. I will go to work for Rolls Royce as an apprentice, and after 2 or 4 years I will be an engineer. I’m not very ambitious but I’d like to become a manager in Rolls Royce. I’ll get married in my mid-twenties because I want to have children and my mother says that you need to be young to cope with them.

Ex. VI Answer the questions given below.

  1.  In the argument between Mary Glass and her parents which side would you take and why?
  2.  Do you have any friends or classmates (group-mates) who think like Billy that education is

   not important? What arguments can you use to persuade them that it is?

3.  Would you be bored like John if you were ‘a nine-to-five white collar worker who spend
   all day with a pencil in one hand and a telephone in the other’?

  1.  Would you like to be some company’s sales representative? Do you find anything interesting

   about this job?

  1.  Who in your opinion has more responsibilities: a manager or an employee in his/her


  1.  What do you think about people who are too busy with their work to enjoy their hobbies?
  2.  Joan Evans says that she wants to enjoy life. What do you think she means?
  3.  Would you call Steve Taylor an adventurer? Do you find his life program exciting?

Ex. VII Fill in the table given below by the adjectives from the box which can best characterise the 5 people in the text.

Mary Glass

Billy Blackthorn

John Rushton

Joan Evans

Steve Taylor





















Ex. VIII Read the following statements on the text and decide if they are true or false.

  1.   Mary’s parents didn’t want their daughter to become a doctor because there was not much

    money in this profession.

  1.   Mary financially supported herself through the college by working as a secretary.
  2.   Mary’s job is to test people’s eyes.
  3.   To be a blue-collar worker means to work with a pencil in one hand and a telephone in the


  1.   Bill was rather ambitious about his career when he finished school.
  2.   Automatization of the factory was the reason of Bill’s unemployment.
  3.   Bill enjoyed his free time when he was out of work.
  4.   John didn’t get much money when he started his career.
  5.   John’s promotion followed his successful work as a sales representative.

10. John hopes that he will be able to find time for hobbies when he becomes a pensioner.

11. Both Joan and Steve are ambitious young people.

12. Both Joan and Steve want to work and live abroad.

Ex. IX Spot and correct the spelling mistakes in the sentences given below.

  1.   Mary has chosen a medical carier because there is enough money in this proffesion.
  2.   Mary’s parents are old-fashened people and they do not like woman doing bisuness.
  3.   Many school-leavers find it difficult to go to colledge without a finansial suport.
  4.   Billy very soon understood how terrible it was to be unemploid.
  5.   John is quite sucessfull in his job and gets a good selery.
  6.   Joan has choosen a course in tourism because she wants to travell and see the world.
  7.   Steve is not a very ambicious person. He wants to qualify as an ingeneer and become a  

   meneger in Rolls Royce.

  1.   All Margaret’s relatives have different professions: her grandfather is a lawer, her granny is an

   acountant, her Dad is a famous sergion, her Mum teachers psichology at university.

  Margaret’s aunt is an arhitect and her uncle is a sales representitive of a large international


  1.   For a couple of years Vanda worked as a secretery but was unhappy with her job. Soon she

   understood that her vacation was to be a nerse and she applyed to a medical shool.

Ex. X Read a list of jobs and professions below and sort them out in two columns.

a geologist

a journalist

a gardener

a film star

a shop assistant

a bank manager

a waiter/waitress

computer operator

à businessman

a book-keeper

a tourist guide

an interpreter

a pop singer

a bookseller

a bodyguard

a bus driver

a nurse

a teacher

a cook

The jobs I’d like to do

The jobs I’d hate to do

Give at least three reasons why you’d like to have these jobs/professions:

e.g. I’d like to become a lawyer because:
a) this job is well-paid;
b) it helps people to solve their problems;
c) it is rather prestigious now.

Give at least three reasons why you’d dislike to have these jobs/professions:

e.g. I’d hate to become a journalist because:
a) this job sometimes does more harm than good;
b) it involves meeting too many people;
c) it needs too much writing.     

Ex. XI Psychological Test “A map of interest”

Answer the following questions by writing «Yes» or «No» next to each of them. Then write out the numbers of your «Yes» answers and look in the Key to find out what profession you are cut out for.

  1.   Are you interested in the causes of different diseases and their cure?
  2.   Do you like to read critical articles after-you’ve read a book?

3. Do you like to take responsibility in organizing things (e.g. parties)?
4. Do you like to read historical novels?

  1.   Do you ever go to listen to symphonies?
  2.   Do you like to explain to your classmates how to do a sum or write a

  grammatically correct sentence?

  1.   Can you say that your first impulse when you see somebody hurt is to give first aid?
  2.   Do you like to write poetry and prose?

9. Do you like  to observe people’s behaviour?

  1.   Would you like to find out about the history of your family, the street you live in, your city,


  1.   Are you fond of singing, reciting poetry, dancing, etc. in front of the audienee?

12. Do you enjoy spending time with kids, reading them books, playing with them,  helping

       them, etc?
13. Are you irritated when your sick relatives ask you to help them?

14. Do you soon get tired when you work with dictionaries or reference books?

  1.   Can you quickly switch from one job to another?
  2.   Do you like to make reports on history?
  3.   Do your hobbies include playing musical instruments, drawing or wood  carving?
  4.   Have you ever wanted to give a class instead of your teacher?
  5.   Are you interested in people’s anatomy?
  6.   Do you like to discuss books with your friends?
  7.   Do you like to analyse the events that have happened in your or your friends’  and relatives’ lives?

Are you interested in your country’s past?

Do you enjoy reading about the history of arts?

Can you say that you find more positive than negative sides in the work of a teacher?

Have you ever wanted to work as a nurse during your summer holidays?

Are you interested in word origin?

Do you keep a diary?

Are you interested in the past of other countries?

Do you like to watch one and the same film or play several times?

Have you ever tried to teach your younger brothers( sisters, cousins, etc)?


  1.  If you positively answered questions No. 1,7, 19 and 25, and negatively No 13 –  we would

   recommend you to think of choosing a medical profession.

  1.  If you have written out No. 2,8,14,20, 26 - your special field is literature and  languages,
  2.  If you have marked No. 9, 19, 21, 27-your vocation is journalism.
  3.  If you have chosen No. 4, 10, 16, 22, 28, - you are mostly interested in history.
  4.  If your answers include No. 5,11,17,23,29, -you’d better choose arts as your future profession.
  5.  If your choice is No. 3,6,12,18,24,30 - you are a born teacher and you’ll regret it all your life if

   you don’t follow your vocation.

Ex. XII Answer the following questionnaire.

1. Who helps you in choosing your future profession?

a) Nobody. b) My parents. c) My friends.        d) Other.

2. What is in your opinion the most important thing in your future profession?
a) Good money. b) Much contact with people.

c) Regular promotions. d) An ideal combination of a job and a hobby,
e) Other.

3. What skills are most important for your, future profession?

a) People skills. b) Computer skills. c) Managing skills.

d) Observation skills. e) Other.

4. What atrracts you in your future profession?

a) Challenge, b) Risk and danger. c) Regular work hours,

d) Prestige. e) Other.

5. How much do you agree to study to get well-qualified in your job/profession?

a) As little as possible. b) I got enough knowledge at school,

c) As much as my boss requires. d) All my life.

Ex. XIII Speak on the following questions.

1. Have you already chosen your future profession? What do your parents and friends think

   about it? Why do they think so?

2. Can you say that your choice of your future profession was influenced by the subjects at

   school that you study/studied? By the teachers who teach/taught you?

3. How many jobs and professions have you changed in dreams since you were a child?

4. Could you say that your parents’ occupation may influence your choice of a future profession?

   Yes/No. How?

5. What professions in your opinion are considered to be more or less prestigious nowadays?


6. What knowledge and skills in your opinion are necessary for any job or profession?

7. Do you believe that people are born for this or that profession? Yes/No. Give examples.

Заняття 2.20 Різноманітність професій

Professions and trades

Ex.1 Read occupations from the opposite page and guess the translation.

Ex.2 Match the occupation with the daily activity:


What do they do?


Act a part in a play, movie or television program.


Bake bread.


Clean and tidy rooms.


Cut and style people's hair.


Give legal advices and speak for people in court.


Look after people's animals.


Look after people's health.


Look after people's teeth.


Look after the finances in an organisastion.


Prepare and cook food.


Prepare and sell meat.

Hair dressers

Sell goods and look after customers.


Serve drinks.

Sales Assistants

Serve people food and drink.


Shave men's beards and cut men's hair.


Take care of children.

Ex.3 Complete sentences with one of the following wards:

Accountants     Barmen      Chambermaids     Chefs     Dentists     Flight attendants   

Judges      Nurses       Receptionists       Sales Assistants       Secretaries      Waiters


What do they do?

work in an office.

work in a bar, pub or restaurant.

work in a hotel.

work in a kitchen.

work in an airplane.

work in a law court.

work in a hospital or doctor's surgery.

work in reception.

work in a shop.

work in an office.

work in a restaurant.

Ex.4 Choose one of the occupation from the opposite page and make up the dialogue as in the example:    A: What do you do for a living?
  A: What is your occupation?

 B: I'm a____(mechanic)____.  

          A: A___(mechanic)___? That must be a lot of work.

           B: It is. Every day I ___(fix)___  ___(cars)___.

           A: How interesting. How many___(cars)___ do you ___(fix)___?

           B: I ___(fix)___ about ___(8)___  ___(cars)___ every day.

Ex.5 Solve the crossword:




















Down: 1:   

Across: 2:  

Down: 3:   

Across: 4:  

Down: 5:   

Across: 6:  

Down: 7:   

Down: 8:   

Down: 9:   

Down: 10:

Across: 10:

Across: 11:

Down: 12:  

Down: 13:

Across: 14:

Across: 15:

Down: 16:

Across: 17:

Down: 18:

Across: 19:  

He or she is the boss in a restaurant kitchen.

He or she works with wood.

He or she looks after the records of money for a company or person.

He or she fixes lights, switches and appliances.

He or she is in charge of a trial in a court.

He or she looks after you in hospital.

He or she treats people who are ill or hurt.

She brings you your food or drinks in a restaurant.

He or she speaks for people in court.

He enforces the law.

She delivers your letters and parcels.

He or she makes bread and cakes.

He or she writes articles for a newspaper.

He stops buildings and other things from burning.

He or she builds or designs buildings, machines, roads etc.

He or she looks after your teeth.

He or she supplies and repairs water pipes, sinks, baths etc.

He or she operates on you in hospital.

He or she treats animals that are ill or hurt.

He or she teaches classes.

Ex.6 Brainstorming. 

Look through the list of the occupations and answer the questions below.

Which is the most interesting?

5)  Are any of them damaging to society?

Which is the most boring?

6)  Which is the best paid?

Which is the most useful to society?

7)  Which is the most dangerous?

Which is the least useful to society?

8)  Which is the most difficult?


disk jockey


shop keeper

airliner pilot



stunt man/каскадер


electrical engineer




factory worker

newspaper editor/редактор

taxi driver


film director

oil company executive

TV presenter/ведучий







priest /священик





veterinary surgeon

company director


racing driver

window cleaner

computer programmer





lion hunter/мисливець



Ex. 7 Write down one job from the box that would probably be impossible for these people.

a firefighter    a sailor    an accountant    a pilot    a mechanic    a police officer

someone in the army, navy or air force     a doctor, nurse, surgeon or vet

Someone who didn't go to university  __________

Someone with very bad eyesight (= cannot see very well) _____________

Someone who is always seasick on a boat ____________

Someone who understands nothing about cars ____________

Someone who will not work in the evening or at weekends ___________

Someone who is afraid of dogs __________

Someone who is afraid of heights and high places __________

Someone who is terrible at numbers and maths __________

Someone who doesn't like to see blood (= the red liquid in your body) __________

     10) Someone who is a pacifist (- is anti-war) __________

Ex. 8 Respond to the statements below, as in the example.

Example    A:  She's a police officer.

   B:  Really? When did she join the police force?  (army/ navy  air force/ fire brigade)

A: She's a soldier.

       B:  ?

A: He's a fighter pilot.

          B:   ?

A:  He's a sailor.

          B:   ?

4)  A:  He's a fireman.

           B:    ?   

Заняття 2.21 Запорука успіху в діловій сфері життя 

Ex.1. Read and learn the topical vocabulary:

increasingly – все більше

opportunities – можливості

broad – широкий

to offer – пропонувати

advertising –  рекламування

available – можливі

stockbroker –  біржовий брокер

clerical work –  робота службовця

purchase – закупка

processing – обробка даних

accounting – бухоблік

personnel –  персонал, кадри

aptitude – схильність

capability –  можливість

cluster – тут: група

handling – торгівля, продаж

Ex.2. Read and translate the text:

Careers in Business

Business is an increasingly important activity throughout the world today. Consequently, the opportunities for business career have grown in variety and number. Originally the word “career” meant “road” or “path”; today it means a “progress through life” or a “job path”. There are four broad fields, or areas, of business that offer exciting careers: management, marketing, accounting and finance. Within each of these fields there are specific jobs in which one can specialize. For example, within the field of marketing one can specialize in market research, advertising, buying, selling, or distributing. The table below shows general career opportunities that are available in the various fields of business.

Business Fields and Careers





general manager

personnel manager

production manager





private accountant

public accountant





Jobs in businesses are offices range from administration to general clerical work. These jobs exist in both small and large companies. Some typical occupations are cashier, purchasing agent, typist, and complaint clerk. This cluster includes word processing, accounting and financial detail, management, personnel, and materials and product handling. Although most jobs are done indoors, mail carriers and material handlers often work outside. A lot of occupations – managers, accountants, analysts – require higher education, others like secretaries and clerks – at least secondary education.

In choosing a business career, there are several questions one may want to ask. Firstly, does the work interest you? Are there any areas of business for which you have an aptitude or special capability? What are the opportunities involved, such as salary, a chance for advancement, and demand for the job? Answers to these questions and careful planning will help you to choose a successful career in business.

Ex. 3. Answer the questions:

What kind of activity is business nowadays?

What does the word “career” mean?

What careers do four fields of business offer?

What careers does management/marketing/accounting/finance offer?

What questions the person may want to ask in choosing a successful business career?

Ex. 4. Which of the following factors motivate you in your choice of a job? Classify them in order of importance. Discuss them with the group mates.

good administration and good labour relations

good working conditions

an adequate wage or salary

job security

a challenging, interesting and creative job



authority over others

promotion prospects or advancement

Ex.5. Match the fields of business with careers:





  1.  bookkeeper
    1.  stockbroker
    2.  distributor
    3.  personnel manager
    4.  researcher
    5.  banker
    6.  analyst
    7.  public accountant
    8.  general manager
    9.  advertiser
    10.  financial
    11.  private accountant
    12.  production manager

Ex. 6. thinks and discuss using the prompts below:

What helps to achieve success in life?

parents                               hard work

friends                               good luck

fortune                               love

What does it take to be a businessman?

Ex. 7. Read and learn the following words and word-combinations:

to succeed – досягати мети

attributes – властивості

to direct – управляти

to nurture – виховувати, навчати

action – дія

thoroughly – повністю 

to replenish – поповнювати

to burn – горіти

customer – споживач

venture – ризиковані починання

frame – рамка, обмеження

to surround – оточувати

to fail – потерпіти невдачу

Ex.8. Read and memorize this combination:

Have you ever thought of starting your own business? Would you succeed as a businessman?

A list of attributes you would look for in yourself includes:

Self-directed. You should be thoroughly comfortable and thoroughly self-disciplined.

Self-nurting.  You must believe in your idea when no one else does, and be able to replenish your own enthusiasm.

Action-oriented. Great business ideas are not enough. The important thing is burning desire to realize, actualize, and build your dream into reality.

High energy level. You must be emotionally, mentally, and physically able to work long and hard.

Tolerant of uncertainly. Successful businessman takes only calculated risks (if they can help it). Still they must be able to take some risks.

Some advices for businessman are as follows:

  •  Research your market, but do not take too long to act.
    •  Start your business when you have a customer.
    •  Try your venture as a sideline at first.
    •  Plan your objectives within specific time frames.
    •  Surround yourself with people who are smarter than yourself.
    •  Do not afraid to fail.
    •  Have a great accountant.

Ex. 9. Translate into Ukrainian:

Self-directed, self-nurtiring, to believe in idea, to be able to do something, action-oriented, great ideas, to be not enough, burning desire, high energy level, calculated risk, to take some risks, to take too long to do smth., to plan objectives, time frame, sideline

Ex. 10. Answer the questions:

Does the businessman have to research his market at once?

When does he have to start his business?

How does he have to plan his objectives?

What people does he have to surround himself with?

What doesn’t he have to be afraid to?

What kind of accountant must the business have?

Заняття 2.22 У пошуках роботи

Ex. 1. Read and learn topical vocabulary:

employment – робота

salespeople – продавці

weak – слабкий

point – риса

sell – продавати

prosperous – процвітаючий

employer – роботодавець

previous – попередній

experience – досвід

accurate – точний

impression – враження

update – модернізувати

step – крок

searching – пошук 

self-evaluation – самооцінка

application letter – лист претендента на посаду

application form – анкета претендента на посаду

salary – заробітна платня

benefit – вигода

trait – особливість, риса

ability – вміння

Ex. 2. Read and translate the text:

The top salespeople are the ones who know the product they are selling inside and out. They know the strong and weak points of the product and can tell others about it. Looking for a job means selling yourself. You are the product. The more facts you know about yourself, the better job you will be able to get. Your prosperous employers would be interested to know about your education, qualifications, skills, interests, and previous job experience. If you don’t have accurate information or if you are uncertain about it, you’ll produce a poor impression. Your personal information is needed each time you look for a job during your lifetime. If you organize your facts now, you can simply update them as you get more experience. The following steps will help you to gather all necessary information and make the process of job searching much more easy.


Application letter


Letter of recommendation

Application form

Job interview

Ex. 3. Answer the questions:

What does it mean “looking for a job”?

In what case will you be able to get the better job?

What would employers be interested to know about you?

In what way will you produce a poor impression?

What will help you to make the process of job searching much more easy?

Ex. 4. Think it over and make you own choice putting items in order of importance:

In job search

1) I am looking for money



                               growth potential

2) Things important to me are




                                              job stability

3) I’ll enjoy working with people



Ex. 5. Answer the questionnaire for a qualified employee in a western company. Put items A, B, C in order of importance. Discuss your answers with your group mates.

  1.  Academic Strengths and Qualifications:

- academic degree

- higher education

- qualification

- foreign languages

- computer literacy

B. Abilities and Skills:

- creativity

- management

- analytical

- composition

- communicative

C. Character Traits:

- reliability

- punctuality

- co-operativeness

- flexibility

- friendliness

Ex.6. Match the synonyms:

1. character traits

a. friendly


b. dynamic

3. trained

c. resourceful

4. reliable

d. flexible

5. expert

e. tolerant

6. energetic

f. personality

7. diplomatic

g. responsible

8. well-wishing

h. self-evaluation

9. patient

i. endowment

10. diligent

j. proficient

11. ingenious

k. skilled

12. self-assessment

l. zealous

Ex.7. Read and think over:

How to apply for a job

Now you are finishing school. Sooner or later you will need to find a job. Here are some pieces of advice how it is better to do this.

So, you have learned that there is a vacancy which you would like to take.

Phone and ask to appoint time for interviewing you.

Before calling write down all questions you want to ask.

Keep a pen and a piece of paper near the phone to write down details.

Before an interview.

Find out as much as possible about the company or organization in advance.

Write a list of questions which you want to ask at the interview.

Prepare smart and comfortable cloths, neither too formal nor too fashionable.

Have a good night’s sleep.

The interview.

Don’t be late.

During the interview be calm, clear and friendly.

After interview.

Analyse your behaviour. What were your good points? What were your weak points? Be honest.

Note the results of your analysis. It could be useful for future interviews.

The contract.

If you decide to take the job sometimes you will be given a contract. Read it carefully. If you can not understand something, ask someone to explain. Sign the contract only after you have studied it well.

Ex. 8. Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following:

To find a job; some pieces of advice; to appoint time; to keep a pen near; to find out as much as possible; in advance; a list of questions; smart and comfortable cloths; to have a good night’s sleep; to be calm, clear and friendly; behaviour; to be honest; to be honest; to sign the contract only after you have studied it well

Ex. 9. Answer the questions:

Why should you phone to the company first?

Why is it important to write down all questions before calling?

Why is it useful to find out as much as possible about the company or organization in advance?

Is your cloths for the interview important? Why?

Is it really necessary to analyse your behaviour after the interview? Why?

Why is it better to sign the contract only after you have studied it well?

Do you agree with the text advice? Why?

Ex. 10. Continue the statements:

First phone and ask…

Before calling…

Before an interview…

During the interview…

After the interview…

If you decided to take a job…

Sign the contract only after…

Заняття 2.23

Анкета на працевлаштування

1. Read and learn by heart the following words.

  1.  employee
  2.  employer
  3.  job
  4.  application
  5.  application form
  6.  CV (curriculum vitae)/resume
  7.  job interview
  8.  skills
  9.  to apply for a job
  10.  training course
  11.  salary


роботодавець, наймач



бланк, анкета


інтерв’ю по працевлаштуванню


влаштуватись на роботу

тренувальні курси

заробітна плата

2. Read and translate the following information.

When you apply for a job you are typically asked to complete an employment application. You may be asked to complete a job application even if you have already submitted a resume and cover letter. That way, the employer has a record of your personal and employment history, verified and signed by the applicant.

It's important for your job applications to be complete, correct (no errors) and accurate. Here is the information you will need to complete an application for employment and tips and suggestions for writing applications that make a great impression.

Job Application Form Details:

Personal Information:

  •  Name
  •  Address
  •  City, State, Zip Code
  •  Phone Number
  •  Eligibility to Work in the state
  •  Felony convictions
  •  If under age, working paper certificate


  •  Schools/Colleges Attended
  •  Major
  •  Degree/Diploma
  •  Graduation Dates(s)

Position Applied For Information:

  •  Title of the job you are applying for
  •  Hours/days available to work
  •  When you can start work

Employment Information:

  •  Names, addresses, phone numbers of previous employers
  •  Supervisor's name
  •  Dates of employment
  •  Salary
  •  Reason for Leaving
  •  References
  •  Resume (if you have one)

Tips for Completing Job Applications:

Complete all requested information. Don't leave anything blank. If you don't know the details, bring the application home and return it when it's completed.

Write clearly and neatly, using black or blue ink.

Check for spelling and grammatical errors. Proofread your job application form before turning it in.

List your most recent job first when completing employment information.

List your most recent education first. Include vocational schools and training programs as well as college and high school.

References don't necessarily have to be professional. If you have volunteered you can use members of the organizations that you have helped or if you are a student use your teachers. In all cases, ask for permission prior to using the person for a reference.

Don't forget to sign your application!

Job applications

3. Read the advertisement and make a note of the experience, skills, and qualities you have that make you a candidate for the job.

4. Read and complete the letter of application with these phrases.

As you can see

For example

I am writing to apply for

My duties included

In addition I have

Although my work experience

I am fluent in

72 Park Road

Sale M7 9EP

Tim Greenaway

Human Resources

Diamond Services

112 Woodford Road

London SW12 9AP

16 January, 20___

Dear Mr Greenaway

____________________ (1) the position of admin assistant which I saw advertised in the January 14 issue of The Guardian. I enclose a copy of my CV as requested.

I would like to work for you because I am very interested in working in a travel agency. _________________ (2) is limited, I believe I have the necessary skills for this position.

____________________ (3) from my CV, I have just finished a three month internship at TLC Travel. ______________________ (4) business correspondence and administrative work. ______________(5) English and German, and also speak Spanish. _____________ (6) excellent computer skills and can use Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

I am a hardworking and reliable person. __________________ (7), in my internship I was given extra responsibilities because the manager trusted my abilities. I also have very good communication skills and a good sense of humour.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Alexander Karlsen

Alexander Karlsen

5. Read David's CV. Then tick true and cross false.

  •  His birthday is in November.
  •  He isn't married.
  •  He doesn't go to school anymore.
  •  He has a full-time job.
  •  He can drive.

6. Read the job advert below and David's CV. Can he apply for this job?

David Barnes








12 North Street, Southall, Middlesex, UB1 8BP


0208 599 6333




1996-2005 Viliers High School


A-level exams: Maths, Chemist


September 2005 - Present

Part-time Cashier: Texaco Filling statiton


•   Driving Licence

•  Good knowledge of computers

7. Write a letter of application to Diamond Travel. Include addresses, the date and a reference to any enclosed documents. Make notes using the plan in Writer's desk before you start.

Writer's desk

Letter of application

  •  Addresses and date laid out correctly
  •  Opening salutation
  •  Body:
    •  Paragraph 1
  •  reason for writing, where you saw the advertisement
    •  Paragraph 2
  •  why you are interested in the job
    •  Paragraph 3
  •  experience, qualifications, skills
    •  Paragraph 4
    •  personal qualities
  •  Closing salutation, signature, and printed name

8. Complete the following job application form for yourself.

Заняття 2.24: Резюме 

CVs (Curriculum Vitae)

1. Discuss the questions.

  •  Why are CVs important?
  •  What information do job applicants put in a CV?

2. Read the CV.

  •  Where do the headings go?
    •  Write them in.



Personal Information

Education and qualifications

Work experience

Curriculum Vitae



Giacomo Marchese

Date of birth:

18 August 1986



Marital status:



Via Torino 12 24128 Bergamo


035 5580113







Honours degree in Economics:grade 110/110

Italian High School Diploma ITCPA, Bortolo Belotti Bergamo

Cambridge First Certificate in English




Oxfam charity offices, Oxford, UK: 3 months' voluntary work

Duties included conducting research, answering phone, and collating data

Green & Hudson,Michigan,USA:3-month internship

Duties included market research, researching products, and maintaining client records


Fluent English and Spanish, conversational Japanese

Working knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint

Good typing skills

Driving licence


Traveling, cinema, tennis, football

3. Read and translate the text.

Resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV)?

What's the difference between a resume and a CV? The primary differences are the length, the content and the purpose. A resume is a one or two page summary of your skills, experience and education. A goal of resume writing is to be brief and concise since, at best; the resume reader will spend a minute or so reviewing your qualifications.

A Curriculum Vitae, commonly referred to as CV, is a longer (two or more pages), more detailed synopsis. It includes a summary of your educational and academic backgrounds as well as teaching and research experience, publications, presentations, awards, honors and other details.

When to use a CV

In the United States a Curriculum Vitae is used primarily when applying for international, academic, education, scientific or research positions or when applying for fellowships or grants. As with a resume, you may need different versions of a CV for different type of positions.

What to include in your CV

Like a resume, your CV should include your name, contact information, education, skills and experience. In addition to the basics, a CV includes research and teaching experience, publications, grants and fellowships, professional associations and licenses, awards and other information relevant to the position you are applying for. Start by making a list of all your background information, and then organize it into categories. Make sure you include dates on all the publications you include.

How to write a Curriculum Vitae

You can include the appropriate information in your curriculum vitae (CV) and format your curriculum vitae correctly. Remember, the first impression is the one that matters, so, your CV needs to be perfect!

4. Write your own CV. Use the previous CV as a model.

5. Read the letters. Are the sentences true or false?

Correct the incorrect sentences.

  1.  Kevin is looking for his first job.
  2.  He reads the job adverts twice a week.
  3.  He’s working in the mother’s garden today.
  4.  George knows a lot about computers.
  5.  He lost his job two months ago.
  6.  He goes to a lot of interviews.

6. Read, translate and remember the following tips about CV.

 A good CV should

  •  be clear and well-organized
  •  be on one or two pages only
  •  list education and work experience in reverse order
  •  have wide margins
  •  use one font style

7. Match the sentences to the pictures.

Заняття 2.25 

Співбесіда при прийомі на роботу.

1. Read and translate the following words.

  1.  employee
  2.  employer
  3.  job
  4.  application
  5.  application form
  6.  CV (curriculum vitae)/resume
  7.  job interview
  8.  skills
  9.  to apply for a job
  10.  training course
  11.  salary
  12.  experience
  13.  strength
  14.  weakness


роботодавець, наймач



бланк, анкета


інтерв’ю по працевлаштуванню


влаштуватись на роботу

тренувальні курси

заробітна плата


сила (перевага)

слабкість (слабке місце)

2. Think of the experience, skills, and qualities you should need for this job. Make notes.

jobnews.com    Welcome to the job market online

1,000s of jobs online now

Search jobs

Enter key words

Experienced Clerk / Administrator is required for an expanding company

This is a small, friendly, but busy company. We want someone who is flexible and can get the job done. Duties will Include:

  •  meeting and greeting clients
  •  telephone - handling messages, taking calls, etc
  •  receiving orders and deliveries
  •  dealing with the post
  •  typing documents
  •  data entry and database management
  •  handling incoming and outgoing emails
  •  organization of conferences

Hours of work are 9.30 -16.30 Monday to Friday

Select job sector

Select job type

3. Look at these three candidates for the job. What can you tell about them from the photos? Which one do you think might be the best candidate?

4. Read the candidates’ answers and make notes.

I=Interviewer, P=Paulette, A=Antonio, T=Tareq





skills and qualities



your comments


I OK, Paulette, let's take a look at your work experience. Have you had any experience of this type of job?

P Well, I've worked for several companies, including banks. And I had to do administrative tasks such as database management, typing, and taking calls.

I  And do you enjoy this kind of work ?

P Yes, I do. Very much. I like systems, you know, where everything is very organized.

I   So, what skills and qualities do you have?

P Well, I have excellent computer and typing skills. I enjoy working in an office environment, and I think I'm a very hard worker. I like getting the job done.

I  Excellent. So, what are some of your strengths and weaknesses?

P  Well, I work quickly, and I'm very efficient.

I   And your weaknesses?

P  Mmm, that's a bit difficult. I don't know, really. I'm sure I have some... oh, yes... possibly that I work too hard!

I   Right. And finally, have you got any questions about the job?

P  Er... no, not really. The advertisement was very clear.

I   OK, thank you for coming today, Paulette.

P  Thankyou.


I  So, Antonio, let's talk a little about your work experience. Have you had any experience of this type of job?

A Well, I only left university three months ago. But I've had lots of jobs during my summer holidays, because it's important to get as much work experience as possible.

I   Good... good...

A So in my holidays I've worked for travel agencies, you know, dealing with people's questions over the phone, taking bookings

I   Right...

A And I've taken jobs in factories, too... so I've worked in different kinds of places. But I've also edited the student magazine - and it was great fun.

I  So what skills and qualities do you have?

A I have a lot of enthusiasm, and I like working with people. I like that a lot. And obviously I have computer and telephone skills.

I   What are some of your strengths and weaknesses?

A Hmm, can I talk about a weakness first?

I   Yes, of course.

A  Well, I can't drive - so I hope there isn't any driving involved in this job.

I   No, there isn't.

A Great. And I think my strengths are... well, my enthusiasm, as I said before. And I think I'm good at dealing with customers and clients. In fact, I love talking.

I Have you got any questions?

A Yes, I have a few. First of all, could you describe a typical day?

I   Yes, of course. The first thing to say is... it's busy...


I   OK, Tareq, let's talk about what you can bring to this company. Have you had any experience of this type of job?

T Yes, I have. In fact, my present job is very similar to this. I have the same kind of responsibilities.

I   Oh, yes... I can see that on your CV. So why are you thinking of leaving your present position?

T I like my job, and I get on well with my colleagues. But it's a very large company it employs hundreds of people - and I prefer working in a smaller team. It's more satisfying.

I   So what skills and qualities do you have?

T Well, I'm well-organized and reliable and I enjoy working with people. And I have good computer skills, of course.

I   What are some of your strengths and weaknesses?

T  Well, I think I'm good at working under pressure.

I   And your weaknesses?

T That's difficult. Sometimes I find it difficult to stop working. My girlfriend says that is a weakness!

I   OK, Tareq, have you got any questions for me?

T Yes, I have one. It's about the organization of the conferences...

5. Decide who you think gets the job.


6. Read the interviewer’s decision. Which candidate did she choose and why? Make notes.

This wasn't an easy decision. Paulette had excellent experience, and I'm sure that she is very hard-working and efficient... but I don't think that she has the people skills necessary for this job. And I wasn't happy that she didn't ask any questions. So I had to choose between Tareq and Antonio. Both were good candidates in different ways. Tareq has excellent experience and I think he is a very reliable young man. Antonio is full of enthusiasm, and I think he has a lot of good qualities. Unfortunately, I think he possibly enjoys talking too much. I'm not sure that this is the kind of job he really wants. So, I've chosen Tareq.

7. Read and remember! What mistakes do candidates often make during job interviews?

  •  not much knowledge of the company
  •  not wanting to discuss skills, experience, or career plans
  •  very little enthusiasm
  •  no eye contact
  •  late arrival

8. Read the article and match some of the interview mistakes with the advice.

  1.  Don't wear the wrong clothes.
    1.  Don't eat or drink.
    2.  Do your homework - learn about the company,
    3.  Prepare appropriate answers to questions,
    4.  Don't appear tired or bored,
    5.  Don't be too aware of time passing.

9. Work in pairs. Imagine you are interviewing someone to be the secretary of your place of study. What questions would you ask?

Interviewers want to know about your education and past experience, what sort of person you are, and what you can offer. Read the key questions in Business know-how. Write your answers to the questions.

Key interview questions

  •  What are your best / worst subjects at school?
  •  Have you had any experience of this type of job?
  •  What skills and qualities do you have?
  •  What are some of your strengths and weaknesses?
  •  Tell me about an achievement in your last job or at school.
  •  Why are you interested in this company?
  •  What experience have you had of working in a team or a group?

10. Read and translate new information.

How NOT to impress at an interview!

Going for a job interview is a chance to impress and show a company your best qualities. Or it should be! Interviewers told us about their worst experiences. Are you ready for some surprises?

Admin assistant

Admin assistant required for this fun but hardworking business travel agency. Experience of Microsoft Word and Excel are essential, along with a clear telephone manner. You must be reliable and have excellent communication skills. A sense of humour is an advantage.

Apply with a CV to Tim Greenaway, Human Resources, Diamond Services, 112 Woodford Road, London SW 12 9AP


Full-time delivery driver

For Southall firm

Must have clean driving licence

Excellent working conditions

Must be over 18 years old

Please phone 0181 874 5560 for an application form


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