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The Christms spirit often mde the rich little more generous thn usul nd bnds of beggrs nd orphns used to dnce their wy through the snowy streets of Englnd offering to sing good cheer nd to tell goo

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Here We Come A-wassailing (or Here We Come A-caroling) is an English traditional Christmas carol and New Years song, apparently composed c. 1850. The old English wassail song refers to 'wassailing', or singing carols door to door wishing good health, while the a- is an archaic intensifying prefix.

According to Readers Digest; "the Christmas spirit often made the rich a little more generous than usual, and bands of beggars and orphans used to dance their way through the snowy streets of England, offering to sing good cheer and to tell good fortune if the householder would give them a drink from his wassail bowl or a penny or a pork pie or, let them stand for a few minutes beside the warmth of his hearth. The wassail bowl itself was a hearty combination of hot ale or beer, apples, spices and mead, just alcoholic enough to warm tingling toes and fingers of the singers".

As with most carols, there are several related versions of the words. One version is presented below, based on the text given in The New Oxford Book of Carols.

Here we come a-wassailing

Among the leaves so green;

Here we come a-wand'ring

So fair to be seen.


Love and joy come to you,

And to you your wassail too;

And God bless you and send you a Happy New Year

And God send you a Happy New Year.

Our wassail cup is made

Of the rosemary tree,

And so is your beer

Of the best barley.


We are not daily beggars

That beg from door to door;

But we are neighbours' children,

Whom you have seen before.


Call up the butler of this house,

Put on his golden ring.

Let him bring us up a glass of beer,

And better we shall sing.


We have got a little purse

Of stretching leather skin;

We want a little of your money

To line it well within.


Bring us out a table

And spread it with a cloth;

Bring us out a mouldy cheese,

And some of your Christmas loaf.


God bless the master of this house

Likewise the mistress too,

And all the little children

That round the table go.


Good master and good mistress,

While you're sitting by the fire,

Pray think of us poor children

Who are wandering in the mire.


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