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Clen out his desk or visit old friends

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Did an employee you transferred from headquarters to a branch office come back to "clean out his desk" or "visit old friends" even though he knew the security codes had been change?

Has your company experienced a recent increase in data processing needs, while you have not upgraded your security system to accommodate the change?

"If you have answered yes to two or more of these questions," says Scoma, "double-check your security system and the people responsible for keeping it intact. If you don't, you could be headed for high-tech trouble."

An ounce of prevention

According to the Better Business Bureau, the vast majority of computer crimes are preventable. Managers must be aware that technology creates myriad opportunities for crime, and that installation of computer equipment and installation of security measures should go hand in hand. Although the following measures may seem like common sense, consider them in light of your company's own practices. How many are fully followed?

Employee hiring. Conduct thorough background checks on all potential EDP employees. Check with former employers; get references - both professional and personal. Verify technical skills, and check credit histories.

Controlling access to facilities. Maintain a log book with times and names of all who have access to the computer facilities. Allow only employees who work with the computer to sign it. Confirm and verify any service calls, and have a company employee accompany any technician to the worksite.

Physical security. Separate computer facilities from other departments, in a secure, isolated area with few windows or doors, adequate lighting, secure locks, and, if possible, a security guard at each entrance. Provide the appropriate personnel with proper identification that can be verified at the entrance, such as photo or fingerprint IDs.

Task 23. Translate the texts, determining their styles.

Text 1

(1) Water has the extraordinary ability to dissolve a greater variety of substances than any other liquid. (2) Falling through the air it collects atmospheric gases, salts, nitrogen, oxygen and other compounds, nutrients and pollutants alike. (3) The carbon dioxide it gathers reacts with the water to form carbonic acid. (4) This, in turn, gives it greater power to break down rocks and soil particles that are subsequently put into solution as nutrients and utilized by growing plants and trees. (5) Without this dissolving ability, our lakes and streams would be biological deserts, for pure water cannot sustain aquatic life. (6) Water dissolves, cleanses, serves plants and animals as a carrier of food and minerals; it is the only substance that occurs in all three states - solid, liquid and gas - and yet always retains its own identity and emerges again as water.

Text 2


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