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Present days of our university

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U N I T  1





GRAMMAR: The Noun: Number and Case. The Article

                      The verbs to be and to have in the Present Indefinite Tense
The Construction
there + to be


1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

а) stress the first syllable:

state, high, quality, training, prominent, manager, national, programme, various, leading, goal, nowadays, purpose, study, student, knowledge, excellent, found, founder, industry, trade, faculty, railway, maintenance, science, scientist, public, skill, field, figure, theory, number, president, major, institute, technical;

b) stress the second syllable:

economy, economist, establishment, provide, position, direction, renown, coordinate, prestige, progressive, objective, equip, contemporary, professional, commercial, result, towards, transform, restructure, among, statistics, inventor, academy, autonomy, decision, activity;

c) stress the third syllable:

university, economic, economics, managerial, orientation.

Text A

Kyiv National Economic University is a prominent economic establishment of higher learning1. It provides a high quality training of economists and managers for various fields of national economy and coordinates economic and managerial training programmes in Ukraine.

The leading position of the University, its prestige and renown are the results of its orientation towards progressive goals and objectives of nowadays. The main purpose of the University is to equip students with2 contemporary knowledge of economics and to provide them with excellent professional skills.

The University was founded in 1906 as a commercial school in the field of industry and trade. In 1908 it was transformed into Kyiv Commercial Institute. The students studied at three faculties: economic, commercial and technical, and railway maintenance3. In 1920 the Institute was restructured and named Kyiv Institute of National Economy.

Many prominent scientists and public figures4 studied and worked at the Institute: the founder of the school of statistics Ye.Slutsky, one of the inventors of the theory of numbers Academician D.Grave, President of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine O.Bohomolets and many others.

In August 1992 the Institute was transformed into Kyiv State University of Economics and became the leading higher school of economics in Ukraine. In February 1997 according to the President decree the University was given the status of National Economic University. At present it is  granted autonomy in making decisions5 on the major directions of its activity.


1. establishment of higher learning — вищий навчальний заклад

2. to equip students with — тут: надавати студентам

3. railway maintenance — залiзнично-експлуатацiйний

4. public figures — громадські діячі

  1.  ... it is granted autonomy in making decisions ... — йому надано само-
    ійність у прийнятті рiшень


I. Find equivalents:

1. establishment of higher learning  а. залiзнично-експлуатацiйний

2. in the field of industry and trade   б. прогресивні цілі й завдання

3. commercial school   в. розробник теорiї чисел

4. railway maintenance   г. iнститут народного господарства

5. progressive goals and objectives   д. вищий навчальний заклад

6. to make decisions   е. комерцiйна школа

7. public figures   є. приймати рiшення

8. inventor of the theory of numbers   ж. головний напрямок дiяльностi

9. Institute of National  Economy   з. Академiя наук України

10. major direction of activity   и. громадськi дiячi

11. Academy of Sciences of Ukraine   і. засновник школи статистики

12. founder of the school of statistics   ї. надавати студентам

13. to equip students with   й. у сферi промисловостi та торгiвлi

II. Give the corresponding nouns to the following verbs:

a) to result, to trade, to name, to work, to major, to answer, to purchase, to cause, to study, to form, to change, to place, to walk, to service;

b) to develop, to mantain, to specialize, to manage, to invent, to improve, to coordinate, to establish, to instruct, to orientate, to provide, to direct, to learn, to graduate, to found, to equip, to train, to know.

III. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs if necessary: 

1. Kyiv National Economic University is a prominent economic institution ... higher learning. 2. It provides ... a high quality training ... economists and managers ... various fields ... national economy. 3. The main purpose ... the University is to equip students ... contemporary knowledge ... economics and management. 4. The University was founded ... 1906 as a commercial school ... the field ... industry and trade. 5. The students studied ... three faculties. 6. Many prominent scientists and public figures studied ... the Institute. 7. In 1992 the Institute was transformed ... Kyiv State University ... Economics. 8. At present it is granted autonomy ... making decisions ... the major directions ... its activity.

IV. Complete the following sentences:

1. Kyiv National Economic University is ... . 2. It provides ... . 3. The leading position of  the University, its prestige and renown are ... . 4. The main purpose of the University is ... . 5. In 1920 the Institute was restructured and named ... . 6. In August 1992 it was transformed ... . 7. Many prominent scientists and public figures studied and worked at the Institute: ... . 8. In February 1997 according to the President decree ... .

V. Answer the following questions:

1. Is Kyiv National Economic University a prominent economic establishment of higher learning? 2. What does it provide? 3. What is the main purpose of the University? 4. When was the University founded?
5. When was the commercial school transformed into Kyiv Commercial Institute? 6. What faculties did the students study at? 7. When was it restructured and named Kyiv Institute of National Economy? 8. What prominent scientists and public figures studied and worked at the Institute? 9. When was the Institute transformed into Kyiv State University of Economics? 10. The University became the leading higher school of economics in Ukraine, didn’t it? 11. Is it granted autonomy in making decisions on the major directions of its activity?

VI. Translate into English:

1. Київський нацiональний економiчний унiверситет є провiдним економiчним вищим навчальним закладом в Україні. 2. Вiн готує висококвалiфiкованих економiстiв i менеджерiв для рiзних галузей народного господарства. 3. Головна мета унiверситету — надати студентам сучаснi знання з економiки та менеджменту та забезпечити їх високий професiйний рiвень. 4. Унiверситет було створено в 1906 роцi як комерцiйну школу. 5. У 1908 роцi вона стала Київським комерцiйним iнститутом. 6. Студенти навчалися на трьох факультетах: економiчному, комерцiйно-технiчному та залiзнично-експлуатацiйному.
7. У 1920 роцi комерцiйний iнститут було перейменовано в Київський інститут народного господарства. 8. Багато видатних учених та громадських дiячiв навчалися та працювали в інституті. 9. Зараз унiверситету надано самостійність у вирiшеннi питань з головних на-
прямiв його дiяльностi.

VII. Speak about the University you study using the following
words and word-combinations:

establishment of higher learning; economist; manager; various fields of national economy; to provide; high quality training; to coordinate; economic and managerial training programmes; contemporary knowledge of economics; to equip students with; excellent professional skills; to transform; commercial school; to found; in the field of industry and trade; prominent scientists; public figures; to make decisions.


1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

а) stress the first syllable:

building, hostel, lecture-hall, library, literature, reading-room, specialist, access, entrance, private, different, day-time, marketing, management, banking, graduate, branch, agriculture, ownership, offer;

b) stress the second syllable:

facility, laboratory, prepare, preparatory, computing, collection, per cent, technology, assistance, admit, department, accounting, finance, prefer, enroll, agrarian, combine, canteen, successful;

c) stress the third syllable:

academic, education, correspondence, international, information.

Text B

Kyiv National Economic University is more than 90 years old. It has three academic buildings with all education facilities1, four hostels and a sport centre. There are well-equipped laboratories and studies2, lecture halls and computing centres. The University’s library has the largest collection of literature on economics in Ukraine. The students have free access3 to the library, reading-rooms, laboratories, medical assistance and sport facilities.

More than ten thousand future specialists get their training here. They are admitted to the University4 on the basis of their results at the entrance examinations5. The students may enroll in day-time, evening or correspondence departments6.

At present the University has 7 faculties at the day-time department: marketing, management, international economics and law, accounting, finance, information systems and technologies, and agrarian management. The graduates7 of the University work at various branches of industry and agriculture, state and private organizations with different forms of ownership8, finance and banking system.

About 50 per cent of young people prefer to combine studies with work9. They are admitted to the evening or correspondence departments after passing successfully their examinations10.

There is also a preparatory faculty11 at the University. It offers programmes aimed to prepare applicants for entrance examinations.


1. education facilities — навчальне обладнання, умови для занять

2. a study — кабiнет

3. ... have free access ... — можуть безкоштовно користуватися

4. to be admitted to the University — вступити до унiверситету

5. entrance examinations — вступнi іспити

6. to enroll in day-time (evening, correspondence) department — вступити на денне (вечiрнє, заочне) вiддiлення

7. a graduate — випускник вищого навчального закладу

   (амер. випускник будь-якого навчального закладу)

   to graduate from — закінчувати вищий навчальний заклад

8. with different forms of ownership — з рiзними формами власностi

9. to combine studies with work — поєднувати навчання з роботою

10. to pass examinations — скласти іспити

11. preparatory faculty тут. факультет довузiвської пiдготовки


I. Give the verbs corresponding to the following nouns:

education, examination, graduation, equipment, accounting, computer,

building, collection, management, information, specialist, training, student.

II. Give the English equivalents for:

умови для занять; добре обладнанi лабораторiї та кабiнети; фонд економiчної лiтератури; читальнi зали; комп’ютерний центр; вступити до унiверситету; денне, вечiрнє та заочне вiддiлення; факультет мiжнародної економiки та права; аграрний менеджмент; рiзні галузі промисловостi та сiльського господарства; державнi та приватнi органiзацiї; piзнi форми власностi; вступнi іспити; фiнансова та банкiвська системи; поєднувати навчання з роботою; cкладати іспити; факультет довузiвської пiдготовки.

ІІІ. Fill in the blanks below with the most appropriate terms
 from the list:

to combine; evening and correspondence departments; collection of literature on economics; education facilities; entrance examinations;  

faculties; are admitted; training.

1. Our University has three academic buildings with all                      .
2. The library of  the University has the largest ___________  in our country. 3. More than ten thousand future specialists get their  ________ here.
4. They _________ to the University on the basis of their results at the
___________ . 5. There are seven ____________ at the day-time department. 6. Many young people prefer ____________ studies with work. 7. They are admitted to the ____________ .

IV. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs if necessary:

1. A lot ... specialists ... different  fields are trained ... the University.         2. Any school leaver may apply ... the University. 3. The students may enroll ... day-time, evening and correspondence departments. 4. There are seven faculties ... the day-time department. 5. The extra-mural students combine their work ... studies. 6. All the University laboratories are well-equipped ... computers. 7. He graduated ... the University ... two years ago. 8. The graduates ... the University may work ... state and private organizations ... different forms ... ownership. 9. Most ... students ... the marketing faculty take part ... social activities.

V. Answer the following questions:

1. Where do the students have free access to? 2. How many people get their training at the University? 3. What departments may the students enroll in? 4. What faculties are there at the day-time department? 5. Where may the graduates of the University work? 6. Where are young people admitted when  they want to combine studies with work? 7. What  is the aim of the preparatory faculty?

VI. Say whether these statements are true or false and if they are   

      false say why:

1. Kyiv National Economic University is more than 100 years old.
2. The doors of the University are open to all. 3. All the students of the University must pay for tuition. 4. The University has many academic buildings with all education facilities. 5. The University’s library has the largest collection of literature on economics in Europe. 6. The students have free access to the library, reading-rooms, computing centres and laboratories.


1.  Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

a) stress the first syllable:

wide, choice, course, bachelor, master, doctorate, freshman, sophomore, level, special, junior, senior, almost, major, subject, term, terminal, background, general, candidate, follow, deep;

b) stress the second syllable:

postgraduate, develop, ability, achievement, profession, require, devote, entirely, essential, duration, divide, submit, degree, consider, beyond, specific, philosophy;

c) stress the third syllable:

individual, represent, undergraduate, graduation, baccalaureate.

Text C

Kyiv National Economic University offers a wide choice of programmes and courses for the students: Bachelor’s programmes in economics and management1, Master’s programmes2, postgraduate and doctorate programmes3. They are aimed to develop individual and professional abilities of the students and represent different level of academic achievement.

Bachelor’s degree programmes in economics and management are profession-oriented and require four years of study. The first two years  (the freshman4 year and sophomore5 year) are aimed at providing general education and preparing for more special studies. The last two years (the junior6 and senior7 years) are devoted almost entirely to the majors. The undergraduates8 major in those subjects9 which are essential for their future activity.

The academic year10 is usually nine months duration and is divided into two terms11. The students have an examination session at the end of each term. At the end of their studies they have to submit a graduation paper12 and take the state examinations13. The Bachelor’s degree is usually known as the first degree and may be a terminal qualification. But it is often considered as a background for further specialization, a step toward higher degree.

The Master’s degree programmes require one or two years of study beyond baccalaureate. The Master’s degree candidate follows a rather specific course of study, usually in a single field.

The postgraduate programmes provide a deeper study of philosophy, foreign languages and subjects  related  to the chosen major and lead to the candidate degree.


1. Bachelor’s programmes in economics and management — бакалаврськi програми з економiки та менеджменту

2. Master’s programmes — магiстерськi програми

3. postgraduate and doctorate programmes — програми  аспірантської  та докторської пiдготовки

4. freshman — першокурсник

 5. sophomore — другокурсник

6. junior — студент третього курсу

7. senior — старшокурсник

8. undergraduate — студент останнього курсу

9. to major in a subject — вивчати основний предмет

10. academic year — навчальний рiк

11. term — семестр

12. to submit a graduation paper — захистити дипломну роботу

13. to take the state examinations — складати державнi іспити


  1.  Use the correct word in the sentences. Change the form of

     the words if necessary:


1. The students of our University ______________ in various fields of economics. 2. The Bachelor’s degree is often considered as a background for further _________ . 3. Our University trains qualified ___________ for various branches of national economy. 4. There is a wide choice of ___________ at our



1. Wide ____________ opportunities are opened for young people of our country. 2. The purpose of our University is __________ students to serve in all branches of national economy.  3. Higher ______ in Ukraine is accessible to all. 4. She was a highly _________ woman.  5. My elder sister ________ in France.

II. Find the corresponding synonyms in the right-hand column:

1. freshman                  a. extra-mural education

2. to major in                   b. money paid for education

3. establishment of higher learning  c. fourth-year student

4. applicant                      d. instructor

5. sophomore                  e. third-year student

6. junior                        f. second-year student

7. undergraduate              g. student of senior courses

8. tuition fee                   h. to specialize in a chosen field

9. major                       i.  prospective student

10. term                          j.  first-year student

11. senior                   k. full-time student

12. non-resident instruction   l.  semester

13. teacher at a university  m. higher school

14. student of the day-time   n. subject chosen as a field of  

department        specialization  

III. Memorize the following word-combinations.

     Use them in the sentences of your own:

entrance examination — вступний іспит

final examination — випускний іспит

to sit for an exam/to take an exam — складати іспит

to give/set an exam — приймати іспит; екзаменувати

re-examination — перездача іспиту

to fail in an examination — провалитися на іспиті

to pass an exam — витримати іспит

to pass an examination with distinction/honours — скласти іспит з вiдзнакою

to go through one’s exam/to do well at an exam — успiшно скласти іспит

to examine smb (in/on smth) — екзаменувати когось (з чогось)

end-of-exam — іспит у кінці семестру 

IV. Answer the following questions:

1. What programmes does Kyiv National Economic University offer to the students? 2. The programmes are aimed to develop individual and professional abilities of the students, aren’t they? 3. What do the Bachelor’s degree programmes represent? 4. What do the students have at the end of each term? 5. The Bachelor’s degree is the first academic degree, isn’t it?
6. How long does the course for Master’s degree last? 7. What do the postgraduate programmes provide?

V. Translate into English:

1. Київський нацiональний економiчний унiверситет пропонує широкий вибiр навчальних програм та курсiв. 2. Вони спрямованi на розвиток індивiдуальних і професiйних якостей студентiв. 3. Бакалаврськi програми з економiки та менеджменту мають професiйне спрямування. 4. Вони нацiленi на одержання базової вищої економiчної освiти. 5. Старшокурсники спецiалiзуються з тих предметiв, що є суттєвими в їхній майбутнiй роботi. 6. Навчальний рiк триває дев’ять мiсяцiв i дiлиться на два семестри. 7. Студенти мають іспитову сесiю в кiнцi кожного семестру. 8. У кiнцi навчання вони повиннi захистити дипломну  роботу та здати державнi іспити. 9. Магiстерськi програми розраховано на один або два роки навчання. 10. Програми аспiрантської освiти забезпечують поглиблене вивчення фiлософiї, iноземних мов та iнших спецiальних дисциплiн.

VI. Speak about the University’s academic activity using

    the following words and word-combinations:

wide choice of programmes; Bachelor’s programmes in economics and management; Master’s programmes; different level of academic achievement; postgraduate and doctorate programmes; special studies; academic year; term; examination session; candidate degree; to submit a graduation paper; general education; to take the state examination.


The Noun: Singular and Plural

I. Read and memorize the following:

a)  room — rooms, hand — hands, tree — trees, shoe — shoes, cup — cups, map — maps, group — groups, student — students;

b)  dictionary — dictionaries, city — cities, family — families;

c)  boy — boys, toy — toys, key — keys, day — days, play — plays;

d)  wife — wives, calf — calves, half — halves, life — lives, thief — thieves,      shelf — shelves, wolf — wolves, sheaf — sheaves, knife — knives,
self — selves, leaf — leaves, loaf — loaves;

 but: belief — beliefs, kerchief — kerchiefs;

e)  dish — dishes, match — matches, class — classes, box — boxes;

f)   tomato — tomatoes, potato — potatoes, hero — heroes;

 but: piano — pianos, zoo — zoos, photo — photos, kilo — kilos,
memo — memos, solo — solos;

g)  man — men, woman — women, tooth — teeth, foot — feet, mouse —  mice, goose — geese, child — children, ox — oxen, louse — lice;

h)  fish, deer, sheep, swine, means, series, species, works, offspring;

i)  criterion — criteria, stimulus — stimuli, crisis — crises, index — indices,    

   analysis — analyses, datum — data, curriculum — curricula.

II. Give the plural of the following nouns:

student, economist, field, day, mark, month, faculty, facility, branch, ox, box, potato, photo, zero, loaf, wife, wolf, life, kerchief, man, child, foot, goose, deer, crisis, basis, text-book, daugter-in-law, woman-teacher.

III. Give the singular of the following nouns:

managers, classrooms, specialists, banks, paths, classes, keys, libraries, activities, cargoes, heroes, pianos, halves, leaves, calves, chiefs, safes, beliefs, women, teeth, phenomena, sheep, boy-friends, sons-in-law.

IV. Choose the correct verb:

1. Economics (is, are) Tom’s favourite subject. 2. Their information (is, are) not correct. 3. The news (is, are) very interesting. 4. Some people (is, are) coming today. 5. Nick’s trousers (is, are) out of fashion. 6. Your money (is, are) not enough to buy this book. 7. The furniture in our classroom (is, are) of good quality. 8. The police (is, are) looking for the thief.

V. Choose the correct noun:

1. Her hair/hairs is dark. 2. We eat a great deal of fruit/fruits. 3. There are a lot of vegetable/vegetables on the table.  4. All the gate/gates were closed. 5. He spent his winter vacation/vacations in Great Britain. 6. This company is engaged in the export/exports and import/imports of different machines. 7. He likes this idea/ideas. 8. He has three watch/watches. 9. Carrot/carrots are rich in vitamins. 10. I have a lot of homework/homeworks to do tonight. 11.There weren’t many people/peoples at the lecture yesterday. 12. The children caught two fish/fishes. 13. Can you give me some advice/advices? 14. I enjoy listening to music/musics.

VI. Translate into English:

1. Економiка — суспiльна наука. 2. Я задоволений вашими успiхами. 3. Вашi поради дуже кориснi, вони  менi дуже допомагають. 4. У супi надто багато картоплi. 5. Де грошi? — Вони на столi, вiзьміть їх. 6. Він виловив багато риби. 7. У нас дуже мало iнформацiї з цього питання. 8. Моя сестра дуже любить фрукти, вони влітку дуже дешеві.
9. Цi новини дуже важливi для нас. 10. Санки стояли бiля ворiт. 11. Його заробiтна плата дуже висока. 12. Змiст його листа є несподiваним для нас. 13. Ножицi лежали на полицi. 14. Кіт любить ловити мишей. 15. У неї світле волосся та голубі очі. 16. У нього досить знань, щоб зробити цю роботу.

The Noun: Common and Possessive Case

VII. Replace the «of phrase» by the Possessive Case:

1. The lecture of this teacher is very interesting. 2. The text-books of the students are on the desk. 3. The house of their parents is nice. 4. We don’t know the names of these children. 5. The camera of my friend is new. 6. The success of the company is great. 7. The son of Klimenko studies very well. 8. The shirt of Carlos is green. 9. The birthday of my wife is on Sunday.  10. The library of our University is very large.

VIII. Translate into Ukrainian:

students’ life; Marketing faculty; Master’s degree programmes; summer holidays; public figures; education facilities; University’s library; sport centre; correspondence department; Bachelor’s degree programmes; grammar mistake; this student’s graduation paper; candidate degree; examination  session; market economy; consumer goods; Oxford University; silk dress.

IX. Complete the following sentences using the words

      from the right-hand column:  

 1. My father’s wife is my ...                    mother

 2. My parents’ son is my ...                  aunt         

 3. My parents’ daughter is my ...         cousin

 4. My mother’s husband is my ...         father

 5. My mother’s father is my ...        brother

 6. My father’s sister is my ...                   sister

 7. My mother’s brother is my ...             grandfather

 8. My father’s mother is my ...                 uncle

 9. My mother’s sister is my ...                 niece

10. My uncle’s son is my ...                     grandmother

  1.  My brother’s son is my ...                      nephew

12. My sister’s daughter is my ...

X. Use the italicized noun or noun phrase in the first sentence
as a modifier in the second sentence:

1. My garden has flowers in it. It is a flower garden . 2. Their house has nine rooms. It is _________ . 3. That handbook is for students. It is ________ . 4. Their baby is ten months old. They have ______ .  5. Our trip lasted for three days. We took  _______ .  6. She is a psychologist for children. She is ______ .  7. I wrote a check for fifty dollars. I wrote _____ . 8. I will get three credits for that course.  It is _________ . 9. That food is for dogs. It is _______ . 10. That room is for guests. It is _________ . 11. I have a sister who is ten years old and a brother who is twelve years old. I have _______ . 12. The building has offices in it. It is an _________ .  

XI. Translate into English:

а) мiй брат — студент; дверi кiмнати зачинено; дайте цей словник студенту; напишiть листа батькам; я випив склянку молока; вiн переклав текст; вправи, виконанi студентами; лист, пiдписаний директором; я не люблю писати авторучкою; вони говорять про новий фiльм;

б) вступні іспити; спецiальностi студентiв; студентський гуртожиток; бакалаврськi програми; книга нашого викладача; книги нашого викладача; книга наших викладачiв; книги наших викладачiв; cпортивний центр; фонд лiтератури; деканат; прiзвища студентiв; дипломна робота; іспитова сесiя; промені сонця; пропозиції уряду; зарплата за минулий тиждень.

The Article

XII. Insert a, an or the if necessary:

1. I ate ... sandwich and ... apple yesterday. 2. My sister is ... doctor.
3. It is ... very difficult question. 4. Ukraine is ... agricultural country. 5. It is ... rainy day today. 6. I had ... shower this morning. 7. They are ... friends.
8. We often go to ... cinema. 9. Who invented ... telephone? 10. I have ... hour and ... half for ... lunch. 11. I have ... headache and ... sore throat.
I think I’ve got ... cold. 12. What ... strange man! 13. Do you play ... guitar?

XIII. Explain the use of the article:

1. This is a pencil. It is a red pencil.  The red pencil is on the table.
2. I am
a teacher. I am at home now. This is my room. The room is large and clean. 3. The Black Sea is in the South of Ukraine. 4. Open your books at page fifteen.  5. The dean of our faculty spoke at  the meeting yesterday.
A lot of students of our group attended the meeting. 6. Yesterday I met my friend with a young girl. The girl lives on the second floor in the house not far from our University. 7. Summer is the most beautiful season of the year. The sky is blue and the sun shines brightly in summer.

XIV. Insert the article where necessary. Retell the passage:

I study at ... Kyiv National Economic University. I am ... first-year student of ... day-time department. My friend is ... second-year student of ... marketing faculty. My father works at ... factory. He is ... economist. My mother is ... book-keeper. My friend and I have ... lot of ... common interests.   ... lessons at ... University begin at ... 8.30.  When ... lectures are over we go to ... library or to ... reading-hall. When I come home I have ... rest.  If ... weather  is very cold I stay at ... home and listen to ... radio or watch ... television. But if ... weather is fine I go to ...  Dnipro for ... walk.

XV. Translate into English:

1. Який чудовий день! Їдьмо за мiсто. 2. Молоко надто холодне, не пий його. 3. Вода й повiтря необхiднi для життя. 4. Який смачний обiд! Ви чудовий кухар. 5. Мiй брат спить 9 годин на добу. 6. Вовк — дика тварина. 7. Сосна — вiчнозелене дерево. 8. Це добре вино. 9. Вiн попросив склянку води. 10. Покажи менi статтю, яку ти написав. 11. Це дуже просте питання. Школяр може на нього відповісти. 12. Ви добре відпочили за містом? — Так, була чудова погода і ми здебільшого перебували на повітрі. 13. Яка добра порада! 14. На жаль, я не можу пообiдати з вами.

The Verb «to be»  in the Present Indefinite Tense 

XVI. Answer the following questions:

1. What is your name? 2. How old are you? 3. What are you?
4. Where are you from? 5. What is your favourite occupation? 6. How many are you in the family? 7. What are your parents? 8. Where are they now?
9. What is your friend? 10. What is his/her name? 11. How old is he/she?
12. Where is he/she now? 13. What’s the date? 14. What day of the week is it? 15. What is the weather like today?

XVII. Give short answers in the affirmative or negative:

Pattern:  Are you ready? — Yes, I am/No, I am not.

1. Are you a student? 2. Are you a second-year student? 3. Is your friend a student? 4. Is your name Taras? 5. Are you eighteen? 6. Are you from Kyiv? 7. Is your friend from Lviv? 8. Are your parents managers?
9. Are they at home now? 10. Is it Sunday today? 11. Is it cold today?
12. Are you happy?

XVIII. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:

Pattern:  My friend is here.

 Is my friend here?

My friend isn’t /is not/ here.

1. I am right. 2. They are second-year students. 3. They are very busy at that time. 4. Their favourite subject is English. 5. Our teacher is from Kharkiv. 6. Mathematics is one of the most difficult subjects. 7. The weather is very rainy in May. 8. They are in the classroom now. 9. It is the end of the term. 10. They are teachers. 11. This exercise is easy. 12. The days are fine in August. 13. Her parents are in London now.

XIX. Fill in the blanks with am, is or are:

1. Taras ____ a  student. Who ___ a  student?  Taras ____ . 2. ____ you a student?  Yes, I ____ . 3. ____ Nina a student?  No, she ____ not. What ____ she? She ____ an economist. 4. ____ they managers? Yes, they ____ .  5.  ____  you a financier?  No, I ____ not.  What ____ you? I ____ a  student.  6. ____ they teachers?  No, they ____ not.  What ____ they? They  ____ businessmen. 7. ____ Peter a businessman? No, he ____ not. What he? He ____ an engineer. 8. Where ____  your friend? He ____ in the library.
9. Where ____  the students? They  ____ in the classroom.

XX. Complete the disjunctive questions:

Pattern:  It is far from Lviv, ... ? — It is far from Lviv, isn’t it?

           It isn’t cold, ... ? — It isn’t cold, is it?

a) 1. You are a student, ... ? 2. You are tired, ... ? 3. They are on holiday, ... ? 4. She is in her office today, ... ? 5. He is angry, ... ? 6. Those are your gloves, ... ?  7. It’s very expensive, ... ? 8. These are Susan’s glasses, ... ? 9. That is Mike’s dictionary, ... ? 10. Mary is intelligent, ... ?

b) 1. Ann isn’t at home, ... ? 2. You aren’t afraid of snakes, ... ? 3. She is never late for class, ... ? 4. The children aren’t surprised, ... ? 5. Your sister isn’t married, ... ? 6. That isn’t Tom, ... ? 7. I am not fat, ... ? 8. English Grammar isn’t easy, ... ? 9. These books aren’t yours, ... ? 10. Nothing is wrong, ... ?

The Verb «to have» in the Present Indefinite Tense

XXI. Answer the following questions:

1. Have you a large family? 2. Have you a friend? 3. At what time do you usually have breakfast? 4. Do you usually have a big breakfast? 5. Do you have tea or coffee for breakfast? 6. How many times a day do you have tea? 7. Do you have a walk before going to bed?

XXII. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:

Pattern:  He has a lot of relatives in Poltava.

Has he a lot of relatives in Poltava?

He hasn’t /has not/ a lot of relatives in Poltava.

They have lunch at eleven.

Do they have lunch at eleven?

They don’t have /do not have/ lunch at eleven.

1. I have dinner at home. 2. The students have an examination session at the end of each term. 3. We have an hour to discuss this question. 4. We have too much snow this winter. 5. Susan has a high temperature. 6. Our University has sport camps and holiday homes at the seaside.

XXIII. Fill in the blanks with have or has:

1. I ... a sister. She ... a very interesting  profession.  2. Hurry up! We ... no  time for tea. 3. Do  you  ... a rest after lunch? No, I ... not. 4. John and Mary ... a baby.  5. ...  you got a grammar book? Yes I ... . It ... twelve chapters. 6. My friend  ... a brother.  He ... a Bachelor’s degree. 7. ...  the students many lectures and seminars during the week? Yes, they ... .

XXIV. Complete the disjunctive questions:

Pattern:  You have time to do it, ... ?

You have time to do it, haven’t you?

He hasn’t much money, ... ?

He hasn’t much money, has he?

He has breakfast at 8 o’clock ... ?

He has breakfast at 8 o’clock, doesn’t he?

1. His wife has headaches quite often, ... ? 2. She has got lovely blue eyes, ... ? 3. The Smiths have a big house, ... ? 4. You have difficulty in getting a job, ... ? 5. You haven’t got a computer, ... ? 6. Bill hasn’t got a car, ... ? 7. She has a heart attack, ... ? 8. He has a good memory, ... ?

XXV. Translate into English:

1. У мене є друг. У нього блакитнi очi й темне волосся. У нього завжди дуже багато роботи i в нього нiколи немає вiльного часу. 2. Ви обiдаєте вдома чи в їдальнi? — Iнодi я обiдаю дома, а iнодi — у кафе.
Я нiколи не обiдаю в ресторанi. — О котрiй годинi ви звичайно обiдаєте? — Як правило, я обiдаю о другiй годинi. 3. У тебе є англійсько-український словник? — Нi. У мене його немає, але я дуже хотiла б його мати. — У тебе є грошi? — Так. У мене є досить грошей, щоб купити його. 4. У мене є трикiмнатна квартира в центрi мiста. Вона має всi сучаснi вигоди.

The Construction «there + to be»   

XXVI. Make the following interrogative and negative:

Pattern:  There is too much salt in the soup.

Is there too much salt in the soup?

There isn’t  /is not/ too much salt in the soup.

       or: There is no too much salt in the soup.

There are several bookshops in this street.

Are there several bookshops in this street?

 There aren’t /are not/ several bookshops in this street.

1. There is a telephone in this room. 2. There are fifteen students in our group. 3. There are some interesting  articles in this newspaper. 4. There is somebody in the room. 5. There is something on the table. 6. There is a lot of fish in this river. 7. There is too much snow on the roof of the house.
8. There is too much water in the lake in spring.

XXVII. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. There is a man at the bus-stop. There are two men at the bus-stop. There is a man and a woman at the bus-stop. 2. There isn’t any sugar in my tea. 3. There is only one bridge across the river in this place. 4. There is no time to visit the museum. 5. There are several bookshops in this street.
6. There is a lot of coal in the Donbas. 7. There is no oil in our country.
8. There are few offices in this part of the town.

XXVIII. Ask questions using how many:

Pattern:  chapters in this book.

How many chapters are there in this book ?

1. English books in your library. 2. continents in the world. 3. people in your family. 4. states in the United States of America. 5. floors in this building. 6. letters in the English alphabet. 7. students in your group. 8. windows in this room. 9. desks in your classroom. 10. rooms in your flat.

XXIX. Complete the disjunctive questions:

1. There are a lot of people here, ... ? 2. There is a better way to solve this problem, ... ? 3. There aren’t any problems, ... ? 4. There is a meeting tonight, ... ? 5. There isn’t a test tomorrow, ... ? 6. There is nobody at home, ... ? 7. There isn’t a lot to do, ... ? 8. There isn’t a lot of noise, ... ? 9. There are some English books on the shelf, ... ? 10. There are some spelling mistakes in your composition, ... ?

XXX. Complete the questions in your own way:

1. Is there much ... ? 2. Are there many ... ? 3. Is there little ... ? 4. Is there a lot of ... ?  5. Is there a large number of ... ?  6. Is there any ... ?
7. Are there any ... ?  8. Are there a few ... ?  

XXXI. Memorize the following proverbs:

1. There are spots even on the sun. 2. There are more ways to the wood than one.  3. Where there is a will, there is a way. 4. There is no rose without a thorn. 5. There is a place for everything, and everything in its place. 6. There is more than one way to kill a cat. 7. There is no fire without smoke. 8. There is no place like home. 9. When a friend asks, there is no tomorrow. 10. There is no royal road to learning.

XXXII. Translate into English:

1. У Києві є багато мальовничих вулиць. 2. На вашiй вулицi є кiнотеатр? — Так, бiля мого будинку є великий кiнотеатр. 3. Чи є в глечику молоко? 4. Там багато снігу? Якщо багато, ми підемо кататися на лижах. 5. У нашій бібліотеці є читальні зали. 6. Скiльки студентiв у вашiй групi? — У нашiй групi п’ятнадцять студентiв. — Чи є дiвчата у вашiй групi? — Так, у нашiй групi п’ять дiвчат i десять хлопцiв. Вони дуже дружнi. 7. Чи є цiкавi статтi в цьому журналi? — Так, у цьому журналi є цiкавi статтi з економіки. 8. Я не можу їсти цього супу. У ньому забагато солi та картоплi, але зовсiм немає м’яса. 9. Скільки слів у цьому словнику? 10. У твоїй бiблiотецi є твори англiйських чи американських письменникiв? — Так, у моїй бiблiотецi є кiлька творів англiйських письменникiв, але немає жодного твору американських авторiв.

EXERCISES for individual work

I. Choose the correct verb:

1. A lot of students (is, are) already here. 2. The United States (is, are) located in North America. 3. One of the countries I would like to visit (is, are) Italy. 4. The number of students in this room right now (is, are) twenty. 5. His knowledge of English (is, are) bad. 6. English (is, are) not my native language. 7.  Fruit (is, are) cheap in summer. 8. Each of my friends (is, are) here.

II. Change the number of the italicized nouns and make
all necessary changes:

1. The book is on the shelf. 2. This is an English dictionary. 3. The roof  of  the house was covered with snow. 4. This factory has a good laboratory.        5. A copy of the contract was sent to Lviv. 6.  Where is the knife? 7. The child is playing in the yard. 8. The tomato is ripe. 9. The cat caught a mouse. 10. I have hurt my foot. 11. The story is very long. 12. He is a nice person. 13. The speech was very interesting. 14. He left the key on the table. 15. The last leaf fell from the tree. 16. I like his new play.

III. Choose the correct form of the verb:

1. There (is, are) no time for it today. 2. There (is, are) a students’ hostel in this street. 3. There (is, are) a lot of problems in the world. 4. There (is, are) a blackboard, a table and a lot of chairs in our study. 5. There (isn’t, aren’t) any letters in the mail for you today. 6. There (isn’t, aren’t) any mail for you today. 7. (Is, are) there many students in the classroom? 8. There (is, are) six desks and a table in the classroom. 9. There (is, are) some laboratories, a library and a reading-hall on the ground floor. 10. How many kinds of birds (is, are) there in the world?

IV. Change the following sentences using there + to be:

1. The University’s campus has four hostels. 2. I see a lot of students in the classroom. 3. The University’s laboratories and studies are large and light. 4. The book-keeping department is on the ground floor. 5. How many students have you got in your group? 6. We can’t see anybody here. 7. The library has a large collection of literature on economics. 8. He has only two mistakes in his dictation. 9. We have some meat in the fridge.

V.  Use it is or there is/are in the following sentences:

1. ... fine today.  2. ... an underground station near my house. 3. ... nearly 11 o’clock. 4. ... a light in the window. Somebody must be at home. 5. ... a pity you can’t go with us. 6. ... easy to understand why she is absent.  7. ... any news in the letter? 8. ... not true to say that she is a close friend of mine. 9. ... time to go to bed. 10. ... important to know the details. 11. ... no central heating in my house. 12. ... too early to leave. 13. ... much money in his purse.
14. ... difficult to study French. 15. ... some interesting articles in the newspaper? 16. ... fifteen students in our group. 17. ... only one cigarette in the box. 18. ... warmer today than ... was yesterday.

VI. Translate into English:

1. У мого брата волосся сиве, а брови чорні. 2. У нього погані знання. 3. Смітти — культурна сім’я. 4. Вони полюють на оленів. 5. Усі ворота було зачинено. 6. Ваші поради мені дуже допомагають. Я завжди слідую їм. Вони дуже корисні. 7. Ви та сама людина, яка мені потрібна. 8. Я завжди їду 17-м автобусом. У 17-му автобусі звичайно буває мало людей. 9. Кому належать ці гроші? — Ці гроші належать йому. 10. Мій батько пішов до школи, щоб познайомитися з учителем. 11. У нашому місті багато вищих навчальних закладів. 12. Чи є хтось удома? — Ні, немає нікого вдома. 13. У тебе є сестра чи брат? — Так, у мене є брат. — Хто він? — Мій брат менеджер. — Де він зараз? — Він у відрядженні у Львові. 14. Скільки днів у квітні? — У квітні 30 днів.


1. Реферат- Роль автотранспорта в создании неблагоприятной экологической ситуации в городах
2. тема финансовых отношений направленных на эффективное управление финансовыми ресурсами корпорации
3. истина. Ощущения понятия интуиция сомнение и т.
4. . Акредитивна форма міжнародних розрахунків- суть і види переваги та недоліки використання
5. лоро иностранных банков в данном банке и ностро данного банка в иностранных
6. Контрольная работа по философии
7.  СТОИМОСТЬ ОСНОВНЫХ ФОНДОВ на конец года; по полной учетной стоимости; миллионов рублей; 1990 1995 гг
8. Расчет полупроводникового выпрямителя с фильтром и транзисторного усилителя
9. технические и трудовые ресурсы производства сельскохозяйственной продукции
10. Развитие первичной медицинской помощи по принципу медсестры общей практики