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Huge mnhunt under wy mnhunt hs been lunched in Pris fter gunmn ttcked offices of the newspper Libertion nd fired outside the HQ of the bnk Societe Generle

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Paris gun attacks: Liberation and Societe Generale hit

Christian Fraser in Paris says there is a "huge manhunt" under way

A manhunt has been launched in Paris after a gunman attacked offices of the newspaper Liberation and fired outside the HQ of the bank Societe Generale.

A photographer, 27, was seriously hurt at Liberation. The gunman later forced a motorist to drive him to the Champs Elysees before allowing him to go.

Police are looking for the same man who broke into the Paris offices of the 24-hour news channel BFMTV on Friday. Police have now been stationed outside all the main media offices in Paris. Next time, I will not miss you”. Liberation said images of the suspect corresponded with those of the attacker at BFMTV on Friday morning.

The BBC's Christian Fraser in Paris says the gunman had walked into BFMTV and emptied the chamber of his gun in the reception area.

"Next time, I will not miss you," the man had said to an editor he threatened.

The suspect is said to be between 40 and 45, shaven-headed and overweight.

Our correspondent says that, for a time on Monday, a police helicopter hung over the Champs Elysees amid fears the gunman might be heading towards the Eiffel Tower, but it is speculated that he might have gone into the metro.

People have been encouraged to stay indoors. Police say the suspect is calm and assured, our correspondent reports, and each time has walked away from the scene of his attacks.

French media say the suspect told the motorist he hijacked that he was armed with grenades.

At 10:15 local time (09:15 GMT) on Monday, the gunman entered the Paris offices of Liberation, near the Place de la Republique in the east of the city, and opened fire.

Liberation Deputy Editor Francois Sergent: "It was [the photographer's] first day working for Liberation"

He injured a photographer in the chest and stomach before escaping. Liberation said three spent cartridges had been found.

The gunman did not say anything during the attack, Liberation reported.

Some two hours later, the bank Societe Generale confirmed that a man opened fire outside its headquarters in the western business district of La Defense. No-one was injured, the bank said.

One witness of the bank shooting told Le Figaro that he heard a large bang and saw a man wearing a khaki coat and a cap and carrying a shotgun.

The gunman's second shot caused panic and the man then disappeared down some stairs on to a street, the witness said. Police say the gunman then hijacked a car in Nanterre, close to La Defense, and forced the driver to take him to the Champs Elysees, where he was dropped near the metro station George V. Liberation's deputy editor Fabrice Tassel said the victim there was fighting for his life.

The victim - who has not been named - was said to be a freelance assistant photographer who had just arrived at the newspaper office to work on a fashion photoshoot.

Police have sealed off the area around Liberation's offices. Interior Minister Manuel Valls has visited the scene, along with Culture Minister Aurelie Filippetti and the Mayor of Paris Bertrand Delanoe.

Mr Valls said: "As long as this person is still on the loose and we do not know the motives, this represents a threat. We must move fast."

French President Francois Hollande asked Mr Valls to mobilise every means to stop whoever was responsible for the attacks and to shed light on the circumstances.

"In a democracy, when someone enters a newspaper office with a gun, this is very, very serious, whatever the person's mental state," said Liberation's publisher Nicolas Demorand.

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