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56 Ukrine Field of StudyComputer Science Expected Grdution Dte- June 2009 19992004Professionl High School; Mykolyiv cdemy Employment HistoryComputer Designer My 2005 to Pre

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Personal Information

Name/Surname  Sample J. McSample 

Address 125 1st Avenue, Anytown, Ukraine 12345

Phone Number +123 45 678911

Email Address sample@gmail.com

Nationality Russian

Date of Birth 02.25.1981

Gender Male

Education and Training

 2004 to present National Technical University of Ukraine

 37, Prospect Peremohy, 03056, Kiev-56, Ukraine

Field of Study Computer Science

 Expected Graduation Date: June 2009

1999-2004 Professional High School; Mykolayiv Academy


Employment History Computer Designer (May 2005 to Present)

 Creative Computer Studios, Kiev, Ukraine

Responsible for designing and creating websites for Creative Computer Studios individually and in a team setting

Administrative Assistant (September 2004-May 2005)

Mykolayiv Press, Mykolayiv, Ukraine

Supported office by answering and forwarding phone calls, sending and receiving documents, and answering general inquiries

Waiter (May 2004-September 2004)

Blue Water Bar and Grill, Orlando, Florida

Participated in Summer Work and Travel Program. 

Contributed to all aspects of the restaurant; serving, cleaning,   preparing food, and payment transactions.  

Personal and

Professional Skills


 Native Language Ukrainian

Other Languages Russian (fluent)

 English (high)

  •  Verbal Skills: High
  •  Writing Skills: High/Intermediate
  •  Reading Skills: High

 French (conversational)

 Greek (beginner)


Computer Skills Familiar in both PC and Apple software including: Microsoft Office, Adobe, Photoshop, C++, and use of the Internet

Personal Interests Reading, Photography, Judo, World Politics, and Travel

October 3, 2006

Sample J. McSample

125 1st Avenue

Anytown, Ukraine 123456

+123 45 678911


Dear Host Company,

As a current computer science student at the National Technical University of Ukraine, I would like to further my personal and professional education by participating in a Summer Work and Travel Program in the U.S.A.  Foreign relations are an important component of my studies and this opportunity would enable me to learn more about American life and culture and utilize the English language on a professional level.

As a computer designer with Creative Computer Studios in Kiev, I was able to strengthen my computer skills as well as work effectively in a team and individually. I worked hard to successfully meet deadlines and meet program requirements. At Mykolayiv Press, my responsibilities as an administrative assistant reinforced my general office skills. I was responsible for answering and forwarding phone calls, sending and receiving important documents, and answering general inquiries. This position enhanced my ability to be self-motivated, hardworking, and detail orientated. At Blue Water Bar and Grill in Orlando, I worked as a waiter in a busy restaurant. I was able to solidify my previously strong English language skills, customer service skills, and enthusiastic work ethic.

Throughout my previous employment, educational, and personal experiences, I have demonstrated my ability to be loyal, creative, flexible, organized, and punctual. I am a friendly and open-minded person, who can work with a wide range of people. I like working both in groups and individually. I also enjoy learning new skills and applications.

In my personal life, I enjoy a wide range of activities. I am an active member of a political group in Kiev, where we discuss different world policies. Besides reading and photography, I have been studying Judo since I was 5. In Judo, I enjoy competition as much as the daily practice. As you can see from my resume, I speak several languages including English. Travel and language is an important hobby that I feel is very important to my personal and professional growth. Following graduation, I hope to use the skills I learn in the U.S.A. to start my own computer design company in my home country.

Please feel free to contact my agency for more information regarding my work experiences. I hope to gain experience through your company during this Summer Work and Travel Season.

Best Wishes,

Sample J. McSample

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