Поможем написать учебную работу
Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.

Предоплата всего

Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.
Предоплата всего
Кафедра английского языка
Авторы составители:
Закарян А.А.
Лопатинская В.В.
Сентюрина Л.В.
Фролова О.А.
для студентов заочной формы обучения
Москва 2010
Пояснительная записка.
Данное пособие предназначено для студентов заочной формы обучения. Дисциплина «Английский язык» входит в учебный план заочного обучения на 1 и 2 курсе. Владение иностранным языком является обязательным компонентом профессиональной подготовки современного специалиста любого профиля. За два года обучения студенты должны овладеть лексико-грамматическим минимумом по профессионально-ориентированному английскому языку в соответствии с Государственным нормативом. По завершении срока обучения студент должен понимать английскую речь при чтении, аудировании, а также высказываться устно и письменно с соблюдением языковой нормы в пределах тематики программы, изложенной в учебно-тематических планах кафедры.
Пособие включает материал, подлежащий усвоению в течение 3-х семестров (40 аудиторных часов и 300 часов самостоятельной работы). Учебное пособие состоит из 14 лексико-грамматических разделов (Unit). Все разделы структурированы по единой схеме и состоят из краткого грамматического справочника на русском языке по определенной грамматической теме; ряда упражнений для закрепления данной грамматической темы; аутентичных текстов по общеэкономической специальности для ознакомительного и/или изучающего чтения, сопровождаемые англо-русским словарем специальных и общих терминов, а также послетекстовых лексических упражнений, которые направлены на контроль понимания содержания текстов, активизации и формирование иноязычной коммуникативной компетентности студентов. Кроме того, в пособии представлен блок упражнений по грамматике для самостоятельной работы студентов. Для промежуточного контроля усвоения курса в настоящем пособии даны три контрольные работы ( по одной в каждом семестре).
Поскольку для студентов заочной формы обучения рабочим планом по дисциплине «Английский язык» предусмотрено лишь 40 час. аудиторных занятий за первые три семестра обучения, то большую роль в получении программных навыков владения иностранным языком играет самодисциплина и упорный, систематический труд.
Unit 1
The Present Simple Tense (Простое настоящее время)
В английском языке глагол имеет четыре основные формы:
Утвердительная форма глагола в Present Simple для всех лиц, кроме 3-го лица единственного числа, совпадает с формой инфинитива без частицы to.
work. |
works. |
В 3-ем лице единственного числа глагол принимает окончание -s (-es), которое читается:
[z] после звонких согласных и гласных: read reads, stay stays;
[s] после глухих согласных: meet meets;
[iz] после шипящих и свистящих согласных: dress dresses.
Особенности правописания окончания -s
1. Если глагол оканчивается на o, то в 3-ем лице единственного числа к нему прибавляется окончание es, которое читается как [z]: to go he goes, to do he does.
2. Если глагол оканчивается на -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, то в 3-ем лице единственного числа к нему прибавляется окончание es, которое читается как [iz]: to finish he finishes, to catch he catches, to relax he relaxes.
3. Если глагол оканчивается на y с предшествующей согласной, в 3-ем лице единственного числа y меняется на -i и прибавляется окончание es,: to study he studies.
Если же букве y предшествует гласная, то буква y не меняется: to play he plays.
Вопросительная и отрицательная формы образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to do в соответствующей форме (do, does) и инфинитива смыслового глагола без частицы to. Вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим. В разговорной речи обычно употребляются сокращенные формы.
Вопросительная форма Краткие ответы
Do |
work? |
- Yes, they do. - No, they dont. |
Does |
work? |
- Yes, he does. - No, he doesnt. |
Отрицательная форма
do not (dont) |
work. |
does not (doesnt) |
work. |
Present Simple употребляется для выражения обычного или регулярно совершаемого действия в настоящем времени, констатации факта, универсальных истин.
My friends live in Briton. Мои друзья живут в Брайтоне.
It often rains in autumn. Осенью часто идут дожди.
He plays golf every Sunday. Каждое воскресенье он играет в гольф.
Magnet attracts iron. Магнит притягивает железо.
The planets go round the sun. Планеты вращаются вокруг солнца.
Present Simple употребляется с наречиями неопределенного времени: often (часто), usually (обычно), seldom (редко), sometimes (иногда), always (всегда), never (никогда), которые стоят перед смысловым глаголом, но после глагола to be, например:
They usually get up at 8 oclock.
He is never late for his classes.
Также возможно употребление словосочетаний every day (week, year,…), in the morning (evening,…), on Sundays (Mondays,…), которые могут стоять в начале или в конце предложения, например:
He reads newspapers every day.
Every Sunday Kate visits her parents.
Спряжение глагола to have.
Утвердительная форма
have a car. |
has a car. |
Вопросительная форма Краткие ответы
Do |
have a car? |
- Yes, I do / - No, I dont |
Does |
have a car? |
- Yes, he does / - No, he doesnt |
Отрицательная форма
do not (dont) |
have |
a car? |
does not (doesnt) |
have |
a car? |
Обратите внимание на употребление устойчивых сочетаний с глаголом have:
have breakfast ( lunch, dinner, a cup of tea, …)
have a bath ( a shower, a swim, a break, a rest, a party, a holiday, …)
have a conversation (a discussion with somebody, …)
have difficulty (fun, a good time, …), etc.
При употреблении данных устойчивых сочетаний в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях употребляется вспомогательный глагол do.
Do you have a shower in the morning?
He doesnt usually have a big breakfast.
В отличие от глагола have, оборот have got образует вопросительные и отрицательные предложения без вспомогательного глагола do.
Спряжение глагола to be в Present Simple.
Утвердительная форма
I am a manager. We are managers.
You are a manager. You are managers.
He (she) is a manager. They are managers.
It is a tiger. They are tigers.
Вопросительная форма
Am I a manager? Are we managers?
Are you a manager? Are you managers?
Is he (she) a manager? Are they managers?
Is it a tiger? Are they tigers?
Отрицательная форма
I am not (Im not) a manager. We are not (arent) managers.
You are not (arent) a manager. You are not (arent) managers.
He/she is not (isnt) a manager. They are not (arent) managers.
It is not (isnt) a tiger. They are not (arent) tigers.
Спряжение оборота have got
Утвердительная форма
I have (Ive) got a big family.
You have (youve) got a big family.
He/she has (hes) got a big family.
We have (weve) got a big family.
They have (theyve) got a big family.
Вопросительная форма Краткие ответы
Have |
got a big family? |
- Yes, I have / - No I havent |
Has |
got a big family? |
- Yes, he has / - No he hasnt - |
Отрицательная форма
havent got a big family. |
hasnt got a big family. |
Специальные вопросы это вопросы к отдельным членам предложения. Специальные вопросы начинаются с вопросительных слов who? (кто?) what? (что? какой?), which? (который?), whose? (чей?), when? (когда?), where? (где?, куда?), why? (почему?), how? (как?), how many? how much? (сколько?), how long? (как долго?, сколько времени?) и др.
Порядок слов в повествовательном предложении:
подлежащее сказуемое дополнение обстоятельство
Порядок слов в специальных вопросах, относящихся к второстепенным членам предложения:
вопросительное слово вспомогательный глагол подлежащее - смысловой глагол второстепенные члены предложения.
When |
do |
they |
have |
lunch? |
Who(m) |
do |
you |
play |
tennis with? |
What books |
does |
your son |
like |
to read? |
How many apples |
does |
she |
eat |
a day? |
Whose songs |
do |
you |
prefer |
to sing? |
В специальных вопросах с to be и have got вспомогательный глагол не употребляется. Например:
Where is your cousin now?
How many mobile phones have you got?
В вопросах к подлежащему или его определению вспомогательный глагол отсутствует, а смысловой глагол употребляется в 3-ем лице единственного числа. На вопросы, относящиеся к подлежащему, обычно дается краткий ответ.
Он состоит из подлежащего и соответствующей формы вспомогательного глагола или глаголов to be/to have.
Who |
is |
the manager of Brown &Co? |
- Mr. Smith is. - I am. |
Who |
has got |
a large house near London? |
- Mr. Brown has. - We have. |
Who |
speaks |
English fluently? |
- My friend Boris does. |
Who |
plays |
the piano? |
- My children do. - I do. |
Whose bag |
is |
on the table? |
- Mine. |
How many students |
leave |
for London? |
- Seven. |
Вопрос к сказуемому:
What |
does |
he |
do |
on Sundays? |
What |
do |
you |
do |
after your classes? |
Альтернативные вопросы
Альтернативный вопрос это вопрос, предполагающий в ответе выбор между двумя или более предметами, действиями или качествами, выраженными однородными членами предложения, соединенными союзом or (или).
Порядок слов в альтернативном вопросе такой же, как и в общем вопросе.
Is your family big or small? |
- It is small. |
Are you an economist or a lawyer? |
- I am a lawyer. |
Does Tom speak German or French? |
- He speaks French. |
Do they live in London or in Brighton? |
- They live in Brighton. |
Разделительные вопросы
Разделительные вопросы употребляются, когда говорящий ожидает от собеседника подтверждения высказанной мысли. Они состоят из двух частей: утвердительного или отрицательного предложения и краткого вопроса. На русский язык вторая (вопросительная) часть разделительного вопроса может быть переведена выражениями «не правда ли?», «не так ли?» или усилительной частицей «ведь» в составе вопросительного предложения.
It is difficult, isnt it? Это сложно, не так ли?
You are a manager, arent you? Вы менеджер, не правда ли?
He hasnt got a car, has he? У него ведь нет машины?
They dont leave the office at 5.30, do they? Они ведь не работают сверхурочно?
I. Поставьте нужную форму глагола to be ( Present Simple).
1. I … a company manager.
2. It … a new model.
3. You … a good economist.
4. He… on business in London.
5. These … our computers.
6. We … business partners.
7. This … our office.
8. Jane .. a secretary.
9. They … new clients.
10. You .. always on time.
II. Вставьте am/am not, is/isnt, are/aren't.
1. … he a business partner? No, he … . He … a client.
2. It … 10 oclock. You .. late again.
3. …. you busy now? No, I ….
4. … I right? Yes, you … .
5. It … public holiday. The shops … open today.
6. Our clients … from Italy. They … from France.
7. Rome … in Spain. It … in Italy.
8. … the manager in? No, he … out.
9. We … interested in your products. Your price … too high.
10. It … a good offer but I… ready to discuss it now.
III. Выберите правильную форму глагола
1. I usually come/comes to the office at 9.00.
2. They often go/goes out for lunch.
3. John start/starts work at 10 and finish/finishes at 6.
4. I work/works for a trade company.
5. You go/goes on business to different countries.
6. Our managers often meet/meets customers.
7. Mr. Brown phone/phones our business partners.
8. She get/gets letters every day.
9. We visit/visits the factory every week.
10. You often send/sends faxes.
IV. Задайте общий вопрос, вставив нужную форму глагола: do/does, is/are.
1. … they sell products to different countries?
2. … you always busy at work?
3. … Mr.White always stay in the office till 7?
4. … your company interested in a new model?
5. … they have talks every month?
6. … Jack often late for the meeting?
7. … Charlie work for this company?
8. … you have lunch in the office?
9. … the manager write letters?
10. … you interested in our products?
V. Задайте специальные вопросы к выделенным словам.
1. She is always very busy.
2. The secretary is in the office.
3. We discuss business matters at the talks.
4. He is a manager.
5. They are from Great Britain.
6. I work for this company.
7. Fiona likes her work.
8. We come to the office at 10 o clock.
9. I receive mail every day.
10. We have partners in Poland.
Section B
Text A
Smirnov is the President of a foreign trade firm.
In the morning he gets up at about 6.30. He leaves for work at eight oclock. His office hours begin at 9 oclock but he usually comes earlier to get ready for work.
In the morning the secretary brings him letters and cables. He reads the mail and sends answers to foreign firms. He often receives foreign businessmen at his office. They usually come to discuss prices, terms of payment, shipment and delivery and other business matters. Sometimes he goes abroad on business to have talks with foreign customers. Smirnov speaks two foreign languages.
At 12.00 Smirnov has lunch. He finishes work at 6 oclock in the evening, but if there is some urgent business he stays at the office later.
Smirnov usually has dinner at home.
After dinner he reads newspapers and magazines, listens to the radio or watches television and helps his wife about the house. He goes to bed at 11.00.
abroad adv за границей, за границу
cable n телеграмма
customer n заказчик, клиент
delivery n поставка
discuss v обсуждать
foreign a иностранный
a foreign trade firm внешнеторговая компания
language n язык
leave v уходить, уезжать
mail n почта
matter n вопрос
business matter
office hours рабочий день
payment n платеж, оплата
price n цена
ready a готовый
get ready подготовиться
receive v получать
send v отправлять, посылать
shipment n - отгрузка
stay v оставаться
talks n переговоры
have talks вести переговоры
terms n условия
trade n торговля
urgent a срочный
I. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.
II. Согласитесь с данными утверждениями или опровергните их.
III. Составьте словосочетания, используя слова из двух столбцов.
a letter abroad business delivery firm hours point prices talks trade |
IV. Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо.
V. Заполните пропуски, используя приведенные ниже слова.
abroad customers delivery foreign have talks leaves office hours points receives sends urgent
Text B
Isabelle Segura comes from France. She is a lawyer.
“In my job I get emails, documents and company information in English so I read a lot in English. I sometimes use English on the phone for example, when I speak to clients in the US and in other countries but its difficult for me. Fortunately I dont make phone calls in English very often. I prefer to write emails, but I always ask a colleague to check my English before I send them!”
I=Interviewer, IS= Isabelle Segura, C= Corrado de Iudicibus
Isabelle, can you describe some of the things you do every day at work? |
Well, first, I read my emails, then write replies. I read a lot of other things, too, documents, for example, and information thats the work of the lawyer! I make phone calls, I have meetings with clients and give them advice. |
Do you have meetings with colleagues too? |
Yes, we have meetings to discuss clients problems. |
Where do you meet clients at your office or at their office? |
Foreign clients come to our office but I visit clients who have an office in Paris. |
Do you have business lunches with clients as well? |
Yes, sometimes. |
And do you travel to other cities or countries? |
No, I dont. My work is all in Paris. |
Thank you, Isabelle. |
advice n совет
check v проверять
client n клиент
colleague n коллега
come from v быть родом из…
describe v описывать
difficult a сложный, трудный
lawyer n юрист
make v phone calls звонить по телефону
meet v встречать, встречаться
meet clients встречаться с клиентами
meeting n встреча
have a meeting проводить встречу
phone n телефон
on the phone по телефону
prefer v предпочитать
reply n ответ
travel v путешествовать, ездить
use v пользоваться, использовать
visit v посещать
visit clients ездить к клиентам
I. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.
II. Согласитесь с данными утверждениями или опровергните их.
III. Составьте словосочетания, используя слова из двух столбцов.
a meeting advice calls clients e-mails English other countries point problems replies |
IV. Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо.
V. Заполните пропуски, используя приведенные ниже слова.
check clients difficult meet on the phone prefer replies travels use visit
Section A Grammar reference
CONSTRUCTION THERE IS / ARE (Конструкция there is / are).
Конструкция there is (для единственного числа) и there are (для множественного числа) переводится на русский язык как «имеется, находится, существует или есть), а чаще всего совсем не переводится.
There is a telephone on the desk. На столе есть телефон.
Is there a telephone on the desk? - Yes, there is. / No there isnt.
There isnt a telephone on the desk.
There is no telephone on the desk.
There are a lot of flowers in the room. В комнате (есть, имеется) много цветов.
Are there many flowers in the room? - Yes, there are. / No there arent.
There arent many flowers in the room.
There are no flowers in the room.
Если в предложении с конструкцией there is / are имеется несколько подлежащих, то глагол to be обычно согласуется с подлежащим, которое следует непосредственно за ним:
There is a table and 6 chairs in the room.
There are 6 chairs and a table in the room.
I. Образуйте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения.
1. There are documents on the shelves.
2. There is a swimming pool in the hotel.
3. There are large windows in the hall.
4. There is an armchair in the corner.
5. There are 7 days in a week.
6. There is a secretary in our office.
7. There is a letter on the desk.
8. There are 9 people in the room.
9. There is an offer from the company.
10.There are faxes and cables on the desk.
II. Вставьте there is/there isnt, there are/there arent.
1. ….. many foreign companies in this town. …. only one.
2. … a computer in the office.
3. ………. a lot of letters on my desk.
4. … a manager in the office today. He is on business in France.
5. I cant send a letter. … fax machine in this room.
6. …….. a lot of cars in front of our office.
7. The restaurant is very quiet. …. many people there.
8. Look! … a photograph of your company in the newspaper.
9. …. 5 people in the room - the manager, the secretary, two clients and me.
10. … a train at 11 p.m. The last leaves at 10.30 p.m.
11. …. a computer, a fax machine and a photocopier in the office.
12. … two customers and a sales manager in the conference room.
Местоимение some употребляется:
1. В утвердительных предложениях c исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе со значением «несколько, некоторые» и с неисчисляемыми существительными со значением «некоторое/небольшое количество»:
Ive brought some sandwiches for you.
Id prefer some fresh orange juice.
There are some beautiful parks in the city.
There is some bread at home. You neednt buy it.
2. В вопросах, выражающих предложение чего-либо или просьбу:
Would you like some sugar in your tea?
Could I have some mineral water, please?
Местоимение any употребляется:
1. В отрицательных предложениях перед исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми существительными со значением «никакие, нисколько»:
We havent received any offers this month.
I havent got any coffee at home.
There arent any children in the yard.
There isnt any salt on the table.
2. В вопросительных предложениях перед исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми существительными со значением «какие-нибудь, сколько-нибудь»):
Have you seen any good films recently?
Is there any sugar in the tea?
3. В утвердительных предложениях в значении «любой»:
Bill has got pencils of any colour.
Take any book you like.
Местоимение no имеет значение «никакой, ни один» и употребляется как с исчисляемыми, так и с неисчисляемыми существительными:
I have no car. I go to work by bus.
Sorry, I have no time to help you today.
There is no shop in this street.
There are no fountains in this town.
Местоимения some, any, no в сочетании с -body, -one, - thing образуют следующие производные местоимения:
-body -one |
-thing |
some any no |
somebody someone (кто-то, кто-нибудь) anybody anyone (кто-то, кто-нибудь, любой) nobody no one (никто, никого) |
something (что-то, что-нибудь) anything (что-то, что-нибудь) nothing (ничто, ничего) |
Эти местоимения заменяют существительные.
Когда эти местоимения выполняют функцию подлежащего, глагол употребляется в единственном числе.
Somebody is coming. Open the door please.
Подобно some и any, производные местоимения somebody, someone, something употребляются в утвердительных предложениях, а anybody, anyone, anything в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях.
I am very hungry. Give me something to eat please.
Is there anybody in the yard?
Somebody, someone, something могут употребляться в вопросительных предложениях, выражающих просьбу.
Can someone help me?
Anybody, anyone, anything так же как местоимение any, в утвердительных и вопросительных предложениях могут употребляться в значении всякий, любой.
Its very simple. I think anyone can do it.
May I dance anything I like?
I. Вставьте some, any, no.
II. Вставьте something, somebody, anything, anybody, nobody.
исчисляемые существительные are |
неисчисляемые существительные is |
много |
many / a lot of customers, clerks, dresses, friends, contracts, …. |
much / a lot of time, money, sugar, tea, bread, information, news, water, …. |
мало |
few (-) customers, offers, books, …. |
little (-) time, money, juice, information, light, interest, …. |
несколько немного |
a few (+) friends, orders, …. |
a little (+) time, cheese, …. |
How many states are there in the USA?
How much petrol do you need for your car?
How much water is there in the vase?
Сочетание a lot of (много) употребляется как с исчисляемыми, так и с неисчисляемыми существительными, например:
They asked me a lot of questions
He earns a lot of money.
I. Вставьте much, many, a lot.
1. Dont hurry. Have we got … time before the talks.
2. Do you discuss business matters with them? Yes, but not …
3. Do you usually type … letters?
4. Are there … people in the office today?
5. There isnt … milk in his coffee.
6. There was not .. of snow last winter.
7. We have got … contracts with your company.
8. I havent got … free time today. I have… appointments.
9. Do they produce … machines at the plant?
10. Is there … interest for your goods?
11. It costs .. of money to travel around the world.
12. We have … e-mail today.
II. Вставьте few, a few, little, a little.
1. Do you want milk in your coffee? Yes, ... , please.
2. I want to ask you … questions.
3.This model is not very popular. Weve got … orders.
4. The business is not bad. Weve got…. new partners.
5. I need … time to think about it.
6. He knows ….. English words. His English is very bad.
7. Our general manager speaks …… foreign languages.
8. The talks start in 5 minutes. Weve got …time.
9. I dont drink … coffee.
10.There are .. people in the office- it is nearly empty.
Section B
Text A
Mr. Sun works for a big electronic company. They produce many different types of electronic equipment, such as telephones, computers, fax machines, copiers, etc.
Their head-office is located in Tokyo. They rent a few modern buildings in the suburbs of the capital. The company has a lot of plants and offices in 13 countries. More than 125,000 employees work there.
There are four departments in the head-office. They are: marketing, production, sales and personnel departments.
The company managers are experienced and competent specialists. They work much and run the company successfully.
The board of directors takes a lot of important decisions on the companys strategy and distribution of dividends. The sales of the company are high. They are a profitable company.
Hello, Mr. Glebov. Nice to see you again. |
Hello, Mr. Sun. What a nice office youve got! |
We like it too. Its modern. Theres a fax and many computers here. What can I do for you, Mr. Glebov? |
Id like to see the Director General. Is he in? |
Im sorry, hes on business in London. |
What about the offer? |
Your offer is very interesting for us. |
Glad to hear it. |
There are a lot of the terms and conditions in the contract. Shall we discuss them? |
All right. Just wait a little please, Ill take a copy of the contract. |
be on business быть в командировке
go on business поехать в командировку
board n правление, руководство
board of directors совет директоров
capital n столица
competent a компетентный
condition n условие
contract n контракт
copier n копир
decision n решение
department n отдел
different a разный, различный
distribution n распределение, распространение
dividend n дивиденд
employee n сотрудник
equipment n оборудование
experienced a опытный
head-office n головной офис
high a высокий
important a важный
located a расположенный
marketing n маркетинг
modern a современный
offer n предложение
personnel n персонал, кадры, сотрудники
plant n завод
produce v производить
profitable a прибыльный
rent v арендовать
run a company управлять компанией
sales n продажи
strategy n стратегия
suburbs n пригород
successfully adv успешно
work for v работать на ..
I. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.
II. Согласитесь с данными утверждениями или опровергните их.
III. Составьте словосочетания, используя слова из двух столбцов.
company contract decisions department directors dividends equipment fax machines specialists strategy |
IV. Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо.
V. Заполните пропуски, используя приведенные ниже слова.
trade department equipment employees head office important offers
business produces profitable successfully
Text B
Nowy Swiat which means New World is the best shopping street in the world. It is not in London, New York or Paris but in Warsaw. 14000 Poles walk down this main street every hour. It is a lovely place to shop. There are statues, palaces, attractive town houses, exclusive cafes, and high-class restaurants. The buildings are not too tall. They look old but in fact they are rather modern. There arent any billboards or neon lights. There isnt any loud music and there arent many tourists. People think that Polish shops have nothing to sell, so nobody comes shopping here. The world doesnt know about this paradise for shoppers yet. It is now possible to buy almost everything in Warsaw. There are a lot of shops from the West, but the interesting thing that Polish manufacturers produce high quality goods. They are good because Polish plants dont produce the goods for world consumption. Nowy Swiat has a lot of small shops, specialist shops and chic shops. There are also book shops and record shops. And there are a lot of small boutiques that sell mens and womens clothes that arent too expensive. It hasnt got the huge department stores that sell the same things everywhere.
attractive a -привлекательный
billboard n -рекламный щит
consumption n-потребление
department store-универмаг
expensive a -дорогостоящий
goods n-товары
high quality a -высококачественный
manufacturer n -производитель
modern a -современный
palace n- дворец
paradise n -рай
specialist shop -специализированный магазин
I. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.
1. How many people visit Nowy Swiat every day?
2. What are there in the street?
3. What goods do Polish manufacturers produce?
4. Why are Polish goods of high quality?
5. What kind of shops are there?
II. Согласитесь с данными утверждениями или опровергните их.
7. It has got the huge department stores.
III. Составьте словосочетания, используя слова из двух столбцов.
goods street restaurant shop store |
IV. Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо.
1. New World is the best shopping street … the world.
2. A lot … people walk … this main street ….every hour.
3. The world doesnt know … this paradise … shoppers.
4. There are many shops … the West.
5. The buildings are .. fact rather modern.
V. Заполните пропуски, используя приведенные ниже слова.
attractive manufacturer specialist shop department store
expensive high quality consumption
Section A Grammar reference
The Present Continuous Tense (Настоящее продолженное время)
Present Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующей форме настоящего времени (am, are, is) и причастия настоящего времени (Present Participle/ Participle I) смыслового глагола.
Participle I образуется путем прибавления окончания -ing к основной форме глагола: work + ing = working.
Особенности написания Participle I.
1. Если глагол оканчивается на e, то при прибавлении ing буква e отбрасывается: take + ing = taking.
2. Если глагол оканчивается на согласную, перед которой стоит краткая ударная гласная, то конечная согласная удваивается: sit + ing = sitting.
3. Конечная гласная y при прибавлении окончания ing сохраняется:
study + ing = studying.
Спряжение глаголов в Present Continuous:
Утвердительная форма
I |
am |
working. |
is |
working. |
are |
working. |
Вопросительная форма Краткие ответы
Am |
I |
working? |
- Yes, I am / No Im not. |
Is |
working? |
- Yes, he is / No he isnt |
Are |
working? |
- Yes, we are / No we arent |
Отрицательная форма
I |
am not |
working. |
is not |
working. |
are not |
working. |
Present Continuous употребляется:
I am watching TV (now). |
(Сейчас) Я смотрю телевизор. |
She is writing a new book. |
Она пишет новую книгу. |
They are arriving tomorrow. |
Они приезжают завтра. |
Глаголы, выражающие чувства, восприятие, умственную деятельность, а также некоторые другие в форме Continuous не употребляются: to like (нравиться), to love (любить), to want (хотеть), to see (видеть), to hear (слышать), to know (знать), to forget (забывать), to understand (понимать),
to believe (верить), to have (в значении иметь, владеть) и другие.
I. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в Present Continuous.
1. The secretary (work) on the computer at the moment.
2. We (have) business talks now.
3. Please, be quiet. I (work).
4. Look! They (leave) the office.
5. Mr. Baker (look) through English newspapers now.
6. I (write) a letter to my client right now.
7. Its late. I (go) home now.
8. Mr. Ivanov (speak) on the phone now.
9. Where are the engineers? They (have) lunch in a cafe.
10. Listen! Somebody (speak) on the phone.
II. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
1. I work /am working now.
2. He doesnt speak / isnt speaking five languages.
3 .I see / am seeing the manager tomorrow.
4. I dont use / am not using my mobile phone in the office.
5. Do they have /are they having lunch in the restaurant at the moment?
6. She always stays / is staying at the Hilton when she is on business.
7. We leave / are leaving Moscow for London next week.
8. Bob drives/is driving to the office at the moment.
9. It rains/is raining. I dont want/am not wanting to go out now.
10. You can turn off the computer. I dont work/am not working.
III. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Present Continuous.
1. Where is Mr. Green? He (have) talks with the customers.
2. We (sell) goods to different countries.
3. Hurry up! The manager (wait) for us.
4. Please be quiet! The managers (the check) the orders.
5. This company (buy) goods from foreign companies.
6. I can speak to you now. I (work) on the computer.
7. Our managers often (go) on business trips.
8. You (go) out tonight? No, Im too tired.
9. Now I (know) what to offer the clients.
10. Sarah never (forget) customers names.
11. We (go) to the concert this evening. It (start) at 7.30.
IV. Выберите правильное обстоятельство времени.
1. Do you go out at present/at the weekend?
2. Sally usually types letters in the morning /now.
3. He isnt reading offers at the moment/ every day.
4. Are they having talks every Monday/now?
5. She visits the customers every week /at the moment.
6. We finish work earlier on Fridays/ now.
7. I am going to the plant every day /today.
8. George uses the fax very often/now.
9. He is leaving the office at 6 oclock/in 2 hours.
10. I dont meet customers on Saturdays/right now.
V. Составьте предложения, употребив Present Continuous для выражения запланированного ближайшего будущего
1. Monday 5th: go on business to London. He_________________________
2. Tuesday 6th : have a meeting with customers ___________________
3. Wednesday 7 th: have talks with sales representatives _____________________.
4. Thursday 8th:. visit the plant__________________________.
5. Friday 9th:. sign the contract________________________.
6. Saturday 10th:. have lunch with Mr.Smith ______________________
7. Sunday 11th: play tennis with friends_________________________
Section B
Hello. Mario? This is Richard Slade. |
Hello, Richard. Where are you phoning from? |
Im here, in Rome. |
But the lines terrible! |
Im using my mobile phone. Im in a taxi. |
Where are you staying? |
At the Sheraton. |
What are you doing here? |
Im here on business. |
Are you working for the same company? |
Yes, but Im General Manager now. |
Congratulations! Why are you visiting Rome? |
Im seeing a manufacturer here. |
Really! How about lunch? Where are you going right now? |
Nowhere. We are not moving. |
Oh, dear! Are you sitting in a traffic jam? |
Yes, I am. |
What about dinner, then? |
Fine. How about 7.30 at my hotel? |
manager n менеджер
General Manager Генеральный директор, главный управляющий
manufacturer n производитель
the same a тот же, такой же
see v видеть, встречаться с к.-л.
traffic jam n «пробка» на дороге
I. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.
II. Согласитесь с данными утверждениями или опровергните их.
III. Составьте словосочетания, используя слова из двух столбцов.
a hotel a manufacturer jam phone Rome |
IV. Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо.
5. How ___ dinner ____ 12 oclock today?
V. Заполните пропуски, используя приведенные ниже слова.
General Manager manufacturer same seeing stays
5. When our Director comes to London he usually ________ at the Ritz Hotel.
Section A Grammar reference
Образование прошедшего времени группы Simple.
По способу образования основных форм (Past Simple и Participle II) глаголы делятся на две группы: правильные и неправильные (regular and irregular verbs).
Правильные глаголы образуют формы Past Simple и Participle II путем прибавления окончания - ed/ -d к инфинитиву глагола.
Окончание ed читается:
[d] после звонких согласных (кроме d) и гласных: to open - opened, to play played;
[t] после глухих согласных (кроме t): to help helped;
[id] после звуков [t], [d]: to translate translated, to decide decided.
Правила правописания.
1. Если инфинитив глагола оканчивается на букву e, то прибавляется только
d : to live lived.
2. Буква y после согласной меняется на i. После гласных y сохраняется:
to copy copied, to stay stayed.
3. После краткой ударной гласной конечная согласная удваивается как в односложных, так и в многосложных словах: to stop stopped, to transmit - transmitted.
Неправильные глаголы образуют Past Simple и Participle II не по общему правилу (см. таблицу неправильных глаголов).
Вопросительная и отрицательная формы прошедшего времени как правильных, так и неправильных глаголов для всех лиц образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to do в прошедшем времени (did) и формы инфинитива смыслового глагола (без частицы to). Вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим.
She sent the letter yesterday. |
Она отправила письмо вчера. |
Did she send the letter yesterday? |
- Yes, she did. - No, she didnt. |
She did not (didnt) send the letter yesterday. |
They worked last Saturday. |
Они работали в прошлую субботу. |
Did they work last Saturday? |
- Yes, they did. - No, they didnt. |
They did not (didnt) work last Saturday. |
Past Simple употребляется для выражения действия, совершившегося или совершавшегося в прошлом. Это время употребляется в повествовании, при изложении событий, имевших место в прошлом, а также в разговоре о прошедших событиях.
Past Simple употребляется со следующими обстоятельствами времени:
yesterday |
вчера |
the day before yesterday |
позавчера |
yesterday morning (afternoon, evening) |
вчера утром (днем, вечером) |
at 6 oclock |
в 6 часов |
an hour ago |
час тому назад |
a week (month, year, …) ago |
неделю (месяц, год, …) тому назад |
last week (month, year, Tuesday, …) |
на прошлой неделе (в прошлом месяце, году, в прошлый вторник, ...) |
last night |
вчера вечером / ночью |
the other day |
на днях |
in 2005 |
в 2005 году ( и т.п.) |
Таблица неправильных глаголов.
Infinitive |
Past Simple |
Past Participle |
Translation |
be |
was, were |
been |
быть |
beat |
beat |
beaten |
бить |
become |
became |
become |
стать, становиться |
begin |
began |
begun |
начинать |
bite |
bit |
bitten |
кусать(ся) |
break |
broke |
broken |
ломать(ся), разбивать |
bring |
brought |
brought |
приносить |
build |
built |
built |
строить |
buy |
bought |
bought |
покупать |
catch |
caught |
caught |
поймать |
choose |
chose |
chosen |
выбирать |
come |
came |
come |
приходить |
cost |
cost |
cost |
стоить |
cut |
cut |
cut |
резать |
deal |
dealt |
dealt |
иметь дело |
do |
did |
done |
делать |
draw |
drew |
drawn |
чертить, рисовать; тащить |
drink |
drank |
drunk |
пить |
drive |
drove |
driven |
ехать, водить (машину) |
eat |
ate |
eaten |
есть |
fall |
fell |
fallen |
падать |
feed |
fed |
fed |
кормить |
feel |
felt |
felt |
чувствовать |
find |
found |
found |
находить |
fly |
flew |
flown |
летать |
forbid |
forbade |
forbidden |
запрещать |
forget |
forgot |
forgotten |
забывать |
forgive |
forgave |
forgiven |
прощать |
get |
got |
got |
получать; доставать |
give |
gave |
given |
давать |
go |
went |
gone |
идти, ходить, ехать |
grow |
grew |
grown |
расти; становиться |
have |
had |
had |
иметь |
hear |
heard |
heard |
слышать |
hide |
hid |
hidden |
прятать(ся) |
hit |
hit |
hit |
ударять |
hurt |
hurt |
hurt |
повредить, причинять боль |
keep |
kept |
kept |
хранить, держать |
know |
knew |
known |
знать |
lead |
led |
led |
вести; руководить |
learn |
learnt, learned |
learnt, learned |
изучать, учить |
leave |
left |
left |
оставлять |
lend |
lent |
lent |
одолжить, дать взаймы |
let |
let |
let |
позволять |
lie |
lay |
lain |
лежать |
light |
lit |
lit |
зажигать, светить |
lose |
lost |
lost |
терять |
make |
made |
made |
делать, изготавливать |
mean |
meant |
meant |
иметь в виду, намереваться |
meet |
met |
met |
встречать |
pay |
paid |
paid |
платить |
put |
put |
put |
класть, положить |
read |
read |
read |
читать |
ring |
rang |
rung |
звонить |
rise |
rose |
risen |
поднимать(ся), вставать |
run |
ran |
run |
бежать |
say |
said |
said |
говорить, сказать |
see |
saw |
seen |
видеть |
seek |
sought |
sought |
искать |
sell |
sold |
sold |
продавать |
send |
sent |
sent |
посылать |
set |
set |
set |
ставить, помещать |
shake |
shook |
shaken |
трясти |
shine |
shone |
shone |
светить, блестеть |
show |
showed |
showed |
показывать |
shut |
shut |
shut |
закрывать |
sing |
sang |
sung |
петь |
sit |
sat |
sat |
сидеть |
sleep |
slept |
slept |
спать |
speak |
spoke |
spoken |
говорить |
spend |
spent |
spent |
тратить; проводить время |
stand |
stood |
stood |
стоять |
steal |
stole |
stolen |
красть, воровать |
strike |
struck |
struck |
ударит, бить; бастовать |
swim |
swam |
swum |
плавать |
take |
took |
taken |
брать |
teach |
taught |
taught |
учить, преподавать |
tell |
told |
told |
рассказывать, сказать |
think |
thought |
thought |
думать |
throw |
threw |
thrown |
бросать |
understand |
understood |
understood |
понимать |
wake |
woke |
woken |
просыпаться; будить |
wear |
wore |
worn |
носить |
win |
won |
won |
выиграть, победить |
write |
wrote |
written |
писать |
I. Поставьте нужную форму глагола was/were.
1. _____ he busy on Monday?
2. The talks ________ not very difficult yesterday.
3. It ___________ very cold last night.
4. The managers _________ very tired.
5. It _____ not his first visit to London.
6. I __________ greatly interested in our business.
7. The goods of Smith & Co _____ very popular in the world market last year.
8. _________ they on business last month?
9. Why _______you late this morning?
10. John ____ not at work last week because he____ ill.
II. Вставьте am, is, are, was, were.
1. I _________ a secretary. I work in a big office.
2. They________ in Spain last week.
3. I _________ cold. Please, close the windows.
4. George _________ tired. He is leaving the office now.
5. The partners _____________ in the restaurant last night.
6. What goods ______ you interested in the other day ?
7. Terry _______________ our customer. He lives in London.
8. Sophia and Ann __________ always late for work.
9. Today the weather ____ nice, but yesterday it____ very cold.
10. Dont buy this equipment, it ___ very expensive.
III. Образуйте общие вопросы и отрицательные предложения в Past Simple:
1. I sent an offer to the client yesterday.
2. We saw the machines in operation the day before yesterday.
3. They signed a contract the other day.
4. She met the representatives of the firm 2 days ago.
5. They discussed business matters during the talks.
6. We found the price too high.
7. I finished work early.
8. She went to the bank in the morning.
9. We had a nice holiday last summer.
10. The hotel was comfortable.
IV. Образуйте специальные вопросы в Past Simple:
1. Our partners invited us to the restaurant last night. (when?)
2. Tom arrived at work late yesterday. (where?)
3. The clients agreed to buy the goods. (who?)
4. She enjoyed her trip. (what?)
5. He visited Britain last month. (when?)
6. They discussed the price. (what?)
7. The manger often went on business to Italy last year. (where?)
8. They didnt like the hotel. The room was small and dirty. (why?)
9. Last Tuesday Lisa flew to London. (when?)
10. We had the talks in the conference room. (where?)
V. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в Past Simple.
1. Our company (make) some contracts last month.
2. I (leave) the office at 7.00 p.m.
3. Our director (visit) Japan 2 weeks ago.
4. We (meet) our partners the other day.
5. We (start) producing a new model of computer 3 months ago.
6. The (know) that the goods (be) of high quality.
7. I (receive) a lot of messages in the morning.
8. The company (deliver) the goods on time.
9. I (see) that model at the exhibition.
10. Mr.Bell (give) us all the necessary information.
11. The secretary (make) an appointment with Mr.Jones for Friday.
VI. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в Present Simple или Past Simple
1. Sue (phone) me yesterday evening.
2. The manager usually (read) letters in the morning.
3. We (fax) the price list a week ago .
4. Our company always (do) business with foreign firms .
5. He often (go ) on business.
6. Our firm (reduce) the price last month.
7. We (sign) contracts every year.
8. They (place) a large order last week.
9. They (produce) very good computers.
10. I (send) them a letter the other day.
Section B
Text A
Boris Petrov is an engineer of a Russian foreign-trade organization. He often goes on business to different European, Asian and African countries. His organization does business with lots of foreign firms.
Last month he was in Great Britain. He went there to sign a contract for the purchase of some equipment. The talks were very difficult. Petrov and the British businessmen discussed prices, terms of delivery, terms of shipment and other business matters. The supplier agreed to reduce the price.
During his trip Petrov visited different plants where he saw the equipment in operation. He also attended a 3-day conference on industrial investment policy and financial management and met with consultants from law firms. Boris was lucky with the weather. It was warm and it didnt rain. He was pleased with the trip.
agree v соглашаться
attend v присутствовать, посещать
attend a conference присутствовать на конференции
consultant n консультант
do business v сотрудничать, вести дела
engineer n инженер
financial a финансовый
industrial a промышленный
investment n инвестирование, инвестиция
industrial investment policy политика промышленных инвестиций
law n закон
matter n вопрос, проблема
operation n действие
in operation в действии
pleased a довольный
policy n политика
purchase n покупка
purchase v покупать
reduce v сократить, снизить
sign v подписывать
supplier n поставщик
trip n поездка
I. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.
II. Согласитесь с данными утверждениями или опровергните их.
III. Составьте словосочетания, используя слова из двух столбцов.
a conference a contract firm management matters of equipment policy terms of delivery the price |
IV. Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо.
V. Заполните пропуски, используя приведенные ниже слова.
agree attend engineer matters operation pleased purchase reduce sign supplier trip
Text B
We like your plant, Mr Ivanov. Its quite modern. |
Glad to hear that, the plant is really new. We built it only two years ago. |
By the way, how long did it take you to construct it? |
Three years, though its one of the biggest plants here. |
You produce very good compressors, they are easy to operate and reliable. Do you produce anything else? |
No, nothing else, as we specialize in compressors. Our goods are in great demand in the world market. We export them to many countries of the world. Last year was particularly good. Our total sales increased to 247 million roubles. We found new foreign partners. |
Incidentally, in what way did you use the profit? |
We invested heavily to improve the quality. We increased the salaries and wages. We also arranged a number of training courses for technical personnel. |
Wed like to establish business relations with you. We are going to place a large order. |
Well be glad to cooperate with you. |
arrange v организовывать, устраивать
build v строить
construct v строить
cooperate v сотрудничать
demand n спрос
be in great demand пользоваться большим спросом
easy a простой
establish v устанавливать
export v экспортировать
How long did it take you? Сколько времени это заняло?
It takes me 30 minutes to get to work. На дорогу до работы у меня уходит 30 минут.
improve v улучшать, совершенствовать
increase v увеличивать(ся)
increase by увеличивать(ся) на
increase to увеличивать(ся) до
invest v инвестировать, вкладывать
market n рынок
world market мировой рынок
modern a современный
operate v действовать, работать
particularly adv особенно
place an order разместить заказ
profit n прибыль
quality n качество
relations n отношения
reliable a надежный
salary n зарплата
sales n продажи
total a целый, общий
total sales общий объем сбыта
training n подготовка
training course курс подготовки
wage n зарплата
I. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.
II. Согласитесь с данными утверждениями или опровергните их.
III. Составьте словосочетания, используя слова из двух столбцов.
an order courses demand market operate personnel plant relations salaries the profit the quality |
IV. Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо.
V. Заполните пропуски, используя приведенные ниже слова.
arranging constructed demand establish export improve increased invested operate orders quality reliable
Section A Grammar reference
The Present Perfect Tense (Настоящее совершенное время)
Present Perfect образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to have в форме настоящего времени (have, has) и причастия прошедшего времени (Participle II) смыслового глагола. На русский язык переводится глаголом в прошедшем времени.
I have seen this film. |
Я посмотрел этот фильм. |
- Have you seen this film? |
- Yes, I have / - No, I havent. |
I have not (havent) seen this film. |
He has signed the contract |
Он подписал контракт. |
- Has he signed the contract? |
- Yes, he has / - No he hasnt. |
He has not (hasnt) signed the contract. |
He signed the contract yesterday (last week, 2 hours ago, etc.).
Just |
только что |
He has just signed the contract. |
Already |
уже ( в утвердительных предложениях и с оттенком удивления в общих вопросах) |
He has already signed the contract. I have already seen this film Has he already signed the contract? Have you already seen this film? |
Yet |
ещё ( в отрицательных предложениях) уже ( в вопросительных предложениях) |
He hasnt signed the contract yet. I havent seen this film yet. Has he signed the contract yet? Have you seen this film yet? |
Ever |
когда-нибудь(в вопросительных предложениях) |
Have you ever been to London? |
Never |
никогда (когда речь идет о действиях в прошлом) |
I have never been to Spain. |
Lately recently |
в последнее время, недавно |
I havent seen him lately. I have read this book recently. |
Present Perfect может употребляться также
с обстоятельствами времени, которые обозначают еще не истекший отрезок времени, как например: today, this morning, this week, this month, this year и т.п.:
Ive had a lot of work to do this week. |
У меня было много работы на этой неделе. |
с глаголами to be, to live, to know, to see, to hear для выражения действия, которое началось в прошлом и продолжается до настоящего времени. При этом, предлог for обозначает период времени, а предлог since начальный момент данного действия. Также может быть употреблено придаточное предложение времени, вводимое союзом since (с тех пор, как) начальный момент времени.
I have known her for ten years. Я знаю ее 10 лет.
The children have been here since 5 oclock. |
Дети здесь с пяти часов. |
They havent heard anything about Robert since they left school. |
Они ничего не слышали о Роберте с тех пор, как окончили школу. |
I. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в Present Perfect.
1. I already (see) this catalogue.
2. We just (sell) the goods.
3. We never (do) business with this firm.
4. Mike (visited ) the exhibition recently.
5. ever (be) to Italy?
6. I ( not/ finish) my work yet.
7. She (make) a contract this week.
8. They ( know) the customers for ten years.
9. They (study) the market lately.
10. They (not/arrive) yet.
11. You (start) a new job yet?
II. Задайте специальные вопросы в Present Perfect к подчеркнутым словам.
III. Выберите правильное наречие или предлог.
1. Diana hasnt called me back yet/already.
2. Has Andy called the customer just/yet?
3. Pete has already/ever signed the contract.
4. We have yet/just finished the talks.
5. Have they returned from their trip already/yet?
6. We havent received an offer for/since two years.
7. They have just/ yet left the office.
8. I have ever/never been abroad.
9. She hasnt been on business since/ for December.
10. We havent met the customer yet/ever.
IV. Раскройте скобки, используя глагол в Past Simple или Present Perfect.
1. The manger (know) this customer since 2006.
2. Mr. Black (introduce) new representatives of the company to us yesterday.
3. The secretary (already/go) home.
4. We just (start) selling these computers.
5. Mr.Sidorov (arrive) in London the other day.
6. I (buy) my computer 3 years ago. I (have) it for 3 years.
7. The company (do) business with many foreign firms lately.
8. I (read) the massage a few minutes ago.
9. We never (see) these machines in operation.
10. They (discuss) the matter in detail at the talks.
11. The secretary( be) ill since last week, she (fall) ill last Tuesday.
12. How long (be) in London? I (be) here for 4 days.
13. Kate loves traveling, she (visit) many countries
14. You (see) our partner last week?
15. We (modify) the model recently.
16. They (go) out for lunch and they just (come) back
17. Diana (not be) at work yesterday.
V. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
1. Mark is/has been on holiday since Monday.
2. Jane is our customer. I know /have known her very well.
3. Jane is our customer. I know/have known her for a long time.
4. Mike works/has in a hotel now. He likes his job.
5. How long do you live/have you lived in this town?- About 5 years.
6. Is it your new car? No, I have /have had it for two years.
7. Bill is /has been in London at the moment. He is/has been there for the last two days.
8. I lost /have lost the brochure. I cant find it anywhere.
9. Clare worked/has worked in the bank for 12 years. Then she gave it up.
10.I dont know this company. We never did/have done business with them.
11. Is the manager in? No, he went/has gone out.
12. Do you know about Sue? She gave up/has given up her job.
13. They are still having talks. They didnt finish/havent finished to discuss the prices yet.
14. The customer gave/has given me his business card but Im afraid I lost/have lost it.
15. I didnt have/havent had a holiday for five years.
16. The office is dirty. We didnt clean/havent cleaned it for ages.
17. They set up/have set up the company in 1999.
Section B
In the commercial world today trade fairs and exhibitions are very important for business contacts. They offer exporters an opportunity to show what they have for sale, to make contacts and to learn about a market quickly and easily.
Russia is a regular participant of almost all international fairs and exhibitions. At the same time Russia arranges international and foreign exhibitions.
Good morning, Mr Somov. |
Good morning, Mr Charma. Im glad to see you. Have you been to our pavilion? |
Yes, weve just seen your display. Its wonderful. Your latest models of agricultural equipment are particularly good. |
Have you seen them in operation? |
Yes, we have. Does the equipment go for export? |
Yes, weve sold it to many countries. |
Your agricultural equipment meets our requirements. Our government is paying much attention to the development of the agricultural sector of our economy so the demand for the equipment will be high. |
Fine. If you are really interested in our equipment we can set up a joint venture for the production of agricultural equipment in your country. Itll be mutually beneficial. |
An excellent idea! |
Then lets continue our talks in the Directors office and discuss the matter in detail there. |
attention n внимание
pay attention уделять внимание
beneficial a выгодный
commercial a коммерческий
contact n контакт
make contacts установить контакты, связаться с к.-л.
detail n деталь
in detail в деталях
development n развитие
display n показ, экспозиция
easily adv легко, просто
excellent a отличный
exhibition n выставка
fair n ярмарка
government n правительство
interested a заинтересованный
be interested in интересоваться ч.-л.
international a международный
joint venture n совместное предприятие
latest n последний
mutually adv взаимно
offer v предлагать
opportunity n возможность, шанс
participant n участник
particularly adv особенно
production n производство
quickly adv быстро
regular a регулярный, постоянный
requirement n требование
meet requirements отвечать требованиям
sale n продажа
be for sale продаваться
for sale на продажу
sector n сектор
set up v основать, учредить
I. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.
II. Согласитесь с данными утверждениями или опровергните их.
III. Составьте словосочетания, используя слова из двух столбцов.
attention beneficial contacts detail equipment fair for goods in cooperation requirements talks world |
IV. Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо.
V. Заполните пропуски, используя приведенные ниже слова.
attention details development exhibition interested mutually offer regular requirements
Упражнения для самостоятельной работы
Упражнение № 1
Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола в Present Simple
1.What … your price ? ( be )
2. We usually … talks on Monday . ( have )
3. His office hours … at 9 o clock . ( begin )
4. She often … her office very late . ( leave )
5. What … you always … with your customers ? ( discuss )
6. Their terms … good . ( be )
7. This cable … urgent .(be )
8. Who … through the mail every morning ? ( look )
9. She … 3 languages .( speak )
10. Our foreign trade firm … ready to discuss business with you .
Упражнение № 2
Заполните пропуски, используя конструкцию there is / there are
Упражнение № 3
Опровергните данные утверждения. Поставьте глаголы , данные в скобках, в соответствующую форму Present Continuous
Упражнение № 4
Перепишите предложения, поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в соответствующую форму Past Simple
Упражнение № 5
Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям, начиная их словами, данными в скобках.
Образец : We have discussed this matter .( What ? )
What have we discussed ?
Упражнение № 6
Выполните упражнение , выбрав правильный вариант
a) is b) was c) is being
2. We … to your terms of payment .
a) arent agree b) doesnt agree c) dont agree
3.There … matters to discuss at the talks.
a) is, some b) are, any c) are, some
4. She makes few calls on Sunday , …?
a) doesnt she b) isnt she c) does she
5.He … a conference right now .
a) attends b) is attending c) to attend
6. The economic relations … from year to year.
a) develop b) have developed c) are developing
7. … you display your new model at the exhibition last month ?
a) did b) arent c) have
8. We … not pleased with our last talks .
a) did b) were c) have been
9. She … paid any attention to their enquiry .
a) wasnt b) hasnt c) didnt
10. … you met General Manager yet ?
a)have b) did c) are
11.Mr Dunn … already signed all the contracts .
a) is b) has c) was
12…. there … progress in your studies ?
a) are , any b) is, any c) is, some
13. Is there … in the development department ?
a) somebody b) anybody c)nobody
14. You dont purchase low quality goods , … ?
a) do you b) dont you c) arent you
15. Our lawyers … very qualified so far .
a) are being b) have been c) were
16. … your department … much progress in total sales lately?
a) is making b) has made c)makes
17. What … you sometimes advise your clients ?
a) is b) have c) do
18. Who usually … meetings in your office ?
a) arranges b) is arranging c) was arranging
19. Panasonic … a lot of computers at the last exhibition .
a) has sold b) sold c) is sold
20. There … a telephone , 2 files and some price lists on the desk .
a) are b) is being c) is
Контрольная работа №1
Для успешного выполнения контрольной работы вам необходимо проработать следующие разделы грамматики:
Present Simple
Present Continuous
Конструкция there is / there are
much/many. (a) few , (a) little
Местоимения some / any / no
Past Simple
Present Perfect
Задание №1 Перепишите предложения , поставив данный в скобках глагол в нужное время:
1. Volkov ( be ) a manager of this company.
2. His secretary (be ) in time for work.
3. Where (be ) the customers ? They (be ) in the conference room.
4. I (be ) usually at home on Sundays .
5. Where ( be ) they from ?- He (be ) from London and she ( be ) from Paris .
6. What ( be ) their terms of payment ?
7. How (be ) the things ? Fine , thank you.
8. Why (be ) they abroad ? They (be ) on business there .
9. You ( be ) ready for the talks ?
10. Whose offers (be ) these ? They (be ) my offers.
Задание№2 Выберите нужную форму вспомогательного глагола из предложенных вариантов:
1. The price … high . a) dont
2. We … usually quote a high price . b) doesnt
c) isnt
3.How much … their goods ? a) are
4. how much … we pay for their goods ? b) does
c) do
5. I … often stay at work after 8 p.m. a) doesnt
6. I … often at work after 8 p.m. b) am not
c) dont
7. He … usually have talks at 4 p.m. a) dont
8. He … usually at talks at 4 p.m. b) isnt
c) doesnt
9.Who … she send e-mails to ? a) do
10) Who … these e-mails for ? b) does
c) are
Задание№ 3 Выберите правильный вариант ( Present Simple или Present Continuous ) для глагола, стоящего в скобках:
1.The Supplier (usually /not / agree) to reduce the price .
A. is not usually agreeing B. doesnt usually agree
2.Where is Mr Dunn? He (discuss) our industrial investment policy with the partners.
A. discusses B. is discussing
3.They always (purchase) new models .
A. dont always purchase B. are not always purchasing
4.Please , call a bit later. Jane (have a shower) .
A. is having B. Has
5.He (attend) different conferences every year.
A. is attending B. attends
6.Mr Brown is at the tests . They (inspect) the equipment .
A. test B. are testing
7.What (be) his position in the company now ?
A. is being B. is
Задание№ 4
Перепишите предложения, подчеркните выбранную вами форму глагола (варианты даны в скобках):
1.You (have / have got ) talks with your business partners every week ?
2.He ( has / has got ) a phone on his desk ?
3.We ( havent got / havent) 500 employees . We ( have / have got ) only 300 .
4. Where is our sales manager ? He ( is having got / is having) a business meeting with the clients at the moment .
5. He usually ( has / has got ) breakfast at 7 in the morning .
6. I ( have got / have ) a bath in my flat.
7. She always ( has got / has ) a bath in the evening .
Задание № 5 Соедините две части предложения, используя some , any , no. Следуйте образцу .
Образец : Today I am going to make … / business appointments
Today I am going to make some business appointments.
1. He is tired. He doesnt want to discuss … / business matters today.
2. She is not interested in … / new models.
3. Are you going to look through … / enquires ?
4. We are going to visit …/ plants outside London.
5. Have you got …/ equipment to offer ?
6. They havent got … / offers from British companies.
7. You have … / contracts with Green and Co .
8. Would you like … / coffee ?
9. Can I have …/ cake , please ?
10. You can discuss …/ matter you like .
Задание №6
A. Задайте вопросы к следующим утверждениям, затем ответьте на них согласно образцу.
Образец : There are not any engineers in the conference room.
- Are there any engineers in the conference room ?
- No, there are not ( arent ) any.
There is a mobile phone on his desk
Is there a mobile phone on his desk ?
Yes, there is.
1. There are not any files on her desk.
2. There are some meetings tomorrow.
3. There is an enquiry near the computer.
4. There is a copier in the office.
B. Вставьте there is / there are :
1. Look ! It is her office. 2. … a large desk near the window. 3. … a computer and two telephones on the desk. 4. …some offers and enquiries near the computer. 5. … some chairs for visitors at the wall. 6. … a file- cabinet in the corner.
Задание № 7 Выберите нужный вариант
А . much B. many C. little D. few E. a little F. a few
1. Thank you very … .
2. The manager doesnt usually receive … offers.
3. There isnt … furniture in the room.
4. Has the company got … orders ? - No, only … .
5. Would you like some more coffee ? No, thank you, Ive got … .
6. Does the secretary speak … on the phone ? No, only … .
7. I havent got … time, I have … things to do.
8. Is there … equipment in your office ? - No, very … .
Задание № 8 Откройте скобки , поставив глагол в прошедшее время ( Past Simple )
1. Mr Petrov is not in the office . He ( go ) on business yesterday.
2. Where is the General Manager ? I dont know. I ( see ) him in the conference room 30 minutes ago.
3. Last year their company ( do ) good business with French partners .
4. How ( get ) you to the plant last Monday ? Our engineer ( give ) me a lift.
5. The suppliers ( not agree ) to give us a discount as the prices on the market ( grow ) last spring.
6. How many machines ( buy ) from Sony the other day ?
7. She ( be ) our financial consultant in 1998.
8. They ( not , reduce ) the price, so we ( decide ) to look for new partners.
Задание № 9 Выберите верный вариант: Present Perfect / Past Simple
1. Last years exhibition … very popular with visitors.
a) was b) did c) has been
2. They … just much attention to our goods on display .
a) paid b) have paid c) were
3. We … any joint venture last year .
a) havent set up b) werent set up c) didnt set up
4. He … already about that fair in detail.
a) told b) has told c)was told
5. The day before yesterday we … a contract with Puma company .
a) made b) have made c) has made
6. Their Sales Manager … interested in business contacts with this company lately .
a) became b) has become c) have become
7. Your equipment … requirements of your previous customers?
a) did , meet b) has being meet c) was meeting
8.You … ever participants of any international exhibition?
a) have been b) has being c) did
Задании № 10. Прочитайте текст и переведите его письменно.
Mary Smith is an applicant for a post of a secretary in Kerr company. She has applied for the post and now Mr Brown, the head of the Human Resources department is interviewing her. He has read her letter of application and now he wants to ask her some questions.
Mary likes her present work but her company is closing the office in this town. She doesnt have any experience in the business of selling optical equipment. However, her brother is an optician and he will help her .
Unfortunately, she doesnt know German, as she didnt learn it at school. At the same time, she has been to Austria and Germany a few times on holiday , and has learnt a little. So, she speaks a bit .
After the interview Mr. Brown promised to get in touch with her later.
Задание № 11. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1. What post does Mary apply for ?
2. Why has she applied for the post in this company ?
3. Who is interviewing her ?
4. What equipment does Kerr company sell?
5. Who will give Mary a helping hand in her new occupation ?
6. Why will her brother help her ?
7. What language didnt she learn at school ?
8. What did Mr. Brown promise to do after the interview ?