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Контрольная работа по английскому языку 2 курс выполнить письменно с титульным листом Supply the correct forms

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку

2 курс

(выполнить письменно с титульным листом)

  1.  Supply the correct forms of the verbs.
    1.  The goods (to deliver) next week.
    2.  All the questions (to discuss) by 5 o’clock yesterday.
    3.  The documents (not to look through) by the manager yet.
    4.  A lot of contracts (to sign) by our company last year.

  1.  Open the brackets using Complex Object.
    1.  I found the customer (study) the agreement.
    2.  We made the company (extend) the guarantee period.
    3.  The company expect us (inform) them of the delivery terms.
    4.  The customer wanted us (give) him a discount.

III. Translate into Russian.

  1.  to install equipment
  2.  to issue a Certificate
  3.  to improve the design
  4.  particular goods
  5.  to wave the inspection
  6.  to prove to be defective

IV. Translate into Russian.

  1.  well-grounded claim
  2.  to infringe laws
  3.  wrong address
  4.  to reject an offer
  5.  the responsible party
  6.  to withdraw a claim
  7.  essential element
  8.  to meet the deadline

V. Перепишите предложения, употребив глагол
to be в Present Simple:

  1.  Mr. Watson (to be) Marketing Manager.
  2.  I (to be) his assistant.
  3.  ...(to be) you very busy?
  4.  She (not to be) our secretary, she (to be) a typist.
  5.  It (to be) a computer programme.
  6.  We (to be) from the Russian Trade Delegation.
  7.  Our chief (to be) 39 years old.
  8.  ...(to be) you  a  hotel receptionist?
  9.  ...(to be) it a new price-list?
  10.  ...(to be) they your regular customers?

VI. Напишите следующие предложения
во множественном числе:

  1.  That office is old.
  2.  Who is that man?
  3.  That is his order.
  4.  This postman delivers letters.
  5.  Do you know this manager?
  6.  This is an interesting offer.
  7.  This man is a manager.
  8.  That house is old.
  9.  The key is on this table.
  10.  This is a lovely city.

VII. Заполните пропуски с помощью some, any или no:

  1.  Are there..........letters for me?
  2.  She is receiving...........visitors at the moment.
  3.  The room is empty. There is ................furniture in it.
  4.  It’s so hot! Would you like..........juice?
  5.  .............German firms are going to do business with our company.
  6.  I am very busy. I have.... time to speak to you now.
  7.  We have not got ...orders for these goods today.
  8.  Could you give me  .............tea?
  9.  Are they looking through...........price-lists now?
  10.  There are not.........contracts here.

VIII. Заполните пропуски словами much, many или a lot of:

1) How...........machines do you want to buy?

2) I haven’t got...........time, but I’ll try to help you.

3) She meets..............customers every day.

4) Do you know..............people in this company?

5) This client always asks ...........questions.

IX. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

  1.  The Managing Director told us about the change of his plans.
  2.  My boss phoned me yesterday.
  3.  We were on a business trip last month.
  4.  They have just discussed the terms of the contract.
  5.  The secretary has sent the documents by air mail.
  6.  In June we will produce two new models.
  7.  They will accept our offer.
  8.  The hotel was very expensive.
  9.  They had a meeting the day before yesterday.
  10.  The plane for Moscow left on time.

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