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Kofi nnn once sid- ldquo;Sttes must be ccountble to ech other nd to brod rnge of nonstte ctors in their interntionl conduct

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         Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, my name is Anna Moiseeva. (MO-O-09/1)

         Kofi Annan once said: “States must be accountable to each other, and to a broad range of non-state actors, in their international conduct.” The time has come - and must come - for multilateral conversations about a secure peace in our entire world. And the reason I’m here today to tell you about the multilateralism. I intend to begin with the plan. I divided my presentation into 6 sections. Firstly I’d like to tell you about the definition of the multilateralism. Then I’ll go to the background to multilateralism, in the third place I’ll tell you about challenges to multilateralism, than about challenges to global multilateralism in the area of disarmament and arms control, then I’ll turn to success of multilateralism up to the Cold War and finally I’m going to tell you about the influence of superpowers on multilateralism agreements.

        Is everybody happy with agenda? I’ll take any questions at the end of my talk. If you have any questions that can’t wait feel free to interrupt me.

        Let’s get started, shall we?

        Firstly I’d like to tell you about the definition of the multilateralism. Multilateralism it is an international trade, the monetary system, international disarmament and security, based on the idea that if international cooperative regimes must represent sustainable consensus.

        Now the second point is the background to multilateralism. Bilateral bargains contributed to the breakdown of the international economy. That’s why multilateralism became the norm in international agreements as Bretton Woods, the World Trade Organization/GATT and the United Nations.

        Let’s go to the next - challenges to multilateralism. Global multilateralism has been challenged by emerging regional arrangements such as the European Union of NAFTA and unilateral action and bilateral confrontation by United States.

        The next point I’d like to raise is challenges to global multilateralism in the area of disarmament and arms control. In disarmament and arms control important changes have also taken place in the post-war period. As the nuclear arms race between United States and the USSR became clear that the two superpowers were unwilling to accord.

        Now I want tell you about success of multilateralism up to the Cold War. SALT I and SALT II agreements opened the door to the further multilateral agreements, especially with the changes in Soviet foreign policy under Mikhail Gorbachev. This quickly resulted in the end of the Cold War and signing the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty of 1987.

        And the last point of my presentation is the influence of superpowers on multilateralism agreements. Multilateral agreements more often than not are underpinned by great-power understandings. But the power can wreck as well as underpin multilateral agreements.

       I’m going to break all in a moment and summaries what I’ve just said. At the first part I told you about the definition of the multilateralism, then the background to multilateralism, in the third place I told you about challenges to multilateralism, than about challenges to global multilateralism in the area of disarmament and arms control, then I explained you success of multilateralism up to the Cold War and at my last point I mentioned the influence of superpowers on multilateralism agreements.

      To sum up I’d like to say without all this historical moments I don’t know where we would be, without multilateral agreements, that stopped the Cold War and brought the world together closer than it was.     

     Thank you very much for listening. If you have any questions I’ll do my best to answer them.

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